Thursday, March 05, 2009

Author Tamera Alexander - THE INHERITANCE - Free Book

I'm happy to welcome Tamera Alexander back to the blog. It's been a while since she was here. What are some of the spiritual themes you like to write about?

I was recently on a “book club conference call” and one of the gals mentioned a theme in one of my books (the selection the group had just read) that had really spoken to her. She started to describe the pinnacle scene that captured that specific theme, and I quickly realized she was mistaken about which book that theme was in. It wasn’t in the book they’d just read but was in another one of my books. I thought, “Bless her heart, she has the themes in the books confused.” But um…no. It was me who was a tad confused. Well, not confused really, but mistaken about her being mistaken (grin). The theme she was referring to is about how we can’t truly love others—and ourselves—like God intended for us to love without first seeing ourselves as we are completely and totally without Him. Without the righteousness that God gives us because of Jesus’ sacrifice. I realized then as the women and I continued talking that that’s a theme that runs throughout my books. Some more prominently than others, but it’s always there.

What other books of yours are coming out soon?
Beyond This Moment, the second book in the Timber Ridge Reflections series releases this month (March 2009). All I’ve been doing in recent months is writing, can you tell? Then this fall, the third book—Within My Heart—in the Timber Ridge Reflections series will release. I’m writing that book right now.In Summer 2010, the first book of a brand new six-book series (all historical fiction/romance) with Bethany House will release.

If you could spend an evening with one contemporary person (not a family member of yours), who would it be and why?
Hmmmm….right now, in this moment, I’d love to spend an evening with Wynonna Judd. I read her book (Coming Home to Myself) recently and was touched by her authenticity and grace. I remember first seeing her and her mom in concert back in the early 80s and I’ve loved her music ever since. Her recent album “Sing” is marvelous! My husband never knows what he’s going to get music-wise when he gets into my car. It could be Pavarotti or James Taylor or Little Big Town or Amy Grant or Wynonna, Styx, Boston, or Little River Band. My music tastes vary widely. But an evening with Wynonna, now that would be most enjoyable. I even know where I’d like to eat. Right here in Franklin at Dotson’s Café.

Can I come? How long have you known that you wanted to be novelist?
Novel writing isn’t something I ever thought I’d undertake. I wasn’t one of those girls who held a book and dreamed of writing one. But I certainly was one of those girls who held a book and dreamed of being the heroine. Which really, is what a novelist is, I guess. We become our characters as we write, so my love of story and the yearning to be “swept away” to another time and place serves my current occupation quite well. I have no idea how long I’ll write novels. The natural response would be to say, “As long as a publisher will give me a contract.” But something Francine Rivers said to me years ago has stuck with me. She said (and I’m paraphrasing), “I want to be centered in the middle of God’s will for my life, whatever that is. So I may write these next (X-number of) books I’m contracted for and that may be it. But whatever I do, I want to be doing what God wants me to do.” Ditto!

What can you tell authors who have been receiving only rejections from publishers?
Keep those rejected manuscripts (more on that below). Keep honing your craft. Attend writer’s conferences and network. Read and reread those novels that touch you. Dissect them. Pick them to pieces. I teach a conference course on dissecting novels. That’s largely how I learned to write—dissecting my favorite novels.
The Inheritance is actually my first novel that was rejected…ahem…several times. After receiving numerous rejections, I put the novel away and spent the subsequent two years learning how to write. Then I started on a brand new story. But when Thomas Nelson approached me about writing the first historical for Women of Faith Fiction, I immediately thought of this novel, still tucked away in my drawer and within me.
The Inheritance is a complete rewrite of that original manuscript. I literally chunked the old manuscript (it had way too many issues) and told the story again through where I was at that current point in my life and in where I was at that point skill-wise. I added new subplots and new characters, but the hero and heroine remained much the same. It was wonderful to revisit these characters—Wyatt and McKenna—and to see their story finally come to life. And to the printed page.
So if you’ve gotten rejected manuscripts stuffed in desk drawers, don’t lose heart. And don’t toss them. It could be that that rejection isn’t God saying “Never.” But rather, “Just not right now.”

Excellent advice. I have a manuscript I plan to revisit at sometime. Tell us about the featured book.
Here’s a peek at the back cover blurb:

An unexpected inheritance. An unknown future. An unending love.

Determined to tame her younger brother’s rebellious streak, McKenna Ashford accepts her cousin’s invitation to move west, and to begin again. But she quickly discovers that life in Copper Creek, Colorado, is far from what she expected. Shouldering burdens beyond her years, McKenna tries to be the parent Robert needs, instead of the older sister he resents. But an “untimely inheritance” challenges her resolve at every turn, while also offering a second chance to restore her sense of trust—and perhaps even her heart.

U.S. Marshal Wyatt Caradon is dedicated to bringing fugitives to justice, yet years of living on the trail have taken their toll. When his path intersects with that of McKenna Ashford, he comes face-to-face with a past he never wanted to relive—and the one woman who can help him find the future he’s been longing for.

As McKenna struggles to let go of her independence and Wyatt considers opening his heart again, they discover an inheritance beyond imagination. But it will come at a price.

Women of Faith has shared the message of hope and grace with millions of women across the country through conferences and resources. When you see the words "Women of Faith Fiction" on a novel, you're guaranteed a reading experience that will capture your imagination and inspire your faith.

Please give us the first page of the book.
Here’s the first page:
The Inheritance by Tamera Alexander

Chapter 1

Copper Creek, Colorado, Rocky Mountains
Tuesday, June 5, 1877

McKenna Ashford climbed down from the wagon, holding firm to the belief that she’d made the right decision in coming West—as if her brother’s behavior back in Missouri had given her a choice. She surveyed the not-so-quaint-looking mountain town of Copper Creek and found it to be rougher than she’d envisioned from her cousin’s descriptions in her letters. The town was more rustic with its clapboard buildings, some slightly leaning and arthritic in appearance, their cracked windows staring out like dazed, bloodshot eyes on unsuspecting passersby. But the mountains . . .

Tilting back her head, McKenna traced a visual path across the craggy range that stood sentinel over Copper Creek. And lingering on their highest snowcapped peaks, feeling both awed and humbled, she knew Janie was right—a person couldn’t see these mountains and not be changed.

“So this is it? This is what we left home for?”

McKenna stared up at Robert, still seated on the wagon bench, and read familiar disdain in her brother’s smirk. Only fourteen—nine years her junior—Robert stood a head taller than her and sported muscles most men would be proud to claim.
“All I’m asking, Robert, is that you take the wagon and go on to Vince and Janie’s so they’ll know we’ve arrived.” Exhausted and hungry, she worked to keep the frustration from her tone, and failed. Again. “It’s only a half mile or so from town.”
She gestured to the envelope on the bench seat beside him, knowing the letter’s contents by heart. “The directions are in her letter. I’ll get a horse from the livery and meet you there shortly.”

Robert didn’t move. “I don’t see why I can’t go on with you to the livery.” He gave the letter a cursory glance. “I’ve never even met these people.”

“Yes, you have. I’ve told you before, they knew you when—” She caught herself, realizing it was no use, considering the stubborn set of his jaw.
Readers can read the entire first chapter here:

How can readers find you on the Internet?
Contest site:

We’re currently giving away copies of Beyond This Moment on the Contest Page of my website. Visit and enter your name in the drawing. Contest ends on March 31st.

Continued blessings and many thanks,
Thank you, Tamera, for spending this time with us.
Readers, for your convenience, here's a link where you can buy The Inheritance:

Leave a comment for a chance to win a free copy of the book.

Don't forget to check back a week from Saturday to see if you won.


Unknown said...

Please sign me up...I would love a shot at winning this one! :o)


orca0024 at yahoo dot com

Lynette Eason said...

I've never read anything by Tamera, but have heard lots of great things. I'd love to read this book. Thanks for another great interview, Lena. Sign me up, please!



Julie Lessman said...

Wonderful interview, Lena and Tammy! Thank you for the opportunity to win The Inheritance -- it sounds like something I definitely want to read.



renwren4him said...

I love all of Tamera's books. Can't wait to read this one. Please sign me up for a chance to win!

Julie said...

I love your interviews! You ask such great questions that help you get to know the heart of the author. I love Tamera's books and would love to read this one!

Roanna said...

Please enter me in the contest. My email is: ohiobuckeye91 [at] gmail [dot] com


Veronica Leigh said...

Please enter me into the contest too. storygurl86[at]aol[dot]com

G.R.I.T.S. said...

Tamera is one of my Favorite authors...(i know there are many, but..) I would love to win The Inheritance! So please sign me up!!!

Rae Byuel

CherryBlossomMJ said...

I love Tammy and I loved her first series and I cannot wait to read more from her. Thanks for the opportunity!

cherryblossommj(at) gmail [dot] com

Anonymous said...

Sounds like another great book from Tamera! Please enter me in the drawing.
thank you.

momofjimmy [at] yahoo [dot] com

Tamera Alexander said...

Thanks everyone for your kind comments and for your interest in The Inheritance.

And for all you writers out there, I'm serious about not tossing those "first manuscripts." Hold on to them. It was a real thrill to be able to revisit Wyatt and McKenna's story and to breathe fresh life into it, after all these years.

God knew that original story wasn't ready all those years ago, and those publishers were right to reject it, as hard as that was at the time. Looking back, I see how God used that to push me, to prod me, to motivate me to try harder and dig deeper.He never wastes an experience. Never.

He put people in my life to help teach me (waving to Deb Raney, my writing partner, BIG time!), and led me to conferences and groups where I could learn how much I didn't (and still don't) know about writing ( So much to learn!

Thanks for letting me join you today. I'll pop back in later but for now I need to push through a scene that just refuses to come together like I'd like it to (grrrrrr....).


Mimi N said...

Lena, I'd love to win Tamera's book. I haven't had the opportunity to read anything by her, yet!

Mimi B

mnjesusfreak at gmail dot com

Sherrinda Ketchersid said...

I love the cover of this book. It is absolutely beautiful and the story sounds intriguing as well.

Great interview Lena! You do ask great questions.


Amber Holcomb said...

Thank you so much for the chance to win this book! I loved her book From a Distance, and this one looks great! Please enter me in the contest, and thanks again!

Renee (BlacknGoldGirlsBookSpot) said...

I absolutely love Tamera Alexander's books, (Rekindled is my fave) and would love a chance to win her latest release!

apple blossom said...

Oh, this book does sound good. I'd love to be in the drawing. Thanks.

ABreading4fun [at] gmail [dot] com

Anonymous said...

Please sign me up! This sounds great!


Anonymous said...

Thanks for the chance to win!

danelli04 [at]hotmail [dot]com

Anonymous said...

LOVE Tamera Alexander books!
Please add me in!

Merry said...

Another terrific interview! Please add me for The Inheritance giveaway.

Tammi said...

Please enter me into the drawing for The Inheritance. Thank you, Tammi (

Anonymous said...

I would love to be entered to win this book. And I agree, whoever is responsible for the covers of these books does a great job.


hippmom said...

I have not read this author yet. Thanks for a chance at winning her book.

angelahipp at charter dot net

A J Hawke said...

I look forward to reading The Inheritance. The suggestion to put away a manuscript to be reviewed later is a good one. It is encouraging to hear of one being resurrected. Please sign me up to win a copy.

CatMom said...

Tamera Alexander is not only an AWESOME author, but she is truly one of the nicest people I've ever met (really!).....When I met her at the ACFW Conference in MN, she was so kind to me and she made ME feel special! Great interview, Tammy and Lena. Blessings,
Patti Jo :)

Anonymous said...

Again, I appreciate a great interview.... and the opportunity to be included in the drawing.... appreciate being able to add another wonderful author to my bookmark author's folder.... the best to everyone.


Simply Stacie said...

I would love to win :)

Sheila Deeth said...

I love your interviews. And I've been intrigued by reading the backs of Tamera's books in the store. Nice to meet her here.

Fedora said...

Thanks for the terrific interview, Tamera and Lena! Tamera's books are fabulous--thanks for the chance to win her latest!

f dot chen at comcast dot net

Sandee61 said...

I've read a couple of Tamara's books, and loved them. I enjoyed the interview and would love to be entered in the giveaway for this book. Thank you!



windycindy said...

I really enjoyed the interview with Tamera. Her book sounds like one I would really enjoy reading! Please add my name to your drawing.
Many thanks.....Cindi

darbyscloset said...

Oh I like the title of this book and it sounds like a book that makes one ponder.
Thank you!
darbyscloset at yahoo dot comn

Carolynn said...

I love Tamera's books! Please enter me, Thanks!!

Mocha with Linda said...

Tamera is one of my favorite writers! I'd love to win this book!

Lindsey said...

I would LOVE to win this - Tamera, you are one of my favorite authors. :-) And I'm picky. lol Thanks for the opportunity! And I appreciated you sharing your experience with the manuscript, too.

God bless!

ladyufshalott at

Anonymous said...

Tamera Alexander is my favorite author. I can't wait to read her lastest piece of art! Please enter me for the drawing.

Martha A. said...

That whetted my appetite for the rest of the book!! I am looking forward to reading it!

kalea_kane said...

Tamera is incredible. I would love an opportunity to win this book! :) Thank you so much!



Ashley E said...

Wonderful interview, ladies. Thank you for the encouragement to keep writing. I need that! Please enter me in the drawing also. Thank you!


Jo said...

Sounds like a wonderful book. Please add me to the drawing.


Katie said...

I would LOVE to read this book... please count me in!! thanks,katie

Marla said...

Sounds like another good book. Thank you for the wonderful interview and entry.

Patricia PacJac Carroll said...

HI Lena,
I've read two of Tamera's books and enjoyed them. Good interview. Mgiht have to go and dig up that first book I wrote and take a look : )

HandyFamily said...

Thanks for the chance to win one of Tammy's books. I love her as an author!

Norma said...

This book sounds interesting - count me in!

Maureen said...

Please enter me. This looks like a great story.

Ausjenny said...

I loved the first book in this series and cant wait to read this book please enter me.

Carole said...

Tamera is one of my favorite authors. Thank you for the chance to win The Inheritance.

cjarvis [at] bellsouth [dot] net

Anonymous said...

I would love to read another one of your books. I loved The Fountain Creek Chronicles series and look forward to reading more of your books.