
Sunday, July 09, 2006

Tracey knows best

I've know Tracey Bateman for many years. She's a good friend and a wonderful writer. For the last couple of years she has served as the president of American Christian Fiction Writers, and she's done a marvelous job of juggling her family, her writing, and that office. It is with pleasure that I interview her.

Remember that when you leave a comment, you will be included in the drawing for a free copy of her new book Claire Knows Best.

Tell us how much of yourself you write into your characters.

Depends on the book. With Claire, there is quite a bit of my personality.

What is the quirkiest thing you have ever done?

Since there was no answer to this one, I assume Tracey's trying to say the ashe hasn't done anything quirky. I find that hard to believe. After all, she's a writer. Aren't we all quirky?

When did you first discover that you were a writer?

I really started writing stories in grade school. By the time I was 12 I knew I wanted to write. I never really thought I would though until I was in my late 20s.

Tell us the range of the kinds of books you enjoy reading.

Romance, chicklit, historicals, I love authors like Lisa Samson who makes me think, and Francine Rivers who makes me want to be better, Karen Kingsbury, who makes me cry. Kristin Billerbeck who makes me laugh. I also love to read Jodi Picoult an ABA author.

What other books have you written, whether published or not?

A lot for Heartsong Presents and Barbour. The Claire series with Warner Faith, A suspense series for Steeple Hill Love Inspired Suspense.

How do you keep your sanity in our run, run, run world?

I’m not sure I do keep my sanity. I do know that I keep going. I just know I have certain responsibilities. My kids have to be taken care of, they have to eat, I have to write, etc. Sanity is highly overrated anyway.

That's very true. How do you choose your characters’ names?
I chose Claire during an election year when one of our candidates for State auditor was named Claire. I don’t have a method of choosing.

What is the accomplishment that you are most proud of?

My marriage. I have a strong marriage to a great guy who still loves me after 18 years.

Yes, that is wonderful. Mine still loves me after 41 years. What would you like to tell us about the featured book?

Claire Knows Best is the second in the Claire Everett Series. Just when she thinks things are going great, a tornado hits her house and leaves her and the kids homeless for a while. It’s funny, but I also wanted to drive home the thought that just when we think we have things figured out anything can happen. The rain falls on the just and the unjust according to the word and we have to be able to trust God even when our lives don’t follow the path we thought they would.
That's a good thing for all of us to remember. Thank you, Tracey, for sharing part of your life with us. We look forward to seeing lots more of your books. By the way, I just loved the Love Inspired Suspense series, too.
Remember, you still have intil this Saturday, July 17, to leave a comment on Sharon's post for a chance to win The Secret Life of Becky Miller.


  1. Great interview! I love Tracey's books!

  2. Anonymous11:56 AM

    Loved the interview! My first introduction to Tracey's books was her Love Inspired Suspense books. I have the whole series and loved them!


  3. Hey Lena, please include me. I'm anxious to read some of Tracey's work.

    Tracey, best wishes and God's peace during this time of transition. I admire your courage to see what you need to do and to do it. God bless!

  4. Anonymous1:08 PM

    Hi Lena and Tracey,
    How fun to learn more about Tracey and her books! She is an amazing woman with many gifts and talents. This new book sounds great! Thanks for another interesting interview.

  5. Great stuff, Lena!
    And I am glad you enjoy CWO - it's a wonderful ezine. I feel blessed to be part of it!

  6. Love the titles of the series! Blessings as you write!


  7. Wonderful interview.

    Tracey is a gifted author and is able to write such an array of different types and do it WELL. It's amazing to see someone who loves God enough that she would follow Him anywhere.

  8. I've read Tracey's other series with color of the Soul. I'd love to check out this series. Enter me, Lena!

    Thanks, Tracey, for sharing with us.

  9. Anonymous3:57 PM

    Love the Claire many times have I been in one of those rain storms and finally figured out I had to just let go instead of fighting it. We can never hear enough of the message: "trust God".
    I want to read the complete message from books. I always enjoy a series.
    Tracey, Look forward to seeing you in September at ACFW.

  10. I would love a chance to win this book of Tracey's.

    Thank you!

  11. Anonymous4:32 PM

    Great interview. I feel I know Tracy much better than I did previously. Good questions, Lena!
    I really want to read Tracy's series. I really like your blogging site!
    Anne Greene

  12. aww man is it too late to enter me??

  13. I'd love to read this one as well. Vacuuming block looks like my life!

  14. Hey everyone!!! If you check back and read this, THANK YOU for all the great comments here. Music to a writer's ears to hear my books are being enjoyed. :) I just finished the sequel to The Color of the Soul. It was a TOUGH book to finish. But they say the hardest ones are the best. Hopefully that will prove to be true. Otherwise...well let's just say I've broken statistics before. SIGH. Anyway, off to watch Stargate SG1 with the family!
    hugs all
