
Sunday, November 12, 2006

Lost in NashVegas - What an Interesting Title!

We're welcoming Rachel Hauck back to the interview chair. The last time we talked to her was in connection with the novella collection we were both in, along with our friends Pamela Griffin and Lynette Sowell. Today, we'll be featuring her newest book Lost in NashVegas.

Tell us how much of yourself you write into your characters.

Consciously, I don’t write any of my own traits into my characters. Subconsciously, I’m certain aspects of my heart and mind creep in. Certainly while forming my characters values, dreams, goals, my own values have an effect. While writing Lost In Nashvegas, I did draw heavily on my own battle with fear to help define my heroine, Robin.

What is the quirkiest thing you have ever done?

Let’s just say I was in a sorority in college and leave it there. (grin)

I'm not sure that's a good thing. It opens the readers imagination to lots of things. When did you first discover that you were a writer?

Fourth grade, I think. I wrote a poem that my parents and teacher loved. Then I started writing a novel about a girl with a horse when I was ten. You can see I grasped originality early on. Ha!

I wonder just how many young girls also started a story or book about a girl with a horse. Probably more than we could count. Tell us the range of the kinds of books you enjoy reading.

I enjoy reading any well-written book. I love a good story whether it’s historical or Sci-Fi. My favorite books right now are by Kristin Billerbeck, Tracey Bateman, Marian Keyes, and other accomplished chick lit authors.

Darn. I didn't make your favorite author list. (Just kidding.) Oh well. What other books have you written, whether published or not?

I’ve written five romances, and one other chick lit, Georgia On Her Mind. My first book is the only unpublished book and it’s in a three ring binder in my office. There are some minor structural problems with the book, but it is still one of my favorites.

Incidently, readers, you'll want to read Georgia on Her Mind, too. My second book is my unpublished manuscript that languishes in a drawer. How do you keep your sanity in our run, run, run world?

I only do the things the Lord calls me to do. Several years ago, the Lord loaded up my plate and in the natural, I started stressing. I was working full time as a software project manager, writing my first contracted novel and overseeing a national conference – something I’d never done before. In the midst of this, several pastors in the city were coming together to launch a prayer ministry and my husband a was leading the charge. Naturally, I wanted to be involved. Anything involving prayer, I’m there.

I told the Lord to take something off my plate, I couldn’t handle it. The Lord gave me a dream about my situation and I knew He was stretching me in that season – for His kingdom’s sake. I began to lean heavily on Him for getting all my jobs done, literally saying, “Lord, if you don’t put on this conference, we’re not going to have one.” Peace would wash over me.

I told the Lord to take something off my plate, I couldn’t handle it. The Lord gave me a dream about my situation and I knew He was stretching me in that season – for His kingdom’s sake. I began to lean heavily on Him for getting all my jobs done, literally saying, “Lord, if you don’t put on this conference, we’re not going to have one.” Peace would wash over me.

Actually, it was a wonderful conference, and I'm glad you listened to the Lord. How do you choose your characters’ names?

I pick names I like, or by going through a name generator, waiting for one to feel right. I pay attention to names that might come up in conversation or when I’m introduced to new people.

I do that, too. I mean really noticing the names of new people I meet. I've used some of them in my stories. What is the accomplishment that you are most proud of?

I love my writing career and am really proud of recent books, but I’m most proud of the work the Lord has allowed us to do with youth and prayer. It’s an amazing privilege and I’m in awe at how the Lord takes our small effort and bears much fruit.

If you were an animal, which one would you be, and why?

I’m glad to NOT be an animal.

What is your favorite food?

French fries.

Rachel, my husband, and I visited over burgers and fries in a small restaurant north of DFW Airport in September. What fun after a trying day! What would you like to tell us about the featured book?

Lost In NashVegas is about a young woman, Robin McAfee who overcomes her greatest fear to realize her secret heart’s desire.

Thank you for spending time with us today, Rachel. I pray God's continued blessings on yours and Tony's ministry and your writing.

Readers, first leave a comment on this interview for a chance to win a copy of this book. But if you don't win, rush out and buy a copy. You'll love it. Remember that books make a thoughtful gift for friends at Christmas. Check out for books by many of your favorite Christian authors. The books will be personalized by the author for you.


  1. This book sounds great! Great interview!

  2. Anonymous3:03 PM

    I have this on my list of books I must read! :-) Thanks for the interview!

  3. Anonymous4:16 PM

    I've heard this is a great book. I have a friend who's played at the Bluebird Cafe (I think that's the name of it) in Nashville, and I want to get this book for them.

  4. Anonymous4:27 PM

    Great interview with Rachel! I want to read this book! Please draw my name.

    I'm leaving this as an other, because my blogger account is on beta and it won't let me leave a blogger comment!

    Pam Meyers

  5. Hi all,

    Thanks for stopping by! Lena, you are an excellent host. :)

  6. Anonymous9:00 PM

    This one sounds really great! I identify with Rachel. I started writing about the same age and my first book I wrote then was about a girl with a horse!

  7. Wonderful interview, Lena! I'd love to win a copy of one of Rachel's books. (they always have such great titles!)

    Lisa Harris

  8. Anonymous12:05 PM

    Rachel's book sounds great! As a musician, I am there!

    I can't wait to pick up a copy!

  9. Anonymous12:29 PM

    Hi to Lena and Rachel--two of my favorite ACFWers. Hope I win this great sounding book. My son used to live in Nashville and we ate at the Bluebird Cafe! rose

  10. Anonymous10:23 AM

    Me, too, with the beta. It erased me twice, now.

    Enjoyed the interview. Thanks for the op to win the book. It sounds awesome.


  11. Anonymous11:35 PM

    Please, please enter me! I've been checking out this book on-line and would love a chance to win it!


  12. Anonymous1:23 PM

    I enjoyed the interview - can't wait to read the book.


  13. Anonymous5:31 PM

    Hey Lena (and Rachel), great interview. Count me in the drawing. :)

    Annette M. Irby

  14. Anonymous9:15 AM

    I enjoyed the interview with Rachel, and I've been wanting to read this book ever since I saw it on CBD's "New & Recommended" list.

    I especially appreciated Rachel's comment that, as much as she loved writing, she was most proud of her work with youth and prayer. That says a lot about Rachel.
