
Sunday, April 29, 2007

Introducing Jeanie Smith Cash

Jeanie and I have been friends for several years. We've been in a critique group together. I was really excited when her first book sold.

Tell us how much of yourself you write into your characters.

I think there is probably a little of me in all of my characters, since with the Lord’s help I create them. :-)

What is the quirkiest thing you have ever done?

My daughter and I went to a grand opening for a new store from 10pm to midnight one night. I adore my daughter and love to spend time with her. We had a great time shopping. When we headed out to the car with the basket where we parked was all gravel. We started across it with the basket full of items we’d bought, and it got stuck. We tried everything to get it out but it wouldn’t budge. We got so tickled we laughed until we had tears running down our faces. If anyone had come out of that store, they would have thought we were crazy. It was midnight and here we were stuck in the middle of the parking area with this basket full of stuff, laughing our heads off. We finally ended up carrying all of the items to the car a little at a time. We literally had to lift that basket and carry it back to the store once it was empty. My advise, don’t ever try to push a basket across gravel it doesn’t work well. LOL

When did you first discover that you were a writer?

A friend gave me a box of romance novels when I was visiting with her one afternoon. I started reading them and by the time I had finished the last book. I thought humm, I think I can do that. I just kind of played with it for a while writing by hand. Then my sister and brother-in-law bought a new computer and gave me theirs. I learned how to use it, but I was working so I didn’t have a lot of time. A couple of years later we moved from Central California to Missouri, and I felt the Lord calling me to write Christian romance. My husband bought me a new computer, and I started looking into any information I could find, to teach me the fundamentals of writing a manuscript. I also prayed a lot for guidance.

Tell us the range of the kinds of books you enjoy reading.

I love romance books, especially medical romance. I also love romantic suspense.

What other books have you written, whether published or not?

Two Anthologies, A Change of Heart, and Dr. St Nick are submitted to Barbour. Dolls and Diamonds and Dr. Braxton’s Kentucky Bride are submitted to Barbour Heartsong Presents. I have two more Anthologies I’m working on. I plan to submit them to Barbour in the next month or so and a three book series I plan to submit. There are a few others I’m working on, but most of them don’t have titles yet.

How do you keep your sanity in our run, run, run world?

With my prayer journal, Bible, and devotional book. I find that prayer and God’s word is the best way to get through the things that happen each day. The Lord is always there to lift me up when I feel overwhelmed. I’m blessed with a wonderful family and a lot of good friends that I can go to for prayer and support. I include you in that list of friends, and I really appreciate you and all of the help you’ve given me. :-)

It has been a joy and pleasure to know you and help you, Jeanie. How do you choose your characters’ names?

I have a baby book of names I use and sometimes I go into the internet. For last names, I usually use ones I’ve heard that I like. Sometimes I’ll go through old books I’ve read. My last character I used the phone book and found one I liked that fit.

What is the accomplishment that you are most proud of?

I have a Christian husband and with the Lord’s help, we have raised our children in a Christian home. Our daughter has also raised our grandchildren in a Christian home. Now our children and grandchildren are all born-again Christians. I can’t think of any greater accomplishment for us than knowing our children and grandchildren are all saved and going to heaven when the Lord returns for us. It’s wonderful to have the sweet assurance that we’ll all be there together.

If you were an animal, which one would you be, and why?

Well, I guess since the Lord made me and has something for me to accomplish, I probably better stay being me. We have two very spoiled pampered kitties in the barn, and I love them, but I don’t think I’d want to be one. :-)

What is your favorite food?

I love Mexican food and Chocolate.

A woman after my own heart.

What would you like to tell us about the featured book?

It’s a Christmas story set in Pierce City, Missouri, in the middle of the Ozarks.

Abby is trying to get home in time to spend Christmas with Granny Forrester. Which has been a tradition since she was a child. But she runs into all kinds of obstacles on the way, including her ex-fiancé Dr. Nicholas Creighton.

It was a fun story to write. I hope everyone enjoys reading it as much as I did writing it. Thank you, Lena. I appreciate you inviting me to do this interview. :-)

And I enjoyed interviewing you, Jeanie.

Okay, readers, leave those comments for a chance to win an autographed copy of the book. You'll love it. I did.

There's still time to leave a comment on Kendra Norman-Ballamy's interview for a chance to win a copy of her book, too.


  1. Beautiful cover, Jeanie. Sounds like a good story. Congratulations to you & Chris.

  2. I'd like to be entered in this, it sounds like a wonderful story! Congrats on the release.

  3. Very nice interview, Jeanie. Thanks for sharing! Loved your story about your shopping experience with your daughter and getting the cart stuck in gravel. I've done that in the snow and slush. Ick. Those big things are so hard to push unless the walk is perfectly clear and dry! Thanks again.
    Shar MacLaren

  4. Sounds like a great story! Please enter me for this one!

  5. Anonymous8:11 AM

    Hi everyone, I've read this book and it's good. Ont thing Lena didn't ask in the interview was Jeanie's nickname, so I will enlighten everyone. It's Sweets. Yep, it is. I forget to use her name and always call her Sweets. It fits. Congratulations, Sweets and great interview, Lena.

  6. I had the pleasure of meeting Jeanie at an ACFW chapter meeting in Tulsa. She is such a sweet spirit and so very kind! I can't wait to read this story.

  7. I should have said in the interview that Jeanie is a dear friend who surprised me by driving from Missouri to hear me speak in Tulsa. It really blessed me.

  8. Enjoyed the interview! Sounds like a great story!

  9. Anonymous11:48 AM

    Oh, this sounds like a good rainy-day read. It should be fun to curl up with on the couch in the evening. Sign me up for the drawing, please!
    Kathleen Morphy

  10. Enjoyed the interview, ladies. Your greatest accomplishment is a wonderful testimony, Jeanie.

    I love to read stories set in the beautiful Missouri Ozarks, as I call them home as well! :)

  11. Hello Everyone,
    Thank you so much for your nice comments, They mean alot to me. I hope you enjoy reading the story as much, as I enjoyed writing it. :-)
    Lena thank you for the wonderful interview. I enjoyed your workshop and I cherish the time with you my sweet friend. It was worth the drive. I hope all of you can be at the ACFW conference. I'd love to see all of you. Waving at PJ,(Precious Jean)my nickname for her, and she is that.
    Hugs & Blessings as we write 4 Him,

  12. Interesting storyline! Would like to get my hands on this great read. Is this book historical romance?

  13. The cover looks awesome and the story is captivating enough. Would like to win a copy in the contest. thanks!

  14. Such a sweet romantic story. Would very much like to receive a copy.

  15. A Christian family is indeed a great accomplishment. I have a kind loving husband but he is not a Christian and I've been trying to evangelize him for years but due to internet influence and being a previous Catholic, he doesn't believe in anything religious anymore. Now, I don't know what to do. Maybe I shoud start with a Christian novel? He is a book-a-holic.

  16. Sounds like a great story to read by the beach. Please enter me in the drawing.

  17. Sounds like a great read for a raining afternoon on the porch. Please throw my name in.
