
Wednesday, July 04, 2007

ACFW Conference Chatter

. . .from the people who are part of the critique group that meets in my home. I'm including pictures from the 2006 conference. In this first one, Lynne Gentry, Beth Goddard, Lisa Harris, and Ronie Kendig are enjoying breakfast together.

Writing is such a solitary calling. Rubbing elbows with those in the same boat is the shot in the arm I look forward to every year. I count sitting at the feet of those who have traveled this road as one of the most encouraging aspects of Conference and one of the reasons I go. Watching people laugh together, pray together, and worship together is a reminder of why we work to perfect our mission -- taking the gospel to a world that does not know the Savior we serve. Lynne Gentry

Here are Lynne, Jackie Castle, Khristy Hullett, Jane Thornton, Patty Carroll, and Dawn Morton Nelson at the Saturday book signing.

Last year I went to the ACFW conference for the first time and was impressed by the beautiful spirit of the entire event. Instructors, editors, agents, and attendees, all were willing to help one another fulfill their dreams to write a book and be published. It was a time of encouragement, instruction, and fellowship with others who are on this crazy writing journey. If you're serious about your writing, don't miss it.
Patty Carroll

Lynne, JJ Overpeck, Saundra Kay, and Dawn at the awards banquet.

My first ACFW conference was in Nashville. I was accompanied by my mentor, Lena Dooley who, as you know, is acquainted with everyone. The first night our room was Grand Central Station. As the conference progressed, I found myself in one of the most spiritual and loving communities I'd experienced. All of the published authors were so helpful and the seminars and meetings so informative, especially for a first-timer. All I can say is, "do yourself a favor and register now for the conference. It will be a lasting memory of inspiration and encouragement."

Lynne, Lisa Harris, Khristy, Diana McKinney, and Jane at the banquet. JJ's husband is in the background.

I've gone to all six national conferences. It has been a joy to watch the organization grow and mature and touch so many lives. I love being about to hug the friends I spend so much time with online. The worship is phenomenal as are the speakers.

The opportunity to become friends with agents and editors as well as other authors fills my cup.

JJ, Margo Carmichael, Patty, and Jackie at the banquet.

I couldn't write about the last conference without at least mentioning the great honor that was bestowed on me. Being named Mentor of the Year means a lot to me. It's the first trophy I had ever received.

Here I am at the banquet with Candy Speare, who used to come to my house and has moved away. I still consider her part of the group.

Some members of our group won awards. Lynne Gentry took second place in the General Fiction category of the Genesis contest.

Pamela Griffin took first place in the Book of the Year contest in two categories. We're really proud of both our winners. By the way, that's Wanda Dyson behind her. Wanda, assisted by Candy Speare, does a bang-up job of scheduling all the appointments. The woman is extremely talented.

I often tell people that the ACFW Conference is the premiere event in Christian fiction. I'm always urging authors to make a way to attend. The benefits far outweigh the amount of money you'll spend. And the friendships that are forged or deepened will last through time.

So sign up for the conference if you possibly can.


  1. Thanks for sharing the pix! I can't wait to see everyone again! Come on, September! :D

  2. Anonymous5:35 AM

    Great pictures. It brings it all back. What a wonderful time of leaning, encouragement and meeting new friends.
    Thanks, Lena

