
Wednesday, August 22, 2007

Linda Windsor

I've already introduced you to my very good friend Linda Windsor. For those of you who have joined us since then, I've known Linda for a very long time. Her books are a delight to read. Her historicals are rich with authenticity, and her contemporaries are must read, too.

Linda, how fun to have you with us again. Why do you write the kind of books you do?

I love romance, stories about love, as do millions of other women, enough to make romance the bestselling fiction genre accounting for nearly 50% of bookstore sales. As I pondered that one day, it came to me that the reason is because we, women in particular, are designed by God to need love. Now let me take this one step further and suggest a reason that inspirational romance is so popular. The greatest love of all is God’s love. Ergo, stories that reflect that kind of love have a great appeal on both sides of the ABA and CBA border.

I totally agree. Besides when you came to know the Lord, what is the happiest day in your life?

I can’t honestly choose one. The day my children were born, the day I married the love of my life. Those three pop to the top of my mind.

How has being published changed your life?

Now there is a seesaw question with good and bad edges. When I was first published in the secular market, it almost became my god. In switching to Christian fiction, I began to grow closer to Him. He’s taught me how to live by faith when things looked bleak; how to look at changes I’d rather not make as opportunities…ah, so many lessons. My writing career has truly been a journey hand in hand with God. And that, in turn, has re-arranged my other priorities for the better with regard to my personal life as well.

What wonderful insight! What are you reading right now?

Thomas Cahill’s Sailing the Wine Dark Sea, as well as Sheila Walsh’s The Heartache No One Sees, and some devotionals. As for fiction, I’m on pause. My daughter just bought a home and I’ve donned my painting, sanding, filling hat for a while. No time for fun reading!

That Sheila Walsh book really ministered to my daughter. What is your current work in progress?

Thankfully, due to the new house, I am in between projects. Although I do have to come up with a proposal for the third of my Avon Inspire Piper Cove Chronicles. It’s titled Sweet Nothin’s and is about Jan, the shy girl from the wrong side of the tracks who always wants the kind of guy she shouldn’t have. Love and life have not been kind. But that’s about to change when she finds her prince charming has been right under her nose the whole time. Of course, her bosom buddies Alex, Ellen and Sue Ann will be there to make sure Jan wakes up and smells the coffee.

Sounds like a fun read. What would be your dream vacation?

Ireland. Didn’t have to think twice about that. I’d like to spend 2-3 weeks traveling around the Emerald Isle with perhaps a few days in Scotland and England. I’d go with my daughter and my mother, but alas, mom’s not up to the travel now. It had always been our dream trip. Kelly, however, is ready and willing.

I pray it happens soon. How do you choose your settings for each book?

I never thought about that! I suppose the setting follows the inkling of a story slowly as it slowly comes together in my mind. For Piper Cove Chronicles, it was easy. I was writing about friendships and characters I knew, so it was only natural to set the series in my area. And I love Ocean City and the bay area! It doesn’t have to be summer either. I love it all year round. I drive down to the ocean and find serenity and inspiration.

If you could spend an evening with one person who is currently alive, who would it be and why?

Morgan Llewelyn. Her fiction set in ancient Ireland fascinates me. I’d love to talk about the research she did and share our passion for that country and its history.

Linda, what are your hobbies, besides writing and reading?

I love to play music and sing. My late husband and I had a country and old Rock and Roll band for ten years, so it was only natural to develop a music ministry once the band years were behind us. I continue it and enjoy playing music with my friends as well.

What is your most difficult writing obstacle, and how do you overcome it?

Balancing writing and home life. When I overcome it, I’ll let you know.

What advice would you give to a beginning author?

It’s been said again and again, but my advice is to read. Read ALL kinds of genres. It truly broadens one’s experience and stimulates creativity. Secondly, do your research well. It can plot the book for you.

Tell us about the featured book.

Wedding Bell Blues is the first of four (I hope) romances set in my home area of the Eastern Shore of Maryland on the bay across from Ocean City, MD. The Piper Cove Chronicles series is about the friendship of four young women who swore to leave the hick town of Piper Cove on their graduation night and never return. But here it is years later and here they are…still friends and all having returned to Piper Cove. But enduring love has eluded them.

There’s Alex, self-made success and always in control; outspoken, Harley-riding tomboy Ellen; the shy, hopeless romantic Jan, and sassy socialite Sue Ellen—all for one and one for all in life and now in love.

Book two, For Pete's Sake, features Ellen in a Cinderella-like story—tomboy on Harley meets prince charming in his ‘Vette and love blooms for the sake of the hero’s small son.

In addition to love, laughter, enduring friendship and a spirit-lift, there is a dash of suspense for flavor in each of these four very different and very special women’s story.

In Wedding Bell Blues, interior designer Alex Butler is planning the wedding of the season for her little sister; but when the best man turns out to be her ex-husband, her tidy little world is turned upsides down. When Josh Turner left his young bride to pursue a successful career as a rock musician, he never anticipated the accident that would lead him to become a Christian, much less his return to Piper Cove. And the moment he sees Alex again, he knows it’s time to right all wrongs. Even if it means putting up with her overbearing father, forgiving the man who helped destroy their marriage. But will Alex forgive Josh? And will a blackmailer ruin the wedding and everyone’s chance at a happy-ever-after?

Filled with friendship, love, and laughter, Wedding Bell Blues also addresses the serious issues of an estranged father-daughter relationship, the difference between loving and interfering with one’s children, letting go and letting God, and, of course, forgiveness. Without it, lasting love is impossible.

How can readers find you on the Internet?

I am at and have just redecorated my website for spring and summer with a beach theme. My web-designer came up with the idea of having a small replica of my 18th century great room with the big cooking fireplace on the header and we’ve decided to decorate according to the season. So stop by and say hello. Take a sneak peek at the first chapter of Wedding Bell Blues, sign up for a contest. The door is always open.

Wedding Bell Blues just jumped to the top of my to-be-read pile, Linda. Thank you for spending this time with us.

Readers, leave a comment for a chance to win a copy of Wedding Bell Blues. Also be sure to check out Linda's web site for more information about her and her other books. You'll probably find several you'll want to read.

Remember, if you sign up for Feed Blitz, you won't miss the announcement of any of the winners, and you won't miss any of the interesting interviews with some of today's best authors.


  1. Anonymous2:36 PM

    I adored Linda's Irish trilogy starting with Maire. It was so interesting! I have yet to be disappointed with any book of hers I've read. I'd love to win a copy of this one! The Irish research she does fascinates me, especially since my own family had to flee Ireland to escape religious persecution. I love reading books set in my grandfather's homeland since I grew up hearing his stories.

  2. Great interview Lena and Linda, so fun to hear that the balancing is just an ongoing process. I was really hoping you found the secret! LOL Kristin

  3. Anonymous4:53 PM

    I remember hearing the advice to read, read, read several years ago and I took it to heart. I've read most of Linda's books so I know it will be a great and funny read and would love to win this one to add to my TBR pile! rose

  4. I can't wait to get my hands on this book! :)

  5. I'd love to win a copy of this book!


  6. Great interview! Would love to win a copy of this wonderful book!

  7. Kathleen and other historical afficionadas, hang in there. There is a chance I might be doing more early Celtic Christian books. I've learned so much about our heritage from the British Isles that needs to be incorporated into a fiction series and I have publisher who has expressed some interest in it, as well as a nonfiction book on early Christianity, its history and its witness to a pagan world.

    Just pray I can get my head/health together enough to pen these!
    God bless,
    Linda Windsor

  8. ONE MORE THING... Don't forget to register for book giveaways at my website too.

    And THANK YOU, Lena, for your prayer and support.

    Lena is one of God's most cherished prayer warriors and encouragers, in case you all didn't know.

    Linda Windsor

  9. This book sounds so interesting - I would love to win it!

  10. Great interview. I haven't had the pleasure of reading one of Linda's books yet. I will be adding this to my TBR list.

  11. Anonymous7:51 AM

    Sounds like a good book. Please enter me in the drawing.

  12. Anonymous8:06 AM

    Ooops!!!!! Forgot to leave a way to reach me in the previous comment. melissameeks[at]verizon[dot]net

  13. What an interesting interview.
    Please include me in this drawing.

  14. Please enter my name for the book contest. I recently read Linda's book Fiesta Moon and really enjoyed it. It's interesting for me, as an aspiring writer to read interviews of published authors.
    I'm encouraged by their words of wisdom! P

  15. Count me in for the draw!

  16. Anonymous6:35 AM

    I just went to her site to check it out too. I love reading good books. Looking forward to possibly winning this one.
