
Wednesday, August 29, 2007

Wanda E. Brunstetter

Wanda has written many best-selling novels about the Amish. We're introducing her latest.

Wanda, why do you write the kind of books you do?

I write Amish-themed books because I have a heart for the Amish and want my readers to understand the Amish people better.

Besides when you came to know the Lord, what is the happiest day in your life?

Feb. 8, 1963, when I married my husband, Richard.

How has being published changed your life?

It’s given me many wonderful experiences, one of them being able to make so many new Amish friends.

What are you reading right now?

Freedom of the Soul by Tracey Bateman.

A wonderful book. I enjoyed it very much. What is your current work in progress?

I’m working on A Sister’s Hope, which is Book 3 in my Sisters of Holmes County series. I’m also revising and adding extended scenes to Dear to Me, which is Book 3 in my Brides of Webster County series.

What would be your dream vacation?

A trip to Hawaii with nothing to do but lie on the beach, soak up the sun, and visit all the tourist places on the island.

I'd love that, too. How do you choose your settings for each book?

By visiting various Amish communities and becoming fascinated with the area.

If you could spend an evening with one person who is currently alive, who would it be and why?

I think I would enjoy spending the evening with Janette Oke and talking to her about how she opened the door for Christian romance novels.

What are your hobbies, besides writing and reading?

My hobbies are photography, gardening, stamping, and ventriloquism.

I've been a professional clown, but not a ventriloquist. What is your most difficult writing obstacle, and how do you overcome it?

Writing that first draft, but I’m able to overcome it by making a detailed chapter by chapter outline before I begin the writing process.

What advice would you give to a beginning author?

Begin by learning as much as you can about writing, and then begin your writing process with short stories and articles. Once you’ve been published with those, you’ll have some writing credentials, and it will be easier to get longer pieces published.

Wanda, tell us about the featured book.

A Sister’s Secret is the first book in my Sisters of Holmes County series, set in Holmes County, Ohio. It’s the story of a woman (Grace Hostettler) who returned to her Amish family after her rumschpringe (running around years) with a secret she’s never told anyone. That secret, plus some startling attacks being made on Grace’s family, threaten to destroy not only Grace, but her entire Amish community. Will Grace’s love and faith triumph over her shame and deception?

Sounds intriguing. It's in my to-be-read pile. I'll have to move it closer to the top. How can readers find you on the Internet?

My Home page is:

I also have a new site promoting my upcoming children’s books:

Readers, be sure to leave a comment for a chance to win a copy of A Sister's Secret. Also check out Wanda's web sites for her other books.


  1. I love Wanda's book and I'm really looking forward to reading this one! Thanks for the great interview!

  2. Anonymous12:16 PM

    I also love Wanda's books and have enjoyed meeting and eating with her and her hubby at one of the ACFW banquets. Most of her characters are as sweet as she is, so I'd love to win this book! rose

  3. I really enjoy Wanda's books - "A Sister's Secret" being no exception. (No need to enter me in the drawing, since I've already read it.)

    I would also like to thank Wanda for joining the ranks of Christian authors writing for children. My 6 yo daughter loves the Rachel Yoder books!

  4. Thanks for an interesting interview! I have enjoyed several of Wanda's books and look forward to this one!

  5. Really enjoyed reading through the interview. I grew up in a small farming community in Kentucky and most of our neighbors were Amish. They are wonderful neighbors.

  6. Anonymous8:40 PM

    This book looks really good!!

    Wanda is a great author!!

    I really want to read it!!!

  7. Anonymous4:54 AM

    I enjoy Wanda's books. I'm looking forward to reading "A Sister's Secret" .Great interview. I'd love to win this book!

  8. Sweet interview, Lena! Please sign me up for this one. HUGS!!

  9. Great interview Wanda and Lena. I enjoyed reading more about Wanda. Her books have inspired me and I'm looking forward to reading this series. Also, I just bought Wanda's Amish Cookbook! Great cookbook with wonderful information and recipes. Keep up the work you two!

  10. Great interview, Lena and Wanda. I enjoy reading your books. Have the quilter's daughter series ready to take to a fiction lover at my church because I know she'll love them as much as I do.

  11. I've enjoyed Beverly Lewis' books over the years but haven't yet had a chance to read any of Wanda's. I love to read about other "cultures" and "societies" including the Amish. Please enter me for the book. forest_rose[at]yahoo[dot]com

  12. What a wonderful interview! I love all of Wanda's books. I visit Lancaster County, PA and Holmes County, OH frequently and am very familiar with the settings of her novels. Please enter me for the drawing. Thank you!

  13. Would like to be entered in the draw.

  14. Anonymous4:16 AM

    Loved the interview. I think Wanda does a wonderful job on her books. I haven't read one yet that I've been disappointed with. She makes you feel like you are right there in the middle of the story. I'm so glad that my friend turned me to Wanda. Thanks for featuring her.

  15. Anonymous4:49 AM

    Thanks for the interview. I met Wanda at a writers' conference and enjoyed learning more about her. I also appreciate her e-newsletter with updates.

    Heavenly Father, please continue to use Wanda's writing in exceeding abundant ways. In your name, amen.

    Lydia Harris

  16. Anonymous1:46 PM

    I appreciate all of your comments and hope that whoever wins the free copy of A Sister's Secret will enjoy reading it as much as I enjoyed writing it. Holmes County, Ohio is one of my favorite "Amish" places to visit, and I have several Amish friends who live there.

    Blessings to all. . .

  17. What a great interview.

    I'm looking forward to reading A Sister's Secret.

  18. I enjoy Wanda's books and would love to win this one!

  19. Anonymous6:01 AM

    I love reading about grace and her two sister's and can't wait for the third book it will as good as the other two i have read. I know a few amish women who I write to since I was a girl. My parents still visit their parents. So thats why enjoy reading your books and so does my mother.

    anna, ballston spa ny
