
Saturday, September 29, 2007

DiAnn Mills - Christmas

My good friend, DiAnn Mills, is back with the final book in her Texas Legacy series. And it's a Christmas story. I just love Christmas stories, don't you?

DiAnn, God has really been moving in your writing life. What do you see on the horizon?

Do we ever really know what God has planned? :-) I’ve been contracted to write more contemporary romantic suspense, and I’m very excited. I’m also excited about writing historical fiction for Avon inspire.

I didn't know you'd been contracted by them. That's wonderful. Tell us a little about your family.

I have four sons – stair steps. Three are adopted. They are grown, and we have one precious granddaughter. Dean and I have been married thirteen and a half years. He is a tremendous help and support to my writing ministry. I often say that he is my best cheerleader and my worst critic.

Yes, I know Dean and how much he's a part of your ministry. You are blessed. Has your writing changed your reading habits? If so, how?

I read critically while enjoying a good story. One change is if I’m not hooked from the first sentence, I’ll continue the page and maybe a few more pages, then I’m done.

I know what you mean. Our reading time is abbreviated because of our writing schedule. What are you working on right now?

Contemporary romantic suspense. My head is spinning with the characterization and plot elements.

Of course, you would be working on that with the new contract. What outside interests do you have?

I mentor writing students for Jerry Jenkins Christian Writer’s Guild. I also teach writing. I’m actively involved in ministering and raising awareness about the critical situation in Sudan, and I volunteer at a Biblical counseling center. Oops! I’m finishing up a degree at Moody Bible Institute.

I've been telling everyone I could about your Sudan ministry. How do you choose your settings for each book?

It is all about “what-if.” Many times the setting is a character too. For example: if a character is afraid of water, then the setting will be near a body of river. If a character cannot tolerate heat or cold, then the setting will be there.

Very good thought. If you could spend an evening with one historical person, who would it be and why?

Louisa May Alcott. Her book Little Women and those that followed were my childhood treasures. They inspired me to adopt boys, write, and give back to others.

What is the one thing you wish you had known before you started writing novels?

:-) To read Donald Maass’ Writing the Breakout Novel and Writing the Breakout Novel Workbook along with taking his workshops. But I don’t think he was in the forefront then.

I wonder if he knows that you are giving him all this free publicity. What new lessons is the Lord teaching you right now?

To understand forgiveness.
To continually challenge myself in writing.
To grasp how wide and deep His love.

All very good things. Right now, He's moving me out of my comfort zone. I didn't realize that I had a hidden fear about that, but He has taken care of that, too. What are the three best things you can tell other authors to do to be successful?

1. Pray about your writing ministry.
2. Read and write every day.
3. Take what you learn and help other writers.

DiAnn, tell us about the featured book.

A Texas Legacy Christmas is the fourth and final book in the Texas Legacy Series. This Christmas love story is about Zack Kahler. He’s ready to head out of New York City and back to Texas to take over his hometown, newspaper. Just before leaving town, he finds himself the intended victim of a pair of six-year-old pickpockets. After learning the two are orphans, Zack decides to take them back with him to Kahlerville, Texas. Oh, but he is not ready to meet the antics of two streetwise children who are loveable and full of mischief. The heroine is Chloe Weaver, a young woman who has been an outcast all of her life. The four are thrown together into a mixture of love, tears, and lots of Christmas joy.

How can readers find you on the Internet? I invite you to sign-up for my monthly newsletter!

Thank you for spending this time with us.

Readers, I get DiAnn's newsletter. You'll love it.

We are giving away a free copy of A Texas Legacy Christmas. Leave a comment on this interview for a chance to win it. There's still time to leave a comment on Robin Miller's interview for a chance to win a copy of Bayou Justice and on Kim Vogel Sawyer's interview for a chance to win Beginnings.


  1. Anonymous11:19 AM

    I would love to read this book!! it looks awesome!!! =)

  2. Sounds like a great book, please enter me too!
    carolynnwald at hotmail dot com

  3. OOOOOH I just love Christmas stories too, would love to win this book.

  4. Anonymous12:25 PM

    I met Diane Mills this year at a writer's conference when she critiqued my work. She was so encouraging and inciteful and did not rush. I was so inspired with her as a person that I began reading her books. Now I'm a fan. She's an amazing writer, teacher, and mentor. No wonder God is blessing her as a writer.

  5. Sounds like a good read count me in!

  6. Inspiring interview Diann & Lena. Thanks so much!

    I loved all three of Diann's previous Texas Legacy books. Please enter me in the drawing for A Texas Legacy Christmas.

  7. I loved "Lightening and Lace," another book in the Texas Legacy series and would be thrilled to win this novel.

    I just blogged about DiAnn and another recent release of hers, "When the Nile Runs Red."

    I met DiAnn a week ago at the ACFW conference. She's one busy lady!

  8. I love Christmas stories and this one sounbds really good!

  9. I'd love to win a copy!

  10. Anonymous1:35 PM

    Yes, I love Christmas stories. Christmas is my favorite time of the year. I'd love to win this book. Count me in.

  11. Anonymous2:22 PM

    Oh yea! A new Diane Mills historical! I've loved reading your Heartsong Presents historicals! Always so sweet! I'll have to watch for this one, too.

  12. I love Christmas stories and especially the adoption theme as I am in the process of an international adoption right now. I would love to win this book - and the rest of the series.

  13. I love Christmas books - enter me please!


  14. Anonymous1:08 PM

    Thank you, DiAnn and Lena, for the interview. I would love to win the DiAnn's book, and I'm adding the Texas Legacy series to my TBR list.

    becca.dowling [at] yahoo .com

  15. Please enter me to win DiAnn's Christmas book ~ it sounds wonderful!

  16. I've really enjoyed the other books in this series. I can't wait to read this one! Please enter me in the drawing.


  17. Please toss my name in the hat for the book. I love DiAnn's practice of helping other writers. I hope to do the same, someday.

  18. Sounds like a great book - count me in!


  19. Christmas is my favorite holiday!! I'm looking forward to reading DiAnn Mills new book. Please enter me into the drawing. Thank you very much.

  20. Hi, Lena & DiAnn! Thank you both for this great interview. Please sign me up for this one.
