
Sunday, April 20, 2008

Author Robin Caroll - BAYOU JUDGMENT - Free Book

We're talking to Robin Caroll today about the third book in her Bayou series. Here's a picture of Robin (in black) with her agent Kelly Mortimer.

Welcome, Robin, God has really been moving in your writing life. What do you see on the horizon?

I haven’t a clue, and that’s part of the fun. Seeing where He leads. It’s never boring, that’s for sure! LOL

Tell us a little about your family.

I’ve been married for over 18 years to the same man! We have three beautiful daughters, 17, 8, and 5. I’m blessed by their love and support of what I do.

Has your writing changed your reading habits? If so, how?

Actually, I’ve “dissected” books for years, but I just didn’t realize that’s what I was doing until I became a writer. LOL Reading now, poor writing jumps out at me. If that happens, the author must be a great storyteller for me to keep reading. There’s an ABA author who I’ve loved for years….the writing isn’t all that great, but she’s a master storyteller!

What are you working on right now?

Proposals, of course! LOL

Don't we all? What outside interests do you have?

Aside from church, I try to be very accessible and visible at my children’s school. I go up and have lunch with them (the school food has gotten worse than the horrid I remember, BTW), I attend all functions, and I’m a co-room mother for the two youngest class. My husband and I take the girls fishing in our community pond at least weekly when weather permits.

How do you choose your settings for each book?

Being born and raised in the South, it’s what’s natural to me. The weather, foliage, dialect…. I set all my books in the South.

If you could spend an evening with one historical person, who would it be and why?

Egads—HISTORICAL? LOL Hmmm…. Kennedy….so I could find out what REALLY happened! LOL Seriously, I don’t dwell in the past too much.

What is the one thing you wish you had known before you started writing novels?

That it’s HARD WORK. LOL It’s funny, now when my husband tells people I’m an author, the most common response, other than “what of yours is in bookstores” is “You know, one day, when I have time, I’m going to write a book.” I bite my tongue not to laugh because I used to think it was just a matter of actually doing it. The process and learning curve is so much more. So, in response, I just smile and reply with, “Good luck with that.” :D

What new lessons is the Lord teaching you right now?

When is He not teaching me a million things? LOL I’m not one of those people who can hear His still, small voice. Nope, I’m one that He pulls out the 2 X 4 on and smacks me upside the head. LOL And it works for us. That’s our relationship. But, to answer your question more specifically, He’s been working with me on total trust in Him in every aspect of my life. Just because I think something’s a minor thing in the big scheme, doesn’t mean He doesn’t intend to use it for a bigger something later. So instead of trying to “handle” the little issues myself, He’s teaching me to seek His direction even with the small stuff. :D

What are the three best things you can tell other authors to do to be successful?

As if I know? LOL I don’t think any of us are ever successful. I mean, sure, authors can hit the bestseller lists (I wish! LOL) and win awards (I wish! LOL) and make a lot of money (I wish! LOL) but I personally don’t believe any of us on earth can be successful because this is not our home. Okay, to answer your question and get off my soapbox…..three things I’ve learned…..

1-have critique partners and/or mentor you trust to look at your work and give you honest and helpful feedback.

2-enjoy what you do, even on the days you HAVE to get down so many words.

3-surround yourself with other writers because, trust me on this, only other writers will “get” you sometimes.

And sometimes, even they won't. 1Tell us about the featured book.

Bayou Judgment was challenging to write, yet tugged most at my heartstrings. My heroine has cerebral palsy, but is so strong in faith. I used a lot of my niece’s characteristics in creating this character because my niece has cp, and the research into the treatment and surgeries of cp were easily accessible through my niece’s time with Shriner’s Hospital. Creating a mystery/suspense for the heroine really stretched me as a writer, and my hero? Well, I fell a little in love with him, too. I tend to do that…fall in love a bit with each of my heroes. But isn’t that the fun part of writing?

How can readers find you on the Internet?

Robin, thank you for spending this time with us.

Readers, check out her web site. Leave a comment for a chance to win a copy of this wonderful book. For a review, read the newsletter on my web site:


  1. Oh, I'd love to win this book.

  2. Include me for this one!

  3. What a wonderful interview! I loved her answers. Thanks for sharing about her:) I'd love to win this book!

  4. This book looks incredible. Please enter my name in the drawing. Thanks.


  5. You don't have to enter me in the contest. I have the book. I just wanted to say how awesome it is. READ IT. Robin is such a wonderful writer.

    Just showing my support.


  6. Anonymous12:00 PM

    Hi Robin,
    Great interview. I agree about the "someday I'm going to write a book" line. Makes me bite my tongue and smile too.

    Your book sounds awesome. I'm intrigued about how you handled a cp heroine and found exactly the right guy who would love her anyway. Good stuff, girl!

    Linda g

  7. Happy Monday! I really enjoy the
    "Love Inspired" Suspense books. This author seems to have a wonderful outlook on life and God's role in it.
    Please enter me in your book drawing. Thanks very much.....Cindi

  8. Great interview! Would love to win this book.

  9. Thanks everyone! Pammer, you make me smile. Actually, I had two best comments on this book that made my day....#1, my dad CRIED over the ending! and #2, a reader sent me a card and said this book really touched her as she'd just lost her 9 yr old son to lukemia. It's that gentle reminder from God that I'm writing for HIM, and He uses me to touch someone's heart. WHAT AN HONOR!

  10. This sounds like an excellent book, sign me up for the drawing...
    God Bless

  11. This book sounds wonderful! I would love to win it...thanks for the chance!

  12. I enjoyed this interview with Robin.
    I've read the first book in her Bayou series - BAYOU JUSTICE - loved it!
    Please enter me to win.

  13. Please include me in this drawing if it is not too late.

  14. Anonymous7:32 PM

    I have not heard of this book before but is sounds interesting.

