
Friday, May 30, 2008

Author Robin Caroll - BAYOU PARADOX - Free Book

I'm pleased to welcome back Robin Caroll to the blog. By the way, Robin, I like the new photo. We're talking about her next book in the Louisiana Bayou series--Bayou Paradox.

Robin, what first got you interested in writing suspense?

That’s the genre I love to read, even as a child. I loved the Trixie Beldon and Nancy Drew series so much I reread them until the pages were nearly worn out of the spine. My passion is in mystery/suspense, so I knew that’s where I should be writing.

You are president of American Christian Fiction Writers.

Tell us how this has changed your life? It’s definitely made me budget my time tighter! LOL Seriously, it’s a labor of love because I wanted to give back to an organization that’s given me so much. Because of ACFW, I learned so many of the basic writing skills, learned how to polish and hone skills, met my crit partners and my mentor—all because of ACFW.

What are some of the spiritual themes you like to write about?

The funny thing is, I don’t plan or plot my spiritual themes. I actually have no idea what they are when I start the book. I begin praying for the direction of the book when I start plotting and getting to know my characters, but I wait for God to give me the spiritual theme He has planned for the book. I’ve learned it’s much easier to wait on Him to give it to me, than to try and run ahead on my own and then later have to change it anyway! LOL

I understand that. What other books of yours are coming out soon?

Bayou Betrayal, the 5th book in the series, releases in January 2009. Bayou Restitution, the 6th and final book in the bayou series, releases in July 2009. I also was honored to be part of a Love Inspired Suspense continuity and my book in that, Framed!, will release in February 2009.

If you could spend an evening with one contemporary person (not a family member of yours), who would it be and why?

Stephen King, because as a writer, his mind intrigues me so much.

How long have you known that you wanted to be novelist?

For as long as I can remember, actually. Even back in grade school, that was my dream. To be living it now, honoring God in doing so, well, that’s amazing to me every day!

What can you tell authors who have been receiving only rejections from publishers?

Don’t give up! Keep on learning, going to conferences and networking, studying and trying.

Robin, rell us about the featured book.

Bayou Paradox is Tara LeBlanc’s story. Writing it was a lot of fun as so much of Tara’s personality belongs to my eldest daughter.

Here’s the blurb: The untamed Louisiana bayou is not for the faint of heart. But until now, Tara LeBlanc has always considered it a sanctuary, its lush foliage a source of medicinal healing. What evil has infiltrated her haven? Two elderly women she loves lie near death, and Tara knows their illnesses are no accident. Only one man can save Tara from the same fate: Sheriff Bubba Theriot. The strong-willed lawman throws his all into protecting her, laying his heart on the line as well as his life. Now they both stand to lose it all as a killer gets ready to pounce . . .

How can readers find you on the Internet?

Robin, I love your writing. Your unique voice draws me into the well-crafted stories. Thank you for taking time out of your busy schedule to spend with us, Robin.

Readers, visit her web site, and be sure to leave a comment for a chance to win a copy of this book.


  1. Robin's website is amazing. Let me begin there. It is literally a treasure trove from her blog on down to her information for writers. I learned so much just from there. I would love to win a book, because they Bayou series has captivated me. I actually first discovered it by reading another favorite author of mine Coleen Coble. Anyway, Robin is extremely talented, and I have to say I admire her gift a great deal!

  2. I love Robin's books. The settings are rich, incredible, and unique - and so memorable.

    Can't wait to read the next one!

  3. Thanks for having me again, Lena! I love visiting with you on your blog.

    Kalea--I'm so glad you like the website. I keep updating and changing it, depending upon my mood. LOL And I'm thrilled you've enjoyed the bayou books--I've so loved writing them. It's a bit like going "home" for me.

    Tracy--Hey, girl! I so appreciate your comments about enjoying my books.

  4. Hi, Hearing that excerpt makes me wonder how she knows their two illnesses are no accident! The "Love
    Inspired" Suspense books are some of my favorites. I enjoy series books!
    Please enter me in your delightful book drawing. Many thanks,Cindi

  5. great interview please enter me.
    sounds like an iteresting book

  6. OK. I love mysteries. I'm in on this one sounds like a good book.

  7. Lena-

    Please enter me for Robin's book.


  8. I haven't read any of Robin's books but I will now! Thanks for the chance to win!

  9. Another mystery fan here. Please enter my name in the drawing too. Thanks!

  10. i love her site and the interview is fantastic.

    the book sounds like a very good read to me.


  11. Enter me please--thanks!

  12. I have Robin's book BAYOU JUSTICE, the first book in this series. I loved it! And, I'm looking forward to reading the rest of the books in Bayou series.

  13. This book makes me feel like I want to stay up all night.. reading it. Please enter me in your drawing. Thanks.
    cepjwms at yahoo dot com
