
Wednesday, May 14, 2008

A Different Kind of Blog Tour with Author Tricia Goyer

This is the final book in the Spanish Civil War series. And a thread through all three books is the missing gold. That will play a part in this blog tour.
About A Whisper of Freedom

Battles heat up... not only those being waged by the soldiers on both sides fighting for Spain, but in the hearts and minds of the men and women who must sacrifice more than their dreams in order to save the lives of their loved ones. In this meticulously researched novel, brave and idealistic Sophie, Philip, José, and Deion realize their only hope for freedom is escaping Spain's borders. By continuing the story of this band of volunteers during the Spanish Civil War, A Whisper of Freedom proves that courage and commitment don't always result in outward victory. But there are whispers of hope and freedom that resonate through even the darkest night.
Here are some questions we'll consider. I'll answer them first:
1. List three things you would do with a chest full of gold (assuming you got to keep it!)
First, I'd make a large donation to my church and another one to the mission program. I'd like to pay for other people to go on short-term mission trips. It will change their lives.
Second, I'd establish college funds for my grandchildren and great grandson.
Third, I'd replace my 1994 car and buy us a house that perfectly meets our needs.

2. List three charities/missions/organizations you support (and why).
Gateway Church in Southlake, Texas. They have mission programs around the world.
David I. Booth Evangelistic Association. David and his wife Rita were church planters in many parts of Mexico for about 35 years before he went home to be with the Lord. His wife continues to support his work, but she also travels with an evangelistic team that goes to many parts of Latin America.
Hot Dogs & Hope. This is a ministry to the homeless people in Ft. Worth, Texas. My husband and I support them in a variety of ways. I've knitted warm hats and scarves for the homeless for many years.

3. List three ways you have volunteered your time/services.
I volunteer in the bookstore at our church.
I also serve on the altar ministry team.
I host a writing critique group in my home almost every week. I have for over 20 years, and I have a list of people who have become published or won contests from this group.

4. List three things you keep "hidden" when company comes over.
My life is mostly an open book, and so is my home. If there is a basket of clothes that I've folded setting out, I would put that away.
When my great grandson comes, I put up anything he could hurt himself on.
5. List the last three things you've lost.
The most important things I've lost are my baby sister, my real mother, my stepmother, and my father, but I'll see them all again when I join them in heaven.

6. List the last three things you've found.
Most important I found the man God created for me. We've been married almost 44 years.
I've discovered the destiny God planned for me, and I'm fulfilling it.
I've found a couple of real gold earrings, but they don't match.
When you leave a comment on the blog, answer these questions in your comment. Three brave "players" will be selected at random to win their own lost gold (Gourmet chocolate coins and all three books in the Chronicles of the Spanish Civil War series).
Doesn't this sound like fun?


  1. 1. List three things you would do with a chest full of gold (assuming you got to keep it!)
    Ok first I would buy this housefor mum and do it up with insulation airconditoning, and things to make it more comfortable for mum (and I) could live in

    I too would donate one 10th to christian organations, some to my church, Icare, and a few other groups we support.

    3. Go on a holiday to visit some of my internet friends.

    2. List three charities/missions/organizations you support (and why).

    I support ICare its a little like World Vision but its a different group. its a Christian group and i give each month and it helps where needed most. I support it because I want to help people in third world countries have clean water, food etc which my money is used for.

    We support the Leporsy Mission To help people with leporsy be healed or to have a life who would otherwise be left untreated.

    I support our churches (thats the Australian collective) Global Mission Partners to help with funds for special projects, providing aid to help on the mission field or if there are special crisis like the Burma cyclone.

    3. List three ways you have volunteered your time/services.

    I volunteer at least 2 afternoons a month at the local christian bookshop its run entirely by volunteers.

    I Do the web newsletter for an online group i am involved in.

    I help at a craft group that meets every thursday morning during school time at our church as an out reach.

    4. List three things you keep "hidden" when company comes over.
    Ok this is tough,
    1. My room! it looks like a bomb site.

    2. the spare room its become an extention of my room

    3. not sure if people come the take us how we are.

    5. List the last three things you've lost.

    1. about 5 pounds.
    2. A letter with my new Keycard
    3. sleep since mum was sick i haven't slept as well where as shes sleeping like a baby.

    6. List the last three things you've found.

    1. if you transplant plants you have to water them.
    2. We have started the 40 days of purpose and i have found i am enjoying finding my purpose
    3. my sanity. my computer has been going mad for over a week today its finally fixed and i feel so much more sane

    Ok i found some of them hard but i would love to enter.

  2. 1. List three things you would do with a chest full of gold (assuming you got to keep it!)

    First I would give a large donation to the Rock Church in San Diego, CA.

    I would buy a modest house that would fit our growing family.

    I would buy new bibles for different ministries including the troops overseas and JC's Girls.

    2. List three charities/missions/organizations you support (and why).

    SGK's Breast Cancer 3 Day.. I rasied money and walked 60 miles last year for this organization and a large portion for their proceeds go to actual research.

    The Rock Church in San Diego, CA... Being raised Catholic I always felt unconnected and from the first time hearing Pastor Miles speak I was on fire for the Lord. This church has really taught us and helped us to grow.

    AIDS Awareness... I learned at the age of 12 that my Uncle had contracted HIV and it completely changed my outlook on life and decisions I made in my life. Education is something that I am passionate about and we really need to educate kids and spend money trying to find a cure.

    3. List three ways you have volunteered your time/services.

    I host/lead a small group for working moms. We meet once a week and encourage one another to grow and be obedient in our faith.

    I fundraised over $2000 last year and walked 60 miles in 3 Day for Breast Cancer. This year I am not walking but will continue to support the team in raising money.

    My 3 year old son and participate in several different events for our local Children’s Hospital. Anything from volunteering time, raising money and participating in their 5K walk/runs.

    4. List three things you keep "hidden" when company comes over.

    -Any unfolded laundry goes into a basket and placed in the closet out of sight.

    -My frustration with certain family members (I'm just being truthful).

    -Lastly, I hide my desk because I have piles of stuff that needs to be filed and it will sit there for months.

    5. List the last three things you've lost.
    -My car keys (my hubby took them out of my purse)
    -25lbs since last January.. Exercise, diet and determination.
    -Sleep... trying to juggle work, home and family can be tough sometime. I have to get up an hour before the boys to get ready for work.

    6. List the last three things you've found.
    -My Lord and savior Jesus Christ.
    -My true passion in life... teaching and evangelizing
    -Faith that God has a plan for my marriage... even on the rough days.

  3. Anonymous7:04 PM

    I played along and posted at my site.

  4. Here are some questions we'll consider. I'll answer them first:
    1. List three things you would do with a chest full of gold (assuming you got to keep it!)
    Tithe and an offering. Honor God first!
    Then I’d buy enough land to raise my family on, and have an inheritance to give to my children and beyond.
    Invest the rest, for retirement or whatever else God lays on my heart in the future.

    2. List three charities/missions/organizations you support (and why).
    Bound4Life - I support it because I believe every baby is a gift from God, no matter what circumstances caused the conception. I have actively participated in Mercy Seat, silent sieges. We went to every state’s Supreme Court on Passover, to pray for our leaders, and for God to have mercy on our nation for the blood guilt covering us. We wore tape over our mouths with the word LIFE written on them. We are standing in place for the 50 Million who scream silently. I could go on forever; I am extremely passionate about this issue.

    Stauron Ministries I’m heavily involved with a lot of things this ministry does, (including getting the web site up to date, don’t you like our a place holder? LOL) I have grown up in this ministry and it’s full of recourses, helping our community, helping our world, Helping other ministers live and teach pure lives. Free to Worship, Free to Give, Free to Serve. It’s a Kingdom! We live for the King!
    The MS Society, My mother was found to have MS several years ago. The first time she was effected by it she was paralyzed for three months. At 12 years old I cared for my two toddler siblings, my paralyzed mother, while being homeschooled, because my father had to work like crazy to keep insurance to take care of my mother. My mom is doing great now by the way, but my whole family supports MS research.

    3. List three ways you have volunteered your time/services.
    I have gotten involved recently with teaching the preteens and teens at my church about Purity.
    Children’s church, at every age level.
    Web development for several ministries

    4. List three things you keep "hidden" when company comes over.
    The bedroom – except for my siblings I don’t let any one in my always messy room!
    The old office/dog room/semi storage room. It’s right at my front door, first room you walk by… it’s a sore sight… I have to get it cleaned out.
    Uh… I’m rather open about most things… so it’s hard to say what I hide other than the messy rooms I haven’t had a chance to clean out this summer… Maybe the doggie dust bunnies the cat finds in places I can’t. Of course the cat pulls them out and plays with them. Eesh…
    5. List the last three things you've lost.
    I loose things I all the time, I can’t even tell you what they are… cause I likely don’t know or don’t remember… don’t sweat the small stuff… so I’ll tell you the major things I’ve lost in recent years.
    My Cat Peace
    My dog Cain
    My first purity ring – I was really loose at the time, and I lost it at the beach, I was heat broken, my daddy gave it to me when I was 12, and I was going to wear it to my wedding day! Daddy gave me a new one, but I was still heartbroken (I liked the first one better! LOL)

    6. List the last three things you've found.
    My Husband,
    My dreams
    The perfect kitty for my family

  5. i did this back in May it was so fun.
