
Sunday, June 29, 2008

Author Rachel Hauck - LOVE STARTS WITH ELLE - Free Book

Rachel, so good to have you back on my blog, since I just love your books. By the way, I also really like your new picture, and you always have good covers.

God has really been moving in your writing life. What do you see on the horizon?

God has been so gracious and kind to me. I see Him on the horizon. Not to sound overly-spiritual or religious, but I see God’s hand on the writing horizon for me. I truly believe I was born to do this.

I know what you mean. God truly createsd writers. I know that I'm living His destiny for me at this time in my life. Tell us a little about your family.

I’ve been married sixteen years to my fabulous, kind, Jesus-loving hubby. We don’t have children, but two very sweet dogs and ornery cat! I keep in regular touch with my siblings and parents, and have a wonderful church family.

Has your writing changed your reading habits? If so, how?

Oh, wow, yes. One, I don’t have as much time to read, and when I do, I approach the book as a writer which takes all the fun out of reading. I’m also more particular about what I read. I look for different and new authors. Reading widely helps my writing. I recently discovered Scottish author Maggie O’Farrell. Love her voice.

What are you working on right now?

See first answer.

What outside interests do you have?

I am a worship leader at my church, and with a multi-church prayer ministry, Fire Dweller. I love to exercise and read, and watch old tv shows and movies. I love to hang out with friends, watch sports, especially college football. But I stay busy and don’t have a lot of time for hobbies.

How do you choose your settings for each book?

You know, it just depends on the characters, on what I want the book to be about. For the NashVegas books, Nashville was crucial to the stories since the characters were in the country music scene. For Sweet Caroline and Love Starts With Elle, I purposefully picked the South Carolina lowcountry because it seemed to be a fascinating literary setting.

For the series I’m working on now, I’m creating fictional towns but keeping true to the setting of small communities in Tennessee and Iowa.

I advise if an author wants to use a real place, visit the location. It helps a lot. Otherwise, make one up and have fun, like Stars Hollow in the Gilmore Girl television show.

If you could spend an evening with one historical person, who would it be and why?

Only one? Nooo, I can’t answer that, Lena. Not fair. I’d say Solomon, or Paul. Shakespeare! I’d love to hear about his writing process, and see how fifteenth century England reacted to his work. I’d love to spend time with America’s founding fathers, men like George Washington and John Adams.

What is the one thing you wish you had known before you started writing novels?

I wish I’d been more aware of the business side, and had advice on questions to ask my publisher. But, I’m learning and think this is a journey that’s different for each author.

That is so true. What is the answer for one author might not apply to you or me. What new lessons is the Lord teaching you right now?

His goodness. Last fall, I had this God moment where I felt completely free of any personal wants or desires. I woke up one morning and said, “Lord, I have nothing. No children, no job, no ministry. I mean, yeah, I have a book due and I lead worship at church, but if I didn’t do things, life would go on! Someone could easily take my place. So, here I am. Use me. Who else do you have like me, so available!”

It was the most freeing feeling. I felt bold and confident. I knew in that instant God was so good that whatever He chose for me, I’d be content, happy, in His will.

What are the three best things you can tell other authors to do to be successful?

I guess the obvious thing most Christian authors do is pray, ask God what to write. I highly recommend praying and seeking the Lord, but don’t over spiritualize it. Writing is work. And no matter how much you pray and hear from God, your work will get edited and changed, and mostly like rejected a time or two. It’s part of the process. Keep going forward.

Be disciplined. Backside in chair. Network, learn, read, read, read.

Tell us about the featured book.

Love Starts With Elle is a romance set in the South Carolina lowcountry. Elle Garvey is an artist and gallery owner who finds herself on a journey of love and faith.

Elle is a woman who knows what she wants, and when her pastor-boyfriend proposes, she definitely says yes. But, the relationship doesn’t turn out as she expected. Within a few months, Elle finds herself living in the studio over her garage, without a job, future, or fiancĂ©. Prayer is her journey to finding God’s plan for her.

There’s a cool subplot too with one of her sisters.

I can hardly wait to read it. How can readers find you on the Internet?

I’m all over cyber space (ha!) but stop by my web site at

Thanks so much for having me visit, Lena!

Rachel, I always enjoy spending time with you.

Readers, check out her web site, but not before you leave a comment here for a chance to win a free copy of Love Starts With Elle.


  1. Happy Sunday! I have read many of
    Rachel's interviews and always enjoy them! Her books always have wonderful covers. Please enter me in your "Love
    Starts With Elle" book drawing. It has a wonderful story line. Thanks very much, Cindi

  2. Nice to learn more about Rachel. Her book covers always catch my eye but I've not had the privilege of reading one yet. I'd love to win this one.
    Donald James Parker
    Author of Reforming the Potter's Clay

  3. Please add my name, this sounds great!

  4. Lena, fun interview! It's so nice to get to know author's better. How cool that she's a worship leader, too?! I'd love a chance to win this book. Please enter me.

    In Christ,

    mnjesusfreak at gmail dot com

  5. loved the interview! Please enter

  6. I just finished reading "Diva NashVegas" and loved it. Her books are so much fun! It was great to get an inside peek at Rachel; thanks for the interview. And please enter me in the drawing - sounds like another great book.
    Thank you,

  7. Anonymous7:15 AM

    Wow! Sounds like a great book, Rachel. Thanks for featuring Lena.


  8. I've read some of Rachel's books, but they're hard to find in libraries. Please enter me in this contest!

    rmill020 [at]

  9. Oh, this book sounds WONDERFUL!! Sign me up! And thanks, Lena and Rachel, for a great interview.


    gsus at charter dot net

  10. I would love to win a copy! I just finished Sweet Caroline and really enjoyed it - the characters are definitely memorable. :-) Thank you!

    ladyufshalott at yahoo dot com

  11. I hope you had a great weekend. I would love to get my hands on this Rachel's book. Please enter me!

  12. Great interview! Please enter me in the drawing. I am a huge Rachel fan!

    Write on!

    Dawn Michelle Michals :o)

  13. This is another book of Rachel's that I can't wait to read. The South Carolina lowcountry is one of my favorite settings, and the story line appeals to me very much. Thanks for the chance to win a copy.

    cjarvis [at] bellsouth [dot] net

  14. Wonderful interview! Sounds like a wonderful book as well!

  15. The book sounds great! Please enter me, thanks!

  16. Anonymous10:59 AM

    Have read a few of Rachel's book and enjoyed them. Enjoyed the interview. Please enter me for the bok draw.

  17. Anonymous7:14 AM

    Great practical interview. I've been eager to read one of Rachel's books, so enter me in the contest!


  18. Sounds like a fun book. Please enter me.


  19. Sounds like a great book! I'd love to win it.
