
Thursday, July 03, 2008

Linda Hall - SHADOWS AT THE WINDOW - Free Book

Welcome back, Linda. I see you have another title with "shadows" in the title. I can hardly wait to read it.

By the way, in this picture, you look a lot like my youngest sister.

Why do you write the kind of books you do?

Because they are the kind of books I like to read. I love romantic suspense, and read mysteries and romantic suspense by the hundred.

Besides when you came to know the Lord, what is the happiest day in your life?

I’ve had so many happy days in my life that I can’t name just one! I could say when my first child was born, or I could say when my first grandchild was born. Those were happy days.

But I think some of the happiest days of my life spent are out on the water on our sailboat. My husband and I love sailing. I love the peacefulness of it. I think perhaps the happiest day of my life was eight years ago when we first took our 28’ sailboat out on the Bay of Fundy. That’s pretty wide open water and so we were scared, exhilarated, awed, and happy. As we sailed along down toward the coast of Maine, it was like I was seeing eternity. The ocean is so vast. We’ve sailed up to whales, dolphins swim beside us, and we see seals all the time. I love that.

Wow! I'd love that, too. How has being published changed your life?

I’m not sure that it has - not really. My first novel was published in 1992, and I’ve been fortunate to have a novel come out practically every year since then. Before that I was a news reporter for a daily newspaper, so I was published even then.

My first book also came out in 1992. What are you reading right now?

Just yesterday I finished reading The Shack by William Young. We were traveling yesterday, home from out west where we were visiting family. I read this book on the plane from Vancouver to Toronto. My eyes misted up so many times I lost count. I recommend it.

I love that book, too. There's a review of it in the July newsletter on my web site, What is your current work in progress?

Right now I’m just finishing up edits for Shadows on the River, which will be out in March ’09 with Steeple Hill. I’m also working on several proposals.

What would be your dream vacation?

My husband and I also love bicycling. I would love to take a fall trip through New England on our bikes stopping each evening at bed and breakfasts. We just bought new bikes, and I’m anxious to try them out!

How do you choose your settings for each book?

My settings usually involve some kind of water, because I’m drawn to it. I love the ocean and so usually I set my books beside it.

If you could spend an evening with one person who is currently alive, who would it be and why?

I think I would like to meet Randy Alcorn. His book Heaven has meant so much to me and to friends of mine. I’m hoping to meet him soon.

I love the books of Randy that I've read, too. I hope you do meet him soon. What are your hobbies, besides writing and reading?

Sailing, bicycling, having coffee with friends.

What is your most difficult writing obstacle, and how do you overcome it?

Basic laziness, I guess! I can surf the web, read e-mails for hours on end, and never get to my real work.:)

What advice would you give to a beginning author?

Read all you can. Read widely. Read in different genres. Don’t just read Christian books. Read all books. Everything you need to know about writing a novel can be gleaned by reading good novels. Never stop reading. Also, find some time to write every day – even if it’s only fifteen minutes on your journal.

Tell us about the featured book.

Shadows at the Window is the second in my "shadows" trilogy. The women in these series of books must deal with and work through the shadows in their pasts before they can make peace and find love in the present. In the first of the series, Shadows at the Mirror, the main character doesn't know anything about her past. It’s a mystery she must uncover. In this release, Shadows at the Window, main character Lilly Johnson knows her past all too well, and it’s one she’d rather forget. Because it’s so abhorrent to her, she’s made up a series of lies that she tells her fiancĂ©. But, the past has a way of catching up with the present, and when people in her past show up, her first inkling is to run. But, that would mean leaving everything behind, and that’s something she’s not willing to do now.

How can readers find you on the Internet?

My website is

I also have a newsletter. Readers can sign up for my newsletter by sending a blank e-mail to:

Thank you, Linda, for spending this time with us.

Readers, leave a comment for a chance to win a free copy of Shadows at the Window. Remember to check back to see if you won. Saturday, I'll draw winners from three other interviews.


  1. Thanks for sharing about your book. I'm always looking for good romantic suspense. Please enter me.

    bookwurm70 [at] yahoo [dot] com

  2. Sounds like a wonderful book. Enjoyed the interview.

  3. I have yet to find a Love Inspired Suspense that I haven't thoroughly devoured. Great interview too! How wonderful to have such a wonderful career as a writer. The Shadow trilogy sounds amazing. I would love to win Shadows at the Window! Please enter me! Thank you!


  4. Hi! I would love to be entered in this book drawing. The "Love Inspired" books are some of my favorites. Thanks very much! Cindi

  5. Anonymous7:55 AM

    I LOVE your books, Linda! Enjoyed reading this interview,too. Debbie in SC

  6. Please include me, I love romantic suspense. Thanks!

  7. I enjoy Love Inspired line, count me in!

  8. Please enter me great interview and the book looks interesting.

  9. Sounds like an exciting book, thanks for the chance to win!

  10. I enjoy a good suspenseful book and this one looks good.
