
Sunday, July 06, 2008

Susan Page Davis - RETURN TO LOVE - Free Book

I'm always glad to welcome Susan to my blog.

Susan, God has really been moving in your writing life. What do you see on the horizon?

Yes, I’ve been mightily blessed the past two or three years with multiple books contracted and released. In addition to this 3-book historical series from Heartsong (New Hampshire Brides), look for more suspense books and more cozy mysteries.

Tell us a little about your family.

My husband, Jim, is a copy editor for a daily newspaper. We have six children, ages 13 to 30. The oldest two are married and have given us five adorable grandchildren. Megan, 25, is getting married this summer. Page, 22, is a college grad like her three older siblings. The two youngest are still home schooling with me (as did the other four).

And still you find time to write a number of books. Has your writing changed your reading habits? If so, how?

I hate to say it, but I don’t have as much time to read fiction as I used to. However, I still read probably 20 or 30 novels a year. And if I get into a book I like, I just drop everything and finish it. This week I’ve been ill, so I curled up and read books 2, 3, and 4 of Susan Downs and Susan May Warren’s Heirs of Anton series, having read the first book a month or so ago. Worth every minute of vacuuming I missed. I also read more nonfiction now, for research.

What are you working on right now?

Revisions for the second book in daughter Megan’s and my MAINEly Murder series, Treasure at Blue Heron Lake. And I just finished a long suspense book for Harvest House (Inside Story will release next January). Look for more suspense and more cozies in the future.

What outside interests do you have?

I’ve always loved horses, reading, history, and genealogy.

How do you choose your settings for each book?

For this historical series, I was targeting the New Hampshire Brides slot with Heartsong, so that part was easy. But where and when in New Hampshire? My eighth-great-grandfather, Richard Otis, was a blacksmith in Cochecho (now part of Dover), New Hampshire. His garrison house was burned and he was killed during the 1689 massacre there. His daughter Judith Otis (my seventh great-grandmother) was captured by Indians. I first read about this event many years ago while doing genealogical research. A few years ago my sisters and I went to visit Dover and toured the only garrison house of that era still standing. In it we saw artifacts dug up from the site of the Otis Garrison. Seeing those square nails and hinges that our ancestor probably made at his forge solidified my desire to write about that time and that tragedy.

If you could spend an evening with one historical person, who would it be and why?

Maybe Judith Otis. I would ask her how she felt when she was captured and what it was like when she returned and saw the town devastated. More than half the residents were killed or captured that night. Judith was one of the fortunate ones who was rescued after only a few weeks.

What is the one thing you wish you had known before you started writing novels?

That writers don’t have to be isolated and go it alone. There’s a wonderful writing community out there to support you!

That is so true. Without that community, you and I probably would never met. What new lessons is the Lord teaching you right now?

I am still learning how to follow in humility. Seems like I’ve been on that lesson a long time.

I've had a few lessons like that. Go on forever, it seems. What are the three best things you can tell other authors to do to be successful?

1. Don’t give up.
2. Write SOMETHING every day.
3. Define “successful” and keep reminding yourself of what it REALLY means.

Tell us about the featured book.

Return to Love opens with the massacre itself, and with Richard’s family leaving their home in an attempt to reach safety at one of the garrison houses. But they realize the garrison is burning, perhaps with Richard’s younger brother inside. Richard and his father find the parents of his sweetheart, Sarah, murdered. Five years later, Sarah returns with a group of redeemed captives. She has spent years in a primitive Indian village in Canada. Her family is dead, but she hopes Richard and his family will welcome her back. Instead she receives a cold reception and finds herself with two other young women, shuffled off to the pastor’s home until someone figures out what to do with them. Will God change the villagers’ hearts and renew the love Sarah and Richard once knew?

Sounds interesting. How can readers find you on the Internet?

Come see me at . I’m also a host at, a site for writers of mystery and suspense.

Thank you for spending this time with us today, Susan.

Readers, you'll want to check out both of those web sites. But before you go, leave a comment for a chance to win a free copy of Return to Love.


  1. How interesting to have such history in your background and then to write about it. I want to read that book : )
    Patricia PacJac Carroll

  2. Thanks, Pat! Chances are that you, too, have fascinating stories in your family 300 years back! Digging them out does take time, but it's a hobby I've always loved.

  3. Wow. Even if I don't win, I learned about the cool website...

    Thanks for the link.

  4. Oh this book def sounds like quite the read!! Please count me in for an entry to win a copy. :)

  5. How cool to stand at a site and see things that your ancestors have made! That must have been such a neat experience. I look forward to reading this story, whether or not I have the opportunity to win this book.
    Thank you,

  6. Happy Sunday! Great interview. I always enjoy reading Susan's interviews. I really enjoy your books. This cover is intriguing with the fire and the horse looking fearful! Please enter me in your book drawing. Many thanks, Cindi

  7. You guys are great. Thanks for making me feel welcome on Lena's blog. And "," I'm glad you found We have lots of good articles and interviews there. I do write suspense, too, but I just can't seem to break the historical habit, so I keep coming back to writing historicals, too. What can I say? I love to read both mystery/suspense and historicals, so I write both. Lena and I will both have novellas in a historical collection releasing in September. And Bethany, there's a secondary character named Bethany in my book Witness, and I'm hoping to give her a book of her own soon, with her as the heroine. :)

  8. Anonymous7:27 PM

    Wow, I'd love to read that book! Please enter me in the drawing.

    Deborah Piccurelli

  9. This sounds really interesting! I've checked out your site and find several of the books pulling me toward them! LOL

  10. love historical romance. This one sounds really good. Love to read it.

  11. please enter me!

    rmill020 [at]

  12. Anonymous12:52 PM

    This is one of my favorite's of Susan's books, and I have read them all! It's easy to see that she did careful research on this book and that she truly empathizes with her characters. Can't wait for the sequel.

  13. Anonymous5:30 PM

    This book sounds AWESOME - as all the other books by Susan have been (the ones that I've read anyway!) I'd love to win a copy of it!!!

  14. This sounds like a really awesome book - as are all the other books I've read by Susan Page Davis. I hope I can win a copy!!!

  15. Anonymous6:06 PM

    Great interview.Return To Love sounds really good.Please enter me in the drawing.Thank you.

  16. Thanks for the enthusiastic response. Yes, the research was challenging, but if you enjoy it, it doesn't feel like work. I hope you all have a terrific day. It's sunny here in Maine and I intend to make the most of it.

  17. How exciting, Susan! I get my own book! lol ;D

  18. Enjoyed the interview! Sounds like a wonderful story.

  19. How exciting to write something from your family history. And to write with your daughter must be a blessing too! Please include my name, thanks.

  20. This is a great interview, Lena. I am reading "Return to Love" right now, thanks to Sue! Susan, I am so fascinated to learn about these characters. I recognized your family names right away. The story is rich in history and so interesting. It's a great read and I highly recommend it. By the way, I have a many generation back grandmother and her daughter who were attacked and killed by Indians in Kittery, NH (Piscataqua Plantation) in the 1600's as well.

  21. please enter me this book looks good

  22. Oh...this book sounds so good! Can't wait to read it:)

  23. This sounds like an interesting book - please enter me.

  24. Please enter me to win Susan's book ~ RETURN TO LOVE.

  25. Anonymous8:54 AM

    I would love to read this book, it sounds exciting.
