
Wednesday, September 03, 2008

Author Brenda Coulter - AT HIS COMMAND - Free Book

Today, we're featuring another author in the Homecoming Heroes series by Love Inspired.

Welcome, Brenda. I just love reading these series by Love Inspired. What is the name of the series this book is in, and where in the series does it occur?

AT HIS COMMAND is Book 3 of the six-book (multi-author) "Homecoming Heroes" series by Love Inspired.

Who came up with the idea for the series?

The editorial department of Steeple Hill Books. The authors were given a "series bible" which included the names and very brief descriptions of all the major characters as well as the fictional Texas town and Army base in which the series is set.

I know that working on a series that weaves together takes a lot of work. How did your team schedule the work?

We authors (six in all) brainstormed and shared research via a private e-mail loop set up for that purpose.

Did you find it hard or easy to work within the series framework?

It was very difficult for me, a seat-of-the-pants writer, to work out a plot before actually writing the book. I was also a little uncomfortable using characters and situations created by others, and with leaving open story questions at the end of my book. But that's the nature of a multi-author series. It was definitely a learning experience!

What other books have you had published?

AT HIS COMMAND is my fourth novel. The others (all for Love Inspired) are FINDING HOPE, A FAMILY FOREVER, and A SEASON OF FORGIVENESS.

When you aren’t writing or spending time with your family, what is your favorite activity?

Prowling the local garden centers for new roses and perennial plants. I also like giving tea parties for my friends.

I love tea parties with friends, too. Where do you do most of your writing?

I have a cozy home office filled with flowering plants and china and other pretty things. I love writing here, but on nice days I take my laptop computer out to the garden.

Tell us about the featured book.

In one short month, cheerful army nurse Madeline Bright has become the darling of Prairie Springs, Texas. And if former helicopter pilot Jake Hopkins isn't careful, she just might conquer HIS heart.He can't take that risk. Maddie is chasing him all over town, but while Jake can't deny his insane attraction to her, neither can he confess the awful secrets he's keeping--especially the one about his having been partly responsible for her brother's death.You can read most of the first chapter of AT HIS COMMAND here:

How can my readers find you on the Internet?

My website: - Includes information about my books, tips for aspiring authors, and several pages on the subject of afternoon tea.

My blog: - Features musings on writing, life, and the writing life. ("No rules. Just write" appears on the Internet Writing Journal's list of Best Author Blogs.)

Thank you for spending this time with us, Brenda.

Readers, leave a comment for a chance to win a free copy of At His Command. Then go check out her website and blog.


  1. Anonymous11:46 AM

    I have been seeing multi author books but haven't read any yet. Please enter me in the drawing.


  2. It sounds great!I would love to read it, thanks for the chance to win:)

  3. I enjoyed the excerpt from chapter one; poor man allergic to peanuts and Maddie! Please include my name, thanks.


  4. Please enter me in the drawing. I have read two of Brenda Coulter's books and loved them. Would love to read this one.

  5. These wonderful books are certainly appropriate for the times. Please enter me in your drawing. Many thanks, Cindi

  6. Anonymous3:57 AM

    I'd enjoy reading this one. I found it endearing when she said she liked having tea parties with her friends, by the way. That's cute.

  7. Anonymous7:08 AM

    The book sounds great!

  8. Anonymous11:17 AM

    This book looks really good. I will have to hunt down the rest of the series! Please enter me in the drawing!

  9. I would like to be considered for this book. Thank you.
    smilingsal55 [at] yahoo [dot] com

  10. Sounds like a good book, please enter me in the drawing.

    ladystorm282001 at yahoo dot com

  11. Oh, I'd love to win this book.

  12. Anonymous8:56 PM

    Please enter me in the contest. I am glad to discover another good author. I will also search for your previous books.

  13. Anonymous10:33 AM

    I have read Brenda Coulter before, plus some of the Homecoming Heroes.
    Would love to read this one also.

    Do you have a deadline for comments?

  14. Hi, I would like to be entered for this book please. Thanks!


  15. Sounds like a great book, count me in.
