
Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Author Lynette Eason - A SILENT TERROR - Free Book

Why do you write the kind of books you do?

I write Inspirational Romantic Suspense meaning I weave the Christian faith throughout the story. My characters are more than two dimensional figures, not only do they have the physical and emotional sides, they also have a spiritual side. I write these kinds of stories because I can’t separate my faith from writing. And God is my hero, my Savior, my Lord. It’s a joy to put Him in each and every story I write.

Besides when you came to know the Lord, what is the happiest day in your life?

My wedding day, and the days of my children’s birth, the day I got the call from Krista Stroever saying she wanted to buy my book… Goodness! It’s really hard to choose just one day…ha.

How has being published changed your life?

I sure do write a lot more! It’s amazing how your priorities shift. My family and my children are my number one priorities, of course, but now I have this JOB with deadlines and everything. Writing is not only something I love, it’s what I do to make a living, it’s something I have to make time for and for someone who was very busy before publication, I had to cut a lot of “stuff” out of my life to keep writing a top priority.

What are you reading right now?

Nothing. Seriously, isn’t that a terrible answer? But I have some pretty close deadlines and I’m focused on getting those done. I DO have a to be read pile, but so far it’s just sitting there waiting on me to have some time.

What is your current work in progress?

I’m working on two books at the same time. One for Steeple Hill that was just bought a couple of weeks ago and one for Revell that is due in June. I’m also doing line edits for the first Revell book and just finished line edits for the previous Steeple Hill book.

You are busy. I want to feature you with each book. What would be your dream vacation?

A week in a secluded mountain house all by myself where I could write to my heart’s content. Of course I would probably scare myself to death with my stories, but that’s a given. I still wanna go!

How do you choose your settings for each book?

I write what I know. I live in Spartanburg, SC and therefore that’s where I generally base each story.

If you could spend an evening with one person who is currently alive, who would it be and why?

My husband because I don’t get to spend enough time with him. He is a professional fundraiser for Christian radio stations all over the country so he is gone ALL the time. Spending an evening with just him would be awesome!

What are your hobbies, besides writing and reading?

I used to scrapbook a lot, but have resorted to just sticking the pictures in readymade albums since writing took over. I like to travel some and go to the movies with my family. I also like to ice skate whenever I get the chance, but that doesn’t happen very often anymore. LOL.

What is your most difficult writing obstacle, and how do you overcome it?

My most difficult obstacle up until recently has been time—and just life in general. My kids are very active in sports and just kid stuff so I spend a lot of time running them around from place to place. By the time I get home at night, I’m exhausted. Also, with my husband gone so much, most of the household responsibilities fall to me as well as taking care of the bills, etc. I also do a lot of running around for my husband since he’s not here to do it. I finally came to the conclusion that I’m not superwoman (shocking, I know) and I gave up homeschooling. I was being mom, dad, teacher, and every other role known to mankind, 24/7. So, my children went back to school about three weeks ago. Now, I have quite a bit more time, but it still seems like life keeps interfering! Ha.

What advice would you give to a beginning author?

Write! And develop a thick skin. Soak up constructive criticism and implement it. And pray a lot. God’s timing is perfect.

Tell us about the featured book.

Here’s the blurb from the back:

When Marianna Santino's roommate is killed, Detective Ethan O'Hara can't fathom the motive. Then he realizes the deaf teacher was the intended target. Marianna must have something the murderer desperately wants. But what? Digging for the truth, the guarded cop tries to learn everything he can about Marianna. Her world. Her family. Her beauty, faith and fierce independence. In spite of himself, Ethan finds that he can't keep his feelings at bay. Soon, he's willing to risk everything—including his heart—to lay the silent terror stalking Marianna to rest.

I can hardly wait to read it. How can readers find you on the Internet?

My website is and my email is I love to hear from readers, so please stop by anytime!

Lena, thank you so much for having me on you blog. It’s always a pleasure to meet new people and see familiar “faces.”

Thank you, Lynette, for stopping by.

Readers, you can order Silent Terror using this link:

Leave a comment for a chance to win a free copy of the book. Don't forget to check back a week from Saturday to see if you won.


  1. Anonymous9:33 AM

    I enjoyed the interview very much, and the books sounds very intriging.

    Please enter me in the contest.

    Thank you,

    Becky C.


  2. please enter me! i've just now really gotten into the LI suspense line and would love to read Lynette's book!

  3. Lovely interview. Please include me for A Silent Terror. Thanks!

  4. I love Love Inspired Suspense books. This one sounds good. Please include me in the drawing. Thanks

    ABreading4fun [at] gmail [dot] com

  5. I love Lynette's books! Please put my name in the hat. Thank you both!


  6. The interview was very good and I'd love to read the book. Please enter me in the giveaway. Thanks


  7. How cool is this! I would love a chance to win. Thank you for the opportunity!

  8. oh please sign me up for a chance to win this book...this looks great!

  9. Love romantic suspense!
    Please count me in.....Thanks,

  10. Sounds intriguing. I'd love to read this. Please enter me.

  11. Thanks for another great interview. I would love the opportunity to win this book! Blessings

  12. Hey all, sorry I'm so late chiming in. Between the flu and internet problems, it took me a while to get here. LOL. Thank you all so much for your sweet comments. I appreciate it!

  13. Great Interview!! When I read the book blip-it you gave...I was hooked!!! Sign me up!

    Rae Byuel

  14. The interview has me sold. Please enter my name. Thanks.

  15. Lynette Eason live in a southern town in SC and jsut about 30 miles from me. I would love to win one of her books as I have not read her work yet. May God Bless all

  16. Anonymous7:41 AM

    I love suspense books! please enter me :)

  17. Anonymous12:23 PM

    Thanks again for the opportunity to be included in a drawing for an awesome book, by an awesome author... appreciate the interview...


  18. Oh I love the sound of an Inspirational Romance Suspense book!

  19. Thank you for the great interview and please enter me. Love and prayers Melody

  20. Not quite awake yet! Forgot my email. Thanks Melody
    msproule1225 at gmaildotcom

  21. This sounds like my kind of book. Thank you for the entry.

  22. Please enter me--thanks.

  23. Anonymous1:21 PM

    I have come to love the Love Inspired suspense line. This book sounds very interesting. Please enter me in the contest. Thank you.
