
Sunday, February 22, 2009

Author M. L. Tyndall - THE RED SIREN - Free Book

One of my favorite authors to interview is back. Welcome, MaryLu. Tell us about your salvation experience.

It’s quite a story! I was a non-believer most of my life. I grew up in an alcoholic home without a father and spent most of my younger years following after the ways of the world. And guess where that led me? At 35, I was miserable, lonely, and desperate for love and meaning in my life. Searching for answers, I picked up a self-help book in the psychology section of the bookstore, and believe it or not, the doctor’s recommendation was to read the Bible from cover to cover. So, I found my old Bible, dusted it off, and did just that. Somewhere in Ezekiel in the middle of the prophecies about Israel, I realized that the things that Ezekiel spoke about thousands of years ago were coming true all around me. And it was like someone turned a light on, and I realized there was a God. There, alone in my bedroom, I got on my knees and gave my life to Him. And I haven’t been the same since!

Our God is awesome. He meets each of us where we are and accepts us when we turn to Him. How did you and your husband meet?

I’m not sure you want to know this, but my husband and I met in a bar before either of us were saved. We were both lost, lonely puppies that God threw together because He knew the good plans He had for us. My husband is now a Christian too. He was a much tougher case than me :-) and it took many years for God to break through to him, but God finally visited him much like He did Saul in the New Testament. But that’s another story.

Praise the Lord for His mighty works. You’re planning a writing retreat where you can only have four other authors. Who would they be and why?

You, Lena, because you’re such a great mentor for writers and so giving of your time and talents. Laurie Alice Eakes because she is an historical expert, a really nice lady, and a fabulous writer. Louise M. Gouge, a great writer and super lady, and Michelle Sutton because she’s not only a great writer, but she’s crazy like me.

That sounds like a wonderful group. I love all those ladies, too. And, MaryLu, I have a really crazy side, too. What is the most embarrassing thing that has happened to you and how did you handle it?

I’m one of those people who is constantly putting my foot in my mouth, so embarrassing moments are quite common in my life. If you’ve seen Bridget Jones’ Diary than you have a good idea what I’m like. I suppose I’m so used to it now that I usually laugh at myself and shrug my shoulders.

People are always telling me that they’d like to write a book someday. I’m sure they do to you, too. What would you tell someone who came up to you and said that?

First of all, I tell people to stop talking and start writing! Books don’t get written by dreaming about them. But I would also caution them to make sure this is truly God’s will for them and not their own agenda. Because if God isn’t in it, it won’t happen, at least not like they hope it will. Next, they need to study and learn the craft. Writing is like anything else. You have to learn how to do it. Join writer’s groups, join a critique group, enter contests, etc… do all these things, but most of all write. Write what’s on your heart and your passion will come out on the pages.

Tell us about the featured book.

A female pirate falls in love with the British Navy Captain trying to catch her. The Red Siren is a love story, it’s an adventure, and it has a strong spiritual theme which ties in with the story of the sower and the seed in Matthew 13. The heroine, Faith Westcott, has given up on men and on God and becomes a pirate in order to garner enough wealth to protect her sisters from unwanted marriages. Dajon Waite hopes to pay penance for mistakes he made in his past by being the best Navy Captain he can be and by following all of God’s rules. But what will he do when he discovers that the woman he loves is the same pirate who outwitted him more than once off the Carolina shores?

How can readers find you on the Internet?

My website:
My blog:
My books are sold online at and

Thanks Lena!

Thank you, MaryLu for spending this time with us. Your interviews are always interesting, and I just love your books.

Readers, you can use this link to order the book, if you want to:

Leave a comment for a chance to win a free copy of the book. Don't forget to check back a week from next Saturday to see if you won.


  1. Anonymous8:33 AM

    please sign me up - i love M.> Tyndall!


  2. I would love to read this book, I think the cover is just so sassy!!!
    Thanks so much
    darbyscloset at yahoo dot com

  3. I am a subscriber too!
    Thanks so much
    darbyscloset at yahoo dot com

  4. What an amazing testimony. God must be really using her.

    Please sign me up for the contest too. storygurl86 at aol dot com.

  5. Anonymous1:16 PM

    What an amazing interview. This sounds like a book I would really love to read. Please enter me in the contest. Thanks!

  6. Anonymous2:46 PM

    please sign me up for the drawing. Thanks.

    danelli04 [at]hotmail [dot]com

  7. I loved her last book, The Falcon and the Sparrow. I've been wanting to read this book since it was released. Please sign me up! :o)

    orca0024 at yahoo dot com

  8. I haven't read that many salvation stories in interviews and MaryLu's was beautiful. Her book sounds fabulous and I would love a chance to win.

  9. Thanks for another great interview. Please enter me for the drawing! Blessings

  10. Wow this books sounds great. Sign me up! What a wonderful testimony.

    thanks. Stacy

  11. loved the interview! I just went to MaryLu's site right now and it is so relaxing! Please enter me in the contest.

  12. Anonymous6:40 AM

    Good interview with MaryLu. And such a wonderful testimony of God's saving power. It's great to read how His love reaches out and captures a lonely heart.



  13. Enjoyed your interview. Please enter my name in the drawing.

  14. Anonymous7:32 AM

    I have heard a lot about this book and appreciate the opportunity to be included in the drawing.... appreciate the interview and MaryLu's testimony is awesome.... have a great week everyone...


  15. Thanks so much, everyone for taking the time to read my interview and for your wonderful comments! I'm so happy that my testimony blessed you. I cannot believe that the Lord would bother with someone like me, but I'm so glad He did! We serve an incredible God who loves us all more than we could know! I pray you all have a blessed day!

  16. I've been hearing good things about this title and would love to read it, as I've not read anything by this author yet. I'm going to have to pick up The Falcon and the Sparrow, as also looks like a great read. Blessings and thanks for this interview! Miralee

  17. What a wonderful testimony - I find myself wanting to read the book just to meet the author's imagination. So, English Navy, and a pirate. Sounds fun to this English American.

  18. This book sounds great!

  19. Anonymous11:31 AM

    I've only read good things about MaryLu's books, and all of her interviews are great! Please count me in for the chance to win this book.


  20. Anonymous2:26 PM

    All I can say is if you like reading romances that are clean and filled with human emotion, you must try M.L. Tyndall's books. She dosen't dumb down corruption, yet it's not going to distract you from the story. Her books will be in my bookshelf for years to come.

  21. I would like to be entered in this contest! Thank you!

    My email is ohiobuckeye91 [at] gmail [dot] com

  22. I love all of the encouragement that this site brings right to my desktop, and I can't wait to read this book!

  23. Just dropping in again to say how blessed I've been by reading all of your comments! Thank you all so much for taking time out of your busy day to stop by and read my interview and leave such encouraging notes. And my special thanks to Lena for having me here! Please feel free to stop by my website and keep in touch with me there. God bless..

  24. Sounds like another good read. Thank you for the entry.

  25. Would love to read the book. Please include me in the drawing.



  26. Anonymous9:16 AM

    Do you have a favorite verse or book in the bible?

  27. Love Mary Lu's books that I've read so far. Please enter me for this one.


  28. All of Tyndall's books are amazing. I would love to read this one too! Please enter me in the drawing. Thank you!


  29. This looks like a great story.

  30. Anonymous4:13 PM

    Hello, I love M.L. Tyndall and her "Pirate's" trilogy and would love a chance to read this book!

  31. I have never read anything by this author, but her books sound really interesting! Please enter me in the drawing-would love to win and read a book by her!

  32. This is so cool. Found this interview on Technorati! What a great testimony! And MaryLu, I love that we are both crazy. What do you say we hang out even more at the next conference. :) You ain't seen nothing yet, honey. :)
