
Sunday, March 01, 2009

Author Angela Hunt - SHE'S IN A BETTER PLACE - Free Book

I've heard of Angela Hunt for years, but the first time I met her was at the American Christian Fiction Writers Conference in Minneapolis last fall. I just love her. Welcome, Angela. Tell us how much of yourself you write into your characters.

That all depends upon the character. I don’t consciously do this at all, but I have to write about things that interest me, so my characters are interested in these subjects by default. Nearly all of my protagonists are women, employed, and fairly independent. I am at least all of those things.

What is the quirkiest thing you have ever done?

Hard to say, as I live on the edge of quirkdom. My fascination with mastiffs is probably my most enduring quirk. Life isn’t exactly tidy with two 200-pound dogs (have you ever teased a slinger out of your hair?), but it’s always interesting.

When did you first discover you were a writer?

I don’t think “writerdom” is something innate—it’s something you do. I suppose it does come more easily to some people than others, but everyone struggles at one time or another. And everyone looks longingly out the window and wishes they could trade all those hours in a chair for a job that’s more secure.

Don't I know it? Tell us the range of the kinds of books you enjoy reading.

I read just about everything: a lot of New York Times bestsellers, historicals, suspense, high-concept, character stories, etc. I don’t read a lot of romance (though I enjoy books with romance in them), nor do I like anything that’s too predictable.

What other books have you written, whether published or not?

I don’t think we have the space here to list them all! I’ve written over 100 books, for adults and children, fiction and nonfiction. Before I wrote books, I wrote magazine articles, brochures, catalog copy, anything anyone would pay me to write. I consider myself a working writer, and that encompasses a lot of variety.

How do you keep your sanity in our run, run, run world?

I opt out whenever possible. I realized long ago that I couldn’t do everything and do it well. So I would have to choose to focus on the things God called me to do. That means I pass up a lot of “good opportunities” in the name of obedience.

How do you choose your characters’ names?

I choose my protagonists’ names carefully—I like names that are easy to pronounce, yet unique. For random characters I usually either use the names of my friends or pop open a telephone book.

What is the accomplishment that you are most proud of?

I take a great deal of pleasure in knowing that at least one of my books exists as a film . . . and that starred PW review made me smile for about a week.

I'd be really happy with either of those things. If you were an animal, which one would you be, and why?

My nature is more like a cat’s than a dog’s, so I’d want to be a cat and live in BJ Hoff’s house. Because she has a heart for dogs, cats, and books.

What is your favorite food?

I’m a youth pastor’s wife. Loving pizza is a job requirement.

Sometimes, I've worked with youth, too. I know what you mean about the pizza. What is the problem with writing that was your greatest roadblock, and how did you overcome it?

Don’t know that I’ve ever experienced a roadblock, but I did have an editor tell me that the manuscript I handed in was “unpublishable”—and this was long after I was an established writer. My brilliant idea wasn’t very readable, as it turns out. So I threw half the story away, opened a metaphorical vein, and started over again.

What advice would you give to an author just starting out?

Get thee to a good writer’s conference, be flexible, take advice (like this) with a grain of salt, and don’t let anyone stifle your unique voice. Most beginning authors think there are certain rules and magic formulas and things they must do . . . well, a lot of those rules and formulas are simply silly. Spend most of your time learning how to write an irresistible, passionate story.

What would you like to tell us about the featured book?

SHE’S IN A BETTER PLACE is the final book in the three-book “Fairlawn” series. The first book, DOESN’T SHE LOOK NATURAL? features Jennifer Graham, a single parent who inherits a funeral home. The series follows her life as she adjusts to her new calling and learns that God has a unique ministry planned for her.

Sounds interesting. I can hardly wait to read it. How can readers find you on the Internet?

My website is Or you could try Google.

Thank you, Angela, for spending this time with us.

Readers, for your convenience, here's a link to where you can order the book online, too:

For a chance to win a free copy, leave a comment on this blogger site. Don't forget to check back in two weeks to see if you won the book. If you're afraid you might forget, sign up for Feedblitz at the top of the blog.


  1. oh please enter me!!! i own almost all her books and i LOVE her!! i loved the 1st 2 books in the fairlawn series and want this one soooo bad!

  2. I've read alot of Angela's books, and would love to read "She's in a Better Place". I really enjoyed her interview, and getting to know more about her writing. I love her characters, and that they are strong independent women. So inspiring!
    Please enter my name in your giveaway. Thank you!



  3. Anonymous8:40 AM

    I love, love, love Angela Hunt!


  4. Sounds like an interesting series. Please enter me.

  5. Loved the first book in the series. Off to find the second one. Sure would like to win this one! Thanks for the opportunity.

  6. This book sounds very interesting - I would love to win it! - and then I'll need to find the rest of the series! :)

  7. A wonderful writer and I would love to read her book! This series is a very good one. Please enter my name in your drawing. Thanks, Cindi

  8. Hello, everybody, and thanks for your kind comments. Good luck to all who entered!


  9. Anonymous4:57 PM

    I love Angela's characters. I've enjoyed every book I've read by her. Please enter me in your drawing.

    becca[dot]dowling @ yahoo[dot]com

  10. I have read a few of Angela's books and they are great. Would love to be entered in for the drawing to win "She's in a Better Place".


  11. Oh, Anglea, I loved this series! I would love to win!
    You made the character so real life and yet funny was in there with the serious! I laughed so hard when reading the first book at the prank her son pulled on the people looking at the house as well as when he answered the phone "You stab 'em, We'll slab 'em!!" It is great to read a bookt hat provides real life comic relief in a serious story line!

  12. I am new here! What a great blog :)

  13. I've heard wonderful reviews of Angela's books. Please include me for She's in a Better Place. Thanks!


  14. The first book I read by Angela was Doesn't She Look Natural, and I'm hooked. I've added her books to my must read list! Please enter my name in the drawing. Thanks for sharing with us!


  15. I'm currently reading one of her books. WOuld love to win this one. THanks.

  16. I have never read her books, I would love to win one. The interview was awesome, it's always great to get in an authors head.

  17. please count me in. I adore this series! Thanks.


  18. Anonymous8:05 AM

    I've never read any of the series but I love Angela Hunt and have for as long as I remember, all started when I was little and my sister got "The True Princess" , I read it over and over again.
    I am DYING to read The Face ahhhhh but I have little money for new books right now.

    artist4christ - @ - cyberhaus -.- us

  19. Angela, your encouragement to new writers means so much. I am going to take your advice and get to a conference!

    I would love to win your book. I think that anytime I can read a great story and learn about great writing at the same time is a win-win.

  20. Please enter me in this contest. I would love to win the book. Thanks!

    ohiobuckeye91 [at] gmail [dot] com

  21. She's one of the most diverse writers I can think of, a real talent.

    I'm loving the Fairlawn series so far, I'd love the final installment!


  22. Anonymous9:50 PM

    I love reading angela hunt books!

  23. She is a great author! I really enjoyed this interview and would love to win the copy of her book.

  24. Please do put an entry in for me! Another great author! Thanks for sharing!

  25. Doesn't She Look Natural? was the first book by Angela Hunt that I read. This is such a great series and I would love to win this new book. Thank you for the interview and giveaway.

    cjarvis [at] bellsouth [dot] net

  26. Anonymous6:57 PM

    Thanks again for a wonderful interview.... it's been a while since I've read any of Angela Hunt and this one sounds great... thanks again for another opportunity to be included in a drawing.... the best of GOD's blessings to everyone....

  27. Anonymous7:03 PM


    thanks again.....

  28. good interview.
    I love the second book in this series and have been looking forward to book 3 please enter me

  29. Anonymous7:54 AM

    I really enjoyed the second title in the series - please enter me!

  30. I just love Angela Hunt! Okay...who doesn't? Please enter me in this giveaway! This was a wonderful interview. I so appreciate reading from the author's point of view and their advice is just so valuable! Thanks!


  31. Anonymous7:29 PM

    I've read several of Angela's books and enjoyed them all! please enter me :)

  32. I would love to read this one... please enter me!!!

  33. I love all the books I have read by Angela Hunt. would love to win this one. Thanks!

  34. Anonymous11:54 AM

    Kim Lawrence really wants to read this one....she has read 1st 2 books and she really wants this one......Thank you
