Sunday, March 08, 2009

Author Kim Vogel Sawyer - A PROMISE FOR SPRING - Free Book

Kim Vogel Sawyer has become a very popular author. I'm proud to call her a friend. Welcome back to my blog, Kim. Why did you become an author?

I’m not sure I chose “authoring” as much as it chose me. :o) I seemed to have been born with the bent to write. I submitted my first manuscript at the tender age of 11 (to Grossett & Dunlap in New York), and the dream of writing always lingered in the back of my heart. Being a full-time author truly is a life-long dream fulfilled.

If you weren’t an author, what would be your dream job?

Well, I was an elementary schoolteacher prior to writing full-time, and I would cheerfully return to that occupation. I still miss the kids… *sigh*

Yes, we often have to choose between two good things, don't we? If you could have lived at another time in history, what would it be and why?

I believe I would enjoy visiting the Depression era. I didn’t have the privilege of grandmothers while growing up because my grandmas both died when my parents were children. If I returned to the 1920-1930’s, I might have the chance to meet my grandmothers. That would be pretty neat.

What place in the United States have you not visited that you would like to?

Does it count if I zinged through it? I recently had the opportunity to flit through the New England states. I got just enough of a taste to want more. I’d love to return there and explore at my leisure.

They are beautiful, aren't they? How about a foreign country you hope to visit?

I definitely want to visit Germany and Russia someday. My family history is steeped in those countries, and I dream of taking my parents on a lengthy vacation.

I have German ancestry on my mother's side. What lesson has the Lord taught you recently?

“Praise Me anyway.” Sometimes, when things are rough, it’s hard to lift your voice in praise. But God inhabits praise, so when I turn my eyes from life’s hardship and look at who He is to me—remember who I am to Him—suddenly my heart lifts and burdens are more bearable. After all, I’m not facing any trial alone. So I’ve been choosing to praise Him in the midst of the storm. Makes a huge difference.

I remember when my husband and I had to learn that lesson. One of the most valuable. Tell us about the featured book.

A Promise for Spring is probably the strongest “romance” I’ve written thus far. It features two English immigrants, separated when the man came to America to establish a sheep ranch in Northwest Kansas. Geoffrey Garrett hadn’t intended to wait more than a year to send for his betrothed, but things proved more challenging than he envisioned, and five years slipped by. In the meantime, the flame of Emmaline’s youthful love flickered and died. She is appalled by the primitive conditions on the sheep ranch, and she desires to return to England immediately. Geoffrey extends a promise: If she will stay until Spring and give him a chance to recapture her heart, at that time he will let her choose to either remain in Kansas with him as his bride or return to England. So the question becomes will she stay, or won’t she?

Sounds intriguing. I can hardly wait until my copy comes. How can readers find you on the Internet?

Just go to I always welcome visitors!

Thank you, Kim, for spending this time with us.

Readers, for your convenience, I'm including a link where you can order the book.

If you want to take part in the giveaway, leave a comment. Don't forget to check back in two weeks on Saturday to see if you won. Of course you can sign up for FeedBlitz, in the right column, to make sure you receive notification.


Renee (BlacknGoldGirlsBookSpot) said...

What A Great author!! I just read My Heart Remembers...terrific! I borrowed it from my grandma and didn't want to give it back! I'm excited to read other books by Ms. Sawyer because I'll bet they're as good as or better than My Heart Remembers! Please enter me to win her next book!

kalea_kane said...

Wonderful interview! I do hope Kim gets the opportunity to visit the New England states again! I use to live in Maine and Rhode Island and we spent a lot of weekends visiting all the others. I really cannot wait to go back and visit again. I miss the colorful Fall!

And I am with you both...praise Him anyway! Thank you for the giveaway. This sounds like a wonderful book! :)


Cecelia Dowdy said...

Wow, great interview! Please sign me up for the drawing!

Jo said...

What a great interview. I have been wanting to read Kim's books so please enter me in the drawing. Would love to win a copy of her book.


apple blossom said...

OK. I'm ready for Spring. We are getting hit by a blizzard today and through tomorrow. anywhere from 12-20 inches of snow. So I'm ready for this to be over. Winds kick up to 50 miles/ph. windchill -30. Yep, it's time for spring.

Simply Stacie said...

Thanks for the giveaway and interview.

Anonymous said...

Great interview, I agree that you should praise God always, because sometimes even when life seems rough there is still always something that is praiseworthy and it's great to know. Please enter me, thanks.


Julie said...

Sounds like a great book! I am really enjoying your interviews. New England is a great place and I also want to go to Germany someday. I took 4 semesters in college in addition to my 2 years in high school and that is also my family heritage. =)

I would love to win a copy of this book!

Roanna said...

Please enter me in the drawing for this book. Thank you!

ohiobuckeye91 [at] gmail [dot] com

Merry said...

I would love a chance to win A Promise For Spring. Lovely interview.

Anonymous said...

I throughly enjoy your books. I never want them to end. It would be great to win the book.

A J Hawke said...

Would love to win a copy.

Katie said...

Please enter me ...!!! Thanks, Katie


Kim Vogel Sawyer said...

Hello, Lena--thanks so much for featuring Emmaline and Geoffrey's story! Those two had so much to learn, but fortunately we serve a very patient God of grace!

I've enjoyed reading the comments, finding those who've enjoyed a Kim Vogel Sawyer book in the past (bless you!), and those who haven't yet but are willing to try (bless you, too!). I'm thrilled to say that I just booked a trip to Germany with my parents for this coming August, so see? Dreams DO come true!

God bless you muchly as you journey with Him ~ Kim

Marla said...

Oh, this sounds like a real good romance book. Please enter me to win. Thank you!

Anonymous said...

I would love to read this book.

Please enter me in the contest.

Thank you,

Becky C.


Margo Carmichael said...

It looks cute. Kim's darling. Thanks for the op to win.

Amber Holcomb said...

I love Christian romance stories! Please sign me up for a chance to win! Thanks!


Carolynn said...

Please enter me! I really like Kim's books and look forward to reading this one! Thanks

windycindy said...

Loved the interview! Her romance sounds wonderful. Thanks for the chance to win her book!

Anonymous said...

Good morning Lena,Kim...... everyone.... the best to everybody... always appreciate an opportunity to be included in a drawing for a book... looking forward to getting to know Kim through her website... great interview.....


Martha A. said...

I would love to read another one of her books!

cheryl c said...

What an intriguing storyline! Thanks for the chance to win this book!

Sheila Deeth said...

Sounds intriguing, especially with my English background.

Maureen said...

Please enter me in your drawing. The book looks like a story I would enjoy.

Ausjenny said...

This looks like a wonderful book I would love to read please enter me

Edna said...

I already own some of your books Kim and you are a great writter. Please enter me into your contest to win a free book.

Trinity Rose said...

Kim is a favorite author of mine. Great interview.
Would love to be in the giveaway.
Trinity Rose