
Monday, April 20, 2009

Debby Mayne - PEACHTREE DREAMS - Free Book

Sorry I wasn't able to post this interview on Tuesday. I tried, but Blogger wouldn't save it.

I'm happy to welcome my friend, Debby Mayne to the blog. Now Debby, tell us how much of yourself you write into your characters.

It varies, depending on the story. Some of them have a little bit of me in them, and others are more of what I wish I could be. All my secondary characters are composites of people I know—friends and acquaintances—who can enhance the story.

What is the quirkiest thing you have ever done?

Do you really want to know? Hmm. I guess you do, or you wouldn't have asked. I think perhaps it involved going to one of the biggest malls I've ever been to in Minneapolis with a couple of my writer friends, pushing a wheelchair, and walking through a tunnel surrounded by sharks. Sound familiar? Private joke, folks.

Oh, yes, I have fond memories of that evening. It was really fun. When did you first discover that you were a writer?

I've probably always been a writer, but I resisted until I couldn't anymore. The revelation that I needed to actually write a book happened back in 1995. I sold my first book in 1999.

Tell us the range of the kinds of books you enjoy reading.

I like all genres, except science fiction.

What other books have you written, whether published or not?

I've sold romances and mysteries. I'm currently working on women's fiction.

How do you keep your sanity in our run, run, run world?

Sanity? What's that? I focus on my faith, my family, writing, and teaching.

How do you choose your characters’ names?

I have a book of baby names, and I try to match the meanings with the characters in my books. Also, if I hear a name that sounds good, I jot it down for future use.

What is the accomplishment that you are most proud of?
After the Lord brought my husband into my life, he and I managed to raise two of the most wonderful daughters in the world—with His help, of course.

If you were an animal, which one would you be, and why?
I'd be one of my cats because they live the good life.

What is your favorite food?
I love anything spicy—especially Thai, Indian, Mexican, and Cajun food. I also love seafood, turkey, and all veggies.

What is the problem with writing that was your greatest roadblock, and how did you overcome it?
When I first started writing, I didn't understand the markets. I thought that if I sent a good book to any house, if they liked it, they could publish it. Now I know better.

What advice would you give to an author just starting out?
Read in the genre you want to write, study the market, read the submission guidelines, and start hunting for an agent who can guide you in your career.

What would you like to tell us about the featured book?
PEACHTREE DREAMS is a contemporary collection of my Georgia-set Heartsong Presents books. Each story shows a strong woman who can stand on her own two feet—even before the hero enters the picture. Their romantic relationships are all centered around their faith in the Lord.

How can readers find you on the Internet?
Thank you, Debby for spending this time with us.
Readers, if you can't wait to get your hands on this book, here's a link where you can order it:
Leave a comment for a chance to win a free copy. The only notification you'll have is the winner posts on this blog. So be sure to check back a week from Saturday to see if you won.


  1. That's so funny, Debby. I always tell people I'd love to be my dog for the same reason. She lives a very good life! ... Great interview, Lena!

  2. Your cats do live the good life. And I have to agree your girls are beyond wonderful, Debby!

    This was a wonderful interview.


  3. Hey, Sandie! Your dog is hilarious! And yes, I agree, she's like my cats.

    Thank you, Paige. You have some precious kids, too!

  4. This sounds like a good book, especially since I used to live in Georgia. I would love to win a copy.

  5. Hey Debby!! Love the interview, the book sounds wonderful!! I picked up a copy of Peachtree Dreams at our walmart today!!

  6. Hey, Carly and Rhonda! Good to see y'all here.

    Thanks for picking up Peachtree Dreams, Rhonda! I hope you enjoy it!

  7. I am glad that the romantic relationships in the book are centered around the girls' relationship with the Lord. I am hoping that the guy is also a Christian, before the couple starts liking and/ or dating each other.
    I am a 17 yr. old (soon to be 18), who had a brother do "missionary dating" and he found out it just doesn't work. The girl wasn't a Christian, and he thought he could win her, but he didn't. The relationship process leading up to his marriage caused my family much grief. Even when my father tried to talk to him about being unequally yoked, as my brother was a Christian at the time, and the girl was not... My brother asked my Dad, "Where's your missionary heart Dad?" Now my brother is going through a divorce, that is very heart-wrenching. It has caused so much grief not only to my brother, but also to my family, which includes my brother's daughter who is 4 years old and Mommy's new child by another daddy because of an affair. This is why, I believe missionary dating is hazardous to relationships, and should not be promoted in Christian circles and books.
    I guess I am saying this because so often I find that many authors write missionary dating into their books. It just doesn't work (and when it does it is rare!), but more importantly it isn't Biblical.
    I'm apologize for such a long comment, but since many authors read this blog, I thought I would post from the perspective of a reader.
    As I said in the beginning, I hope that since the girls' relationships are centered around their relationship with the Lord... That so is the guys' before they start liking and/or dating.

    Thanks for reading and please enter me in the drawing! :)

  8. She had me at the "strong lady" stories! Thanks, Cindi

  9. Hey Debby, Great interview!! I can't wait to read Peachtree Dreams. Thanks, Debra

  10. Peachtree Dreams sounds fun, Georgia is one of my favorite places. Add me for the drawing, Thanks!


  11. Thanks, everyone, for stopping by and posting. I appreciate raspberrygirl's comments on "missionary dating." I never thought about it like that, but I agree on many levels. It's nice to see the perspective of a reader on this.

    In Peachtree Dreams, the characters are believers, but not all at the same place in their walk with God. Part of their character growth involves deepening their understanding and relationship with Christ.

  12. Debby,
    I'm so glad to see your book has released. I look forward to reading it. Susan

  13. I loved this interview - short, but to the point!
    I'd love to win this book.

  14. I wish I knew how to find an agent, but I am at least following your advice in looking for one. Great interview. Thanks.

  15. Please enter me for the giveaway, thanks!

  16. Great interview, Lena and Debby! Peachtree Dreams sounds very interesting (and being a Georgia native and lifelong resident, I'm thrilled your book is set in my state, Debby!).
    Blessings, Patti Jo :)

  17. Debby, I'm glad that I was able to give you a reader's perspective. The way that you described the characters in your book is great. I like it that way, because that is the way it is and should be in life. No couple are on the same level spiritually at the same time because we all mature at different stages, levels, etc.
    Also, I must correct myself. I said that my niece is 4, but she is actually 3. She is going to be 4 in June, and it's so close I wasn't thinking. :)

    Thanks and God Bless you in your writing!

  18. Sheila, have you tried setting up agent appointments at conferences? This is an excellent way to meet someone and determine if he/she is the right fit for you.

  19. Hey, Patti Jo! Georgia is such a beautiful state, this collection was fun to write. My husband still has a lot of family there.

  20. Another good book. Another great review. Please enter me.

  21. adrienne4:02 PM

    Please enter me for the drawing. Thanks.
