
Friday, August 07, 2009

First August Winners - 2009

Laney4 is the winner of The Blue Enchantress by M. L. Tyndall.

Frances Devine is the winner of Love Finds You in Liberty, Indiana , by Melanie Dobson.

Anna W. is the winner of Love Finds You in Poetry, Texas, by Janice Hanna.

Lady Araujo is the winner of Love's Rescue by Tammy Barley.

Please Click on My Complete Profile to find a link to my email or Contact Me on my web site:

Send me your mailing address as soon as possible.


  1. Congrats to all the winners. Enjoy your books!

    Sherry K

  2. Hello!

    Whoo hoo! I'm pretty excited about my "win". Thank you so so much (not to be confused with so-so much, of course, ha ha)!!! I've sent a separate email with details and can hardly wait to open my mail in a week or two!

    Thanks again for offering such great contests. As the saying goes, "Your generosity is overwhelming." It truly is.

    Lena, you make LOTS of people happy (myself included), and I hope YOUR life is also blessed with many bonuses in life!

    Have a great weekend! (You've made MINE!)

  3. Hello Lena. I am SO HAPPY to be one of the winners!!
    May God bless you very much!!
    Thanks thanks thanks!!! :)

  4. Your site's always one of my favorites. Even if I don't win, I can imagine the smiles of the winners and congratulate them! And I've found so many great books and authors through you. Thanks.

  5. Lena - I just have to tell you I was in Wal-Mart over the weekend and seen your book Cranberry Hearts. I love the title so I recognized it right away and thought of you.

  6. Thank you, Sheila, for letting me know about that.
