
Wednesday, September 23, 2009

ACFW Conference in Denver Last Weekend

At conference last weekend, I headed downstairs from the mezzanine where I had been taking paid critique appointments. I meant to say, "I'm going to my room to decompress."

Unfortunately, it came out, "I'm going to my room to decompose."

I've been doing a lot of decompressing the last two days. Trying to get into the groove of writing again. All day Monday was spent on laundry and dealing with 500+ emails. Then yesterday, I was back writing my contracted book for Summerside Press.

I've attended every ACFW conference, even the two Texas regional ones before we started the national conferences. This one was the best one yet. Someone reminded me that was what I said every year. And it's been true each year.

The conferences keep getting better and better. I loved the hotel, and the staff was exceptional in both serving us and expressing special care.

I'm really looking forward to going to national next year in Indianapolis. I've already started saving the money for the trip.
Here are a few pictures:

I attended the advances Continuing Education section with Allen Arnold and Karen Ball. Gail Sattler shot this picture of me when I was answering a question.

Then on Friday night, Ted Dekker came to the hotel to hang out in the lobby. He recently joined ACFW, but not soon enough to sign up for the conference. I'd featured him on this blog, so I was glad he was still hanging out when my Barbour author's party was over.

On the night of the Awards Banquet, I hung out with a lot of my friends. The only pictures I have downloaded right now are the ones of me with my friends agent Tamela Hancock Murray and Angie Briedenbach (who is also Mrs. Montana).
Then when we left the hotel on Sunday, my roommate, Marilyn Eudaly, and our friends Anne Greene and Margo Carmichael had a real treat. Marilyn's neice Carol, the one on the right side of the picture, took us to Golden, Colorado, which is a suburb of Denver in the foothills of the Rockies. We ate in this Inn and enjoyed the trip that gave us more sights to see before going to the airport.
Carol's husband, oldest daughter, and granddaughter joined us for the meal. Thank you, carol for the special treat.


  1. Wow it looks like it was a blast! Thank you for sharing!

    XOXO~ Renee

  2. Lena always has an entourage around her. Everyone loves her. I'm going to make a reservation next time just to meet her!

    I'm so glad you got to take a nice break on Sunday and have quite time with friends, Lena. So many of us rushed in and out of town and missed the beauty of the place.

    Thanks for the photos.

  3. It was wonderful to see you Lena. I'm just sorry we didn't get to talk about the historical railroad ideas. It slipped my mind amid all the hustle and bustle. I'm already looking forward to seeing you next year!

  4. It was good to see you Lena!

    Hey... can I get a copy of the pic you took of us? pretty please?

  5. cool looks like a great weekend.
    thanks for sharing

  6. I love our Christmas look ;-)
