
Sunday, November 01, 2009

TOGETHER FOR THE HOLIDAYS - Margaret Daley - Free Book

I'm happy to welcome Margaret back to my blog.

Margaret Daley is an award winning, multi-published author in the romance genre. One of her romantic suspense books, Hearts on the Line, won the American Christian Fiction Writers’ Book of the Year Contest. Recently she has won the Holt Medallion, Golden Quill Contest, FHL’s Inspirational Readers’ Choice Contest, Winter Rose Contest, and the Barclay Gold Contest. She wrote for various secular publishers before the Lord led her to the Christian romance market. She currently writes inspirational romance and romantic suspense books for the Steeple Hill Love Inspired lines. She has sold sixty-five books to date.

Margaret is currently the Volunteer Officer for ACFW. She was one of the founding members of the first ACFW local chapter, WIN in Oklahoma. She served as vice-president for two years in WIN-ACFW and is still on its board as an advisor. She has taught numerous classes for online groups, ACFW and RWA chapters. She enjoys mentoring other authors.

Until she retired last year, she was a teacher of students with special needs for twenty-seven years and volunteered with Special Olympics as a coach. She currently is on the Outreach committee at her church, working on several projects in her community.

You can visit her web site at and read excerpts from her books and learn about the ones recently released and soon to be released.

Margaret, God has really been moving in your writing life. What do you see on the horizon?

I hope more books. Now that I’m retired, I want to write more and explore other writing opportunities.

Tell us a little about your family.

I have a wonderful husband of thirty-nine years and one son. He and his wife have four little girls.

Has your writing changed your reading habits? If so, how?

Yes, I don’t get to read as much as I wish. Also, when I do read I want something different from what I write.

What are you working on right now?

I am writing the second book in my home schooling series for Love Inspired. It is called Heart of a Cowboy and will be out next July 2010.

What outside interests do you have?

I love to do things with my friends and family. Most of my life revolves around my church, family and friends.

How do you choose your settings for each book?

Sometimes the subject of the book dictates the setting. Often it is a place I’ve been to or am familiar with.

If you could spend an evening with one historical person, who would it be and why?

That’s an easy one. Jesus. There would be no better evening.

What is the one thing you wish you had known before you started writing novels?

How hard it was going to be—not that it would change what I did. But it would have been nice knowing that before I started. On second thought, maybe not.

What new lessons is the Lord teaching you right now?

Patience and to give control over to Him. In the writing profession an author does a lot of waiting—to hear from an editor, to have a book publish.

Don't I know it. What are the three best things you can tell other authors to do to be successful?

Be determined and don’t give up.

Write almost every day, if possible.

Network with other writers and industry professionals.

Tell us about the featured book.

Together for the Holidays is Lisa Morgan’s story (the fifth book in the Fostered by Love series).

A single mother with a traumatic past, Lisa Morgan only wants to raise her son with love and values. But lately the boy is struggling. When his basketball coach becomes a reluctant role model, Lisa is relieved. Until she learns that David Russell is also a cop. She’s not ready to share her past—or her heart. And neither is the world-weary detective. Yet as Christmas comes closer, the true meaning of the holiday brings them together in ways they never dared dream.

I can't wait to read it. How can readers find you on the Internet?

Readers can find me at:

Thank you, Margaret, for sharing with us.
Readers, here's a link where you can order the book:
Leave a comment for a chance to win a free copy of the book.
The only notice you will receive will be the winner announcement on this blog. So be sure to check back in two weeks to see if you are a winner.
You will have 6 weeks to claim your book.
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  1. Please enter me! It would make the perfect gift for my wife!

  2. I love Margaret's books! I'd love a chance to win :)

  3. Please enter me, thanks

  4. I love Christmas books, and this one looks really good! Please enter me for the drawing.


  5. Sounds like a great book...please enter me!


  6. Thanks for stopping by, Don, Bethany, Mark, Katherine and Rae.

  7. Anonymous3:53 PM

    Do not enter me please. I just got this book. Great post.I love your writings.

  8. This sounds wonderful. Please enter me in the drawing!

  9. You've "gotta love" a book that deals with the meaning of Christmas. What a bonus!

    Thanks for the "hook", as I'm looking forward to learning all about Lisa's traumatic past and how she will conquer her demons.

    Thanks also for offering yet another great giveaway. I enjoyed the interview too (as usual).

  10. I would love to win!

  11. Sounds like a wonderful Christmas story.
    Theresa N

  12. April, I hope you enjoy Together for the Holidays.
    Thanks for stopping by, April, Susanne, Laney4, The Herd and Theresea.

    Lisa's story was a tough one to write. Through the series she has really grown in her faith and life.


  13. Thank you so much for sharing. This sounds like a great book! Please enter me.

    Julie =)

  14. I love the Loveinspired book line. I love reading Margaret's books. I love reading Christmas and romance books. The two just seem to go together. I'd love to win this book. Thanks.

    ABreading4fun [at] gmail [dot] com

  15. Sounds like a sweet story!!
    Please enter me!

  16. I love Margaret's books as well as Christmas stories. Please enter me in the drawing. Thank you!

  17. I love Margaret's books. Please, enter me.

  18. Yes, I want to say thanks. :)


  19. Anonymous6:56 PM

    would enjoy reading this holiday book...thanks for the opportunity.

    karen k

  20. This sounds like a great read

    dancealert at aol dot com

  21. Anonymous7:39 PM

    I would really like to read this book....please enter me. Thanks!

  22. I would love to win this book! I love LoveInspired and Margarets books!!!

  23. Please enter me in the drawing. Sounds real good. Thanks!

  24. Connie e6:46 AM

    I love Christmas and I love reading about them!! Please enter me in this fabulous giveaway!!!!

  25. Please enter me in the drawing.

  26. Carol8:58 AM

    I love CHristmas books and would enjoy reading this one. It's added to my list!


  27. I just love the cover and would
    certainly love to win this beautiful Christmas book and
    thanks to my Mom for introducting
    me to a wonderful Christian site.


  28. Anonymous9:00 PM

    Love to read this book! Please, pretty please count me in:)

  29. Ooohhh, a Christmas relationship book! Please, enter me! Thank you!

  30. Waht a wonderful sounding book! The son having a role model in a cop! I'd love to win this book especially since today is my birthday!

  31. Anonymous4:42 PM

    Please enter me. ~Abby

    abster dot rose at yahoo dot com

  32. Oh Please enter me do enjoy both Christmas books and Margarets books

  33. Hello, Margaret! Your story sounds lovely, just right for a holiday read. The mother, the son and the coach/cop will all change and enrich each other's lives in ways they didn't expect. Your next book, Heart of a Cowboy, has also piqued my interest! Congratulations!

    gcwhiskas at aol dot com

  34. Anonymous9:42 AM

    I love reading Christmas books and can't wait to find out about the heroine's past. Please enter me in the drawing.

  35. Just read an excerpt from this book on Camy's site and got hooked! I hope I win! Thanks for the interview Lena!

  36. Anonymous3:10 PM

    I really enjoy reading Love Inspired. Please enter me in the drawing. Thanks so much, Esther


  37. Looks good. I read two of her books a month ago. They were great. Please include me in the giveaway. Thank you.

  38. I would love to be entered, as I would give it to my sister as a gift. Thanks so much!

  39. Jamaie W4:12 PM

    You've really caught my attention with this one! I love stories that refer to Christmas. This would be an awesome book to win. Thank you for your consideration.

    hulahawaiimomma @ yahoo . com
