
Wednesday, December 16, 2009

SWINGING ON A STAR - Janice Thompson - Free Book

I featured Janice with the first book in this series Fools Rush In, and I just finished reading it. There'll be a review in my January newsletter: . Welcome, Janice. How did you come up with the idea for this story?

Swinging on a Star is the second installment in the Weddings by Bella series. I knew (based on the first book) that Bella would need to coordinate many different types of themed weddings. And, as one who’s coordinated themed weddings, I knew they would have to be unique. Several years ago, my good friends Phil and Leslie got married in a medieval ceremony. My daughters were bridesmaids. I’ve never forgotten that special day. I devoted the book to Phil and Leslie in honor of their themed event, since it triggered my story for Bella. Besides, Leslie is a member of my “tribe” (twelve special readers who help me spread the word about my books) and reads every novel I write as soon as it’s released!

If you were planning a party with Christian authors of contemporary fiction, what six people would you invite and why?

Only six, huh? Well, instead of going with my usual answer, I think I’ll look for six people I’ve never met before (or only met briefly). First, I’d invite Linda Nichols. Her book, At the Scent of Water simply took my breath away. I want to know how she kept such a beautiful secret until the very end of the book. Then I’d want to tell her how much I cried once that secret was revealed. Next, I’d invite Frank Peretti. His first few books really inspired me to write my suspense/thriller, Duty to Die. Third, I’d invite Robert Elmer. Some of his earlier books really touched me. I love his writing style. Fourth, I’d invite Robin Jones Gunn. (We’ve met briefly at conferences.) I’d love to sit with her and tell her how much those first few “Sister Chicks” books meant to me back in 2005 when our family was going through personal tragedy. Fifth, I’d ask Sandra Bricker. Her books are a hoot. Everyone needs to read her Love Finds You romantic comedies. Finally, I’d invite Jan Karon. (Nothing like aiming high!) Her books were among the first contemporaries I read that truly captivated me.

Now let’s do that for a party for Christian authors of historical fiction, what six people would you invite and why?

First, I’d invite Calvin Miller. His Singer Trilogy is still one of my favorites. I’d chat with him about his poetic prose, then gush all over him like a groupie. Next, I’d invite Jeanette Oke. (Why not dream big, right?) I’d explain to her that her books were among the first Christian novels I read, and that they inspired me to want to write, as well. Third, I’d invite Nancy Jo Jenkins. Okay, I know. . .Nancy and I are friends. But she’s the same caliber of writer as the ones listed above, and rightfully belongs in the group. If you haven’t read her book Coldwater Revival, you simply don’t know what you’re missing. Fourth, I would invite my best friend and critique partner, Kathleen Y’Barbo, whose book The Confidential Life of Eugenia Cooper has been garnering rave reviews. She has earned my respect for a thousand reasons, but primarily because she’s been able to write through extreme adversity. Fifth, I’d invite Tricia Goyer. Tricia’s already a friend, but no one (repeat, no one) can write about WWII the way she can. Her stories are vivid, realistic and genuine page turners. Finally, I would invite my critique partner, Martha Rogers. She’s waited for years and years and years to be published and just signed a four-book deal with Strang. All four books are historical and they’re wonderful! Look for Becoming Lucy soon.

Actually, I was at a Christians In Theater Arts regional conference in Dallas several years ago, and I met Calvin Miller. We chatted for a while. He's very down to earth. And you've included some of my very good friends in your party. I just might have to crash it. Many times, people (and other authors) think you have it made with so many books published. What is your most difficult problem with writing at this time in your career?

The blessings far outweigh the challenges, but writing full-time can be tough, at times. For one thing, I’m constantly under deadline. My friends are family members are probably weary with hearing the line, “I’ve got to go home and write a book.” (My kids insist they’re going to put that on my tombstone: “She had to go home and write a book.”) Also, writing is solitary work. When you’re under deadline for multiple books, you spend a lot of time alone. Of course, my characters are always with me, but they rarely offer to do the dishes or let the dogs out.

And you're like me. We love being with other people. I face the same challenge. Tell us about the featured book?


There's a fine line between ambitious and crazy. Bella's just not sure where it is. Bella Rossi's life is nearing perfection. Not only does she have the perfect guy, but she's also running a successful wedding-planning business and is about to plan its most ambitious wedding yet--a Renaissance-themed fairy tale come true, complete with period costumes and foods, horse-drawn carriages, and even a castle. There's only one hitch. The best man just happens to be Hollywood's hottest and most eligible bachelor, and he's showing an interest in Bella. Oh, and did we mention he's staying at her house to avoid the paparazzi?

With all the pressure surrounding this wedding, Bella's not sure she's going to make it through. Add her starstruck sister and her feuding aunt and uncle, and you've got a recipe for disaster--and a lot of laughs.

"If you enjoy weddings, Italian cuisine, and stories filled with humor and romance, you're going to love Swinging on a Star."--Anita Higman, award-winning author, Love Finds You in Humble, Texas

"Swinging on a Star has more layers of love than Aunt Rosa's lasagna. A sweet romance that sizzles and simmers on every page."--Allison Pittman, author, Stealing Home

Janice Thompson is a seasoned romance author and native Texan. An experienced wedding coordinator herself, Thompson brings alive in her books the everyday drama and humor of getting married. She is the author of Fools Rush In.

Please give us the first page of the book.

Chapter One
High Hopes

If Aunt Rosa hadn’t landed that gig on The Food Network, I probably wouldn’t have ended up on the national news. And if their pesky camera crew hadn’t shown up at our house on one of the most important days of my life, I’m pretty sure I wouldn’t have been hauled off to the Galveston County jail. Unlike my brother Armando, I’d never aspired to get arrested or have my face plastered across the television screen on the evening news. But, thanks to Aunt Rosa’s homemade garlic bread, I found myself facing both of these things. . .and in exactly that order.

When the call came last Tuesday from the powers that be at The Food Network, the entire Rossi family went into a tailspin. Aunt Rosa’s recipe had been chosen from among thousands to be featured in an upcoming episode titled Italian Chefs From Coast to Coast. This was a great honor, of course, but the timing couldn’t have been worse. After all, I was right in the middle of coordinating my first-ever medieval-themed wedding at Club Wed, our family’s wedding facility. I was up to my earlobes in castles and moats. Who had the time—or patience—for television crews?

My book came yesterday. When I finish reading a manuscript for an endorsement, I'm diving right in. How can readers find you on the Internet?

I can be found at:

Janice, thank you for this fun time together. I know the readers will enjoy it, too.

Readers, here's a link where you can order the book. By ordering with this link, you will help support this blog.

Leave a comment for a chance to win a free copy of the book.

Void where prohibited; the odds of winning depend on the number of entrants. Entering the giveaway is considered a confirmation of eligibility on behalf of the enterer in accord with these rules and any pertaining local/federal/international laws.

The only notification you’ll receive is the winner post on this blog. So be sure to check back a week from Saturday to see if you won. You will have 6 weeks from the posting of the winners to claim your book.

If you’re reading this on Feedblitz, Facebook, or Amazon, please come to the blog to leave your comment. Here’s a link.


  1. I just finished reading Fools Rush In a couple days ago and am very anxious to read the second book of the serious!


  2. I would love to read this book, please enter me!

  3. Sounds like a good book. Please enter me in the drawing. Thanks!

  4. I haven't read Fools Rush In yet (my cuz has my copy) but it looks awesome and so does this one! I've heard so many good things about Book 1 so I'm sure this will be great. I just finished Janice's historical and it was a blast! I would love to win this!

    xoxo~ Renee

  5. I loved Fools Rush In and can't wait to dive into Bella's life once again in Swinging on a Star. Add me, please!

  6. This book sounds like a fun read! Please enter me for a chance to win! Thank you!

  7. I'd like to enter. Thanks!

  8. I love Fools Rush In!!! Please enter me to win!!!

    Rae Byuel

  9. Thank you for entering me!


  10. Anonymous5:08 PM

    I have been wanting to read Janice's book....please enter me.

  11. Sarah R5:15 PM

    I definitely want to read this book! Please enter me in the drawing.

  12. Please, enter me. I loved the cover. I'd love to read this book.
    Thanks for the opportunity

  13. i haven't read Full rush in. I really like to have one of Janice books ! please count me in!

  14. My girls read Fools Rush In last week--and I could tell when they were reading and when they were doing their school work, which is what they were supposed to be doing. How could I tell? They laughed their way through Fools Rush In and they just don't laugh when doing school. =]

    We're dying to read this book!
    Loved the interview! =]

  15. Aw, I'm so tickled by all of your comments. I'm glad you enjoyed Fools Rush In and I hope you like Swinging on a Star, too. The wedding chaos continues for the Rossi family in book two. Thanks, Lena, for posting the interview. I'm tickled!

  16. Sounds like a fun book. Thanks for the chance.

  17. I would love to read this!! Please enter me:) Thanks!!


  18. Oh, this sounds absolutely lovely. I'd love to add this to my to be read pile. Thanks

    ABreading4fun [at] gmail [dot] com

  19. Merry Christmas. Thanks for the review and giveaway.


  20. Fools Rush Is is my favorite Contemporary Romance for 2009! I simply can't wait to find out what happens to Bella and her family in Swinging on a Star.

    Wonderful interview, ladies...thanks!
    ~ Lori


  21. This is one I would LOVE to win! It looks like such fun!

    Please enter me in the drawing.

  22. Fools Rush In was one of my favorite reads of the year, so I'm really looking forward to reading the second book! Please enter me!

    Anna W.

  23. Carla9:08 AM

    Please enter me in the drawing.

  24. I laughed my way through Fools Rush In, and I would love to read this one too!! Thanks for entering me!

  25. Anonymous1:58 PM

    would enjoy reading this book...thanks for the opportunity.


  26. Enjoyed the interview. Please enter me. Thank you!

  27. You gals are really bringing a smile to my face. I needed the encouragement tonight. :)

  28. This series is at the top of my wish list. Thank you for the chance to win Swinging on a Star. I know it will be delightful.

    cjarvis [at] bellsouth [dot] net

  29. Please enter me in the drawing. I just finished Fools Rush In last week and it was the best book I had read in a while. :) ~Abby

    abster dot rose at yahoo dot com

  30. I've read Fools Rush In and loved it! Can't wait to read her next book, please sign me up.
    Deborah M.

  31. Sylvia M.5:53 PM

    Oh, I would love to win this book! I really enjoyed the first one and can't wait to read this one too.


  32. I would love to read this book. I haven't read anything of yours, so would love to be able to. Please enter me!

    dancealert at aol dot com

  33. Anonymous2:29 PM

    I would love to be entered in your draw. Thanks. wandanamgreb(at)gmail(dot)com

  34. I am not quite done with the first book so it would be great to read this one next! joyfulhutch[at]

  35. Sounds like another great book! Please enter me in the drawing. JoAnn


  36. I am in the middle of Fools Rush in right now and this one sounds like alot of fun too!
    I loved Linda Nichols's books too!!! They were incredible! martha(at)lclink(dot)com

  37. Please count me in in this amazing giveaway! The book sounds intriguing!

  38. Connie e5:14 PM

    I would love to win this book! The interview was good!

    Connie e

  39. Anonymous9:11 PM

    please enter me! ~donna


  40. Janice, I'm ready for that party!!!

  41. This looks like a great book. Please include me in the giveaway.

  42. This looks like a book I would enjoy! Please enter me!

    nancyecdavis AT bellsouth DOT net

  43. Please enter me!

