
Saturday, December 26, 2009

This Blog Has Received an Award

Wow, thank you so much to Casey at Writing For Christ for passing on this award. It is the first for this blog and I appreciate it! The Circle of Friends award. I have to write five things I love and then pass this award on to five other people. (If I presented you with this award, simply right click, save it as a photo and then put it on your site with the five things you love- then pass it on to five other bloggers)

Five things I love to do: (in no particular order)

1: Read!
2: Knit
3: Write
4: Travel
5: Spend time with family and friends

The five people I am going to pass this on to is:

1: Lisa Harris at
2: Lisa Buffalo at
3: Janice Thompson at
4: Linda Kozar at
5: The ladies at

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