
Thursday, February 04, 2010


I'm just loving these Love Finds You books. And Miralee has an interesting town, doesn't she? Welcome, Miralee. What are some of the spiritual themes you like to write about?

The major themes are restoration, acceptance and renewal. In The Other Daughter, we saw a marriage renewed where trust had been damaged, and the life of an innocent girl restored to her natural father. In Love Finds You in Last Chance, California., we meet Alexia, and watch her struggle with the issue of being accepted for who she is. She needed to learn that true unconditional love and acceptance only comes from God, and that’s what we should seek first. In my newest release, Love Finds You in Bridal Veil, Oregon, we see a young woman trying to reconcile hurt from the past with a loving heavenly Father. She has to come to a place of laying down her own desires, and allowing God to restore her peace and faith in the people who’ve hurt her. I try to weave a strong spiritual thread through each book without being preachy or in your face. It’s part of the story, rather than a story of its own.

That's what I try to do, too. What other books of yours are coming out soon?

I have two releasing early in 2010. Love Finds You in Bridal Veil, Oregon, with Summerside Press, released Feb 1st. Bridal Veil is another historical that’s set in 1902 in the Columbia River Gorge, east of Portland, Oregon. It has a bit of a mystery woven throughout, as well as romance, and several very strong secondary characters. I did a lot of research on the area and town, and weave in a number of things that actually happened during that time period.

Finding Jeena, the sequel to The Other Daughter, Kregel Publications, is women’s contemporary fiction and releases April 30. It follows Jeena, a strong secondary character from the first book and deals with economic and social issues facing a lot of families today. We’ll find out what drives Jeena, who is very materialistic and career oriented, and live through her eyes as she encounters setbacks that will make her examine what’s really important in life.

I was privileged to be an endorser of Finding Jeena. You readers will love it, too. Miralee, if you could spend an evening with one contemporary person (not a family member of yours), who would it be and why?

This is a tough one, as I have spiritual heroes, ones in the entertainment industry, authors, and people I’ve known over the years and lost touch with. I was going to choose Jan Karon, as I so enjoy her writing and doubt I’ll ever have the chance to meet her, but someone else comes to mind as I’m writing this. Years ago we took a girl named Ande (short for Andrea) into our home and she lived with us for almost 3 yrs. She married & they moved a lot, as her husband was in the Army. We lost track of her and I’ve been unable to locate her. I’d love to find her again and be able to spend a day catching up and giving her a hug.

How long have you known that you wanted to be novelist?

Only about four years. When I started writing, it was non-fiction and I didn’t believe I had the creativity to write fiction. A friend nudged and encouraged me, telling me I could do it if I tried. Now that I’m writing fiction, I can’t imagine not doing so. I still enjoy doing a little nonfiction on the side, but fiction has become my true passion.

What can you tell authors who have been receiving only rejections from publishers?

Rejections are incredibly painful, especially when you’ve poured your heart into what you’re presenting to an editor and they turn it down. It feels personal somehow, like they’ve rejected you. I’d urge those contending with constant rejections to see it in a different light. Most of you are probably writing because you feel called—it’s a passion that pulls you and you MUST write. If that’s the case, then write for the joy it brings, rather than for the end result of publication. As you hone your craft and develop as a writer, your work will shine and eventually be recognized. But don’t write for the sole purpose of being published—write to bring glory to God, to fulfill your passion, and for the enjoyment it brings. Don’t lose sight of that joy by letting rejection crush your spirit. God’s timing is perfect for all things, including publication—give it to Him and He’ll bring it to pass in His time.

Tell us about the featured book?

I’m not going to give you the back cover summary, since you can find that online. Instead, I’d like to tell you a couple of things not directly related to the story line. First, there are two children in the book—Samantha, a 13 year-old girl and Joel, her 14 year-old brother. Joel is “special”, and has a hard time learning and reasoning, but he’s a sweetheart. I fell in love with these two kids as they grew and changed, and grew to love my main characters even more as I watched them interact with Sammie and Joel. They play a part in the mystery woven through the plot, as do several other secondary characters.

Margaret is my heroine and she’s trapped in a dilemma. She fell in love with a man when she was barely seventeen, and lost that love when he unexpectedly left town. Now, four years later, Nathaniel returns to Bridal Veil, but Margaret is already being courted by Andrew, a local man who works at the sawmill in town. Life is going to get very complex for them all with the arrival of the children, a murder, and a tragedy that strikes the town.

Please give us the first page of the book.

Bridal Veil, Oregon
July, 1898


The simple word staring up at Jacob Garvey from the piece of white paper hit him so hard it nearly knocked him to his knees. He’d been afraid of something like this for weeks. The note tucked in the wooden box lying under the tree confirmed his fears.

Maybe this wasn’t what it seemed. Jacob turned the piece of paper over, hoping to find an explanation. His hand trembled as his gaze slid over the words printed in the bold handwriting.

Margaret. I’m leaving town this evening and not coming back. I want to marry you. I’ll come for your answer after work. If I find the word Yes, then I’ll meet you here after dark. Only bring what you need. I love you and can’t wait to make you my wife.—Nathaniel

P. S. If I don’t find your reply, I’ll know you can’t go through with it.

A soft groan passed Jacob’s lips, and he rocked on his heels. His eyes returned to the answer written in his daughter’s clear script—willing it to change, willing it to disappear. Yes. Margaret was everything to him, and had filled the awful void after his dear wife died. His sweet girl deserved so much better. There had to be a way to protect her from her own immaturity.

Why did Margaret persist in seeing Nathaniel Cooper? To his way of thinking, the man had no prospects and even less ambition. The Garvey family might not have much in the way of money, but they had history—their roots extended back to some of the hardy pioneers who helped settle this land.

What did that young man have? Hopeless dreams and no family—at least, none that Jacob knew of. A drifter with no prospects whom Margaret had only met a scant six months ago. From what he’d heard, Cooper jumped from one job to the next, with no thought for the future. He’d only lasted less than a year here and was already moving on. Margaret could end up destitute if that ne’er-do-well wasn’t careful. Besides, she was only sixteen.

Jacob placed the paper back in the box and stood. He’d hide the box with the note inside until he was sure Margaret’s future was safe. When Nathaniel came back, he’d think she didn’t want to marry him and leave town. He snapped the lid shut and hurried back down the trail, anxious to get home.

You're really leaving us hanging. I can't wait for my book to arrive. How can readers find you on the Internet?

They can find me several places. My website is

My blog is , I have a Twitter and a Facebook account, just use my first and last name to find me, and I have a Reader’s Group on Facebook as well, just do a search for Miralee Ferrell’s Readers Group. I’m also active on Shelfari, Goodreads, Shoutlife and a few other sites; just do a search and I’ll be happy to add you!

Thank you for spending this time with us, Miralee. I just love your cover and your author photo as well.
Readers, here's a link where you can order the book. By using this link when you order, you'll be helping support this blog.

Leave a comment for a chance to win a free copy of the book.

Void where prohibited; the odds of winning depend on the number of entrants. Entering the giveaway is considered a confirmation of eligibility on behalf of the enterer in accord with these rules and any pertaining local/federal/international laws.

The only notification you’ll receive is the winner post on this blog. So be sure to check back a week from Saturday to see if you won. You will have 6 weeks from the posting of the winners to claim your book.

If you’re reading this on Feedblitz, Facebook, or Amazon, please come to the blog to leave your comment. Here’s a link.


  1. I'd love to read this book too! :)


  2. I love the Love Finds You books! Please enter me in the book drawing. Thanks!! Esther

  3. Sounds great! Count me in, please!

  4. I love the "Love Finds You In.." books. And, this one is on my next-to-buy list:)

    I would love the chance to win a copy. Please enter my name in your drawing. Thanks!


  5. Oh, I would LOVE to read this book, especially since I live in Oregon!! Thanks for the chance

  6. Thanks for offering this book.

  7. I enjoyed the interview. Please enter me. Thank you!

  8. Wow you sure know how to tease us with that great excerpt! I can't wait to read this one!

    xoxo~ Renee

  9. Bridal Veil falls is so beautiful and to have a book set in the area is so fun. Please include me in the drawing. Thanks, Lena!

  10. I'd love the opportunity to win this book!! Thanks so much!

    scraphappy71 at sbcglobal dot net

  11. Hi Gals!

    It was so fun reading your comments and discovering that at least a couple of you have been to Bridal Veil Falls or live in Oregon. I hope you all have a chance to pick up a copy of my book somewhere (WalMart is carrying it!) if you don't win. Thanks so much for stopping by!!
    Miralee Ferrell

  12. Wow, how intriguing! Count me in, Lena!


  13. Greetings,
    This sounds like a wonderful book to read. I would love to be entered in your giveaway.
    Have a blessed day.
    Wanda Chamberlain

  14. Anonymous12:14 PM

    I have never read your books before but they sound really good! Please enter me!


  15. Anonymous12:44 PM

    thanks for the opportunity to read this book.


  16. Please enter me, I'd love to win. Thank you for the wonderful interview too ~ and I hope you link up some time with Andrea.


  17. I already saw about these "Love finds you" books, but I had not a chance to read them. I hope I can read someday.

    Please, enter me in your draw.
    God bless you!

  18. Lena, I love the Love Finds You books so please enter me. Thanks!!

  19. These are some of my favorite books, please enter me!



  20. I would love to read this book! I know it will be a fun read!! martha(at)lclink(dot)com

  21. Anonymous5:58 PM

    I would love to be entered in your draw. Thanks.

  22. What a great location! ANd it sounds a really interesting read too. Nice to meet you.

  23. I'm so tickled so many of you gals are interested in the Love Finds You line. They truly are diverse and wonderful books. I've been privileged to write two historicals so far. I'd be honored if any of you decide to pick up either of them in the future.

    Blessings! Miralee

  24. This looks like a wonderful book! Thanks for the chance!

    nancyecdavis AT bellsouth DOT net

  25. Sounds like a great story. Please add me to the drawing.


  26. Sounds awesome! Please enter me!

  27. This book sounds incredible. Thanks :O)

    estrella8888 at roadrunner dot com

  28. Carla7:10 AM

    Please sign me up.

  29. Loved the first page! I haven't read one of these "Love Finds You" books yet but would love the chance!

  30. Please enter me in this contest. This book looks awesome!


  31. Oh, the first page drew me in, that's for sure. Please enter me in the drawing. I so want to read this book. Thank you for the giveaway.

  32. I've read The Other Daughter and enjoy Miralee's writing very much. With a town called Bridal Veil and such a beautiful cover, this book has got to be good. Thank you for the interview and chance to win a copy.

    cjarvis [at] bellsouth [dot] net

  33. Oh! Please enter me. I'd love to win this. I <3 the Love Finds You series. :D

  34. I would love to win this book!

    kd at thegospelhiway dot org

  35. Sounds very interesting. Please enter me. Thanks so much!

  36. I love that Lena posts the opening scene on the books she spotlights so readers have a chance to see what it's like. Thanks, Lena!!

    Miralee Ferrell

  37. I really want to read this. Please enter me.
    ~Jen Unsell

  38. I would really love to win this book. Please enter me.


  39. I really love the Love Finds You books and can't wait to read this one.

    Val Pearson

  40. I would love to read this book!

    dancealert at aol dot com

  41. Please enter me. I'm definitely interested in reading this book.

  42. I love all the "Love Finds You" books.

    coolestmommy2000 at gmail dot com

  43. Thanks for the contest. Please enter me.

    wyndyc at

  44. I'd really like to read this book!
    Please enter me!

  45. Please enter me!!

  46. Wow! I'm honored by how many of you have stopped by to visit and enter the drawing. I wish you could all get a book! But if you don't win, I'd be so blessed if you pick one up and let me know what you think. Drop me a note anytime.

    Blessings, Miralee

  47. Ooh... I already want to read more! Please toss my name in the hat! Thanks

  48. Please enter me. Sounds like a great book.

  49. I have never read a Love Finds You book. It sounds fantastic! Please enter me in the drawing.

    Thank you so much!
    tweezle at gmail dot com

  50. Sounds like a wonderful book!
