
Monday, April 05, 2010

A BRIDE OF HONOR - Ruth Axtell Morren - 2 Free Books

Welcome back, Ruth. It's been a while since we visited with you. Why do you write the kind of books you do?

Because these are the kinds of stories I most enjoy reading: historical romances with lots of dialogue between the hero and heroine.

Besides when you came to know the Lord, what is the happiest day in your life?

Holding my first born in my arms...after a long labor.

How has being published changed your life?

It has shown me what so many published writers before me have discovered: it's only the beginning of a whole new journey.

What are you reading right now?

I just finished Golden Keyes Parson's Prisoner of Versailles. I'm currently reading The Victorian Internet, a history of telegraphy; Victorian London: The Tale of a City 1840-1870 (can you tell I'm researching a Victorian story?), and Susan Page Davis's Hearts in the Crosshairs, a Love Inspired Suspense.

What is your current work in progress?

I'm working on a Love Inspired Historical, a late Victorian story set in London.

What would be your dream vacation?

Going on a research trip to wherever I have a story idea for. Scotland would be nice.

How do you choose your settings for each book?

Some ideas just come to me, a lot of times from a dream. Others come when I'm researching a current historical. I'll read about some historical event or character that will intrigue me.

If you could spend an evening with one person who is currently alive, who would it be and why?

President Obama. I think he is a person for 'such a time as this,' and I would love to talk to him about his vision for this nation.

What are your hobbies, besides writing and reading?

I have no time for hobbies at this point in my life. I walk almost every day, drawing inspiration from the beautiful Maine coastline and forests. I also like to garden, both flower and vegetable. When I do have time for hobbies again, I can envision taking up knitting once more, going on short-term missions trips, and doing more community work.

What is your most difficult writing obstacle, and how do you overcome it?

Getting distracted by all the other things that need doing on my desk (or in my e-mailbox) or around the house (or outside in the yard). I just get to a point where I have to bite the bullet and just focus on whatever phase of the story I'm in. At this moment, it's the research and laying the groundwork for my current project.

What advice would you give to a beginning author?

Have a reliable source of income (whether your own or your spouse's), b/c breaking into a stable writing career is a loooooong, slow process, getting harder every day.

Tell us about the featured book?

A Bride of Honor is a story I got the idea for while writing The Making of a Gentleman. TMOAG is about a spinster. ABOH is her brother's story. He appears in TMOAG although both stories stand alone. He is one of those souls for whom it seems very easy to be a committed, devoted Christian. I began wondering what would make it difficult for him to follow the straight and narrow.

Sounds intriguing. Please give us the first page of the book.

London, April 1812

“I have found David,the son of Jesse, a man after mine own heart.” Damien paused in the reading of the scripture and looked from the pulpit to the congregation below him.

St. George's Chapel was filled to overflowing. Not due solely to his preaching, unfortunately, although his flock had been growing steadily in the last few years since he'd been curate there.

No, it was not the service or his preaching that brought most people out this Sunday to morning prayer, but scandal.

Damien's glance strayed to the chancel where his sister sat beside her intended. Jonah Quinn, a man who'd escaped the gallows and been a fugitive from the law, had only last week received a royal pardon from the prince regent himself.

I can hardly wait to read it. How can readers find you on the Internet?

Either on my website: or blogspot, or just look me up on Amazon or one of the other bookstore sites.

Ruth, thank you for the interesting interview.
Readers, here's a link to the book. By using this link when you order it, you help support this blog.

Leave a comment for a chance to win a free copy of the book.

Void where prohibited; the odds of winning depend on the number of entrants. Entering the giveaway is considered a confirmation of eligibility on behalf of the enterer in accord with these rules and any pertaining local/federal/international laws.

The only notification you’ll receive is the winner post on this blog. So be sure to check back a week from Saturday to see if you won. You will have 6 weeks from the posting of the winners to claim your book.

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  1. This month, I actually have another book out, a novella with a Mother's Day theme. It's entitled, To Be a Mother, with fellow Love Inspired author Cheryl St. John (whose story in it, Mountain Rose, btw, is very, very good!) So, I can give a way a copy of that as well to a reader who posts a comment today.
    Hi to a fellow Mainer, Susan P. Davis!

  2. This looks like a GREAT book, please enter me! :)

  3. Anonymous7:37 AM

    I would like to be entered for "A Bride of Honor". I really enjoy Regency and Victorian-era stories and this one sounds very interesting, as I am also one to whom faith has come pretty easily. Saved at a young age (celebrating 20 years as Jesus' child this week!!!) and by His grace I have never been too far from Him. Of course there have been times when we weren't as close, but if I may turn a phrase from the Gwyneth Paltrow "Emma", "His is the opinion that matters most" to me.

    Thanks for the chance to win!

  4. Enjoyed the interview. Please enter me. Thank you!

  5. Great interview. I would really like to read A Bride Of Honor. Thanks for stopping by Ruth. I saw in another comment the you also have a novella and I would love to read that book also. Such great writing.

    Thanks for the opportunity to enter.

    misskallie2000 at yahoo dot com

  6. sounds good. Love to win the book. Thanks

    ABreading4fun [at] gmail [dot] com

  7. Sounds like a great book! Please count me in.

    nancyecdavis AT bellsouth DOT net

  8. Sue H.2:54 PM

    Please enter me to win this book. Thank you.

  9. Greetings,
    Sounds like a wonderful book and loved the interview.
    Thanks for this giveaway.
    Trinity Rose

  10. I enjoyed the interview and would love to read A Bride of Honor. Please enter me into your contest for a free copy and thank you for the opportunity.

    Smiles & Blessings,
    Cindy W.


  11. I would really like to be entered for this. Great interview.

  12. Please include me

    lkish77123 at gmail dot com

  13. Anonymous5:19 AM

    Sounds wonderful. You sound very focused on your writing. Thank you for the giveaway!


  14. Thanks for offering this book. I have enjoyed Ruth's other romances.

  15. Sounds great... please enter me!

  16. Loved the "To Be A Mother" anthology. After reading that, I'd love to read more of you. Please enter me to win!
    coolestmommy2000 at gmail dot com

  17. Anonymous10:08 AM

    I would love to be entered in your draw. Thanks!

  18. Anonymous11:37 AM

    Thanks for the chance. Please enter me.

    ebeandebe at gmail dot com

  19. Please enter me I would really like this book


  20. Anonymous1:28 PM

    Sign me up to win! Thanks,

  21. Anonymous3:18 PM

    a fabulous posting....thanks for the opportunity to read this book

    kmkuka at yahoo dot com

  22. I loved that beginning. Definitely sounds an interesting book.

  23. Great interview, I really enjoyed it! Thanks for the opportunity to win A Bride Of Honor!

  24. This would be fun to read!!

  25. I'd love a chance to win A Bride of Honor, please add me. I need to go look for the sister's story, I love books in a series.

  26. Sound like a good book. Thank you for the entry.

  27. Oooh I see there are now 2 books for this giveaway? haha

    Thanks for the great interview, Lena.


  28. Sarah R10:31 PM

    I have read some of her other books but not this one. Please enter me in the drawing.
