
Sunday, April 18, 2010

DISASTER STATUS - Candace Calvert - Free Book

Welcome back, Candace. Why do you write the kind of books you do?

My background (three decades as an ER nurse) makes writing medical drama seem as natural as the feel of a stethoscope around my neck. And I’ve long been disappointed that while medical TV shows (like ER, Grey’s Anatomy, House, Mercy, etc.) depict plenty of action and interpersonal conflict, they sorely neglect the element of faith. As a nurse, I’ve seen countless prayers sent heavenward by patients, family, and staff. My books offer medical realism, heart-warming romance and an encouraging prescription for hope.

Besides when you came to know the Lord, what is the happiest day in your life?

The birth of my children, a daughter and a son—who has now, to my great delight, given me a grand daughter.

How has being published changed your life?

By giving me the opportunity to connect with people (readers and other writers) all over the world—to touch lives, encourage, even more than in my years of practice as a nurse. It’s awesome. And a privilege I don’t take lightly.

What are you reading right now?

Once in a Blue Moon, a new novel by one of my favorite Christian authors: Leanna Ellis.

I love Leanna's books, too. What is your current work in progress?

I’m brainstorming a new medical drama series set in Texas. The Lonestar Mercy series.

Sounds good to me. What would be your dream vacation?

I’ve been fortunate to have had several “dream” vacations—still pinching myself at having been to places like the pyramids in Egypt, the Sistine Chapel, and skimming over a rainforest canopy in Costa Rica. I dream of taking a world cruise with my husband one day.

How do you choose your settings for each book?

The Mercy Hospital series is set in northern California, some of my favorite places: Gold Country, the Pacific coast, and San Francisco. I love to personally research places—go there and “collect” sights, sounds, smells . . . food, music. People. I want my readers to feel that they are in the scenes.

If you could spend an evening with one person who is currently alive, who would it be and why?

Maybe Beth Moore. I’ve taken several of her Bible studies, and find her so amazing: passionate, laugh-out-loud funny, humble . . . real. I’d love to hang out with her.

I've been to one of her tapings at James Robison. Does that count? What are your hobbies, besides writing and reading?

(Smiling) As my Followers on Twitter will tell you, I’m a “foodie”—love everything about cooking, from reading labels and sniffing vegetables at the grocery store, to the sound of garlic sizzling in olive oil. And I’m a bird watcher, too. I can get pretty excited about Painted Bunting or Ladder Back Woodpecker. Have binoculars, will travel.

What is your most difficult writing obstacle, and how do you overcome it?

Most critically: balancing time spent writing with other important priorities—family, friends, exercise, relaxing “down time,” worship. Having God at the center helps keep those priorities in the right place.

What advice would you give to a beginning author?

Read good books, network with other writers. Write and write and write, enjoying the journey without the immediate goal of publication in mind. “Stretch” your writing muscles much the same way an athlete stretches and tones his body. It takes time and discipline to become an Olympian . . . and a published author.

Tell us about the featured book?

My agent, Natasha Kern, and I worked together on this back cover blurb. I think it captures Disaster Status nicely:

Charge nurse Erin Quinn escaped personal turmoil to work on the peaceful California coast. But when a hazardous material spill places Pacific Mercy Hospital on disaster status and stresses staff, she's puts to the test. And thrown into conflict with the fire department's handsome incident commander who thinks her strategy is out of line.

Fire Captain Scott McKenna has felt the toxic effects of tragedy; he's learned to go strictly by the book to advance his career, heal his family, and protect his wounded heart. When he's forced to team with the passionately determined ER charge nurse, sparks fly. As they work to save lives, can they handle the attraction kindled between them . . . without getting burned?

Sounds wonderful. Please give us the first page of the book.

Fire captain Scott McKenna bolted through the doors of Pacific Mercy ER, his boots thudding and heart pounding as the unconscious child began to stiffen and jerk in his arms. He cradled her close as her small spine arched and her head thumped over and over against his chest. “Need help here. Seizure!”

“This way.” A staff person beckoned. “The code room. Someone page respiratory therapy stat!”

Scott jogged behind a trio of staff in green scrubs to a glassed-in room, laid the child on a gurney, and stepped back, his breath escaping in a rush of relief. He swiped a trickle of sweat from his forehead and tried to catch a glimpse of the girl’s face. He’d swept her up too fast to get a good look at her. Now, with merciful distance, Scott’s heart tugged. Six or seven years old with long black braids, frilly clusters of hair ribbons, little hoop earrings, she looked disturbingly pale despite her olive skin. Her dark eyes rolled upward, unfocused, as the ER team closed in to suction her airway, start oxygen, and cut away her flowered top and pants . . .

I can't wait to read it. How can readers find you on the Internet?

I invite readers to visit me at my website:
My blog RX Hope:
On Twitter:
And at my Facebook Fan Page:

Thank you for hosting me, Lena. It’s been a pleasure.

And I love having you here, Candace.

Readers, here's a link to the book. By using this link when you order, you'll help support this blog.

Leave a comment for a chance to win a free copy of the book.

Void where prohibited; the odds of winning depend on the number of entrants. Entering the giveaway is considered a confirmation of eligibility on behalf of the enterer in accord with these rules and any pertaining local/federal/international laws.

The only notification you’ll receive is the winner post on this blog. So be sure to check back a week from Saturday to see if you won. You will have 6 weeks from the posting of the winners to claim your book.

If you’re reading this on Feedblitz, Facebook, or Amazon, please come to the blog to leave your comment. Here’s a link.


  1. This book sounds like an exciting story and I look forward to reading it; sign me up!

  2. I so want to read this book! Candace Calvert is an awesome author. Please enter me! :)
    Thanks and God bless!

  3. Lena, you've received a blog award! Get it here:
    If you have any problems with it, let me know!

  4. I have heard so many good things about these books, I hope I win, because I am DYING to read this book! Thanks for the chance. :)

  5. Lena, it's so great to be back here--thank you again for having me. Judy, Kim,Casey: thank you for your comments and I so look forward to signing a copy of Disaster Status for the winner who will "scrub in!"

  6. I would LOVE,LOVE,LOVE to win this book. I work in a hospital even though it's as a switchboard operator but I also was on a volunteer first aid squad. I really want to read this and all of Candace's books.

    Thanks for the chance

  7. This book sounds fantastic! I enjoyed the interview! I would also love to meet Beth Moore!

  8. As a former Surgical Tech, I love reading Medical novels. Would love to win Disaser Status, please enter me & thank you for the opportunity.

    Smiles & Blessings,
    Cindy W.


  9. I would love to read this book.

  10. Disaster Status looks like a very exicting read! Thanks for the intro to it and the chance to win.

  11. With 3+ decades as a nurse, I love reading medical stories.

    lkish77123 at gmail dot com

  12. Anonymous4:11 AM

    I have worked on planning a disaster plan for H1N1. It would be interesting to read this book.

  13. I enjoy medical dramas, whether in book form, movie or tv!


  14. Anonymous6:33 AM

    i very interested in reading this book...thanks for the chance :)

    kmkuka at yahoo dot com

  15. Anonymous6:40 AM

    Love this type book!! Please enter me. Thanks!!!

  16. I loved the first book and can't wait to read the 2nd one.

  17. This sounds like a story that I will enjoy.

    I agree with your assessment of medical shows on TV. The expression of faith is very active in hospitals, but TV writers don't seem to know how to write it.

    Thanks for the opportunity to win a copy of your book.

    A J Hawke

  18. Sharon, there is a brief scene with a hospital switchboard operator in Disaster Status as well as in the upcoming Code Triage--you do an important job!

    Cindy, my daughter works in an OR as an instrument tech. :-)
    Linda, bless you for your years as a nurse--I know how challenging it can be.

    Thank you ALL for your comments and kind interest. I'm eager to share these stories with you!

  19. Candace, Enjoyed your interview. It is fun to find out the little things about authors. How they decided to write about that subject, where, when, what..All the good things.
    Thanks for stopping by to chat.

    I would love to win your book so I can find out how the story moves on and the ending of course.

    misskallie2000 at yahoo dot com

  20. Please enter me, too!

    coolestmommy2000 at gmail dot com

  21. Please enter me! This sounds great!

  22. Please sign me up for a chance.

  23. This book looks very good. Please enter me.


  24. I've been dieing to read this book. I would a chance to win it.
    Love Ya,
    Ashley W.

  25. Greetings,
    I've been wanting to win this book for a long time now. It's one of my favorite genres. Thanks for your time and giveaways.
    Trinity Rose

  26. I would like very much to win a copy of Candace's book.

  27. I would love to read this book1

    dancealert at aol dot com

  28. I can't wait to read this! Loved Critical Care! :)Thanks! ~Donna

  29. This books sounds awesome! It seems to have an original plot and Candace's writing sounds like something I would like. :)

    Please enter me.


  30. Your vacations sound wonderful! And a world cruise would be awesome too! I also love shows like Grey's Anatomy, but miss the spiritual aspect. I would love to read this book which shows that side!


    PS. Thanks Lena!

  31. Have just finished reading the first book of this series and I really enjoyed it. So, I would just love to win this book to see what happens next.


  32. I love a good medical-based drama. Sounds good. Thanks!


  33. I am definitely wanting to read this book!! derekannette (at) gmail (dot) com

  34. I would love the opportunity to win this book. Thank you for entering me.

  35. I loved the first book in this series, please include me in the drawing for Disaster Status. Thanks!

  36. Sounds like a great book! Please include me.

    nancyecdavis AT bellsouth DOT net

  37. I would love to win this book. Thanks for giving me the chance.

  38. looks like a good one, please enter me

    ykatrina at hotmail dot com

  39. I read Critical Care and loved it! I would love the chance to read this 2nd book also!

  40. I'm enjoying your comments so much, and really appreciate the energy. All of you would be great to have as part of the "Mercy Hospital gang"!

    I'm very much looking forward to personalizing a copy of Disaster Status for the drawing winner.

    Thank you again for hosting me, Lena!

  41. Anonymous5:52 PM

    Please enter me. Thanks for the chance.

    ebeandebe at gmail dot com

  42. I'd love to read this. Thanks!

  43. Sarah R8:38 PM

    Please enter me in the drawing.
