
Tuesday, April 20, 2010

ENJOYING TRUE PEACE - Stephanie Perry Moore - Free Book

Welcome back, Stephanie. God has really been moving in your writing life. What do you see on the horizon?

I’m keeping my heart and mind open to where the Lord takes me next. I love telling stories and I pray I continue to keep on blessing many through inspiring tales.

Tell us a little about your family.

I’ve been blessed with a dynamic crew. My husband Derrick, former NFL player and motivational speaker has been the true anchor for our family. His belief in my writing has allowed me to focus on that and be at home with the kids. Our children are teens and a tween now. We have a son and two daughters. All three of them are different and with personalities galore there is never a dull moment in the Moore home.

Has your writing changed your reading habits? If so, how?

Since I have just recently finished the five Yasmin Peace books and the five Beta Gamma Pi books, I’ve had some down time from my creating mode. It was a lot to write ten novels in eighteen months. Now, it’s been a wonderful time to study the word and read a ton of books by authors I love.

What are you working on right now?

I am very excited about several projects. Dear to my heart is a little girl series for early readers. Also, I’ve had many of my adult readers to ask for another title, so I am working a few things in that genre as well.

What outside interests do you have?

I am a full time community activist. Really, if it’s not being my county PTA president over nine schools and working on a PTA state committee, then I’m volunteering in the community with my sorority on the local, regional, and national level. I believe that if I can help somebody as I pass along, then my living is not in vain. Also, next time you’re in a movie theatre and you see a lady alone, it may be me. Supporting opening day films is in my blood.

How do you choose your settings for each book?

Because I’m a southern girl, I love writing novels set in that part of the country. Usually, it’s a place I’ve lived or have visited. Southern towns, have charm, style, warmth and characters with flare and heart.

If you could spend an evening with one historical person, who would it be and why?

I have two I’d like to chat with. First, I’d like to spend time with Alex Haley. God has given me a strong passion for helping our younger generation appreciate their heritage. His story of Roots drives me to keep on keeping on. I know if I could sit and talk to Mr. Haley about his journey I could get that big story out of me that the Lord is waiting for. Also, I’d love to speak to Harriet Tubman. To have her courage and strength and merely tell her thanks for so much, would also help me to be the type of woman God has called me to be. Wow, just imagining the ‘tea time’ with them gives me chills.

What is the one thing you wish you had known before you started writing novels?

I wished I would have known that the fundamentals of writing really is the main ingredient needed to make any writer great.

What new lessons is the Lord teaching you right now?

The Lord is teaching me to wait on Him. If He brings me to it, then He can bring me through it. I am not to get frustrated when things don’t work out the way I want. Disappointed yes, but a quitter no. He wants me to keep trying and like Thomas Edison, maybe one day the light in my life will go on the way I want it.

What are the three best things you can tell other authors to do to be successful?

First, write, rewrite and don’t give up. Second, learn the marketing side of the writing business. Lastly, I’ll say if you’re writing for God, be prepared that your title may not explode the way you’d like your book to at first, but as long as your book blesses someone God is pleased even when the business side of publishing may not be. Write for Him and be a light in this dark world. There is much wealth in that.

Tell us about the featured book?

Enjoying True Peace is a fun read. I am so excited about this last book in the Yasmin Peace series. This young lady has had one thing go wrong after another, but she has learned what it means to believe in God. She now has faith, hope, joy, love and as things come together in this final installment she gets the peace she’s longed for.

How can readers find you on the Internet?

I’d love to correspond to readers. Having people support my work is a blessing I treasure. Please visit me at .

Thank you, Stephanie, for another interesting visit.
Readers, here's a link to the book. By using this link when you order, you help support this blog.

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The only notification you’ll receive is the winner post on this blog. So be sure to check back a week from Saturday to see if you won. You will have 6 weeks from the posting of the winners to claim your book.

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  1. "Write for Him and be a light in this dark world." I like that. I know that is my goal and the goal of many Christians out there wanting to use their talents. We need to continue to pray for open doors so we can get our words out to the public. Your book will be a blessing Im sure!

  2. I would love to read this book and enjoyed the interview.

  3. Anonymous7:03 PM

    please count me in...thanks

    kmkuka at yahoo dot com

  4. Count me in please. I follow.

    lkish77123 at gmail dot com

  5. Anonymous3:38 AM

    The interview was very good, I would love to read the book.

  6. 10 novels in 18 months? WOW! That's incredible.

    Please enter me:)

  7. This series by Stephanie looks like a great series for the teenage girl I am caregiver of. Thank you for the giveaway.


  8. We posted about this giveaway at Winning Readings.

  9. Sounds like a wonderful book. Please enter me to win.

    coolestmommy2000 at gmail dot com

  10. I enjoyed this introduction to Stephanie Perry Moore and for the opportunity of recieving one of her books.

    A J Hawke

  11. This sounds like its different from any thing I have already read. I would love to win it. Thanks

  12. I would love to win a copy of this book

    ykatrina at hotmail dot com

  13. Anonymous6:37 PM

    Please enter me.

    ebeandebe at gmail dot com
