
Monday, August 30, 2010

HIGH-STAKES INHERITANCE - Susan Sleeman - Free Book

Welcome, Susan. Tell us how much of yourself you write into your characters.

I honestly can say I don’t set out to include myself in my characters. Because of my life’s experiences and perceptions, I couldn’t write a character without something of myself in them, but I try to make each character different and unique and that means they have to possess a variety of characteristics. If anything, I try to write characters that have features I would want to have or that I admire. Unless of course, it’s the bad guy.

That said, though not done intentionally, when I finish a book and evaluate the spiritual struggle of the main character I am surprised to see issues I am either struggling with and or have recently come through. Though Christian fiction entertains, and some would say that is the only purpose of fiction, God can really help us develop our spiritual walk through great stories.

I so agree. What is the quirkiest thing you have ever done?

Laughing and enjoying all the fun memories this question brings to mind. Hmm, now which one do I want to be publicized on the internet?

When I was young, there was a contest to stretch Slow Poke suckers. These were hard taffy suckers that could grow to incredible lengths if you worked on them for hours. So I did and sent them a letter with the length of my sucker—don’t remember how long it was now—and received an award from the Holloway Candy Company for my achievement in stretching a Slow Poke sucker to extreme lengths and the title of Super Sucker Stretcher. I still have the letter from the company.

I loved Slow Poke suckers. When did you first discover that you were a writer?

Wow, that’s a tough question. I always wanted to be a writer, but I guess I really felt like one when I started submitting work to agents and publishers for publication. Then when I finaled in a few contests and an agent accepted me as a client, my writing was validated enough for me to say I am a writer.

Tell us the range of the kinds of books you enjoy reading.

For entertainment, I read in the suspense genre. I love a good mystery, thriller and romantic suspense and is attested by my selected writing genre and my book review website, . I also like to read books related to writing fiction, and inspirational non-fiction books to challenge and grow my faith.

How do you keep your sanity in our run, run, run world?

Some, like my family, would question that I have kept it. LOL

I guess the key would be balance. Not going overboard on any one thing or trying to do too much. Lately, I’ve been struggling with getting all the things done that are expected of a published author, promoting two books that are releasing this fall and working on edits for my third book due out in 2011. But recently God reminded me of what is important and what my priorities should be, bringing me back into focus.

How do you choose your characters’ names?

The first thing I start with is the era in which the character was born to make the name appropriate to the age. Then I look at ancestry to see if that is an important focus for that character. If it’s a minor character, I may use a random name generator. I also try not to use characters whose name start with the same letter or sound similar to not confuse the reader.

What is the accomplishment that you are most proud of?

Though, I don’t think of this as an accomplishment per se, I am proud of my two daughters. Of the women they have turned into and of their walk with the Lord. It’s hard to raise godly children these days with all the competing noise and distractions and the fact that faith is so important to both of them makes me so happy.

 If you were an animal, which one would you be, and why?

Hmm, I would have to be a house pet as I don’t like roughing it. At first I wanted to say a dog because I love dogs and they are, after all, man’s best friend. But then I thought about what life was like for our dog and decided on a cat because when nature calls they don’t have to go outside in the rain and snow. They also stay up all night and rule the roost they live in. But, wait, they like mice and I so don’t like mice. Is it too late to change my mind?

What is your favorite food?

Sweets of pretty much any variety are what I like best. If they involve chocolate all the better.

Tell us a little about your journey to publication.

The life-long love of reading inspired me to want to write a book, but it was God who arranged free time for it to happen. I’ve always enjoyed writing from creative to technical writing I’ve done in the corporate world, and I said for years that I was going to write a book, but I was so busy working full time, raising children, and volunteering at church that I never made the time. Then in 2000, I began having health issues that limited my physical activity. Forced to sit for long periods of time, I started to research the craft of writing and began my first book.

As my health deteriorated, I had more and more time available and soon I was writing fulltime and actively pursuing publication. I continued to work on the craft and to submit books, got the requisite rejections and then in the fall of 2008 at the ACFW conference, I was awarded a book contract in front of 500 or so of my fellow writers. My agent, crit partners and the editor had conspired to keep this a secret from me for five months. Since then I have contracted additional books in the Steeple Hill Love Inspired Suspense line and look forward to writing for years to come.

What is the problem with writing that was your greatest roadblock, and how did you overcome it?

My greatest roadblock or challenge is crafting that all important first chapter and not rewriting it a zillion times. I can spend more time on that chapter than the rest of the book. And note I’m not talking past tense here as I haven’t really overcome it. But, if I am to meet my word count goals, I will have to stop being a perfectionist. We’ll see how it goes.

What advice would you give to others who are trying to get their first book published?

If being published is your dream, don’t give up. Ever. No matter what setbacks may occur. But search deep to learn why you want to be published so you understand your motivation. In The Fire in Fiction, Donald Maass talks about two kinds of writers and I will very badly paraphrase him here. One type of writer is only seeking publication because they want to see their name on a book and is unwilling to do the work that it takes to become published. The other type of writer writes because they love to tell stories and want to do nothing else. He calls them status seekers and storytellers. Deciding early on which one you are may make the process easier.

Tell us about the featured book.

High-Stakes Inheritance is a romantic suspense book published by Steeple Hill’s Love Inspired Suspense line. In High-stakes Inheritance, family counselor Mia Blackburn’s Uncle Wally dies and leaves behind a will that requires her to return to Logan Lake, Oregon, to live at the rustic Pinetree Resort for one full year in order to inherit the valuable property. If she fails to stay at Pinetree for the full year, the property reverts to her brother.

But on her first day in town she receives a threatening message: Leave Logan Lake or you will pay. Despite the warning, Mia won't let anyone scare her from the rustic resort. But when a fire traps her in a burning barn, she fears that she won't get out alive. Just in time her ex-boyfriend volunteer firefighter Ryan Morgan rescues her from the deadly blaze. He had once broken her heart, yet she still has feelings for him. With Ryan insisting on keeping a close eye on her, Mia feels safer-and closer to Ryan than ever before. Yet the threats haven't stopped, and soon Mia's high-stakes inheritance includes a murder-and Mia could be the next victim.

Please give us the first page of the book.

Pinetree will never be yours. Leave Logan Lake now or you will pay.

Mia Blackburn stared at the cutout magazine letters glued to stark white paper.

Was this some kind of a joke? Did someone really plan to hurt her for honoring her late uncle's wishes? To meet the terms of his will, she had agreed to live at Pinetree for the next year in order to inherit the resort. Yet nothing about the idyllic Oregon setting and worn cabins would garner this kind of threat.

With trembling hands, she flipped the envelope and searched for clues. The hate mail held a postmark from three days ago right here in the Logan Lake Post Office.

She rubbed a finger over the neat rows of shiny magazine letters. Anger seemed to leap from the page.

Her mouth went dry, and her throat tightened, nearly cutting off her air.

Only one person harbored such bitter feelings for her. Her father. And knowing him, he'd lurk in the shadows to see her reaction to his threat.

The space seemed to darken with her thoughts.

Was he here, in the room watching her? Or would he be outside on Main Street, sitting in his Cadillac, drumming his fingers on the wheel as he did whenever he grew impatient?

Sounds intriguing. How can the readers find you on the Internet?

I can be found at the following places. Personal website Book review website Twitter Facebook friends page Facebook fan page Shoutlife

Thank you, Susan, for spending this time with us
Readers, here's a link to the book. By using it when you order, you'll help support this blog.

Leave a comment for a chance to win a free copy of the book. (Comments containing links may be subject to removal by blog owner.)

Void where prohibited; the odds of winning depend on the number of entrants. Entering the giveaway is considered a confirmation of eligibility on behalf of the enterer in accord with these rules and any pertaining local/federal/international laws.

The only notification you’ll receive is the winner post on this blog. So be sure to check back a week from Saturday to see if you won. You will have 6 weeks from the posting of the winners to claim your book.

If you’re reading this on Feedblitz, Facebook, or Amazon, please come to the blog to leave your comment. Here’s a link.


  1. I would love to win a copy!

  2. I love the LI Suspense line. Just enough edge without the junk I don't like. Will be reading this one for sure.

    coolestmommy2000 at gmail dot com

  3. I really enjoy Christian mystery books and would like to win this book.

    cenya2 at hotmail dot com

  4. please enter me! this book sounds so intense! :)

  5. oh, please include me in this drawing. thanks
    ABreading4fun [at] gmail [dot] com

  6. Your first page is definitely a great hook! Many thanks for "luring" me right in!

  7. I love reading a good mystery. This sounds like a great book!

  8. I'd like to win it :-)

  9. Thanks all for entering to win High-Stakes Inheritance. I ditto Robyn's comment, I too love to read all of the LI Suspense books. So many great authors and I'm honored to be part of the group. Who are some of your favorite authors?

  10. Marjorie, I read Christian mystery and suspense books all the time, too. My favorite genre, but I especially like these books when they include a strong romance thread.
    I also give away suspense/mystery books all the time at

  11. Susan, So great to see you here. And Lena, thanks for bringing us an inside look at this lady who is not only a talented author but whose site, The Suspense Zone, does so much for writers in that genre.

  12. Thanks to all who commented on the beginning of the book. I'm so glad it gave you a taste for the suspense to come and romance to come.

  13. Great interview, I enjoy romantic suspense and would love to win! Thanks!

  14. Awe thanks, Richard. You are so sweet to take the time out of your busy writing schedule to stop by and comment. It is my pleasure to help spread the word about fine books like yours.

  15. I would love to read this. I love romantic suspense. vidomich(at)yahoo(dot)com

  16. Would love to read this suspense book:) Please enter me. Thanks!

  17. I love the setting in Oregon, on a lake in a rustic resort. I can't wait to read High-Stakes Inheritance. Please add my name. Thanks!

  18. Thanks to all who have entered to win High-Stakes Inheritance. I loved being here today and am so grateful to Lena, a wonderful friend and fellow writer, for inviting me to join you.

  19. This sounds really good. Count me in, please.

    lkish77123 at gmail dot com

  20. Patsy3:08 PM

    This book sounds great. I love all Love Inspired books. Thanks for giving away a copy. Looking forward to reading this one.Carman sent me.

  21. I absolutely love the Love Inspired Suspense line of books. I would love to be entered into your giveaway. Thank you so very much for the opportunity to win a copy.

    Smiles & Blessings,
    Cindy W.


  22. I love mysteries and suspense novels so please count me in for this one
    msboatgal at

  23. Katey6:57 PM

    This book looks and sounds so good. I would love to win a copy.


  24. Thank you for the great interview and advice for writers. I can't wait to read your book. It sounds exciting to read.

  25. This book sounds great!


  26. Anonymous6:54 AM

    Please enter me in the contest for High Stakes Inheritance.

    Thank you


  27. I would love to win this book and am a great suspense fan. Thanks for the chance.

  28. Looks great, thanks for the chance to win. :)

  29. Would love to read the book, please enter me!!

    dancealert at aol dot com

  30. This does sound intriguing!

    janemaritz at yahoo dot com

  31. This book sounds so interesting and would love to read it. Please enter me.


  32. I liked what Susan said about the spiritual effect of Christian books. It's fascinating how an author pulls characters out of the head and land a whole person on paper. I'd like to read this book. Thanks for providing it for giveaway and the chance to win. I hope I do.

    Grace & Peace,
    Barb Shelton
    barbjan10 at tx dot rr dot com

  33. I really enjoy reading "Love Inspired" books. Thanks for the opportunity to win a copy of this book!....I think dog..not cat! Agree about the mice!

  34. Great interview. Would love this book.

  35. Hi Susan, I was so glad when I discovered Christian writers. It is so nice to be able to read a book and not have to skip or skim through what you don't want to read. I know I will enjoy reading High-Stakes Inheritance and can't wait to read. I have added to my wish list which just keeps on getting longer. lol Thanks for stopping by to chat with us.

    Lena, Thanks for hosting and the opportunity to enter this giveaway.

    misskallie2000 at yahoo dot com

  36. Please enter me for this. Thanks!
