
Tuesday, September 07, 2010



Tracey Cross, also published as Tracey Bateman, is the award-winning author of more than thirty titles and has nearly a million books in print. She lives in Missouri’s Ozarks with her husband and four children.

Always a pleasure to have you back, Tracey. God has really been moving in your writing life. What do you see on the horizon?

I have a lot of faith and believe God will continue to do abundantly above all I can ask or think. So whatever He asks me to do, I'll do. I have some historicals still to come with Summerside and I'm following the supernatural thriller interest on the other side of my writing. :)

Tell us a little about your family.

My husband is a soldier, currently deployed for the second time. We've been married over 22 years and have four kids. My oldest is my only daughter. She is in College,19 year old son is getting his fitness certification to be a personal trainer (I see free training in my future!!) my third, a boy just started driving himself to school this year, and is working after school at a chinese restaurant. My youngest is 12 and a football fanatic. He plays lineman for his junior high team. I'm so very pleased with God's favor on my little family and I'm grateful every day that each one is serving God wholeheartedly and leaning toward the life He's chosen for them.

I know what you mean. My oldest grandson is on his second deployment, too. And the next one is in college. Has your writing changed your reading habits? If so, how?

I used to read nonstop. Now I can't do that. For a few years I hardly had time to read at all. But I believe it's important to respect the gifts in others and pull wisdom from the lessons God has spent years teaching others.
So I try to read nonfiction books about things I want to grow stronger in. Finances, faith, writing, fitness, etc. I also try to always have a novel that I'm reading. It's important to me to take time to read even if I have to miss a TV show to do it. Our minds are a terrible thing to waste :)

I'm with you on that. I'd rather read than watch most of what's on TV. What are you working on right now?

I'm working on a project I can't talk about and Love Finds you in Sundance, Wyoming, is due in December!

What outside interests do you have?

Not many. That makes me boring, but I like my home. I enjoy running when I've been doing it for awhile, but lately I've slugged off and I'd hate to even try! I like movies and Law and Order. And cooking.

How do you choose your settings for each book?

Usually I set my books in the Missouri Ozarks because I live here and love it so much. But for the Love Finds you Series, I picked what interests me.

If you could spend an evening with one historical person, who would it be and why?

Other than heroes of the Bible, I would love to sit with Harriet Beecher Stowe. She changed the course of history and open a lot of eyes to the horrors of slavery with her novel Uncle Tom's Cabin. She brought the issue into the open and I think God used her book as a goad for eventually ending slavery. I would love for God to give me that kind of influence. I would ask her what the fallout of the novel did to her personally in terms of feeling a sense of responsibility to work for the end of slavery. You don't write a book like that without having a passion for the subject.

We'd all like to make a difference with our novels. What is the one thing you wish you had known before you started writing novels?

How fat you get if you sit writing and eating all day. :)

What new lessons is the Lord teaching you right now?

Wow, I have so much to learn!! He's recently been encouraging me to give more. Time, money, food etc. Writing is such a solitary life it's really easy to keep your focus inward and concentrate only on your life and your  family. But that's not God's plan. To whom much is given much is required and while I don't have a lot materially, I have been blessed to be in this business I love so much and I don't want to take it for granted.

What are the three best things you can tell other authors to do to be successful?

Pray over your writing, remember it's a business--people are counting on you, If your writing doesn't evoke emotion in you, it won't in a reader. Cry, laugh, and enjoy the process. Ultimately, God brings success, so don't be cocky if it happens and don't be depressed if it doesn't.

Tell us about the featured book?

Love Finds you in Deadwood, South Dakota, is about a woman who has to find a way to support herself and her child after her husband dies, leaving her penniless and in debt. She learns to haul freight to Deadwood and finds love in the process.

Please give us the first page of the book.
*Chapter One*

*Early April, 1879*

It had simply never occurred to Jane Albright that Tom might be dead. Gracious, if she feared for his life each time he failed to arrive home in a reasonable amount of time, she’d spend every waking minute in an absolute state. After all, the trip to Deadwood took a month, and that was only one way. With weather upsets, the swollen North Platte, and breakdowns, she never expected to see him within three months of each departure.

So, although he was two weeks overdue, she’d hardly given his absence a thought until late last night when Hank Barnes came rolling in on the freight wagon with Tom in the back, covered from head to toe with his bedroll.

Standing next to her husband’s grave, Jane barely found the grace to speak a psalm over him. Even as she said a closing prayer, she found the words automatic and insincere. Were it not for her son, Danny, standing next to her, fidgeting like only a five-year-old could, she might have foregone the funeral altogether and just told Hank to bury him without paying final respects. But she couldn’t have her son remembering that she hadn’t given his pa a proper burial.

Hank, Tom’s partner, stood respectfully by the grave he’d tended to himself, his battered hat clutched in calloused hands that had worked much too hard for it to all end this way.

Jane’s amen brought his head up, and, as one, they turned away from the gravesite of the man who had caused such upheaval for them both, leaving them to salvage what they could of the ruins.

I can hardly wait to read the whole book. How can readers find you on the Internet? I'm also on facebook (of course!! :) ) under Tracey Bateman

Thank you Lena!! God bless!

And thank you, Tracey, for this visit.
Readers, here's a link to the book. By using it when you order, you help support this blog.

Leave a comment for a chance to win a free copy of the book. (Comments containing links may be subject to removal by blog owner.)

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The only notification you’ll receive is the winner post on this blog. So be sure to check back a week from Saturday to see if you won. You will have 6 weeks from the posting of the winners to claim your book.

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  1. i've been wanting to read this book regardless and then i just discovered recently that Tracey Cross was Tracey Bateman who is one of my favorite authors! so that made me even more excited to want to read this book!

  2. I love reading the LFY series, and this one sounds like it's going to be a great read, and I love the cover,too.
    Please enter my name in the drawing. Thanks!

  3. I have been wanting to read this one! I would love to win!

  4. Now that's a great teaser! Must read this book :) Thank you for the opportunity to win a copy.

  5. Oh, we just visited Deadwood three weeks ago. I'd love to win this one. thanks

    ABreading4fun [at] gmail [dot] com

  6. Awesome! Please enter me!

  7. You can get fat sitting and reading all day, too... :) I'd love to read this one!

    janemaritz at yahoo dot com

  8. Sweet! I love the LFY series!
    Please enter me!

  9. Ooh, this looks really good!
    Please enter me!

  10. Anonymous6:33 AM

    Please enter me!

  11. I want to read this one so badly! Please enter me!

  12. I enjoy the Love Finds You Series and enjoy reading the Tracey Bateman books so an sure I would love this book. Please enter me.


  13. I really liked Love Finds You in Victory Heights Washington, so I would be quite keen on reading more from the series! Thank you for the giveaway, please count me in.

  14. Thank you for the chance to win this book.

  15. Love the cover of this book! Thanks for the chance.

  16. LOL, Mozi! I guess you can get fat sitting and doing anything.

  17. YAY. I found Tracey's books a few months back and have read several series already. Love them!

  18. I would love to win this book. The interview with Tracey was reall great and I know I will like her books. Thanks for the chance to win one.

  19. thank you for the opportunity. Would love to read this book and discover a new author.

  20. I would love to read this book! Thank you so much for the opportunity to win!

    scraphappy71 at sbcglobal dot net

  21. Great excerpt, I can't wait to see what happens next. I'd love to be entered!

  22. thanks far the chance to read this wonderful novel :)

    kmkuka at yahoo dot com

  23. I really like Tracy's books and have a few of them. Really would like to win this one . I lived in Sioux Falls for a couple of years, great place.

  24. I have read some of Tracey's other books and would love to go to Deadwood with her! Thanks!

  25. I would love to read this. I read so much Christian fiction and have seen her books listed at the various places I shop. I will now definitely now add her books to my wish list. vidomich(at)yahoo(dot)com

  26. Oh I would love to read this book. I have spent time in Deadwood, SD so reading this book would be great. I would love to win a copy. Thank you for the chance to win a copy.

    Smiles & Blessings,
    Cindy W.


  27. Anonymous5:42 PM

    Sounds great, please enter me.

    ebeandebe at gmail dot com

  28. I'd love to win.

  29. The love finds you books are always top notch. Thank you for the chance to win one.

    coolestmommy2000 at gmail dot com

  30. Sounds like it will be another good book. Can't wait to add it to my collection.

  31. Patsy5:35 AM

    This book sounds great. Another Love Finds you book, so I know it will be. I love reading books written in the 1800's. Love the cover. Looking forward to reading it. Thanks for giving away a copy.

  32. Anonymous5:53 AM

    Please enter me in this contest, I haven't read any of this series but I would love to.


  33. What a great setting!
    Please enter me:)

  34. I'd love to read this one! Please enter me in the giveaway!

  35. I love these books!

  36. Please enter me! I can't wait to read this book. :D


  37. I've read another book in this series and loved it. I would love to read this one too.

  38. The cover really captures my attention and invites me in to read. The first page grabs me and demands I read what the story is all about! Thank you for the chance to win this book!



  39. all the Love Finds You series that I have read I loved, thanks so much for featuring Tracey on your site, she is a great writter


  40. Love those western historicals - I'd love to read this
    msboatgal at

  41. Please enter me! The book sounds fabulous!

    dancealert at aol dot com

  42. please enter me! sounds like such a great book!

  43. This sounds like a book I would definitely like. Thanks for the chance.

    nancyecdavis AT bellsouth DOT net

  44. Love this line, especially the historical ones!

    Jodie Wolfe

  45. Tracey, this must have been a very emotional story to write. The heroine is so sorrowed that she seems almost indifferent to her husband's death. The reader immediately wants her to have hope. I would get knee deep in this story and enjoy the cry and the big sigh of joy when it's over. Thank you for offering it for giveaway. I appreciate the chance to win. Hope I do!

    Sharing Christ's Love,
    Barb Shelton
    barbjan10 at tx dot rr dot com

  46. I really enjoy reading books like this. Look forward to reading it some time.

  47. First thank you and your family for the sacrifices you are all making.
    I love reading the "Love Finds You" books.

  48. I love the LFY books...please enter me. Thanks!!!

  49. Ooh, the excerpt is intriguing. I'll have to keep an eye out for this one!

  50. I love the LFY books and I am sure this one is just as great as the rest- thanks for the chance to win

  51. Please enter me, thanks!

  52. Hi Tracey, I enjoyed your interview and agree with you, when you sit at computer writing all day and eating all day you will gain weight. Been there done that. lol That excerpt I read has sold me on your book. I love the LFY books and know I will enjoy reading Love Finds You In Deadwood, South Dakota. Thanks for stopping by to chat with us today.

    Thanks Lena, for hosting this giveaway.

    misskallie2000 at yahoo dot com
