
Sunday, September 26, 2010


Now I'm featuring Janelle Mowery with a solo book. Welcome, Janelle. Tell us how much of yourself you write into your characters.

I think there’s a little bit of me in each of my heroines. I’m a bit of a tomboy and that’s in a couple of my characters. I love to laugh and make others join me. I’ve written that in some of my characters. Just little things like that go into each story.

What is the quirkiest thing you have ever done?

Oh goodness. I guess jumping out of an airplane could qualify as being quirky. Not to mention the fact that I thoroughly enjoyed my skydiving adventure.

When did you first discover that you were a writer?

I tried to start writing novels the beginning of 2001. At the ACFW conference in 2003, I had an editor, a copy editor, and a published author tell me I had a great story. That’s when I started believing I really was a writer.

Tell us the range of the kinds of books you enjoy reading.

I love reading mysteries, suspense novels, as well as historical romances. I’ve ended up combining all of those in my historical stories. Most of my historicals have a touch of mystery.

I love that. How do you keep your sanity in our run, run, run world?

I’m glad you didn’t ask my friends this question because they’d probably tell you I’m not sane. :-) But when I need some down time, I spend time out on our property. We have some areas that are almost completely devoid of modern noises. There have been many times I’ve gotten to watch the deer romp, or when they notice me, they will wander close to check me out until they get too nervous. But I also take a great deal of pleasure in just sitting with my husband out there enjoying God’s creation in the peaceful silence.

How do you choose your characters’ names?

Sometimes I use names that seem to fit the area of the country I’m writing about. There are also times I’ve used names that I’ve always loved or the names of people who have meant a lot to me and I want to pay tribute to them. Other times, I’ve used names that have a similar meaning to my theme or strong character trait.

What is the accomplishment that you are most proud of?

I would have to say our two sons. They have become amazing young men.

If you were an animal, which one would you be, and why?

I think I’d want to be one of Kim Sawyer’s cats. She treats them like royalty.

That's right. What is your favorite food?

I love prime rib, especially from Texas Roadhouse.

Me, too. What is the problem with writing that was your greatest roadblock, and how did you overcome it?

I have two. Note that I used the word "have." I still fight with the rule about R.U.E…"resist the urge to explain." I have a tendency to over explain in my stories rather than have dialogue and action tell the story. The other is myself…my self-doubt that tends to crop up every so often. I’m thankful for friends that continually encourage me.

Tell us about the featured book.

Love Finds You in Silver City, Idaho, is about a young woman, Rebekah Weaver, who was burned in what she thought was an accident. She thinks she’s healed both inside and out until her father’s handsome new assistant arrives on the scene and she worries he won’t see past her scarred exterior. Nathaniel Kirkland is working undercover to investigate a series of explosions in the mines and businesses of Silver City. As the two work together to uncover the perpetrator, what they find will lead them to the source of true beauty.

Sounds really interesting. Please give us the first page of the book.

Summer 1869

“The next time I get my hands on him…”


“…he won’t stand a chance.”

Rebekah Weaver took careful aim at the dark green oval in the center of the rug, then swung the beater with all her strength.

Whack! That was better. Right on target and sure to be felt. She struck the rug two more times for good measure, then stood back and observed her handiwork with a satisfied smile.

“You keep hitting the rug that way, Rebekah, and there won’t be much of a pattern left.”

At her mother’s voice, Rebekah’s smile dissolved. She turned and lifted her apron to wipe the perspiration from her forehead and neck. “I didn’t hear you get back.” She must look a sight—what with all the dust she’d removed from the rug reattaching itself to her skin. “Do you need help unloading the supplies?”

“If it keeps you from stripping my favorite rug of every thread, yes.” After setting one large basket on the porch, her mom headed back for another. “What’s got you riled? I know that poor carpet is innocent.”

Rebekah leaned the rug beater against the house and emulated her mother’s regal walk as she followed her to the buggy. “Your son...” She blew out a breath that could start a windstorm.

How can readers find you on the Internet?

They can learn more about me on my website, I’m also on Facebook and Shoutlife.

Thank you for spending this time with us, Janelle.
Readers, here's a link to the book. By using it when you order, you help support this blog.

Leave a comment for a chance to win a free copy of the book. (Comments containing links may be subject to removal by blog owner.)

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The only notification you’ll receive is the winner post on this blog. So be sure to check back a week from Saturday to see if you won. You will have 6 weeks from the posting of the winners to claim your book.

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  1. Patsy2:59 AM

    Oh, another Love Finds You book. I love it. This one sounds great also. Looking forward to reading it. Thanks for giving away a copy.

  2. It's good to find another author who add humor to her stories, I'd love a chance to win Love Finds You in Silver City, Idaho. Thanks!

  3. I love the LFY series, and would love to read this one. Please enter me!

  4. Awesome! Please enter me!

  5. Just like everyone has said, another Love Finds You book! I want them all! Please enter me!

  6. Hi ladies. I hope you get the chance to read the story. It certainly does have humor in it. I can hardly write a story without some amount of humor. I've had two people tell me it made them laugh AND cry. I consider that a successful story. God bless and thanks for stopping by.

  7. It's great to discover an author who has a sense of humor! It helps the reader to immerse him or herself into the world created by the author and completely lose touch with reality. I wish more authors would use humor in their books. I also like touches of the author inserted into the book. It gives readers a chance to get to know the author without meeting him or her in person.

  8. I really enjoy westerns and this one sounds like a nice read
    msboatgal at

  9. Janelle,

    I'm excited to see your new book out. I didn't realize we started writing about the same time-Jan 2001, for me. I missed seeing you at the ACFW conference.

    Congratulations on your book release! Can't wait to get a copy and read it.

    fictionfan1 [at] cox [dot] net

  10. This book sounds so good! The plot, especially the heroine being scarred, really intrigues me!
    Please enter me!

  11. Ooo a new author and she's a tomboy just like me! :-P This sounds so lovely I would love to read it! Thank you so much ladies!

    XOXO~ Renee

  12. I would love to win this book.I have read other books about Love Finds You books and loved them. Thanks for the chance to win another one of them.

  13. Awesome giveaway! I absolutely love the LFY books.
    Please enter me!

  14. Great giveaway!
    Sign me up!

  15. I would love to be a part of this giveaway!
    Please enter me!

  16. Please enter me. Thanks!

  17. The book looks good. It's a setting I don't know much about and looks interesting! Thanks!

  18. Sounds like a great book and I am practically a neighbor to Idaho, so please enter me, thank you!

  19. Thank you for the chance to read this book. It looks like a good read.

  20. Janelle writes such FUN historical romances! If you've not read anything by this author, you are in for a treat! (This is just a bit of unsolicited promotion, Lena. I already own Janelle's LOVE FINDS YOU book, so don't enter me in the drawing. LOL)

  21. Hey Carolyn, I can't help but put humor in my books. I love to laugh and have a husband who gives me a daily dose.
    Vickie, I knew we were kindred spirits in more ways than one. And I missed getting to see you at the conference too. I'm already making plans to be at the next one. Hope I get to see you before then though.

  22. Hi Renee, yes, I'm very much a tomboy. Always have been and most likely will die that way. In fact, I had a friend tell me just the other day that I was such a tomboy. I wouldn't change that a bit. I love my life.

  23. Ah, Susan. So good to see you pop in here, my dear. Wish I could have seen you last week. Hopefully we'll get a chance to get together soon.

  24. I love the love finds you books please add my name to the drawing. Thanks

    ABreading4fun [at] gmail [dot] com

  25. These Love Finds You books are the best series in recent memory.

    coolestmommy2000 at gmail dot com

  26. Anonymous6:52 AM

    Please enter me for this book.I would love to read this one.


  27. I absolutely LOVE this cover!!! It's GORGEOUS! Please enter me!

  28. What a great plot. Please enter me:)

  29. The Love Finds You line really is great, isn't it. I hope you all enjoy the story. And Molly, it really is a beautiful cover, even if I do say so myself. :) Thanks for stopping by, everyone.

  30. I really enjoy the Love Finds You series. Thanks for offering this one.

  31. I have never read Janelle's books before but I enjoy the small-town settings of the LFY series. Thank you for the interview and chance to win Janelle's book.

    cjarvis [at] bellsouth [dot] net

  32. This sounds like an amazing book about the strength of inner beauty and true love. Please enter me in the drawing.


  33. Sounds great! Please drop my name in the hat!

  34. Enjoyed the interview! Sounds like a great book! Please enter me in the drawing. Thank you!

  35. I so want to read LFY in Silver City, Idaho. Thank you for a chance to win a copy.

    Smiles & Blessings,
    Cindy W


  36. Hey! Please enter me. I really enjoy the "Love Finds You" series. :)

  37. I'm interested in reading this book, love the "Love Finds You" series.
    Theresa N

  38. I enjoy reading the "Love Find You" books. This one sounds wonderful!
    Yum! For the Prime Rib!

  39. I enjoy reading all of the Love Finds You...Books! Would like to read this one too.

  40. Sounds like a great book! Thanks for the chance.

    nancyecdavis AT bellsouth DOT net

  41. Sounds like a great book. Would love to read it.

    A period and location that appeals.

    Include me in the draw for the giveaway, please.

    A J Hawke

  43. I also like the "Love Finds You" books. Please count me in.

  44. this one sounds great! thanks for the giveaway :)

  45. The Love Find books are always so good.

  46. Please enter me! Sounds like a neat book!

  47. Please count me in, thanks.

  48. Sounds like a fun read! I enjoy all the Love Finds You books. Please enter me in the drawing. sherrykyle(at)hotmail(dot)com. Blessings!

  49. I love the cover, and the Love Find s you series, in general. Thanks Lena!


  50. This line really made me smile:
    I think I’d want to be one of Kim Sawyer’s cats. She treats them like royalty.

    I feel the same way about my daughter's animals. Our vet said if he ever came back he wanted to come back as on of her animals, LOL!

    Loved the opening page of this book and I look forward to reading it, whether I win it or not. Of course, I'm hoping I do! ;-)

    miralee (at) gorge (dot) net

  51. Please enter me in this giveaway!

