
Tuesday, September 21, 2010

WRANGLER IN PETTICOATS - Mary Connealy - Free Book

I'm so glad to have Mary back on my blog. We spent time together at the conference, and I got to meet her husband. What a pleasure! So, Mary, do you have a favorite genre to write? If so, what is it?

I write romantic comedy with cowboys and I love doing it.

If you didn’t live in the part of the country where you do, where would you live?

I've always wanted to live in Minnesota in the summer and Texas in the winter. Get out of the extreme heat and cold. I guess I'm a spring and fall kinda girl.

Me, too. What foreign country would you like to visit and why?

I have a lot of America I'd like to see before I do any foreign travel. What appeals to me are ancient things. I'd like to see the Coliseum in Rome, the pyramids, moldering castles in England and Ireland and Scotland. So not a country so much as a look at a long gone world.

Describe what you think would be the most romantic vacation you could take.

I've always wanted to drive out into the Rocky Mountains. Pick a stunningly scenic spot and just stop. A cabin with deck chairs looking out on beautiful mountains and trees. Maybe see an elk with full antlers. I might be bored after two hours but I'd like the chance to see. My husband and I took a bus tour into the Rockies once, just for the day and I'd have liked more time there, with him.

Where would you like to set a story that you haven’t done yet?

I'd like to set a story around the heavy…to me impenetrable…woods in northern Minnesota. I once went to the headwaters of the Mississippi, to Lake Itasca and it captured my imagination, swept me back in time, to look at those dense woods. I had a similar experience in Carlsbad Cavern many years ago. Long before I was writing books. I could just fully imagine the danger, the darkness, what it would have been like to go into those caverns with no light but a lantern, bottomless pits, twisting and turning tunnels. But I'm already writing that books, due out next July titled Out of Control.

What is the main theme of this novel?

Wrangler in Petticoats. Sally McCellen finds herself injured and in the care of the biggest wimp she's ever met. Logan McKenzie paints pictures of the wild west—and claims he makes a living doing it. When the two of them see an elk she reaches for her rifle, he reaches for a sketch pad. The word DRAW means completely different things to them.

Tell us about the story.

When Sally falls off a cliff practically into his arms, he decides he's keeping her. So far her broken leg is keeping her close, but she's a quick healer and she needs to get some tougher help, because outlaws are hunting hard for the one witness to their crime.

I'm loving this. Please give us the first page of the book.

Sally McClellen fought to control her temper and her horse.

But her horse wasn’t the problem. It was her temper upsetting the horse. He wouldn’t have been acting fidgety if not for her testy grip on the reins. So any trouble Sally had was all her own doing.

“None of this gets me one step closer to Mandy. She needs me.” Sally was so anxious to get on down the trail she thought she might explode.

They rode round the curve of a steep mountain trail and in the distance caught their first glimpse of a river lined with high banks of stunning red rock.

“Sure it’s a pretty sight, but—”

“It’s more than pretty. It’s beautiful.” Paul McGarritt, Sally's traveling companion looked at her and smiled. “Admit it. It was worth riding out here.”

Mrs. McGarritt knew full well how impatient Sally was, but Mrs. McGarritt, sweet and friendly as she was, didn’t let anyone push her around. The colonel’s wife sat her horse side-saddle in a proper riding dress. She had made her opinion known early and often about Sally’s manly riding clothes and her habit of riding astride.

“It is beautiful.” Sally stifled an irritated sigh. They were here now, staring at the rocks. As if none of this group had ever seen a rock before. They all lived in west Texas or New Mexico. Their whole world was pretty much made of rocks.

“Spectacular,” Colonel McGarritt said. “Absolutely stunning.”

Sally tore her eyes from the view to intercept Mrs. McGarritt’s smug look. Paula was too polite to say, “I told you so.” But Sally caught the superior look and didn’t even mind.


The crimson bluffs were magnificent. But was it worth the time they’d wasted abandoning the most direct path? When Mandy might be in trouble? She was at least suffering from terrible homesickness. Her last letter had been a poorly concealed cry of loneliness. But with a third baby on the way and no womenfolk within fifty miles, she really needed the help as soon as possible.

Mrs. McGarritt said, “Let’s ride down closer. I want a better look.”

Sally didn’t like it, but she said nothing, resigned to the delay. Now she rode along to take a closer look than their bird’s eye view from a mountain crest. They funneled down the narrow trail.

The trail made its serpentine way down the mountain. Sally admitted it felt good to be on horseback again after the long train ride. They wove around a curve.

As the trail twisted, Sally saw the end of this dangerous stretch only a few yards ahead and breathed a sigh of relief to pass this particularly treacherous section. Now with only a few more tortuous yards to cover, Sally relaxed. “Mrs. McGarritt,” she called out, wanting to tease the dear lady again about dragging Sally along on her joyride.

Paula, below Sally on the trail, gained nearly level ground. The cliff no longer yawned at her side. She turned in her saddle, smiling. “You can thank me later, girl. When you’re dressed like a proper young lady again.”

Thank her? Not likely and well Mrs. McGarritt knew it. The two of them exchanged a warm smile. Mrs. McGarritt really was a sweetheart, for a tough old bird.

There was a sharp crack of gunfire.

Paula McGarritt slammed backward off her horse.

Sally’s world slowed down and focused sharply as it always did in times of danger. Her hand went to her rifle before she’d spun to face the shooting.

Another bullet sounded, from above. Someone shooting from cover.

Smelling the burning gunpowder, hearing the direction of the bullets, Sally’s gun was firing without her making a decision to aim or pull the trigger.

Wow! Bring the book on, right now. How can readers find you on the Internet?

Petticoats and Pistols
My Blog
My Website

Thank you, Mary, for coming by today.

Readers, here's a link to the book. By using it when you order, you help support this blog.

Leave a comment for a chance to win a free copy of the book. (Comments containing links may be subject to removal by blog owner.)

Void where prohibited; the odds of winning depend on the number of entrants. Entering the giveaway is considered a confirmation of eligibility on behalf of the enterer in accord with these rules and any pertaining local/federal/international laws.

The only notification you’ll receive is the winner post on this blog. So be sure to check back a week from Saturday to see if you won. You will have 6 weeks from the posting of the winners to claim your book.

If you’re reading this on Feedblitz, Facebook, or Amazon, please come to the blog to leave your comment. Here’s a link.


  1. Enjoyed the interview. Please enter me in the drawing. Thank you!

  2. I'm with you Mary, the Rockies would be a lovely place to visit especially considering I've never been farther west than Ohio!

    Mary's books are always favorites of mine! I've been excited to read this since I read Doctor in Petticoats.

    XOXO~ Renee

  3. Dawn M.3:29 PM

    Love your books and am really enjoying this new series!

  4. Enjoyed the interview. It's nice to get to know more about Mary. I haven't read any of her books yet and would love to be entered into your drawing.

  5. I have read the first two series of Mary's & just loved them, sorry when they ended. I bought the Doctors in Petticoats but want to wait to read it to enjoy the storyline more at once but whenever I see a book with Mary's name on it, it comes home with me.

  6. I've lived in the Rocky Mountains and they are beautiful. I'd love to read your book.

  7. Love Mary Connealy's books. I was so excited to see a new book come out!

  8. Love Mary and her books! Pick me!! (Yeah, I know begging doesn't help the random!)

  9. Pam K.4:56 PM

    The excerpt made me want to read more! "Doctors in Petticoats" is in my pile of books to read soon. It made my daughter chuckle while she read it so I assume "Wrangler in Petticoats" will also. Please enter me in the drawing. Thanks.

  10. I just finished reading Doctor in Petticoats earlier today, so I'm really looking forward to this one.

    mchapman (at) windstream (dot) net.

  11. "I write romantic comedies with cowboys...."
    I READ romantic comedies with cowboys! Sounds like a match made in heaven, so to speak!

  12. I love Mary's books. Can't wait for this new one to come out! It was such a pleasure to meet her at the conference.

    Jodie Wolfe

  13. Hi there.

    I just got to spend three days with Lena so it was a fantastic conference for that alone.

    Fun to come home and be with her again on the blog.

    Good luck in the drawing.

  14. Oh, oh, I LOVED the first book in this series, so please enter me for the second. :)

  15. Thank you for entering me to win this book.

  16. I would LOVE to read this book...I loved Lassoed in Texas series...and I would love to hear more about Sophie's daughters!!!

    please enter me!!

  17. Denise H.7:15 PM

    I can't wait to read this one. I have loved all your books!!

  18. Oh, please enter me in the drawing! I have read all of her books except one, and that's just because I haven't been able to get hold of it. Great Interview!!

  19. Please enter me! I have read Doctor in Petticoats and so enjoyed it! :)

  20. This sounds so good! :) I love that Mary wants to visit castles in England and Scotland - me, too! I really need to put that in my life goals. :)

  21. I have yet to read anything by Mary Connealy but several of her books are on my wish list...this is one of them.

    Smiles & Blessings,
    Cindy W.


  22. Love your books Mary, they always make me smile.
    Theresa n

  23. Patsy4:39 AM

    I've seen this book before but have not read it. I know if Mary wrote it, it's got to be good. Mary, I love the mountians. Been to the smokies once, but would love to go back. Looking forward to reading your book. Thanks for giving away a copy.

  24. I love all of Mary's books! I can't wait to read this series!

  25. I would love to read this one. Congrats again to Mary on your win at ACFW.


  26. Thanks for adding my name to the list!

  27. Anonymous6:59 AM

    That was an interesting excerpt from the book. I saw the Rockies on my honeymoon, a very long time ago. I remember the beautiful mountains and a large field of wildflowers where I was standing.


  28. This is one of my favorite types of books. Would love to read it.

  29. This sounds like a happy book. Thanks for chance to win it.

  30. This sounds like a happy book. Thanks for chance to win it.

  31. I would love to read this book! Mary Connealy books are a lot of fun to read!

  32. Good morning. I'm finally free to check emails.
    Good luck in the drawing.
    I came home from the ACFW Conference to find my authors copies had arrived. So I can actually send the book to who ever wins.
    I thought I might keep you waiting a while, but nope.

  33. Anonymous7:45 AM

    Please enter me in your drawing. I really like the first series with Sophie in it. I can't wait for the second book in the series "Sophie's Daughters".

  34. Please include me in this book giveaway. thanks

    ABreading4fun [at] gmail [dot] com

  35. What a wild start to the book. Can't wait to read past the first page.

    coolestmommy2000 at gmail dot com

  36. I love stories that are written with strong women in mind. I'd love a chance to win this book.
    Thank you


  37. Great interview. Love Mary's books! They're always sweet & funny. Thank you for the opportunity to win a copy.

  38. What a great conflict! Please enter me.

  39. I adore Mary's books! Please enter me!

  40. I've enjoyed reading the Mary Connealy books that I have read so far. One takes a deep breath at the beginning of the book and doesn't let it go until the end!


  41. I am reading Cowboy Christmas right now. I am looking forward to reading this one.

  42. Thanks for entering me!

    scraphappy71 at sbcglobal dot net

  43. Wrangler in Petticoats is book #2 in this series. Next up the grand finale, explosive, tidal wave of a conclusion, Sharpshooter in Petticoats, comes in January., I don't think I'm building it up too much.


  44. Anonymous12:59 PM

    I love all your books ,a really want to read this one

  45. I enjoyed reading this excerpt and a different one at Pistols and Petticoats. The excerpts are dramatic and leave you on a cliffhanger (literally). I really want to know the rest of the story!

    castings at mindspring dot com

    BTW, Doctors in Petticoats was a great read. :-)

  46. Wish I could have made it to the conference to meet you - next best thing would be to be the lucky winner of this book. Please add my name to the drawing. Thanks!


  47. Please enter me! The book sounds great!

    dancealert at aol dot com

  48. I'd love a chance to laugh!
    Ann Lee Miller

  49. An artist and a lady wrangler, I can't wait for the fun. Please include me, I'd love to win Wrangler in Petticoats.

  50. I loved researching this book.
    Frederick Remington sculptures and Charlie Russel paintings and Thomas Moran photography.
    The art of that time was bringing the west back east. No one could even believe Yellowstone existed or the Grand Canyon. It was really fascinating.

  51. I would love to be entered into the drawing please! The first page has me hooked already. :D

  52. Please drop my name in the hat!

  53. Wrangler in Petticoats sound like a great read. I am like you. I enjoy visiting the mountains instead of the beach. The scenic views are so soothing, so peaceful.


  54. Mary, I love learning tidbits of the times when our nation was healing from an awful but necessary war and expanding to the west in your books.
    Can't wait to get a copy of Wrangler In Petticoats!!

  55. I enjoyed the interview very much! I've actually lived in both of the states Mary would like to try out! Thanks for the info and chance to win!

  56. Commendations to Mary on her book. Look at the number of comments of interest that are hoping to win. I enjoyed the interview and if I win this book, I'm looking forward to many laughs and good times. That little gal, Sally, sure has a lot of growing up to do. It's a good thing that God is with her! LOL Thanks for the giveaway and the chance to win. I sure hope I do.

    Barb Shelton
    barbjan10 at tx dot rr dot com

  57. Sounds like a great book! Thanks for the chance.

    nancyecdavis AT bellsouth DOT net

  58. Oh boy! Another Mary Connealy Book.
    Put my name in the draw.
    A J Hawke

  59. I love Mary's books and am excited to see this latest is almost out! Thanks for the chance to win a copy!
