
Monday, October 04, 2010

PRAIRIE COURTSHIP - Dorothy Clark - Free Book

Why do you write the kind of books you do? 

I write historicals because I love this country, and I have enormous respect and awe for the pioneers who left every comfort behind and braved the wilderness with nothing more than they could carry on a packhorse or in a wagon. And I write inspirational books because I love the Lord and want everyone to know the joy I've found in my personal relationship with Him.

Besides when you came to know the Lord, what is the happiest day in your life?

Oh wow! How do you choose one day out of sooooooo many. If I have to choose one, it will be the day my husband and I became parents.

How has being published changed your life?

 It's made it a LOT busier! And it's forced me into coming out of my comfortable 'shy shell.' 

What are you reading right now? 

I'm reading Women and Indians on the Frontier, 1825 -1915. It is research for my new book. 

 What is your current work in progress? 

There are two young daughters in both of my first two published historicals, Beauty for Ashes and Joy for Mourning. I have written the stories of three of those now adult young women for Love Inspired Historical.  I am currently working on the story of the fourth daughter. 

 What would be your dream vacation? 

A secluded log cabin on a horse ranch in the mountains with all my family along...and my laptop, of course.

How do you choose your settings for each book? 

When I am writing a historical the story chooses the setting. For example the story I just sent my editor (the third story of those I mentioned above) takes place on a wagon train going to Oregon country. Therefore, the story begins in Independence, Missouri, and follows the real Oregon trail to its destination. I have to be true to history.

  If you could spend an evening with one person who is currently alive, who would it be and why? 

I would enjoy spending an evening with Governor Sarah Palin. In my opinion she has lived her faith under very difficult conditions and I admire anyone who does that. 

 What are your hobbies, besides writing and reading?

I collect antique pewter and red and white transferware dishes. I also collect Charles Wysocki jigsaw puzzles. I loved working jigsaw puzzles with my sisters when I was young, now my husband and I work them together. I can relax when I'm under deadline pressure and just let my mind wander freely fitting together the pieces of the story I am writing while I fit together the pieces of  the jigsaw puzzle. 

What is your most difficult writing obstacle, and how do you overcome it? 

Lately, my biggest obstacle is finding large blocks of uninterrupted time to write. I overcome that by staying up and writing in the silence of the night.

 What advice would you give to a beginning author? 

I know it sounds terribly cliché, but write the book that is in your heart. That is the story that will hold your interest and excitement. In my opinion, writing should be enjoyable.

  Tell us about the featured book.

  Prairie Courtship is the wagon train story I referred to above. But it has a 'twist' to it. The story takes place in 1841, a time when most men sneered at the idea of a woman doctor. Emma Allen finds that to be true when she pursues her lifelong dream to follow in her Papa Doc's footsteps and join him in his medical practice in Philadelphia. But it is when she becomes the only person with any medical training and experience on Zachary Thatcher's wagon train to Oregon country that she realizes what being a doctor really means---and just how much it can cost.

Please give us the first page of the book. 

“Break camp!”
            That was not Josiah Blake's voice. Emma Allen turned the direction of the barked order, stiffened at sight of an imposing figure atop a roan with distinctive spots on its hindquarters. So the autocratic Mr. Thatcher had returned to take command. She had hoped his absence since their arrival at Independence had meant he would not be leading the wagon train after all.
            Brass buttons on the front of the once dark-blue tunic that stretched across the ex-soldier’s shoulders gleamed dully in the early morning light. Pants of lighter-blue fabric skimmed over his long legs and disappeared into the knee-high, black boots jammed into his stirrups. He rode forward, began to wend his way through the wagons scattered over the field.
            Emma frowned and stepped out of sight at the back of the wagon. Mr. Thatcher did not need to wear the faded-blue cavalry uniform, stripped now of any army insignia, to remind people he had been a military officer. It was in his bearing. And in the penetrating gaze of the bright-blue eyes that peered out from beneath his broad-brimmed hat. Eyes that looked straight at a person, noticed everything about her—including a lace-trimmed silk gown that was inappropriate garb for an emigrant. Eyes that had unfairly impaled her on their spike of disapproval at that first meeting in St. Louis when he had simply assumed she was William’s wife and would be accompanying him on the journey to Oregon country—and judged her accordingly. Had the man bothered to ask, she would have informed him William was her brother and that she was not traveling with the train.
            Not then.
            But that was before everything in their lives turned upside down. 

How can readers find you on the Internet? 

I may be found at or  You can also find me on 

Thank you, Dorothy, for spending this time with us.

Readers, here's a link to the book. By using it when you order, you help support this blog.

Leave a comment for a chance to win a free copy of the book. (Comments containing links may be subject to removal by blog owner.)
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The only notification you’ll receive is the winner post on this blog. So be sure to check back a week from Saturday to see if you won. You will have 6 weeks from the posting of the winners to claim your book.
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  1. Lovely cover, I would love to be entered, thank you!

  2. Anonymous4:12 PM

    I have read novels from Dorothy Clark and enjoyed their message very much! I would love to be entered into this drawing...thanks!!



  3. I like that time period very much, the book about the Oregon Trail look interesting. Thanks!

  4. I love reading authenic westerns - please count me in
    msboatgal at

  5. please enter me!

  6. Patsy8:25 PM

    I love all Love Inspired books and I know this one will be great as well. Thanks for giving away a copy. Looking forward to reading this one.

  7. I enjoy putting puzzles together myself, I find it very relaxing.
    Theresa N

  8. Love the look of this book! Please enter me! Thanks!


  9. Sounds like it will be quite the conflict with a woman doctor!

    coolestmommy2000 at gmail dot com

  10. Cool. Count me in. thanks

    ABreading4fun [at] gmail [dot] com

  11. I love books about wagon trails and I love women doctors that had the courage to stand up during the early days when no one wanted to trust them. Thanks for the chance to win this one! ybutler(at)oppcatv(dot)com

  12. I love books about wagon trains and women doctors that had the courage to stand up and be one of the first even when most people did not trust them.

  13. Emily7:37 AM

    Awesome giveaway!
    Please enter me!

  14. Debbie7:38 AM

    This looks like a really good read!
    Sign me up!

  15. Thanks for the giveaway!

  16. Love wagon train stories!! Please enter me:)

  17. This sounds good, I love pioneer books. Please enter me.
    Thank you


  18. Dorothy,

    I'm glad to see you have another book out. This wants sounds great. I really enjoy wagon train stories.

    fictionfan1[at]] cox [dot] net

  19. Ugh! I meant to say this one sounds great.

    fictionfan1[at]] cox [dot] net

  20. Being a Woman Dr back then, was indeed very difficult!
    Please include me!

  21. I always enjoy your blog, you have thegreatest people on with interviews.

    please enter me I am a follower

    mamat2730 at charter net

  22. Would love to be entered in your giveaway. Prairie Courtship sounds like a book I would enjoy.

    Smiles & Blessings,
    Cindy W.


  23. Judy Cooper7:17 PM

    It would be so nice to win the book. I enjoy reading books set in that time period. Thanks for the opportunity to enter.

    Judy C.

  24. Our family loves jigsaw puzzles, too. We're hooked on them, even in the middle of the night! So hard to resist that one piece that you just can't find in the day :) Thank you for the opportunity to win a copy of this delightful sounding book.

  25. The book sounds like a great read!

    dancealert at aol dot com

  26. would love to read this book!


  27. Please enter me. Pretty cover.

  28. I love the idea of a woman breaking the mold of what a woman's role was in the 1800's! A woman doctor-- I say "Go Girl". I definitely want to read this!

    nancyecdavis AT bellsouth DOT net

  29. I enjoy reading historical fiction from this period. Sounds like a great book.

