
Monday, November 29, 2010

JUST FOR THE MOMENT - Deanna K Klingel - Free Book

Welcome, Deanna. This book is nonfiction. Do you also write fiction?

Yes, Just for the Moment: The Remarkable Gift of the Therapy is nonfiction. The stories read like fiction, however. (Truth is funnier than fiction?) Yes, I do write fiction. Rebecca and Heart can be read on, and Beth’s Backyard Friends is also on Avery and Gunner, a MG Civil War historical fiction is under consideration with a publisher. Cracks in the Ice, a Y/A fiction has just gone out. Two for young readers, Amanda’s Magic and Walker Hound of Park Avenue, are circulating. Another nonfiction, Bread Upon the Waters, is going into revision. "Marsha Blue," a short story contest winner, is actually a memoir, and Mayor of Ingles’ Parking Lot, a contest finalist, is a true story, too. So, I guess I cover all the bases.

What would you like folks to know about you?

Hmm. I have a pretty ordinary existence. I live in the mountains with my husband. We’ve been married 48 years and have 7 children and 10 grands. We have 2 golden retrievers who are dying to meet you in their therapy dog book. I like to garden, golf, and read. But, mostly I write. All day, every day, I just write. I went back to college last year to take some literature classes and sharpen up my aging brain. I loved it. But, this year I’ll be traveling with my book, so no classes.

Tell us about your family.

My family is great. I have a wonderful husband who is so supportive of everything I’ve ever done, and is currently my business manager for my books. He’s had an extraordinary business career with IBM and is now retired. Sort of. He went into real estate for this phase of his life and he works hard at it. Our grown kids are all married with kids of their own, and are all within a day’s drive, so we’re lucky.

What other nonfiction books have you written?

Other nonfiction is Bread Upon the Water, a teen story of a Vietnamese priest who escaped his country as a boat person in order to be a priest. I’m just beginning a revision. The other nonfiction are short stories. "Marsha Blu"e and" Mayor of Ingles’ Parking Lot" can be read on and Scinti facebook. My little chapter book about Walker a walker hound, is based on a true story that happened here in our town.

What is coming up in your writing life?

I’m waiting to hear about Avery and Gunner. I’ve been working hard on the revision of Cracks in the Ice, and I just sent it off on the 4th of July. I’m revising Bread next.

What are your hobbies?

I like to garden and golf, but I don’t do either much. I read a lot and belong to a book club. In the summer, I belong to two. I write all the time. I have a community dog park that I manage. I also spend a lot of time making therapy dog visits with my dogs. I used to spend a lot of time training them in freestyle and agility, but we’re all getting old, so we take it easier now. We make weekly visits to hospitals, nursing homes, and other places, and one dog listens to children in the library, while the other lowers blood pressures at the free dental clinic.

Why did you write this book?

I wrote Just for the Moment: The Remarkable Gift of the Therapy Dog for a few reasons. I saw the difference my dogs made in people’s lives, and I wanted to share that. I hope that it will open more doors for therapy dogs. I wanted to celebrate the wonderful job that all therapy dogs do and say thank you to their handlers. And, because the stories begged me to tell them, I had to write them. I think readers will enjoy the book.

What do you want readers to take away from reading your book?

I can tell by the questions people ask me when I’m out with a dog, that most people don’t really understand what therapy dogs are, what it is they do, how they got to be therapy dogs, and what makes a dog a good candidate. I address all these, but lightly. Most of the book is made up of stories about real moments. But, I hope that readers will laugh and cry and perhaps have an ahha moment or two. Dogs don’t worry about saying the wrong thing or filling quiet space. Dogs show us that the most important thing is to be there in the moment beside the bed or wheelchair. I hope that some administrators, who aren’t into the therapy dog program, might revisit the idea. Perhaps more doors will open for the therapy dogs as a result of these stories.

Where can my readers find you on the Internet?

Readers can find me at; I’m also on facebook and for personal correspondence, .

Thank you, Deanna, for spending this time with us.

Readers, here's a link to the book. By using it when you order, you help support this blog.

Leave a comment for a chance to win a free copy of the book. Please tell us where you live, at least the state or territory. (Comments containing links may be subject to removal by blog owner.)

The only notification you’ll receive is the winner post on this blog. So be sure to check back a week from Saturday to see if you won. You will have 6 weeks from the posting of the winners to claim your book.

If you’re reading this on Feedblitz, Facebook, or Amazon, please come to the blog to leave your comment. Here’s a link.


  1. We got to meet some therapy dogs at an Autism event, but I've never seen them in action. Sounds like this book would be a wonderful uplifting book to read.

    coolestmommy2000 at gmail dot com
    I live in the midwest

  2. Anonymous6:47 AM

    Good morning, Robyn. I've heard from many readers that it is uplifting in many ways;perhaps introspective as well.
    The publishing world moves so slowly and then suddenly everything happens so fast. I've several updates since this interview was given. Avery and Gunner, the Civil War stories for middle grade, have been taken by Journey Forth Publishing and the first book will be out in the spring, retitled Avery's Battlefield. But, back to this book, I will be signing in Richardson, TX, on Sat. Dec 4 at 5 pm at Maxim's Restaurant. I'd love to meet some Texas writers. Robyn, I'm also from the midwest, MI, but I left there after college and have lived in the southeast ever since, in many places: OH,MD,KY,Raleigh, NC, Atlanta, and now in the western mountains of NC. It's beautiful here. After you've read the book you can share your favorite moment in the book at Love to hear from you.

  3. My sister would love her dog to be a therapy dog. Mine, however, is a little nuts.

    lkish77123 at gmail dot com

  4. I would love to be entered to win Just for the Moment. I love dogs and stories about them. I live in Indiana.

    Cindy W.


  5. This book sounds absolutely amazing and I would love a chance to win it.

    Thanks for the chance

  6. As a German shepherd "mom" I would LOVE to win this book!! It sounds great. I, too, write more nonfiction than fiction....

  7. I've been around some therapy dogs. My Hubby has Parkinson's and up until 2 years ago had a wonderful Service Dog. Reggie is still missed. Dogs are so wonderful...I have 3 and wish I could have more. Unconditional LOVE!

  8. thanks for the interview. Love to win.

    ABreading4fun [at] gmail [dot] com

  9. What a blessing the dogs must be to others in need! Of course, dogs are a blessing anyways in our home.
    Thanks for the great giveaway.
    Please enter me!
    Many Blessings and Smiles,
    chakasa58 at gmail dot com

  10. Please enter me! dancealert at aol dot com

  11. Anonymous8:15 PM

    I would love to read this book. I have a retiring service dog as she is getting to be too old for service and I am no longer working myself. Amazing animals.
    Miriam from Ohio

  12. Dianne P.9:53 PM

    I just encouraged a friend of mine who works at an animal shelter to become involved with therapy dogs. Maybe this book could help her spiritually. It sounds like a wonderful book. In Missouri.

  13. Anonymous11:05 AM

    Diane, I think the book will help your friend to get started in therapy dog ministry. It isn't a training manual, but it will give her a better idea of what the ministry entails, and what the training needs to be for both the dog and her. Hopefully, it will be an inspiration to her to get started. Thanks for your comment, Deanna.

  14. Anonymous11:07 AM

    Miriam, thanks for writing. I hope you and your wonderful dog have a happy retirement together. Isn't it wonderful to have the dog at your side? Deanna

  15. Anonymous11:10 AM

    Linda, As I explain in my book, not every dog is cut out to be a working therapy dog. But most dogs provide some therapy for their owners, regardless of whether or not they visit. So enjoy your furry ball of energy. I hope the book may inspire your sister to get started. Thanks for writing. Deanna

  16. Anonymous11:14 AM

    Cindy, hi. Thanks for writing. I, too, love a dog story, and somehow a dog manages to be in everything I write. Perhaps my muses are these goldens at my feet? If you look at you can read a sweet story about Rebecca & Heart. I just love this dog, and I'll be you will, too. In the spring I have a middle grade Civil War series coming out about Avery and his hound dog, Gunner. There are some wonderful dog books out right now: Merle's Door, The Art of Racing in the Rain, and A Friend Named Henry are some of my favorites.

  17. Anonymous11:17 AM

    Sharon, I hope you will indeed find the stories to be amazing. The moments were all amazing to me. After you finish reading them, you can go to and share your favorite moment with other readers. I'll be interested to see which moment you find the most amazing. Thanks for blogging. Deanna

  18. Anonymous11:19 AM

    Judy, Thanks for blogging with us. Give that shepherd a hug for me. I volunteer with a group here called Sarge's Rescue. Sarge was a GSD whose untimely euthanasia inspired this rescue group. Give him TWO hugs from me, and one from Sarge. Deanna

  19. Anonymous11:22 AM

    Maureen, God bless you. I know you are a wonderful care giver. Parkinson's is a hard one. I'm sure all your dogs are a wonderful therapy for your husband. As in my book, we don't always know, and it's often only for that moment. But, in faith, we must believe that it all matters. Thanks for blogging. Deanna

  20. Anonymous11:23 AM

    Good luck, Appleblossom. I hope you enjoy the read. If you don't win it, you can still find one at or at your favorite Indie bookstore. thanks for posting. Deanna

  21. Anonymous11:26 AM

    Charlotte, Yes, all dogs are a blessing to those who encounter them. Whether it's Jessie lowering blood pressures, Lily comforting the lonely, or your dog nuzzling you in your own home, reminding you that you are important and loved. It's all blessings. Thanks for blogging. Deanna

  22. Anonymous11:30 AM

    Brenda, hi & thanks for blogging. So you are a dancer in MI? I was just in MI last month signing my book in Davisburg at WCFO competition. Thats a dance competition, freestyle...that's dancing with dogs. Yes, I know. But some of us do dance with our dogs. I'm actually from MI. I also signed last month in Grand Rapids and Three Rivers. I live in NC now. As a dancer you will probably enjoy reading how we use our dance in our therapy work. Thanks for blogging. Deanna.

  23. Anonymous5:01 AM

    It's only Thursday,you have two more days to blog with me. However, I have to say good bye today because I'm leaving for Dallas,TX, for a booksigning. Thanks to all who blogged, I've enjoyed it. Thank you, Lena, for inviting me to check in with readers.It's been fun,I'm sorry to check out so early, but I haven't got a laptop. Christmas blessings to all of you; I'll be sending out a book to the drawing winner. After Sunday, if you want to catch up to me it's Thanks all.

  24. We have a yellow lab who we were going to train as my hubband's service dog but have decided that she would make a better therapy dog.


  25. Anonymous6:28 AM

    Jo, It's interesting how the dogs let you know what their job should be. I do talk about this in my book, as well. We just need to listen and pay attention to what they're telling us. Deanna

  26. This sounds like a wonderful book! Thanks for the chance.

    nancyecdavis AT bellsouth DOT net

  27. Please enter me in this giveaway. Thanks! (Tennessee)

