
Thursday, November 04, 2010

WINTER REUNION - Roxanne Rustand - Free Book

It's so good to have you back on the blog, Roxanne. Tell us about your salvation experience.

I was baptized as a baby, and grew up with parents who were very involved in their church. Salvation was always a part of those teachings, and I grew up believing that it was a gift for all believers. My dad actually started off in the seminary, before World War II changed his plans, so faith was always a part of my life. It became far deeper for me as adult, after my husband and I lost a baby. Through that tragedy my husband and I grew closer, and we also grew much closer to our faith.

You’re planning a writing retreat where you can only have four other authors.

Who would they be and why? Stephen King, Dean Koontz, Colleen Coble, and non-fiction author Michael Hauge would be an interesting mix. I would just love to sit quietly in a corner and listen!

Do you have a speaking ministry? If so, tell us about that.

I don’t have a speaking ministry, but I think of inspirational fiction as a ministry in itself--a chance to share stories of people facing struggles in life, who find strength and peace as they reach a deeper level of faith.

That is so true. It's why I write fiction as well. What is the most embarrassing thing that has happened to you and how did you handle it?

Honestly, I have had so many that it's hard to choose.

People are always telling me that they’d like to write a book someday. I’m sure they do to you, too. What would you tell someone who came up to you and said that?

People often come up to me and say they want to write a book, but they haven't taken a single step. I just encourage them to read voraciously and start writing regularly, even if they only have an hour a day. Invariably, they say "Oh, but I'm too busy," but if you have the desire, you'll find the time somehow.

If a person is already writing, and shows true interest, I love to steer them toward the organizations, online sites and books that can help them achieve their goals. For anyone longing to be published in inspirational fiction, ACFW (American Christian Fiction Writers) is an absolutely fantastic organization, and its annual conferences are amazing!

Aren't they? The conference is the high point of my writing year. Tell us about the featured book.

I've had seventeen secular romantic suspense/mystery novels published, followed by seven romantic suspense novels published by Steeple Hill's Love Inspired Suspense line. WINTER REUNION is my first for Love Inspired. What a treat (and an exciting new challenge!) it was to write a story without a strong external suspense plot!

It involves an emotionally and physically wounded man who left his marriage long ago, and is now on medical leave from the armed services. He comes back to Aspen Creek to meet the stipulations of his mother's will and finds he must not only work with his ex-wife, but must face a whole new set of challenges. Facing enemy fire is something he understands. But helping a houseful of elderly people--who were his late mother's final mission in life--truly tests his mettle! Winter Reunion is actually the first book in my Aspen Creek Crossroads series, and will be followed by SECOND CHANCE DAD in June, 2011.

I must feature that one on my blog, too. Please give us the first page of Winter Reunion.


Beth Carrigan took a last glance at her cell phone, shoved it in her pocket and heaved a sigh.

A crisp, sunny, October weekend in Aspen Creek, Wisconsin, usually brought crowds of tourists from Chicago, Minneapolis, and all parts in between. It didn't bring unexpected calls from Washington, DC, California, and the Henderson Law Office. Calls that now had her stomach doing crazy cartwheels.

What on earth was she going to do?

But everything is going to be fine, Lord. It's going to be fine, right? She surveyed her bookstore, breathing in the beloved scents of books, dark roast coffee and apricot tea as she walked to the back, where her friends were already settled in an eclectic mix of comfy loveseats and rockers she'd pulled into a circle before unlocking the entrance for them at nine o'clock.

Their voices fell silent as five pairs of worried eyes looked up at her. Their concern was so palpable that she forced herself to dredge up a nonchalant smile. "How's the coffee? Is it better this time? I bought a new fair trade brand and--"

"The question is, how are you?" Olivia Lawson, the oldest bookclub member at fifty-two, had been a high school English teacher for years, and was well known in town for keeping her students in line. Her brows, dark in contrast to her short, silver hair, drew together in a worried frown. "You definitely look upset."

Beth closed her eyes briefly for a quick silent prayer. "No news."

"If this is a bad time, we can all leave, dear. Unless, of course, there's something we can do to help."

For five years, they'd been meeting twice a month on Saturday mornings, an hour before the store opened. They'd been friends in good times and bad, and she knew she could count on them for support and the utmost discretion. Still, she stumbled over her thoughts trying to frame her news in the best light.

"The first call was from my mother. She's on her way here from California." Beth took a deep breath. "The second was from Dev. He's coming back next week."

Olivia's mouth dropped open. "Your mother and ex-husband. In the same town."

A hush fell over the group.

"And it gets worse. The last call was from Dev's lawyer--something about stipulations of an inheritance, and setting up a meeting, but surely it's just a formality, since the divorce ended my connection to the family. I can't imagine anything more uncomfortable than facing those two again."

Wow! I can hardly wait to read it. How can readers find you on the Internet?

Thank you, Roxanne, for another interesting interview. I know my readers will be as anxious as I am to read the book.
Readers, here's a link to the book. By using it when you order, you help support this blog.

Leave a comment for a chance to win a free copy of the book. New information: Please tell us where you live, at least the state or territory. I’m trying to get a good idea of where the people live who leave comments on my blog. (Comments containing links may be subject to removal by blog owner.)

Void where prohibited; the odds of winning depend on the number of entrants. Entering the giveaway is considered a confirmation of eligibility on behalf of the enterer in accord with these rules and any pertaining local/federal/international laws.

The only notification you’ll receive is the winner post on this blog. So be sure to check back a week from Saturday to see if you won. You will have 6 weeks from the posting of the winners to claim your book.

If you’re reading this on Feedblitz, Facebook, or Amazon, please come to the blog to leave your comment. Here’s a link.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. I would love to read this. I enjoy the "Love Inspired" books. I live in Southern California.

  3. What an intense opening! Would love to read through this one.

    coolestmommy200 at gmail dot com
    Live in NE

  4. Patsy5:47 AM

    I love all Loved Inspired books. I know this one will be great as well. Looking forward to reading this one. Thanks for the giveaway.
    From South Mississippi

  5. Hi, everyone! Wow--you are early risers!

    I love all of the Love Inspired and Love Inspired Suspense books--and the covers are so beautiful! I feel blessed to have a chance to write for them.

    I'd love to hear about any of your all time favorite inspirational novels (from Steeple Hill or any other publisher)--books that are on your keeper shelf. What made them extra special?


  6. Hi Roxanne, I have read some of your other books and looking forward to reading this one. I am from Ontario, Canada!

  7. Please enter me, from Ontario Canada.

  8. This would be a good book to read, please enter me, I live in SC


  9. I love holiday books, I know I'd enjoy reading this one.

    Missouri USA

    seriousreader at live dot com

  10. Hi everyone. it's so nice to see you here!

    Best wishes to you all!


  11. Please include me in this drawing. I'm entering from upstate New York.

  12. Please include me in the drawing. This book sounds like it's going to be a good one, and I just love the cover!


  13. Oops...I forgot to mention where I live. I live in Gaylesville, Alabama

  14. Winter Reunion sounds like a great story, plus I'm right next door in MN. I enjoyed hearing what four authors she would invite to dinner--I haven't read a lot of King or Koontz because I think they are too scary! Thanks for the chance to win.

  15. Wow, sounds like a very interesting story. I can't wait to read the book. I don't know how I would react in that situation. Thanks for the book drawing. I live in the San Francisco Bay area.

  16. I love Love Inspired books and would love to be entereded to win Winter Reunion. Thank you for the giveaway.

    I'm a Native Southern Californian that was transplanted to Northeast Indiana 9 1/2 years ago.

    Smiles =D
    Cindy W.


  17. This comment has been removed by the author.

  18. I would love to read this book.

    I live in So Cal. and a native Californian.

    lkish77123 at gmail dot com

  19. What a gorgeous cover! Can't wait to read this.
    I live in the Chicago suburbs
    msboatgal at

  20. Hi! It's so much fun to visit Lena's wonderful blog, and to have a chance to meet you all!

    Take care, and God bless!


  21. Thanks for the chance to win this book:)
    I live in Ohio, The Buckeye State:)

  22. Love the first page, sounds great.
    Theresa N

  23. oh, I love Christmas books. Please include me. thanks

    ABreading4fun [at] gmail [dot] com

  24. I would love to win this book. I am so glad that for a few years now I have discovered the Christian fiction books and this one sounds freat right from the first page. Thanks for the chance to win it!

  25. Cleda9:30 AM

    Roxanne is a shoutlife friend that I am trying to cath up with after being offline for about a year and a half and am looking forward to getting to know her again... this is a wonderful interview and I have bookmarked her web and blog sites and appreciate her words so much.. this book sounds great, thanks so much for the opportunity of being in the give away...

    Central North Texas

  26. I would love to win this book!
    Happy writing...

    New Jersey

  27. Winter Reunion sound wonderful.Please enter me in the giveaway.Thanks for the wonderful giveaway.I enjoy reading all the "Love Inspired" books.augustlily06(at)aim(dot)com.

  28. Looks like a great book. Love to be entered. Thanks for all the great giveaways you have.

  29. This sounds like a book I would enjoy. I would love to win a copy!

    Louisville, KY

    nancyecdavis AT bellsouth DOT net

  30. I'd love to win. I live in Gilbert, Arizona. Ann Lee Miller

  31. Judy Cooper10:33 PM

    It would be nice to win. Roxanne is a new author to me. I live in Southwest Louisiana.

  32. I would love to read this great book. Thanks for the giveaway.
    I live 1 hour south of Columbus, OH.
    Thanks,Trinity Rose

  33. I would love to read Roxanne's book!

    Thanks for the opportunity.


  34. This story sounds very complex and I can see the main character is perplexed with her whole developing situation. I enjoy Love Inspired books and Roxanne's writings are new to me, I think. I've read so many LI books in the past that I just can't remember them all. I like the title of the book and I must say that today doesn't look like winter in Arlington, TX - it is a lovely fall day and much cooler than our summer weather. Thanks for the giveaway and the chance to win Roxanne's book. I hope I do!

    Grace & Joy in Christ,
    Barb Shelton
    barbjan10 at tx dot rr dot com

  35. Winter reunion sounds like a great book and I would love to win. Thanks for the opportunity to enter.


    misskallie2000 at yahoo dot com

  36. Thanks so much, everyone, for stopping by!

    Roxanne Rustand

  37. I would love to read this book. I'm from Long Island.

  38. Sure sounds like a storm brewing. Want to read the rest of the story!
