
Sunday, January 30, 2011

BLOOD COVENANT - Lisa Harris - Free Book

I'm always glad to welcome my friend, Lisa Harris, to the blog. Since you’re being published regularly, what new avenues will your future books take?

To be honest, one thing I am constantly reminded of in this publishing journey is that I can write stories, continue to learn the craft, and submit to publishers, but in the end I have little control over the future. In spite of that, God has blessed me lately with opportunities to be able to write books that combine issues that are on my heart with fiction, something I am very grateful for. I’d love to be able to continue writing fiction that not only gives the reader a fast-paced adventure, but stories that stretch people’s worldview as well.

I love that your books do that so well. Readers, Lisa and her family are missionaries in Africa. Her books take me there, and I know the settings are authentic. Now, Lisa, what conferences will you be attending this year? Will you be a speaker at any of them?

Even though living overseas makes going to yearly conferences a challenge, I’ve still been blessed to attend several of the ACFW conferences over the past few years. We are now back in the States temporarily, and while I was unable to go to a conference, it worked out for me to visit my publisher, Zondervan, and meet in person with my editor and marketing director, as well as my publicist. Meeting face-to-face with all of them has been a real blessing. I’ve also been able to connect with a few of my writing buddies [including you, Lena :-) ] which has been a big encouragement for me.

If you were in charge of planning the panel discussion at a writing conference, what topic would the panel cover, and who would you ask to be on the panel, and why?

It’s a bit of a unique perspective, but I would love to hear from readers themselves as to what books have changed and challenged them the most and why.

That would be interesting. Maybe we should work on that for another year. How important is it to you to be active in writing organizations?

I think it’s very important to be as active as possible in a writing organization. They are a wonderful place to meet other writers, get advice, grow in your craft, and make connections with editors and publishers. I’m so thankful for the friends I have made through writing organizations.

Where in the community or your church do you volunteer?

My family is blessed to be able to work fulltime in ministry overseas. Besides my involvement with that, I also started a non-profit organization this past year. The ECHO Project was birthed out of a need to meet the physical needs of the people we work with in Africa.

I love the ECHO Project that you and Lynne started. Who are the five people who have made the most impact on your life, and how?

Wow, do I have to limit it to five? I guess because I’m home with family for the first time in a long time, I’m reminded again of how blessed I am to have such a supportive family. From my husband who has always believed in me and who encourages me to reach for my dreams, to my mom who’s always been there for me, rooting me on. I’ve also been blessed with the example of my husband’s aunt and uncle, Allen and Janelle Avery, who lived in Africa over forty years. We were able to work with them until Allen passed away last summer, but his impact on me and others will last a very long time. I’ve also been greatly impacted by missionaries like Jim Elliot and others who once said, “He is no fool who gives what he cannot keep to gain what he cannot lose.” What incredible words of truth, that continue to keep me focused on what really matters.

When I wrote for Accelerated Christian Education, I wrote the videoscript for a feature on Jim Elliot. That saying of his has stayed with me for years. If you could write the inscription on your tombstone, what would it be?

She lived with no regrets.

Tell us about the featured book.

Blood Covenant is book two in my Mission Hopes series from Zondervan and a story I’m so excited to share with you. Here is the description from Zondervan’s website. “From the explosive first pages, Lisa Harris weaves a tale of heart-stopping suspense and adventure with her second book in the Mission Hope Series.

When fighting erupts between government forces and renegade Ghost Soldiers deep within the Republic of Dhambizao, thousands are forced to leave their homes. Dr. Paige Ryan, who works with Volunteers of Hope International, is sent to lead a team to set up a refugee transit site—where the immediate needs for shelter, water, sanitation, and food are critical. Nick Gilbert, a bush pilot for Compassion Air, joins the team to help fly supplies in and out of the area.

With the refugee camp already experiencing overcrowding, raids, and uprisings, a group of American mountain climbers is attacked by the Ghost Soldiers. Paige’s medical team responds immediately, rescuing survivors and taking them into the camp. When it’s discovered that one of the trekkers is carrying an infectious disease, the harrowing conditions of the camp are forgotten.

In desperate need of vaccines and the Ghost Soldiers blocking the only road out until their demands for amnesty are met, it won’t be long before the disease is out of control … and there is nowhere to run.

I can't wait until I get my book. I loved the first one in the series and have been waiting impatiently for the second one. Please share the first page with us.

Republic of Dhambizao (RD), Anamadi Township

Jonas Moya moved from the narrow alleyway onto the dusty street, then disappeared into the late afternoon crowd. The country's elite, with their fancy government buildings, commercial strips, and plush houses, had all but forgotten the tangled web of muddy alleyways that laced the sprawling slums of the capital. Which made the high-density township the perfect place to hide.

He breathed in a lungful of acidic smoke from the piles of trash burning in the distance, then glanced again behind him. A group of women balanced buckets of water on their heads. Children played along the edge of the road. A drunk loitered in front of a shop. But there were no signs of anyone following him.

He shook off the uneasy sensation. Rarely did President Tau's soldiers set foot inside the rambling settlement, known for its high crime and corruption—even with the recent order to round up every member of the Ghost Soldiers in the country-wide manhunt stretching from the capital to the to the base of Mt. Maja. It was an order that had left him on the run.

Anger replaced his unease. None of the president's government officials had complained about the generous financial kickbacks they'd received from the dozens of slave-labor camps the Ghost Soldiers set up throughout the country's fertile mines. But their fat payments didn't change the fact that he and the others would take the fall for their crimes, while the current government remained innocent before the UN and the rest of the world.

The crowd thinned and an eerie silence settled across the humid afternoon air. It took a full five seconds for Jonas to grasp what was happening. By then he stood fully exposed to a dozen uniformed soldiers converging on the leaders' rendezvous point less than ten meters in front of him. Automatically he dropped for cover behind a battered pickup, but not before catching a glimpse of his brother, Seba, and four others lying face down in the dusty street. If he'd arrived five minutes earlier, he'd be lying there as well.

Clinging to the truck's rusty bumper, he searched for an escape route, weighing his options one by one. His best bet was to take the alley across the street and get lost in the endless maze of cinder-block houses. But running would do nothing for his brother and the others.

Squinting in the bright afternoon sunlight, he peered around the dented bumper. One of the soldiers kicked Seba in the ribs. "Where are the rest of your men?"

Seba rolled over, sprang to his feet, and slammed into the soldier. Instinctively, Jonas pulled out the weapon hidden beneath his thin jacket, but not before a shot ripped through the humid air. Seba dropped onto the street. Blood seeped through his pant leg and spilled across the brown dirt beneath him.

Jonas fought rising panic. There was still no sign of Ngozi. Together the two of them might stand a chance, but alone, any heroic rescue would prove foolish against President Tau's elite.

The soldiers began to spread out, searching for the missing rebel leaders—and making his hiding place vulnerable. Another group of soldiers approached from behind. Jonas dropped to all fours and cursed. He'd waited too long, and now his only escape was blocked. Another gunshot echoed in the air. The few remaining curious onlookers scattered toward the surrounding compounds. A soldier yelled. Jonas' jaw tensed as two of them headed toward his position.

For a split second he considered the odds, then made a run for the alley. Halfway across the street, he felt a bullet rip through his shoulder. He stumbled, pain searing his senses. Blood dripped down his arm, but he couldn't afford to slow his pace. He flew toward the narrow alley lined with someone's laundry, trying to ignore the thundering footsteps behind him. Yanking a shirt from the line, he pressed it against the wound. Behind him, the two soldiers closed in.

Anger and adrenalin drowned out the pain. For years, he and the other men had been nothing more than puppets in the hands of their own government. Hundreds of them had been recruited and trained as the president's secret guard. Today they were called insurgents and rebels. Used for the government's purposes, like the running of their slave-labor camps, they were then easily disposed of when the rest of the world caught on.

Jonas slipped into the afternoon shadows of the deserted alley, took a sharp left, then a right, managing to put distance between him and the soldiers. A plan began to form in the recesses of his mind. That same government believed they could get away with watching them rot in some dark prison in exchange for more foreign aid and UN support.

Not if he had his way.

Wow! Bring it on!! Where can my readers find you on the Internet?

Stop by my website at or my blog for a slice of Africa at

To learn more about our new non-profit, please visit

Thanks, Lena! It’s always a pleasure to stop by!

And as always, Lisa, I loved having you.
Readers, be sure to check out her links. I love all the pictures from Africa on her blog. And the ECHO Project is a very worthy cause.
Readers, here's a link to the book. By using it when you order, you help support this blog.

Leave a comment for a chance to win a free copy of the book. Please tell us where you live, at least the state or territory. (Comments containing links may be subject to removal by blog owner.)

Void where prohibited; the odds of winning depend on the number of entrants. Entering the giveaway is considered a confirmation of eligibility on behalf of the enterer in accord with these rules and any pertaining local/federal/international laws.

The only notification you’ll receive is the winner post on this blog. So be sure to check back a week from Saturday to see if you won. You will have 6 weeks from the posting of the winners to claim your book.

If you’re reading this on Feedblitz, Facebook, or Amazon, please come to the blog to leave your comment. Here’s a link.


  1. Anonymous5:36 AM

    What a great post. I have this one on my TBR list and I am a follower of her blog.Her stories are so touching and they do such great work in Africa.Keep up the wonderful work and keep the books coming.Blessings.
    North Carolina

  2. This is my kind of story. I love the adventure and supense. Usually you find this kind of book set in South America. I love the chance to Africa. My granddaughter is serving in South Africa doing her internship in Christian Social Work right now so this makes this even more intresting. I would love to win it. I am putting Lias on my MRA list.

  3. I love a great suspense story and this sounds like a great story. I would love to read Blood Covenant. Thanks for the opportunity to enter this great giveaway.

    I live in the state of Georgia

    misskallie2000 at yahoo dot com

  4. Wow! This book sounds really good! I am really wanting to read it now. I do love the setting I have read a couple books set in Africa and they were great. I live in Ohio. :)

  5. Am really looking forward to this book. Would love to win.

    Long Island, NY

  6. Thanks so much to all of you for stopping by and for your encouraging words. Grannyvon, we lived in South Africa for many years and love the people there so much. Your granddaughter's life will be blessed through this experience.

    Be blessed today!


  7. "Blood Ransom" is on my "to buy" list, so I'd love to win "Blood Covenant."


  8. Loved your interview. Thanks for sharing about yourself and the new book.

    coolestmommy2000 at gmail dot com

  9. Anonymous1:04 PM

    My name is Angela and I am from Kentucky. I would love to win a copy of this book.

  10. Very intriguing - would love to read it and perhaps recommend it to my book club. Would love a free copy!
    SF Bay Area

  11. Glad you enjoyed the interview. Lena does a great job, doesn't she!

    I've enjoyed meeting with a couple books clubs who have read Blood Ransom. Be sure and let me know if a group picks it up as we can arrange a Skype chat which would be a lot of fun.

  12. This sounds like a great book! I haven't had the pleasure of reading Blood Ransom yet, because CBD didn't have it listed in their catalog (what's wrong with them?):) I searched CBD online, however, and read about both of them! Wonderful reading...looks like to me!

    That's one thing I love about Lena's blog...she has so many good books that I have and have not heard of! I thought I knew what books I was going to spend my CBD gift card on, now I will have to regroup! Please do enter me!

  13. I didn't leave where I'm from on above comment...sorry. I'm Diana from beautiful SC.

  14. Please enter me!I am a follower

    I'm a subsciber

    dancealert at aol dot com

  15. Whoops forgot to tell you I live in Michigan!

    dancealert at aol dot com

  16. Your book sounds fantastically nail-biting!! Thanks for the interview.
    Kristen from WA

  17. This sounds SO good, so different from the norm! If I don't win, I'm definitely going to be buying this one. Thanks for offering a giveaway and for the great interview!

    Lindsey F
    Pacific Northwest, US

  18. Anonymous11:41 AM

    please count me in...would love to read lisa's latest novel :)

    karenk (from PA)
    kmkuka at yahoo dot com

  19. Lisa Harris and the devoted life she leads never ceases to amaze me!
    The plot of the book sounds intense and very fascinating. Many thanks,

  20. please include me thanks.
    I live in ND

    ABreading4fun [at] gmail [dot] com

  21. "...sounds fantastically nail-biting."

    Love that, Kristen! Definitely my aim! :-)

    Thanks for stopping by, all, and for spreading the word, Lena!

  22. I've wanted to read this book since it debuted! I am a follower of Lisa's blog.



  23. Please count me in for this giveaway!

    ~ Katy
    in Florida

  24. I love the premise behind this, high adventure and suspense. I love reading about unusual settings that I have not traveled to.

    upstate NY

  25. Charlotte Kay8:32 AM

    Suspense, count me in!
    I love a book that I can't put down!
    I would love a chance to win this book!
    Charlotte Kay, OHIO
    charsaltz at yahoo dot com

  26. Don't enter me. Just wanted to say I really enjoyed this book.

  27. Absolutely loved Blood Ransom, and I am sure Blood Covenant is equally well written. Thanks for a chance to win a copy.

    Dawn from Virginia

  28. Oh, Please enter me! I really enjoyed the first book in this series. :)

    booklovercb at yahoo dot com

    I live in the midwest. :)

  29. Loved hearing from you all who enjoyed Blood Ransom. Thanks for sharing!

  30. Anonymous3:34 PM

    Please enter me, thanks! I'd be interested in finding out more about this time and place.


  31. Please put my name into the hat.
    Ann Lee Miller
    Gilbert AZ

  32. I would love to read this. Now I want to read the author's other books as well. I live in S. California.

  33. Explosive story to say the least. Lisa is a very brave woman to spend time in dangerous places and writing about them, as well as have compassion for children who are orphaned. I would love to read her book. Thanks for this giveaway and for the chance to win it. I hope I do!

    Barb Shelton
    barbjan10 at tx dot rr dot com

  34. Please enter me in this giveaway.

    Judylynn in Tennessee
