
Monday, February 07, 2011

WORDS - Ginny Yttrup - Free Book

Welcome, Ginny. Tell us how much of yourself you write into your characters.

One of the things I enjoy most about writing fiction is creating characters. I try to make each character unique, but I’m sure some of my own thoughts, actions, and emotions are woven into each one. In the book I’m working on now, one of the characters is very sarcastic and I’ve had such fun with her. I wouldn’t dare say many of the things she says, but I’ve certainly thought some of the things she verbalizes. There’s probably more of me in her than I care to admit!

What is the quirkiest thing you have ever done?

On a warm summer evening last year, I hopped in the car with my best friend and her fifteen year old daughter. We drove to the house of another friend, picked her up, and then went to another friend’s house. We toilet papered her yard, rang her doorbell, and sprayed her with silly string when she answered the door. She then joined us and we went to another friend’s house and did the same. Finally, we ended up at a movie theater where we knew a group of friends would be coming out of a movie soon. We waited and accosted them with toilet paper and silly string in the parking lot. We all ended the evening together over ice cream at a local restaurant where several from our group serenaded the patrons with songs from the movie Grease. We ranged in age from 15 to 65. It was a stretch for this introvert, but it was an evening I’ll never forget!

When did you first discover that you were a writer?

In my early twenties I worked as a human resources specialist. The job required a lot of correspondence and I found I enjoyed writing--forming sentences, taking thoughts and putting them in a framework that others found helpful. That was the first time I received encouragement as a writer. I worked for a tough boss who was well read and a stickler for excellence in writing. Where he often used a red marker to correct the work of others in our department, my work typically came back with a note telling me it was fine. Soon, he no longer checked my work, but let me send things out on my own. That was high praise coming from him and it planted a seed of desire in me to pursue the craft of writing.

Tell us the range of the kinds of books you enjoy reading.

I’m an eclectic reader. I enjoy fiction--especially literary fiction, non-fiction, memoirs, biographies, travel journals, and cookbooks. I read a wide range of books from both the CBA and ABA market. When I finish writing a book, I typically have a stack of books that I’ve collected to read. Reading is my treat once I’ve met my deadline.

How do you keep your sanity in our run, run, run world?

I seek solitude with the Lover of my soul. I begin each morning with God and time spent in His Word. This isn’t as noble as it may sound--it’s simply survival for me. When my focus is on God rather than on myself, I’m less apt to get caught up in the stress of the day.

How do you choose your characters’ names?

I have a couple of baby names books on my shelf and I refer to those. With my current novel, I held a contest on Facebook to find the name for a main character. I offered a brief description of the character and then gave the winner a Border’s gift certificate. That was great fun and I now have a long list of wonderful names that I’ll refer to for my next book.

What is the accomplishment that you are most proud of?

I’m the mother of two incredible young-adult sons. Justin and Jared are fun, thoughtful, and wise. I can’t claim the credit for the way they are turning out--but I am very proud of them. They are a gift from God and they are His unique creations.

If you were an animal, which one would you be, and why?

I’m tempted to say platypus, just for fun. But, I’ll have to choose the good ol’ house cat. I’d love nothing more than sleeping the day away in warm, sunny spot.

What is your favorite food?

My favorite food is whatever I’m eating at the moment. My housemates just took chocolate chip cookies out of the oven, so at the moment, warm chocolate chip cookies are my absolute favorite food. With the exception of peas, I’ll eat almost anything and enjoy it.

What is the problem with writing that was your greatest roadblock, and how did you overcome it?

I had to persevere through years of discouragement. Just before my 30th birthday, I believed God had affirmed my desire to write, and perhaps was even calling me to write. I began attending writers conferences, worked on honing my craft, and networked with other writers, editors, and agents. When I was 45, I submitted the first chapters of my debut novel to agent, Steve Laube. Steve offered to represent me and eventually sold the novel to B&H Publishing Group. I’m now 48 and enjoying the release of my first book. During those 15+ years, there were many, many times when I wanted to give up--when I had to believe, against all visible evidence, that God had indeed called me to write. I finally reached a point of complete surrender where I told God I’d continue to write simply as an act of worship regardless of whether or not my work was ever published.

I’m grateful God took me to that point of surrender before publication. It helped put having a book published in perspective for me. Publication isn’t something that defines me or adds worth to who I am. There was a point in my life when I would have viewed it that way. Now, I’m clear that my value is found in God alone.

Tell us about the featured book.

Set amongst the towering redwoods of the northern California coast, Words is the story of 10-year old Kaylee Wren who hasn’t spoken since her drug addicted mother walked away, leaving her in a remote cabin, in the care of a man who is as dangerous as he is evil. With silence her only refuge, Kaylee collects words she might never speak from the only memento her mother left behind: a dictionary.

Sierra Dawn is thirty-four, an artist, and alone. She has allowed the shame of her past to silence her present hopes and chooses to bury her pain by trying to control her circumstances. But on the twelfth anniversary of her daughter’s death, Sierra’s control begins to crumble as the God of her childhood woos her back to Himself.

Brought together by Divine design, Kaylee and Sierra will discover together the healing mercy of the Word--Jesus Christ.

Words is an especially poignant story for me as it’s loosely based on my own history of childhood sexual abuse. My prayer is that all who read Words will be drawn to the Truth, Jesus Christ, and will experience the freedom found in Him.

I know there are many women who need to read this novel. Please give us the first page of the book.

I collect words.

I keep them in a box in my mind. I’d like to keep them in a real box, something pretty, maybe a shoe box covered with flowered wrapping paper. I’d write my words on scraps of paper and then put them in the box. Whenever I wanted, I’d open the box and pick up the papers, reading and feeling the words all at once. Then I could hide the box.

But the words are safer in my mind. There, he can’t take them.

The dictionary is heavy on my lap. I’m on page 1,908. I’m reading through the Ss.

When I finish the Zs, I’ll start all over again.

Su∙per∙f lu∙ous.

I like that word. It means something extra, something special, something you don’t need. It’s super. But you don’t need super. You just need good enough.

How does it sound when someone says it?

I didn’t really think about how words sound until I stopped talking. I didn’t mean to stop talking, it just sort of happened.

My mom left.

I got scared.

And the words got stuck.

Wow! Powerful opening. How can readers find you on the Internet?

Thank you so much for spending this time with us, Ginny.
Readers, here's a link to the book. By using it when you order, you help support this blog.

Leave a comment for a chance to win a free copy of the book. Please tell us where you live, at least the state or territory. (Comments containing links may be subject to removal by blog owner.)

Void where prohibited; the odds of winning depend on the number of entrants. Entering the giveaway is considered a confirmation of eligibility on behalf of the enterer in accord with these rules and any pertaining local/federal/international laws.

The only notification you’ll receive is the winner post on this blog. So be sure to check back a week from Saturday to see if you won. You will have 6 weeks from the posting of the winners to claim your book.

If you’re reading this on Feedblitz, Facebook, or Amazon, please come to the blog to leave your comment. Here’s a link.


  1. Not a comment to win...

    I have this book already and LOVED it. I will be posting my own review with giveaway at the end of this week.

  2. Sounds like an incredibly powerful book!

    coolestmommy2000 at gmail dot com

  3. Sounds great. Count me in.

    forwhlz at gmail dot com

  4. Fascinating opening. Would love to read it, especially since I love our Northern California settings. Please enter me for a chance to win! - Claire Koenig, SF Bay Area

  5. I want to win this one and it go on my must read list. My list gets longer and longer and no way I could afford to buy everything one it so would love to win it. Thanks for the chance.

  6. The relationship that forms between these two women would make an
    incredible reading journey!
    Many thanks, Cindi

  7. Wow! That first page was so interesting! I want to read the rest of this book. Even if I do not win it, I am definitely going to read it! I'm from Beavercreek, Ohio!! :)


  8. This book sounds great and I would love to read it!

    I'm from Georgia


  9. Can't wait to read it - it's our church's book club pick!

  10. Pam K.4:35 PM

    This book sounds like it would be a tough subject to write about. I think we need books like this to make us more aware of the social problems in our world. Thanks for writing "Words" and for this book giveaway.


  11. I would love to read this book.

    I am from So Cal.

    lkish77123 at gmail dot com

  12. i would love to win this book. i typically do not read the first page of a book for the reason that when i pick up a book in a store, that's what i read, and then i may think i've read the book already. However, everything else that has been said,tells me i would love it. Thanks for the chance to win. mitzi_wanham[at]yahoo[dot]com

  13. oops, i forgot to say i am in Arizona

  14. This one sounds very thought provoking. Please enter me.

    Nauvoo, IL

  15. please count me in...thanks :)

    karenk/ from pa
    kmkuka at yahoo dot com

  16. Anonymous1:42 PM

    Angela from Kentucky would love to win a copy of this book.

  17. I would love to read this book.

  18. What an emotional topic - I'm sure this book will probably require the reader to have a box of kleenex at hand. Please enter me in the drawing for Words.

    Jan Marie from central Indiana


  19. love to win thanks

    live in ND

    ABreading4fun [at] gmail [dot] com

  20. Sounds like a great book would love to read it!

    dancealert at aol dot com

  21. I'd love to win Ginny's book!
    Ann Lee Miller
    Gilbert Az

  22. Words are fascinating to me, particularly ones I've never seen or heard. When I first saw the cover of Ginny's book, and the title, My eyebrows raised in anticipation! A new word board game, I thought. I really enjoy word games. When I found out differently, I decided this book was probably a lot more interesting than a word game. After reading the first page, I am hoping I can win Ginny's book. I think it has a lot to say to many. I definitely want to be one of them. I'm writing this comment from my home in Arlington, TX. Thanks for the giveaway and for the chance to win it. I hope I do!

    Sharing the Peace,
    Barb Shelton
    barbjan10 at tx dot rr dot com

  23. Words sounds like a great ready. Thank you so much for the chance to win a copy.

    Smiles & Blessings,
    Cindy W.


  24. Oops...I live in Indiana.

    Smiles & Blessings,
    Cindy W.


  25. Thanks for the great interview and for stopping by to chat and share with us Ginny.
    Would love to win Words..

    I am from Georgia..

    misskallie2000 at yahoo dot com

  26. Words are the most powerful tool or weapon. May these words changes peoples life for the better. I know so precious words changed mine.
