
Saturday, March 19, 2011


Several people who left comments weren't included in the drawing, because they didn't read all the instructions and follow them.

And I've had several people who've won books in previous weeks who haven't contacted me. You could be one of them. Click on the Winners link at the bottom of this post and check the last six winner posts. You have six weeks to claim your book.

Jeff Frame (WV) is the winner of Plain Proposal by Beth Wiseman.
Mark (OH) is the winner of Redeeming Liberty by Diane and David Munson.

Jordan (SC) is the winner of Redeeming Liberty by Diane and David Munson.

Melissa (TX) is the winner of A Trail of Ink by Mel Starr.

Judy (Louisiana) is the winner of The Proper Wife by Winnie Griggs.

Patsy (Bible Belt) is the winner of Sweet Baklava by Debby Mayne.

Linda (WI) is the winner of Mine Is the Night by Liz Curtis Higgs.

If you won a book, please give the author the courtesy of writing a review on Goodreads,,, or other Internet sites. Thank you.

Congratulations, everyone. Send me your mailing address:
Click the Contact Me link at the top of the blog, and send me an Email.
Remember, you have 6 weeks to claim your book.

If you didn't win and you plan to order the book, please use the link provided on the individual interview. By using that link when you order, you will help support this blog.


  1. congrats to all the winners:) Thanks Lena for having such awesome authors on you blog...I'm learning tons and lovin' it!

    Lorna from Alberta

  2. Anonymous10:04 AM

    You keep saying people have entered and did not follow directions....but directions aren't all that clear !!!! When it says to click to leave comment it keeps taking you back to the same page.....maybe you need to redo your site !!! I know on all the amish sites they have a comment block to enter and leave don't have to keep clicking here and there......I can see why so many entered and did not follow the's not their fault.......

  3. Anonymous, the directions I'm talking about is that they don't tell where they live. Only those who say where they live, at least the area or state or territory are put into the drawing.

  4. Anonymous, I just checked. When you click on Comments, it takes you to this page to leave a comment.
