
Tuesday, April 05, 2011

THE DEEPEST WATERS - Dan Walsh - Free Book

Author Bio: (I've included a photo of Dan with me taken at the American Christian Fiction Writers 2010 national conference.)

Dan Walsh is the award-winning author of The Unfinished Gift, The Homecoming, and The Deepest Waters. A member of American Christian Fiction Writers, Dan served as a pastor for 25 years. He writes fulltime in the Daytona Beach area, where he lives with the love of his life, Cindi, his wife of 34 years. They have two children, both now grown, and one grandson. As they await more grandchildren, they enjoy the company of two mini-aussies, Bailey and Darcy.

Welcome Dan. God has really been moving in your writing life. What do you see on the horizon?

In addition to another Christmas novel coming out in Sept, and a 5th book releasing next spring (which I’ve just finished), Revell has signed me to write 3 more novels for them. And…something very big is brewing, which they won’t let me announce just yet, but it will involve an additional 4-book contract. When this new thing is announced, I’ll be writing 2 books a year for them for the next several years. One in the Fall, another in the Spring. We’ve already agreed on the storylines for the next 3 books, all stand-alone novels, similar in genre to the books I’ve been writing.

That is totally awesome, Dan. I love your writing. Tell us a little about your family.

My wife, Cindi, and I have been married for 34 years. She really is my best friend. In fact, I’ve never had a guy friend who’s come even close. We have two children, both grown. The oldest, our daughter, Rebekah, is married and has just given us our first grandchild in January. Our son, Isaac, is getting married in June.

And the birth of that grandchild brought you to my neck of the woods. I really enjoyed getting to know Cindi, too. Has your writing changed your reading habits? If so, how?

Since I began writing fulltime in September, it definitely has. I actually seem to have less time for pleasure reading. Usually only at night before bed. My other reading time is divided between research and books I’ve been asked to consider endorsing. Having said that, to be fair, I love doing research and have enjoyed several of the books I’ve been asked to read (so it hardly feels like work).

What are you working on right now?

I’ve recently finished my 5th novel for Revell, called The Discovery. It’s a story that begins in the present, goes back to the 1940’s, then resolves back in the present. A grandson discovers secrets about his grandfather’s amazing past after inheriting his home in historic Charleston, things the grandfather had kept hidden from the family their whole lives. I’m also writing a book for Guideposts, part of a series called The Miracles of Marble Cove. I’m working with a team of authors, including Melody Carlson and Leslie Gould. My book is the 5th book in the series. In May, I’ll start working on my next novel with Revell.

What outside interests do you have?

It’s kind of funny, but writing used to be my hobby (was for several years). Now that I’m writing fulltime, I guess I need to start thinking about developing some new outside interests, or returning to some old favorites. My wife and I love to take walks on the beach, which we do quite often. We may renew our annual pass to the Disney theme parks (only one hour away). We both love going there. We also LOVE dogs (have 2 mini-aussies). My wife is studying to become a certified dog trainer, so I see spending more time with more dogs in our future.

How do you choose your settings for each book?

For my first 2 novels, I returned to an area I had grown up in as a child, as well as where my grandparents had lived (the suburbs of Philadelphia). Since The Deepest Waters is based on a true story, the settings were created by the story itself. So we’re spending time in old San Francisco and New York City in the 1850’s. For my 4th novel, Remembering Christmas, I created a fictitious version of the Daytona Beach area, where I’ve lived for the last forty years. That was fun.

I like to choose places I’ve either lived in, or have visited many times (we’ve traveled a good bit in 34 years of marriage).

If you could spend an evening with one historical person, who would it be and why?

Oh my, I can think of several. The reason I’d want to meet with each of them is probably the same. I’d ask them questions about what it was really like vs how history has told their stories? Famous people like Winston Churchill and Abraham Lincoln but even ordinary people who lived in extraordinary times. See how they perceived things compared to how we do now, looking back.

What is the one thing you wish you had known before you started writing novels?

How many things you need to learn that have nothing to do with writing itself (like social networking on the internet, which is a rewarding thing, but takes far more time than I ever imagined).

What new lessons is the Lord teaching you right now?

The main lesson I’m learning is not complicated, just hard to do. It’s about keeping my mind from planning and thinking too far down the road. I really want to be a humble-hearted follower, learning to depend on the Lord, even in the details of my life. That’s where the joy is. Actually, for those who read The Deepest Waters, Micah, one of the main characters of the book, shares the lessons God is speaking to my heart these days in Chapter 34.

What are the three best things you can tell other authors to do to be successful?

1. Keep your walk with Christ central (so easy to imagine it’s all about our 5 loaves and 2 fish).
2. Write and keep writing (don’t let lesser things draw you away from the main thing).
3. Read great books, first as a reader, then as a writer wanting to learn why these books work so well.

Tell us about the featured book.

First, I’ve got to say…I loved writing this book. It’s called The Deepest Waters. Here’s a one-paragraph summary we came up with.

What began as a fairytale honeymoon for John and Laura Foster aboard the steamship SS Vandervere becomes a nightmare when a hurricane causes their ship to sink into the murky depths of the Atlantic. Just before she goes down, an old wooden ship comes to their rescue but can only take the women and children aboard. The couple is pulled apart, certain they will never see each other again. Laura sails alone to New York to face a family she has never met. Inspired by a true story, The Deepest Waters weaves a tale filled with action and suspense through an intimate lens, but is also an amazing love story, one that could only happen if miracles come true.

Sounds really intriguing. Please give us the first page of the book.

September, 1857

Yesterday, when it had become a certainty their ship would sink, Laura and John Foster held hands, as they had on their wedding day three weeks ago, and made a vow: when that moment finally came they would leap into the sea together and slip beneath the waves. One quick inhale of water. It wouldn’t be suicide. God had already determined it to be their last day on earth.

But that’s not what happened.

Laura was still here, alive and alone. By now, John had most certainly perished along with the rest.

Her tears temporarily spent, Laura lifted her head and looked at the other women. Faces barely recognizable. Cold, wet, quietly weeping or else staring at nothing, eyes locked in grief. All the men in their lives: husbands, brothers, fathers were also gone. The dim lantern light, shifting with the motion of the sea, moved them in and out of the shadows like phantoms.

The ship creaked and moaned with each rise and fall of the waves, as if sharing their pain. From the darkest side of the room Laura heard a new sound. Heavy feet scuffing across the wooden deck. As it grew louder, she waited for someone to emerge.

(Note: If you go to Amazon or, you can read quite a few pages by clicking on the book cover).

I can't wait for my copy to arrive. What a hook! How can readers find you on the Internet?

If they go to my website at, they can click one of the buttons at the bottom of my homepage and find me on Facebook and Twitter, also. Click on “Latest News” to read my blog.

Thank you so much, Dan, for this peek into your life and book.

Readers, here's a link to the book. By using it when you order, you help support this blog.

Leave a comment for a chance to win a free copy of the book. Please tell us where you live, at least the state or territory. (Comments containing links may be subject to removal by blog owner.)

Void where prohibited; the odds of winning depend on the number of entrants. Entering the giveaway is considered a confirmation of eligibility on behalf of the enterer in accord with these rules and any pertaining local/federal/international laws.

The only notification you’ll receive is the winner post on this blog. So be sure to check back a week from Saturday to see if you won. You will have 6 weeks from the posting of the winners to claim your book.

If you’re reading this on Feedblitz, Facebook, or Amazon, please come to the blog to leave your comment if you want to be included in the drawing. Here’s a link.


  1. Having read The Unfinished Gift, I really look forward to this book!!

    I live in PA!

  2. Patsy5:09 AM

    Goodness, Dan is busy writing. I'm glad you're using your talent for writing. This book sounds really good. Would love to read it.
    From the Bible Belt


  3. Thanks Annette and Patsy. Hope you enjoy it.

    I'll be checking in throughout the day (Tues), so feel free to ask any additional questions, if you'd like.


  4. Dan the first page is so heart felt and compelling! Where do you get your ideas from? I would love to read a book of yours:)

    Please enter my name for a chance to win!

    Lorna from Alberta

    lornafaith at gmail dot com

  5. Hi Lorna,

    Good Question. Not sure where these ideas come from. The creative process is hard to pin down. I do pray a lot, even for new book ideas, and as I write.

    This particular story idea came while watching a documentary on the history channel. It's really inspired by true events. At the end of the book, I spell out which things in the story actually happened (some of them are amazing).


  6. Please don't enter me as I already have this book and will be reviewing it, but I wanted to say I LOVED it! Whoever wins this will really enjoy it.

  7. I love Dan's first two books. I hope I win "The Deepest Waters", but if I don't, I'll be dropping hints for Mother's Day! He is proof that you don't have to include ugly language and improper situations in order to have a good book. I hope he continues to write for many years to come!

  8. thanks for the opportunity to read this fabulous novel :)

    karenk...from PA
    kmkuka at yahoo dot com

  9. Pam K.4:17 PM

    "The Deepest Waters" sounds very interesting. I like that it was based on a true story.
    I'd love to win this one!


  10. please enter me thanks
    live in ND

    ABreading4fun [at] gmail [dot] com

  11. His books combines the suspense with a love story! How wonderful...
    Many thanks, Cindi

  12. This book sounds intriguing, I would love to read it!
    from Saskatchewan

  13. I haven't read any of Dan's books, but if they are anything like this one sounds they must be good! Enter me for this one, please :)

    Anne, rural NC

  14. Judy B4:57 AM

    This book sounds like a good one. I haven't read anything of Dan's yet but would really love to! I'm so happy to hear that he is grounded in Christ! God Bless!

    Judy B from Indiana

  15. Good gracious--I can't leave those women floating alone. I have to read and find out what happens next!

    coolestmommy2000 at gmail dot com

  16. Dan - that's alot of writing you'll be doing in the next few years! Looking forward to reading this book. Elaine from Iowa

  17. Haven't read anything by Dan, but this looks like a great read! Thanks for the chance to win! Kari in ORegon

  18. i would love to win this book. it sounds totally intriguing! if i don;t win, will need to put it on mhy to buy list, cause it's already on my to read one! mitzi_wanham[at]yahoo[dot]com from Arizona

  19. This book sounds fantastic!! Please enter me:)
    Kristen from WA

  20. This sounds like a wonderful story! Thank you for including me in the drawing.

    Michelle in California
    scraphappy71 at sbcglobal dot net

  21. I've read Dan's first book and loved it. Planning to order #2 and want to be entered to win this one...#3....please. Thanks from GA.

  22. I would absolutely love to read this book! I'm a follower by email. dancealert at aol dot com

  23. I'd love to win Dan's book. You had me at "an incredible love story."

    Ann Lee Miller
    Gilbert AZ

  24. Anonymous7:52 AM

    I haven't read any of Dan's books but this one sounds really good. Would love to win it!

  25. With such a beginning to the novel, I'm wanting to know more.
    Well done, Dan.

    Please enter me in the giveaway.

    A J Hawke

  26. Anonymous3:39 PM

    Looking forward to winning this book :)

    Mona in Ohio

  27. Anonymous5:00 PM

    Please enter me in the free book contest,

    Angela C. in Ohio

  28. The Deepest Waters sounds intriguing and heart tugging. I'd love a chance to win it!
    Merry in TX

  29. Sounds like a great book! Please enter me in the drawing.

    Kristen in TX

  30. I am intrigued by this book. I am already feeling sorry for this couple being torn apart from each other. I live in S. Calfornia.

  31. I'm from North Carolina. One of my favorite authors has highly recommended this book, so I thought I would try it.


  32. Did John make it? Want to know!

  33. I've read The Unfinished Gift. It was wonderful. Now I'm looking forward to Dan Walsh's other books! I'll be telling my family to come leave a comment here also, because I know they would have to like this book. (I'm from Oklahoma).
