
Thursday, April 28, 2011

KAYDIE - Penny Zeller - Free Book

Welcome back, Penny. Why do you write the kind of books you do?

Thank you for having me here, Lena. Writing is my ministry, and I pray daily that the path of writing that I have chosen in life will glorify the Lord. I am in constant prayer for wisdom, guidance, and that my books would be life-changing – that they would bring others to the Lord or closer to the Lord. I have chosen Psalm 19:14 as my life verse: “May the words of my mouth and the meditation of my heart be pleasing in your sight, O Lord, my Rock and my Redeemer.”

Besides when you came to know the Lord, what is the happiest day in your life?

The happiest days of my life were the day I married my husband and the times we became parents to our two daughters.

How has being published changed your life?

Life is a lot busier! I also discovered rather quickly that the hard work begins after publication. J

What are you reading right now?

 I am reading a fantastic love story by Melinda Evaul titled Grow Old With Me. I’m also reading and studying Acts in the Bible.

What is your current work in progress?

I am currently working on book two in my second historical romance series, which takes place in the post Civil-War era.

What would be your dream vacation?

Hmmm….well there’s a four-way tie of places I would love to visit for a dream vacation with my family: Hawaii, Alaska, Hilton Head Island and Prince Edward Island.

How do you choose your settings for each book?

I choose places that intrigue me or places that I have visited. I am a very visual person, so if I have visited a place, I can easily integrate my characters into that setting.

If you could spend an evening with one person who is currently alive, who would it be and why?

 Let’s see…family and friends aside, I would say the Christian band Kutless because they’re my favorite music group and I love their hearts for God.

What are your hobbies, besides writing and reading?

I also enjoy playing volleyball, gardening, camping, hiking, canoeing, and spending time with my family.

What is your most difficult writing obstacle, and how do you overcome it?

I would say my most difficult writing obstacle is setting priorities and sticking to them and not wasting time on less important things on my “to-do list.”

What advice would you give to a beginning author?

God calls us all to do different things for His Kingdom. If He has called you to write, seek His guidance. Never give up, even when you feel like it or when someone has unkindly criticized you. Seek to please and honor Him in whatever  you write, whether it be for the secular or nonsecular market; whether it be fiction, nonfiction, poetry, song lyrics, or a screenplay. Find a mentor and be open to ideas and suggestions from one who’s “been there, done that.” One final note, join forces with other Christian writers. After all, we are all working for the same Boss.

That is so true. Tell us about the featured book.

I am thrilled about my featured book. It is titled Kaydie and is book two in my Montana Skies Historical Romance Series (Whitaker House). Here is a short blurb:

For the first time in years, Kaydie Worthington Kraemer can breathe easily. Although she is still haunted by memories of her abusive husband, Darius, she takes comfort in knowing the man is dead. Staying with her sister McKenzie and brother-in-law, Zach Sawyer, at their ranch, Kaydie is still wary of men, especially now that she has another life inside of her to protect. As she looks forward to her baby's birth, she builds a protective wall around herself that won't be easy to tear down.

Ranch hand Jonah Dickenson views his boss, Zach, like a brother. He does not, however, envy Zach's new role as a husband. Deserted by his mother at a young age and forever despised and rejected by his own father, Jonah has few close relationships. But there's something about Kaydie that draws him to her and makes him question his decision to remain a bachelor.

When Cedric Van Aulst, an old friend of Kaydie's, comes to town, an unforeseen prospect of marriage arises. Cedric is someone Kaydie trusts. Will she settle for a safe union with him, or can she trust God to guard her heart and her life in the arms of Jonah?

Please give us the first page of the book.

October 1882
Pine Haven, Montana Territory

      “No, Darius, I’m not going with you!” Kaydie Kraemer winced in pain as her husband, Darius, grabbed her arm and pulled her out the door of her sister’s house toward his waiting horse. She tried to pull her arm loose from his tight grasp, but her efforts were futile.
      Darius then reached around and grabbed her other arm, squeezing it so hard that Kaydie could already see the bruises he would leave behind. “You don’t have a choice, Kaydie. You’re my wife, remember?”
      “No, Darius. I’m staying here. I don’t want to be married to you anymore.” Kaydie fought back her tears, hating that they would be sign of weakness to her callous husband.
      “You don’t have a choice,” he snarled. “Now, you can either come willingly, or I can carry you. Which will it be? Because I ain’t leavin’ without you.” He turned his head to the side and spit on the front porch.
      “I thought—I thought you were dead,” Kaydie stammered.
      Darius threw back his head with an evil laugh, which caused the nostrils on his prominent nose to flare in and out. His mouth was open wide, revealing more missing teeth than Kaydie remembered. His stringy brown curls bounced from his collar, and he removed a hand from Kaydie only long enough to slick back the few strands of greasy hair that had fallen over his forehead. He narrowed his eyes, which were already too small for his large face, making them appear even smaller. “I had you fooled, didn’t I? You’re a foolish woman, Kaydie. Ain’t no way I’m gonna die and let you go free! When you said ‘I do,’ it meant that you were bound to me forever!” He gritted his teeth and gripped her arm even tighter.

Can't wait to read it. How can readers find you on the Internet?

I love to connect with my readers at my website,
my humor blog, A Day in the Life of a Wife, Mom, and Author:,
on Twitter at,
and on Facebook at

Thank you so much, Lena, for interviewing me on your blog. I really appreciate all you do for fellow writers.

And God blesses me with allowing me to meet all of you, Penny. Thanks for stopping by.

Readers, here's a link to the book. By using it when you order, you help support this blog.

Leave a comment for a chance to win a free copy of the book. Please tell us where you live, at least the state or territory. (Comments containing links may be subject to removal by blog owner.)

Void where prohibited; the odds of winning depend on the number of entrants. Entering the giveaway is considered a confirmation of eligibility on behalf of the enterer in accord with these rules and any pertaining local/federal/international laws.

The only notification you’ll receive is the winner post on this blog. So be sure to check back a week from Saturday to see if you won. You will have 6 weeks from the posting of the winners to claim your book.

If you’re reading this on Feedblitz, Facebook, or Amazon, please come to the blog to leave your comment if you want to be included in the drawing. Here’s a link.



  1. please enter me in this giveaway thanks
    I live in ND

    ABreading4fun [at] gmail [dot] com

  2. This is a new author to me, but I'd love to win a copy of this book! Thanks!!!
    Kari in Oregon

  3. Penny I love your detailed description of your characters...makes them come alive. Your story sounds great:)
    please enter me for a chance to win!

    Lorna from Alberta
    lornafaith at gmail dot com

  4. please count me in...thanks :)

    karenk...from pa
    kmkuka at yahoo dot com

  5. Love books set in the west - sounds like a great read
    msboatgal at

  6. I loved Book 1 in her Montana Skies series and would love to read this second one...
    Many thanks, Cindi

  7. Please count me in.

    forwhlz at gmail dot com

  8. Please include me


    lkish77123 at gmail dot com

  9. Darius sounds like such a nasty man! I want to read the book to find out how Kaydie finally gets rid of him. That sounds terrible, but she does deserve better!
    Please enter me in the drawing for this book.


  10. Please enter me! I'm Brenda from Michigan!

    dancealert at aol dot com

  11. I would love to read this book! Count me in on the giveaway.


  12. I would love to read your book, I really enjoy Historical fiction..I will be adding your book to my TBR list :)

    Montana Sky was a great book :)

    in rhode Island


  13. Judy Cooper2:21 AM

    Penny Zeller is a new author to me, but I can tell I will enjoy her books. It would be nice to win.
    Thank you. Judy C. in Louisiana

  14. Judy K4:38 AM

    I would love to win this book, "KAYDIE". I too was in an abusive relationship and it is only by the Grace of God that I am alive today.

    I haven't read anything from Penny Zeller but am definitely putting her on my authors list that I keep.

    Thanks so much for these giveaways!

    Judy in Indiana

  15. Hello Apple Blossom and Kari~
    Thank you for stopping by Lena's blog and for your kind comments.

    Have a wonderful weekend!



  16. Happy Friday, Lorna ~
    Thank you so much for your comment. I appreciate you!

  17. Hello Karen and Scottsgal,
    Thank you for stopping by Lena's blog and leaving a comment for a chance to win a copy of Kaydie. I agree with you Scottsgal, I love books set in the West too :)

    Have a blessed weekend,


  18. Hi Cindi~

    Thank you for stopping by Lena's blog. I'm thrilled that you enjoyed McKenzie - the first book in my Montana Skies Series!

    Your compliment made my day :)


  19. Hello Sandy and Linda,

    Thank you for stopping by Lena's blog. It is so fun to see all of the states (and countries!) represented in the comments. :)

    Have a wonderful weekend!


  20. Hi Pam~

    I loved your comment! Yes, Darius is a nasty man and Kaydie definitely deserves better. She is a sweetheart with a heart of gold!

    Have a great weekend!


  21. Happy Friday, Brenda and Patsy ~

    It's great to see you here! I am so honored to be a guest on Lena's blog and so appreciate you taking the time to leave a comment.



  22. Hi Kym~
    Wow! It is always such a compliment to be added to a TBR list - thank you SO much! Historical romance is my favorite too :)



  23. Hello Judy~

    Thank you for stopping by Lena's blog and leaving a comment. I'm excited to see who wins the copy of Kaydie! Thank you also for your kind words. Readers have no idea what an encouragement they are to authors!



  24. Hello Judy K~

    I was sorry to hear that you were in an abusive relationship and am praising God with you that He removed you from that terrible situation.

    I, too, am amazed by God's grace and how He delivers us and is forever our refuge and strength.

    I am honored that you have placed me on your author's list. Thank you SO much!

    Have a wonderful weekend,


  25. I would love to win Kaydie, as Penny well knows by now! LOL

    Diana Flowers from SC

  26. Anonymous11:13 AM

    Oh my, this sounds like a good one...can't wait to read it...Thanks,

    Mona G./Ohio

  27. Loved the first book, can't wait to read this one.

    coolestmommy2000 at gmail dot com

  28. Anonymous1:33 PM

    Looking forward to reading this book too......Thanks

    Angela C./Ohio

  29. Don't enter me have read this book and loved it.
    Penny love your holiday destinations (well 3 of them not sure where one is) but I love Hawaii, would love to see Alaska and Prince Edward Island also.

  30. Anonymous6:29 PM

    Please enter me in this book giveaway. I would love to win this book. Thanks

    Shirley T./Illinois

  31. Mallorie7:27 PM

    Lena, I've always enjoyed your writing and look forward to reading more of your work in the future! I also look forward to reading Kaydie! :)

    ~Mallorie from Florida

  32. I'd love the chance to win this book. I'm not familiar with this author but am always happy to find new authors to read!

  33. I'd love the chance to win this book. I'm not familiar with this author but am always happy to find new authors to read!

  34. Hello Diana~

    It's great to see you here! I admire your persistence in entering to win Kaydie. :) I hope you are doing well.



  35. Hello Mona~

    It's great to see someone from Ohio - I have family in that area :) Thank you for your enthusiasm in winning Kaydie.

    Have a great day!


  36. Sounds like a good book, and I can tell by the cover that it is interesting.
    Please enter me in the contest, Thanks!
    Abigail Grace Richmond
    Blanch, N.C.

  37. Happy Saturday, Robyn~

    Thank you for stopping by Lena's blog. I really appreciate your kind comment and I'm thrilled you enjoyed McKenzie - thank you for sharing that with me!

    Have a wonderful weekend,


  38. This book sounds so interesting. Please enter me. I live in S. California.

  39. Hi Angela~

    Thank you for stopping by and leaving a comment on Lena's blog. I appreciate your enthusiasm about reading Kaydie.

    Have a blessed day!


  40. Hello Jenny~

    It is wonderful to see you here! I am honored that you enjoyed reading Kaydie and it has been such a privilege in the past to be a guest on your awesome blog :) I appreciate all you do to promote authors.


  41. Hello Shirley and Mallorie~

    I appreciate you both stopping by Lena's blog and leaving me a kind comment. Mallorie - I agree - Lena is a talented writer and an encouraging mentor too!



  42. Hi lgm52~

    Thanks for leaving a comment for a chance to win Kaydie. We authors are so appreciative of readers like you - so thank you SO much!



  43. Hello Abigail~
    It's great to see someone from North Carolina! I hope your weekend is going well. Thank you for your sweet comment about the cover of Kaydie. I am blessed by the talented graphics department at Whitaker House.

    Have a wonderful day,


  44. Hello Bakersdozen~

    Thank you for stopping by. I love your blogger name - it reminds me of when I used to work in my aunt's bakery as a teenager. Talk about some delicious goodies! Ah...such memories...

    Have a wonderful weekend,


  45. Anonymous11:53 AM

    Hi Penny,
    That is so nice of you to acknowledge us on here.....have a great day.

    Mona G./Ohio

    You have family in Ohio? What part ?

  46. Thanks Mona! I really appreciate readers taking the time to to leave a comment :)

    I have family 20 miles from Cincinatti in Burlington, KY.


  47. Psalm 19:14 is my life verse also! Please include me in the drawing, I'd love to win Kaydie.
    Merrry in TX

  48. Anonymous8:29 AM

    i would love to win a copy of this book. Angela from Kentucky

  49. Hello Merry~
    I hope your week is off to a wonderful start. Psalm 19:14 has such meaning to me - that's neat that we both share the same lifeverse!



  50. Happy Monday, Angela~
    I appreciate you stopping by Lena's blog. Thank you for your enthusiasm about entering to win a copy of Kaydie. I hope you have a wonderful week!


  51. Anonymous10:54 AM

    Hello! Please enter me in the giveaway for "Kaydie." Sounds like a great book. Thanks.


  52. Story line sounds interesting. Please enter me for the book drawing. I live in the southwest corner of Georgia.


  53. Hello Angie~
    Thank you for your kind comments about Kaydie. I'm excited to see who wins the copy!


  54. Good Morning, Sheila~
    Thank you for your comment about the story line. I appreciate you taking the time to stop by and enter for a chance to win. It's great to see someone from Georgia!
