
Monday, June 27, 2011

KYLIE'S KISS - Delia Latham - Free Book

I'm happy to host Delia today. In addition to the regular book giveaway, Delia has a whole blog blitz today. She will choose a winner from everyone who leaves a comment today on any of the blogs to win an Oil Bottle Necklace/Pendant.

To find out where all the blogs are, go to this web site:

Delia's bio

Born and raised in a place called Weedpatch, Delia Latham moved from California to Oklahoma in 2008, making her a self-proclaimed California Okie. She loves to read and write in her simple country home, and gets a kick out of watching her husband play Farmer John. The author enjoys multiple roles as Christian wife, mother, grandmother, sister and friend, but especially loves being a princess daughter to the King of Kings and Lord of Lords. She loves to hear from her readers. You can contact her through her website or send an e-mail to delia AT delialatham DOT net.

Welcome, Delia. Tell us a little bit about who you are outside of the writing field.
I’m a born-and-bred California gal, transplanted to Oklahoma at age 50. Talk about your “change of life!” J My husband and I moved here in 2008, after he was medically retired (with COPD) and needed to get out of the San Joaquin Valley in California, with its sadly tarnished air. I am fortunate to be able to write full time—a new thing for me, and I’m loving it!

The Solomon’s Gate Series sounds intriguing, with the whole dating agency concept. Is your new release, Kylie’s Kiss, a part of that series? Share a bit about Solomon’s Gate.
Solomon’s Gate is a set of three books, based around a Christian dating agency of the same name. The introductory novel, Destiny’s Dream, focuses on Destiny May, who founds a Christian dating agency in a mid-sized, conservative California town. The two follow-up novels involve a couple of Destiny’s “Seekers,” which is her name for the people who come to her seeking a soulmate.

Kylie’s Kiss, book two in the series, released April 29. I’m excited about this book, and the true-to-life issues in the storyline. Here’s a blurb:

On a dare, Kylie Matthews lands smack in the middle of Solomon’s Gate—Castle Creek’s new Christian dating agency—and she finds herself revealing exactly what she’s waiting for in a relationship: “The kiss that steals my breath away.”

What she doesn’t reveal is her lack of self-esteem or her irrational reaction to facial disfigurement. Neither is applicable to her quest to find the perfect match. But that seemingly superficial malady becomes all-important when her first agency-arranged date is Rick Dale—a man who is everything Kylie is searching for. He’s handsome, smart, fun. Rick has it all…including an angelic six-year-old daughter with severe scarring on one side of her face.

Hard at work founding a therapy camp for young female victims of deformity or disfigurement, Rick wants Kylie to be a part of those plans. She’d love to say yes…but how can she, when every contact with the facility’s guests—and Rick’s own daughter—will make her violently ill?

 Kylie is ready to admit their relationship doesn’t stand a chance, but she’s forgotten that God makes a way where there seems no way.

How do you market your work, or does your publisher/s do the majority of the marketing?
 My publisher is wonderful about doing everything they can to get the word out and place our books. They are, however, a small press, and I am expected to help with the marketing. That said, even large presses are now asking authors to contribute something to the promotional process, so I don’t mind. I’m grateful to find a reputable home for my books. White Rose is recognized by both RWA and ACFW, so they must be doing something right. J

We’d love a little hint about what’s inside Kylie’s Kiss. Would you share a scene from the book?
I’d love to!

Rick settled into a seat across from Kylie and Clay and sat in silence for a moment, a slight frown drawing his dark brows together. Finally he looked up, first at Clay, then in her direction. “Kylie, I haven’t had a chance to share with you about Lea, though I believe Clay knows a little.”
Her heart sank and her gaze flew to her boss, who nodded. Yes, he knew about Lea, whoever she was. This didn’t sound good. “Who’s Lea?”
“She’s my little girl.” Kylie drew in a slow, deliberate breath, forcing herself to stay calm. So he had a daughter. As long as a wife wasn’t the next announcement, she could handle that.
“You have a child. How old is she?”
“She just turned six.” Rick’s expression softened as he spoke, and Kylie knew without a doubt that Lea was his life. His green eyes, startling against the olive of his skin, met hers without flinching. “She’s a special child, Kylie. Smart, beautiful, charming….” Kylie found herself fascinated by the adorable little self-derisive grin that played about his lips. “And sweet as cotton candy.”
Kylie couldn’t help smiling. “You don’t like her much, huh?”
“She is my heart and soul.” A little sheepish, but unrepentant.
“When do we get to meet this perfect child?” Clay’s grin lit up his craggy face. “Destiny’s already looking forward to it, but be warned—she’s going to try to keep her. My wife has a thing with kids, man. She loves ’em, and they always love her right back.”
Rick laughed a little, but his tone was serious. “I hope she still feels that way after she meets Lea.” He pulled a wallet from his pocket, then sat for a moment, saying nothing.
Puzzled, Kylie watched him run slender fingers through his thick black hair. Again and again he invaded the thick waves, managing to somehow leave them only slightly mussed. Finally he opened the billfold and pulled out a photo.
When he raised his head, revealing the torment in his eyes, her heart nearly stopped. What was wrong with Lea? Whatever it was, did Rick think it would make a difference in how she or Clay might feel about the child? If so, he certainly didn’t give them much credit.
“This is Lea.” He handed the photo to Clay, who smiled and passed it on to Kylie.
“She’s a cutie all right, my friend. You weren’t exaggerating. So what’s the problem?”
Kylie wondered the same thing. The photo showed a partial silhouette of an extraordinarily beautiful child. Unlike her olive-skinned father, Lea was a vision of light. Golden hair, porcelain skin, eyes the color of a robin’s egg. Kylie met Rick’s gaze, mystified by his obvious unease. “She’s lovely.”
“Thank you. I think so.” He pulled out another photo and handed it to Clay. “In spite of this.”
Kylie’s stomach clenched and threatened to revolt. Her boss’s flinch was slight, but unmistakable. Oh, dear God, please help me handle whatever this is with grace. How ironic that her first real prayer in years would be one of such a pitifully begging nature. Somehow she knew her reaction to this photo could mean life or death for her relationship with Rick. How strange that she’d be thinking in terms of a relationship now, when only moments before she’d been ready to concede defeat.
Clay nodded slowly, then met Kylie’s eyes. He held briefly to the picture even after her fingers closed on it. His words were directed to his friend, but his gaze held hers. “You’re right, my friend. Nothing could make this child anything less than perfect.”
He released the photo into Kylie’s grip. By now she did not want to look at it. Something in Rick’s eyes and Clay’s voice told her she could be in trouble. But what choice did she have?
Her eyes moved in slow, jerking movements from Clay’s face to the photo in her hands. She gasped, overwhelmed with sympathy—and total panic.
Another silhouette, shot from the opposite side of Lea’s face. Long, lumpy red welts stained her exquisite skin, puckering her cheek into an inhuman mask. Kylie had no idea she was crying until the tears tickled her face, even as her throat closed and her stomach lurched.
The photo fluttered to the floor as she leaped to her feet. Sending the two men a desperately apologetic look, she flew out of the room with a hand over her mouth.

What can we expect from you next?
I’m working on a book of women’s fiction. It incorporates characters from both Yesterday’s Promise and Goldeneyes—which is surprising, since Goldeneyes is set in 1936 and 1959, and Yesterday’s Promise is a contemporary romance. Readers who’ve read either or both of those books  will definitely be interested in this one. I’ve also working on a short novella for a Valentine collection. Now to find a home for it… J

What advice would you give to budding authors who have published a book and now ask, "What next?"
Start writing your next one! That said, it’s so important to learn everything you can about marketing a book, because you should be doing that even before yours is released. If you don’t already have a platform of followers/fans, start building one—yesterday! Use as many social networking tools as you can efficiently handle, and work them. If you don’t have a website, get one. This will be crucial to your publicity, and if you can’t afford to have one done professionally, there are numerous free web hosting companies online. is a good one. Above all, place your career in the hands of God and follow His lead. He sees the bumps in the road ahead that are not within your line of sight yet, and He knows how to guide you through, around, under or over them…whichever is best for your situation. Trust Him!

As a successful author, are there any words of wisdom you'd like to share?
“Successful” is probably stretching it a bit. I’m still struggling to make a name for myself and get my books on the bookstore shelves, because I truly feel that each of them hold a message from God for someone—hopefully more than one someone. J My advice is always, first of all, to write from the heart. Also, I think it’s absolutely vital to a writer’s success to find a place they can call their own, whether that means a fully-dedicated office, the corner of a bedroom, the end of a dining table, or a closet dedicated to the cause. Wherever, whatever it is, go to that place every day, preferably at the same time every day, and write. Write badly if necessary on some days, but write. That’s what writer’s do.

Just for fun, what super power would you like to be blessed with?
Just one? J I think I’d like to be able to fly, then I could visit all the places I’d love to see without having to spend the money to get there.

Thank you, Delia for spending this time with us.

Readers, here's a link to the book. By using it when you order, you help support this blog.

Leave a comment for a chance to win a free copy of the book. Please tell us where you live, at least the state or territory. (Comments containing links may be subject to removal by blog owner.)

Void where prohibited; the odds of winning depend on the number of entrants. Entering the giveaway is considered a confirmation of eligibility on behalf of the enterer in accord with these rules and any pertaining local/federal/international laws.

The only notification you’ll receive is the winner post on this blog. So be sure to check back a week from Saturday to see if you won. You will have 4 weeks from the posting of the winners to claim your book.

If you’re reading this on Feedblitz, Facebook, or Amazon, please come to the blog to leave your comment if you want to be included in the drawing. Here’s a link.


  1. Anonymous3:42 AM

    Frist comment! WoW!! I would be blessed to win a copy of this book.

  2. Delia it was great meeting you through this interview. You are a new author to me and I'm looking forward to reading your books. I was sorry to read that your husband has Mom has it also.

    I would love to win a copy of "Kylie's Kiss". Thanks for the giveaway!

    Judy B from IN

  3. Happy Birthday Delia!! Loved the book trailer. Kylie's Kiss is on my wishlist. Please enter me for a chance to win. margie at mijares dot net

  4. I'm from NC and think this books sounds very interesting. I love the dating agency angle and don't think I've ever read a book where someone was working with people with physical deformities. It's nice to learn about works that people are involved with when one reads fiction.


  5. Thanks for the great interview/post and chance to win Kylie's Kiss, Delia and Lena. would love to win. mitzi_wanham[at]yahoo{dot]com from Peace River Country, Alberta

  6. Lena, it's so sweet of you to have Delia and me on your blog today. We're happy to be here, and look forward to answering any questions from you and your readers!
    Delia will be with us shortly, but she sent me ahead to say hello to all of you - and what a pleasure to find so many of you already here! Judy, we'll be sure to keep your mother in our prayers. Margie, hello again! :) Sylvia, that particular point was a little difficult for me, but God is so amazing to help us through the things that threaten to overcome us. Marianne, thank you for being here!

  7. Sounds great! Count me in, please.


    Delia...Weedpatch, huh? Must be a local name for a place in San Joaquin Valley, Your husband never had San Joaquin Valley Fever did he? I know there are some bad respiratory conditions from that area. Hope he is better now.

    lkish77123 at gmail dot com

  8. I would love to fly and visit places without paying a price! I bet the birds have a wonderful view of God's earth. Your book sounds great. Would love to read it.
    From the Bible Belt


  9. Hi, everyone! Looks like the party started without me...good thing Kylie stopped in earlier! lol
    Linda, Weedpatch is a little farming community in the San Joaquin Valley - you're right on! It is now officially known as "South Lamont," but the locals have never quite "cottoned" to the new name - in fact, I believe there was an incident of someone using a can of spray paint to rewrite the big "Welcome" sign the powers-that-be tried to put up. Sign originally read, "South Lamont," but the spray paint changed that right fast! lol

    Patsy, I'd love to see the world from a birds-eye view! :)

    Good luck to all of you in the drawings! And remember, Kylie and I are here to answer any questions or comments about Kylie's Kiss or the Solomon's Gate Series. Got questions? :)

  10. The book sounds terrific! Thanks for the giveaway.

    Anne, rural NC

  11. I've believed in the power of anointed oil. Would love to win the pendant.

    desertrose5173 at gmail dot com


  12. Lovely post. I think small presses might actually do a better job at marketing. The big ones pretty much expect you to do all the marketing unless you're a big name.

  13. faces! Anne, Linda, CozyinTexas - welcome! Cozy, you could have a point there. Linda, so glad you've become acquainted with the blessings of anointing oil! Anne, it's been great getting to know you today! Good luck to all of you in the drawings.

  14. Oh my goodness! what a scene! Poor Kylie - poor child! And what a loving father! Oh my goodness, I have to catch up with Kylie and wrap my arms around her!

  15. I think it's great that you are writing about children (and people) with disabilities. I have cerebral palsy and it can be daunting at first meeting me (I think). But a REALLY great guy won't care. i.e. my husband. But I sure know "that look".I'm from Ohio. kristiedonelson(at)gmail(dot)com Thank you.

  16. Hello again, everyone! Donna B., I'm so sorry I keep missing you. I'm looking forward to meeting you and getting that hug! CozyinTexas, you could be write about small presses...but the author certainly needs to expect to help with promotion, whatever the case. Linda, I've seen you at several of the blog stops - thank you for following along! Good luck to all of you in the drawings, and I sincerely hope you enjoy my story when you pick up your copy of Kylie's Kiss!

  17. This book sounds really interesting! I live in NW MT! martha(at)lclink(dot)com

  18. Anonymous9:47 PM

    Kristie, my heart goes out to people who have to endure rude stares and unkind words from people who don't know better, don't care, or are made uncomfortable by someone who is "different" from them. People with disabilities have to be so much braver than the rest of us! I hope Kylie's story can help, at least within my scope of readership, with those attitudes.

  19. love to win a copy of this book thanks
    I live in ND

    ABreading4fun [at] gmail [dot] com

  20. Faith's Grandma7:52 AM

    Wow!can't wait to find out the rest of this story...would love to win this book...


  21. Anonymous1:14 PM

    Thanks, Apple Blossom and FaithsGrandma, for stopping by! You are entered in the drawing - best of luck to you both!

  22. I loved the first page. Sounds like a book that I'd chew through in no time flat.

    coolestmommy2000 at gmail dot com

  23. So glad you enjoyed the excerpt, Robyn! It isn't the first page, though...that little scene took place soon after I realized I was hopelessly attracted to Rick, and really wanted a relationship with him. At the end of this scene, I figured there was absolutely zero hope of any kind of relationship with him...ever!

  24. Anonymous9:20 PM

    I'm back to remind you all that the fun is not yet over! Although the 1st prize was awarded this morning, FOUR PRIZES still remain to be given. Comments may be left here and on all other participating blogs until midnight, June 30th, for the drawing on July 1st. Winners will be able to choose from pdf copies of Destiny's Dream, Kylie's Kiss OR my self-published book of devotions and inspirational thoughts, Morning Rendezvous.

    So keep talking, readers - Kylie and I are still listening! :)

  25. sounds like a wonderful book -
    cheryl in il
    msboatgal at

  26. Great interview.This book sound wonderful.Please enter me in the giveaway.Thanks for the giveaway.PA.

  27. Anonymous11:17 AM

    Welcome, Scottsgal and Emma!

  28. Angela C.2:56 PM

    This book sounds absolutely wonderful...I would love to win it...


  29. Anonymous11:38 PM

    You are entered, Angela...good luck! (Thanks for stopping by!)

  30. Shirley T.10:53 AM

    Would love to win a copy of this book..Thanks, Shirley T./Illinois

  31. This book sounds like so much fun. I will definitely add it to my wish list. I live in S. CA.

  32. enter me
    Blanch, N.C.

  33. Great interview Delia. We moved from New York City to Oklahoma many years ago but only stayed for 6 months when my hubby got a job in Texas. We have moved many times since.

    You are another new to me author and I look forward to reading your book. Please enter me in the giveaway.


  34. Anonymous9:10 AM

    Hi, Shirley, BakersDozen, Abigail and Jo! I appreciate all of you stopping in and leaving comments. Jo, I can't imagine making very many cross-country moves - especially as I get older, it is harder to think about. Good luck to all of you!

  35. Thank You for giving me a free book! I never dreamed that I would win.
    1185 Longs Mill Rd.
    Blanch, N.C.27212
