
Saturday, June 04, 2011

SECOND CHANCE DAD - Roxanne Rustand - Free Book

Readers, I will post the winners later today, but first an interview with my friend Roxanne.

Why did you become an author?

I started out as an avid reader, and that passion for books gradually evolved into dabbling at writing. I never expected that I would actually sell a book!  But as time went on, I learned about RWA and started going to the regional and national conferences, and met other aspiring authors.  The encouragement and education the organization offered really sparked my dreams.

If you weren’t an author, what would be your dream job?

If I could go back in time, I would go to vet school!

If you could have lived at another time in history, what would it be and why?

I love reading historical fiction, but I'm content in the era I'm in.  After working in health care for so many years as a dietitian, the realities of poor sanitation and lack of dental care, antibiotics and other aspects of modern health care just don’t seem very appealing!  That said, if I could go back--but could choose my socio-economic status--I might like the life of one of Georgette Heyer's heroines who ended up with a duke. 

What place in the United States have you not visited that you would like to?

I would love to visit the beautiful coasts of the upper Northwest, and also Maine.  I love the oceans, forests, rocky shorelines and cooler weather.

How about a foreign country you hope to visit?

I'd love to visit Ireland, England, Wales, and Italy.  A friend of mine went to Ireland for a vacation that involved riding horses every day--instead of hiking--and that sounds wonderful!  Perhaps the Scandinavian countries as well, as I'm Swedish and my husband in Norwegian. 

What lesson has the Lord taught you recently?

I lost my mom last fall.  I spent much of last year out of state to be with her, and though I was blessed with being able to be away from home that much---the kids are grown now, and I'm a full-time writer without a day job schedule--I realized that there really is never enough time.  We've got to make use of every opportunity to tell our loved ones how much we love them, because you just never know when that last moment will be.

Despite Mom's pain and weakness, she wasn't dwelling on that--she never complained.  Her last words to me were, "You know what's so bad about this?  I didn’t get to finish your last book, and I'll never get to read the new ones."  Even then, she was thinking about her children and not herself.  Through my mom, I received a lesson about the depth of selfless love in a mother's heart, and it has made me far more aware of how I want to love and care for my own children.

Tell us about the featured book?

SECOND CHANCE DAD is a story about a newly graduated physical therapist who will do everything she can to give her son the safe and nurturing life he needs.  The hero is a former emergency room doctor who is filled with guilt and remorse about a car accident that took the life of his pregnant wife.  He is disabled and has walled himself away from living, but she cannot give up on him or she may lose the one job that will allow her to stay in the town where her son is receiving the special programs he needs.

Please give us the first page of the book. 

Sophie stepped out of her ancient Taurus sedan but lingered at the open door, staring at the massive dog on the porch of the sprawling cabin.  The dog stared back at her with laser-like intensity, head lowered and tail stiff.  

            It was not a welcoming pose.  

            Set back in the deep shadows of the pine trees crowding so close, the cabin itself--with all the windows dark--seemed even more menacing than a wolfhound mix with very sharp teeth. So what kind of person would be sitting in there, in all that gloomy darkness? 

            "Don't worry about the dog," Grace Dearborn had said with a breezy smile during Sophie's orientation at the county home health department offices.  "He's quite the bluffer.  It's the owner who is more likely to bite."  

            Sophie looked at the folder in her hand again.  Dr. Josh McLaren. Widower.  Lives alone.  No local support system. Post-surgical healing of comminuted fracture, right leg with a knee replacement.  Surgical repair of fractured L-4 and L-5 lumbar vertebrae, multiple comminuted fractures, right hand. 

            Had he been hit by a truck?  She shuddered, imagining the pain he'd been through.  The surgeries and therapy had to have been as bad as the injuries. The only other documentation in the folder were scant, frustrated progress notes written by her various physical therapist predecessors.  The last one had ignored professional convention by inserting his personal feelings into his notes.  

            The man is surly and impossible.  

            Ten minutes spend arguing about the need for therapy.  Five minutes of deep massage of his right leg and strengthening exercises before he ordered me out of his house. 

            And the final note... 

            I give up.  Doctor or not, McLaren is a highly unpleasant client and I will not be coming back here. 

            Sophie scanned the documents again, vainly searching for a birth date or mention of the man's age.  Maybe he was an old duffer, like her grandfather.  Crotchety and isolated and clinging to his independence.  

             The job was just temporary--three months covering for the regular therapist who'd gone to Chicago for some advanced training. But if  Sophie did exceptionally well, Grace would try to push the county board to approve hiring her on a permanent basis.  

The thought had lifted Sophie's heart with joy, though now some of her giddy excitement faded.  She set her jaw.  If her ability to stay in Aspen Creek hinged on those stipulations, then no one--not even this difficult old man--was going to stand in her way.   Far too much depended on it. 

"Buddy, I'm going to overwhelm you with kindness, and your mean ole dog, too," she muttered under her breath as she pawed through a grocery sack on the front seat of her car. "See how you like that."

How can readers find you on the Internet?
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Thank you, Roxanne, for visiting with us again. I love the first of the book.

Readers, here's a link to the book. By using it when you order, you help support this blog.

Leave a comment for a chance to win a free copy of the book. Please tell us where you live, at least the state or territory. (Comments containing links may be subject to removal by blog owner.)

Void where prohibited; the odds of winning depend on the number of entrants. Entering the giveaway is considered a confirmation of eligibility on behalf of the enterer in accord with these rules and any pertaining local/federal/international laws.

The only notification you’ll receive is the winner post on this blog. So be sure to check back a week from Saturday to see if you won. You will have 6 weeks from the posting of the winners to claim your book.

If you’re reading this on Feedblitz, Facebook, or Amazon, please come to the blog to leave your comment if you want to be included in the drawing. Here’s a link.



  1. This book sounds like a great read! I enjoyed Roxanne's interview. Was sad to hear about her Mom passing away and her last words to Roxanne, regarding not being able to finish her last book or reading her future ones. Roxanne is a new author to me and I can't wait to read her books. God Bless!

    Judy from IN

  2. Hi Judy,
    Thanks so much for your lovely comment.
    Blessings to you,

  3. This book sounds like a very interesting book and one that I would love to read. YOu were very fortunate that you were able to spend that time with your mother. We moved here 10 months before my momm passed away and were so glad that we did so we know that we can honestly say that we have no regrets.


  4. Roxanne,

    I enjoyed your interview very much & my sympathies on the passing of your mother. The cover of "Second Chance Dad" is beautiful and inviting - makes me want to snuggle in my favorite chair and dive right into the book. After reading the first page, I know it is one that I would enjoy very much. Thank you for taking the time to do the interview with Lena and offering your book to a lucky reader.

    Blessings to both you ~
    Beverly from Moore, OK

  5. Wow. Brought tears to my eyes re comments about Roxanne's mom. So true, so true. Thanks for sharing.

    I too was fortunate to be able to spend time with my mom before she passed away (from cancer) in 1995. My kids were still in school, so I dropped them off in the mornings, drove half an hour to my hometown, took care of mom's business/house/dog/etc., and got back in time to pick up the kids from school every day. Made 4-5 trips every week for several months and have no regrets.

    Thanks also for sharing Roxanne's excerpt, which did what it was supposed to do: lure me in to want to read the rest of the book! Yes, please add me to your list of commenters who would LOVE to read this book too! Thanks again.

    Laney4 from Ontario, Canada

  6. Thanks Roxanne and Lena for the interview and chance to win Second Chance Dad. My mom lives with me (she will be 85 next month) and we have many precious moments. i try not to think what it will be like when she's not with me anymore. She is still active and helps around the house and garden some, so we are enjoying life together.

  7. Thank you for the interesting interview. My first love was to be a vet. :) The animal world has always fascinated me.
    Can't wait to read you latest book and see how the heroine breaks through the hero's wall. Thanks for doing the book giveaway.

  8. Sounds like a great book of healing...physically and emotionally:) Was drawn to your main character in the 1st page:)
    Please enter my name for a chance to win:)

    Lorna from Alberta

    lornafaith at gmail dot com

  9. I would love to read this book.


    lkish77123 at gmail dot com

  10. It's so nice to see all of you here! Thanks so much for taking the time to comment. I look forward to sending a free book to the person who wins Lena's drawing.

    Laney and Jo, I'm so sorry to hear about the loss of your mothers. too. I miss mine more all the time--wanting to call to tell her things, wanting just to chat.

    Marianne--you are so fortunate to have your mom with you!

    Cynthia, lots of my books feature animals in them--a reflection of my own life, I guess! My blog is The All Creatures Great and Small blog, with stories about the pets owned by various authors as well as my own. If you go back, there are some poignant and also some fun tales! It's at

    Linda, Lorna and Kameko--enjoyed your comments, too. Thanks so much1

  11. Anonymous5:20 PM

    I would love to win a copy of this book.

  12. I love books about second chances and know I will love reading Second Chance Dad. Loved the interview. Thanks for stopping by to chat and share with us Roxanne.

    misskallie2000 at yahoo dot com

    I love in Middle Georgia where the temp has been 95 to 101..Hot..

  13. This sounds like a great book!

    Jordan in SC

  14. Shirley T.10:02 AM

    Would love to win this book, sounds great.... Thanks


  15. Mona Greer11:15 AM

    This sounds like a great book,I would love to win it and the last words your mom said to you brought tears to my eyes for several sweet of her to say that to you,I bet you're cried a lot over these touching.....thanks and so sorry to hear of your loss.....
    Mona G./Ohio

  16. This sounds like a good book. I would love to read it.

    Krista from Gresham, OR

  17. love to be entered thanks

    I live in ND
    ABreading4fun [at] gmail [dot] com

  18. would love to win a copy of this book.
    Abigail Richmond
    Blanch, N.C.

  19. Thanks for a great interview and chance to win! Love this blog!
    Kari in Oregon

  20. This book sounds really good. I would love a chance to win it. Please enter me in the drawing. Thank you


    Katherine from Northern California

  21. Hi Roxanne,

    I'm looking forward to reading this book. Having had physical therapy after a foot surgery, I know the good that a physical therapist can do. Great premise for the novel.

    Thanks for the opportunty to receive a giveaway.

    A J Hawke

  22. Loss is devastating. My grandma is 88 and I love to spend time with her. Recently she revealed some secrets of her past. I'm trying to get her to label photographs. There are so many. And also so many people named John in our family. *LOL* I'm from Ohio. kristiedonelson(at)gmail(dot)com Thank you.

  23. This sounds like an amazing read. Thank you so much for the chance to win this. It looks great. Thanks again.

    I am from Oklahoma.

    agent_beckster (at) yahoo (dot) com

  24. It so nice to see all of you here! Lena has a wonderful blog, doesn't she? I love coming here to keep up with all of her guest bloggers!

  25. Would love to win
    Sarah H

  26. Good interview. SECOND CHANCE DAD excerpt sound wonderful.Please enter me in the giveaway.Thanks for the giveaway.PA

  27. Sophie sounds like a sassy lady, I'd love a chance to win Second Chance Dad.
    Merry in TX

  28. I would love to read this. I am sorry about the loss of Roxanne's mother. I live in S. CA.

  29. Lynchburg, Ohio6:08 PM

    This sounds like a wonderful book....sure hope I win it....

    Angela C./Oh
