
Wednesday, July 27, 2011

WINGS OF PROMISE - Bonnie Leon - Free Book

Welcome, Bonnie.Tell us about your salvation experience.
I was born into a good family, but life brought painful challenges. When I was five years old, I was sexually assaulted, and at fifteen I was raped. I told no one and chose to carry my wounds and my anger alone. As a child, I also lived with a speech impediment, which drew barbs from my peers. With the help of a speech therapist I learned to communicate, but the damage to my self-worth was already done. I saw myself as worthless as a piece of trash.

Through the years, the Lord reached out to me through teachers and friends, but I refused to surrender to Him. God didn’t give up, and out of love He allowed a series of misfortunes to hit all in one clump. He knew if I were ever to come to Him I needed to be broken. In a matter of a few months, two people I loved deeply died. One of them was my father. I lost a baby and my husband walked out of my life, stating that he didn’t love me anymore.

I was crushed and without hope. One day an old friend stopped by to visit and while she was at my home she told me about Christ. We watched the 700 Club together, which I pretended didn’t interest me.  Before my friend left that night, she said, “Bonnie, I just want to tell you one thing. Jesus loves you.”

I acted as if what she’d said made little difference to me, but on the inside I rejoiced. Someone loved me! I clung to her words. Several days later, I turned on the 700 Club and when Pat Robertson explained the gospel and invited viewers to come to Jesus, I got down on my knees right there in front of the television and prayed with him. I placed my life in the hands of Christ.

I cried buckets and realized that I was not a piece of trash and that my life had value. God had created me. I was special. And I was loved. When I got up off my knees I was a new person.

I began to pray for my husband and God restored our marriage. Two months after that, my husband gave his life to Christ. We’ve been walking God’s path together ever since. This August we will celebrate our 40th anniversary.

That is a very powerful testimony. I’m glad God sent that woman to your house that day. You’re planning a writing retreat where you can only have four other authors. Who would they be and why?
This is a really difficult question. I am in fact, planning a writing retreat with my critique group in October. But . . . if I can invite anyone, any authors . . . First I’d invite Christ. I write for Him and my prayer is that His will I what falls upon the pages of my books. Secondly, I’d love to spend a weekend with Abraham Lincoln. He was a man of honor and courage. Two traits I find invaluable in writers. Thirdly, Corey Ten Boom. She was a woman of great faith. I’d love to know her better and experience her strength and faith face to face. Finally, I’d ask John Steinbeck. His writing is a bit dark, but I love the melodies he creates with words. He’s a spectacular author.

I realize all of these people are unavailable, except Christ, but you didn’t say they had to still be living. J

You’re right, I didn’t. So you did just fine. Do you have a speaking ministry? If so, tell us about that.

I love to speak. I’ve addressed women’s groups, writers, readers and church groups. One of my stronger spiritual gifts is exhortation and so I have a natural bent for encouraging others. It gives me a lot of joy.  And teaching writers is especially fun. I love to see a group gather, wondering if they are really writers and then after a day-long workshop they walk out, convinced they can do it. It’s extremely gratifying.

Because of a back injury I’ve been on hiatus for more than a year, but I’m stepping back in, slowly. In fact, I’ll spoke at a conference July 16th and I’m teaching at the Oregon Christian Writers Summer Conference in August. I’m looking forward to spending time with other writers and readers.

What is the most embarrassing thing that has happened to you and how did you handle it?
I have a list of embarrassing moments, but the most recent was at a women’s retreat. I was the guest speaker for the weekend and my back seized up the first evening. I retired to my bed, heavily medicated and praying for a better tomorrow. God had something else for me. I was no better the next day, but I managed to fulfill my speaking obligations. While at retreats I always enjoy spending time with the ladies, but at this event I spent the weekend flat on my back most of the time. I felt humiliated and hated letting the ladies down.
The women were gracious and kind. When it was time for me to head home, the ladies didn’t let me lift a finger. They packed all my things in my car and I climbed in and headed for home. It was a five hour trip, but I dared not get out of the car and so I drove straight home and went to bed.

People are always telling me that they’d like to write a book someday. I’m sure they do to you, too. What would you tell someone who came up to you and said that?
I always tell them, “Don’t write for money. There may not be any. Write only because you love it. And grow a tough outer skin. You’ll need it.”

Tell us about the featured book.
Wings of Promise is book two in my Alaskan Skies series, which takes place in Alaska during the 1930’s. I think the back cover does a good job of describing the core of the story. So here it is—

Her spunk has always gotten her through tough times. But does she have what it takes to go the distance?
Kate Evans may be a woman in a man’s profession, but as Alaskan bush                                               Pilots go,  she’s one of the best. If only her personal life wasn’t so                                                complicated. Torn between her affection for fellow pilot Mike Conlin
and doctor Paul Anderson, Kate longs for clarity in her heart. But when a terrible tragedy occurs, her mind may be made up for her.

Please give us the first page of the book.
Kate pulled her Plymouth coupe to the side of the road in front of the Townse’s place. They were good friends, and she was thankful for their invitation to share Christmas with them. Still, she was unable to hold back a sigh as she turned off the ignition. Bear Creek, with Paul, would have been more fun but frigid temperatures had cornered her in Anchorage. She knew better than to count on anything when it came to Alaskan weather.

She sat in the car a few minutes to rein in her thoughts. The calendar said December 25, but without Paul, it didn’t feel like Christmas. It was to be their first Christmas together as a couple. They’d planned a celebration with a tree, gifts, and dinner. And maybe even a trip up Bear Creek on the sled with the dogs. Kate had imagined a romantic evening huddled together, sipping hot chocolate and gazing at a glittering Alaskan sky. They’d talk about their future and, with any luck, share the beauty of northern lights dancing across the sky.

Maybe she could get Sidney’s permission to use the shop’s radio to call Patrick out on the creek. Paul would most likely be there. Would calling him be too forward?

Maybe we can celebrate the New Year together. It was almost as good as spending Christmas with each other. According to predictions, there was reason to rejoice—1937 might be the year the country actually crawled out of the ruinous depression.

How can readers find you on the Internet?
I’m easy to find. Just go to .

Thank you, Bonnie, for visiting with us today.

Readers, you'll love this book. I was privileged to read it for an endorsement, and I couldn't put it down.

Here's a link to the book. By using it when you order, you help support this blog.

Leave a comment for a chance to win a free copy of the book. Please tell us where you live, at least the state or territory. (Comments containing links may be subject to removal by blog owner.)

Void where prohibited; the odds of winning depend on the number of entrants. Entering the giveaway is considered a confirmation of eligibility on behalf of the enterer in accord with these rules and any pertaining local/federal or international law. 

The only notification you’ll receive is the winner post on this blog. So be sure to check back a week from Saturday to see if you won. You will have 4 weeks from the posting of the winners to claim your book.

If you’re reading this on Feedblitz, Facebook, or Amazon, please come to the blog to leave your comment if you want to be included in the drawing. Here’s a link.


  1. Sounds like a good book. Karen from Garland Texas.

  2. Anonymous4:35 AM

    I will be blessed to win a copy of this book.
    angela from KY

  3. Bonnie's interview brought back some painful memories of sexual abuse when I was younger. I too kept quiet.

    I would love to win a copy of "Wings Of Promise". Sounds like a great read!


    Judy from Indiana

  4. Anonymous6:09 AM

    What a precious, yet I'm sure difficult, testimony. Thank you for sharing. I also would love to know Corrie Ten Boom! I would be blessed to win this book, "Wings of Promise". Thank you for the opportunity.
    Kelly in Virginia

  5. What a powerful testimony!!!

    The book sounds like it will be terrific, too. I dream of going to Alaska--in the meantime, I read about it. :-)

    coolestmommy2000 at gmail dot com

  6. I haven't read many books set in Alaska - like the premise
    cheryl in IL
    msboatgal at

  7. Anonymous7:26 AM

    I love stories about Alaska and Alaskan Bush Pilots. This book looks great!


  8. Oh! Oh! Oh! I'd LOVE a chance at winning this book! I've seen it around, but have yet to read anything by Bonnie. Thanks for the chance!

    ~ Katy from Florida

  9. I used to scoff at the saying that what doesn't kill you makes you stronger but it's true. You get a deeper relationship with God & Jesus. I'm from Ohio. kristiedonelson(at)gmail(dot)com Thank you.

  10. Wings of Promise is a terrific book. I was privileged to endorse it also, so I know what I'm talking about!
    Great interview. :)

  11. Hi Karen and Angela. Thank you for stopping in. I hope you get a chance to read my book.

    I've got a fun contest running until August 8th. Stop by my website at to get the details.

    Grace and peace to you.

  12. Judy, I'm so sorry to hear that you've also experienced the pain of abuse. I don't know why so many victims say nothing. I remember feeling guilt and somehow responsible. Of course that's not true.

    I've learned that all my life experiences are part of who I am. And I like me (for the most part). God has used the good and the bad to help me grow. And I've been able to reach out to other hurting souls.

    May He bless you.

  13. Kelly, I imagine Cory Ten Boom in heaven rejoicing and continuing her service in some way for The Father. When I get to heaven, after I get a hug from all my loved ones who are already there, I'm going to find Cory and spend some quality time.

    It will be amazing -- all the time we need to do all we need to do.

    Praise Him!

  14. Robyn, I hope you get to make a trip to Alaska one day. Plan to do it. It's the most amazing place. I believe God decided to pull out all the stops when He got to that part of the world.

    I'm hoping to make a trip north next summer. I have lots of family there and lots of places to see.

    Grace and peace to you.

  15. Cheryl since you haven't read much about Alaska,then it's time. What a history! And it's people are strong and determined. They are a special breed, truly.

    Many blessings.

  16. Salena, if you love books about Alaska and bush pilots then this book is a perfect fit for you. I hope you'll have a chance to read it.

    Maybe you'll win a free copy. :- )

  17. Katy, you sound very excited -- that's good. Makes me smile.

    Hope you have a terrific day and good luck in the book drawing.

    Bless you.

  18. Kristie, I don't like the tough stuff and if I had to choose I'd pick free and easy, but as you said where would my strength come from. If there's no need to rely on The Father how would we learn to lean on Him?

    He is my strength. Not one day is possible without Him.

    Praising Him!

  19. Ann, thank you so much. That means a lot to me, especially coming from a great writer like you.

    May He bless you.

  20. Thank you so much for the chance to win this. This looks like a great book. I would love to read this.

    I am from Oklahoma.


  21. Thanks Lena and Bonnie for a great interview/post and giveaway. i would love to win. Thanks for the chance. mitzi_wanham[at]yahoo[dot]com from Peace River Country, Alberta

  22. Thank you, Rebecca. I hope you'll get to read it, and love it. : - )

    God bless.

  23. Marianne, thank you for your encouragement and for stopping by. It's always fun to meet new people. Hope you'll get a copy of the book . . . if you don't win. : - ]

    Grace and peace to you.

  24. Thank you so much for telling your story. No wonder you have written so many great books, Bonnie. Thank you for so many hours of enjoyment reading them. and I am still to buy this latest one too! I know it will also sell very well and above all bless many others besides myself.

  25. Love to be included in this giveaway thanks

    I live in ND

    ABreading4fun [at] gmail [dot] com

  26. Sounds very interesting, enter me in the contest.
    Abigail Richmond
    Blanch, N.C.

  27. Linda Cacaci9:39 AM

    I love Alaska. Itlooks like a wonderful read!
    Linda Cacaci

  28. Wow. What a wonderful interview. Thank you for sharing your story Bonnie.

    And I would love to win this book- I am a huge fan of Bonnie's books!

    Krista from Gresham, OR

  29. This sounds like a very interesting book as I have always wanted to visit Alaska.

    Jo from Southern Arizona

  30. Mary, thank you. You're such a sweetheart. I love to tell my story (actually I have lots of them) because it is so clear how great and merciful God is.

    Grace and peace to you, dear lady.

  31. Apple Blossom, Abigail, and Linda -- good luck. And thanks so much for stopping in.

    God bless you.

  32. Krista, thank you. It's an honor to share what the Lord has done. I'm so grateful for His love.

    Grace and peace to you.

  33. Jo, maybe it's time you trekked north. Alaska is amazing. : - ) Life is an adventure, so we gotta live it. ; - >

    Blessings to you.

  34. This sounds like a great book!! Great interview! :-) Thanks for the chance to win!

    Courtney from WA state

  35. Wings Of Promise sound wonderful.Please enter me in the giveaway.Thanks for the chance!

  36. Courtney and Emma, thank you for stopping in to say hello and to enter the drawing. I hope that win or lose you'll still get a chance to read the book. I really like it -- course I am a bit biased, considering I'm the one who wrote it. Hah!

    Hope you have a great day!

  37. Would love to win!

    Sarah H

  38. The setting for this book and the story looks great! Thanks for the info and chance to win.
    Julie in MN

  39. God willing, Sarah. : - ) If you don't win I hope you'll still have a chance to read the book.

    Bless you.

  40. Julie, I've written ten books that take place in Alaska. I guess agree with you -- it is a great setting.
    Thanks so much for stopping by and leaving a comment.

    Grace and peace to you.

  41. Ms. Mona8:42 AM

    Oh! Bonnie, you should write your autobiography....that is a story of it's sorry you had to go thru those things.....enter my name in this book contest. Thanks, Ms. Mona in ohio

  42. Hi Ms Mona. You make me smile. Bits of me and my life have shown up in a number of my books over the years, but I do have more stories to tell. :-)

    Grace and peace to you.

  43. If you enjoyed Bonnie's interview and the excerpt from Wings of Promise, be sure to check out the contest she's running on her web site right now to promote the book's launch! The winner receives a $350 Escape to Alaska prize package with some really cool gifts in it.

    You can see the contest here:

    :) Kelli

  44. i've been reading bonnie's books for years and have been waiting to read this one!

    deborah in va

  45. If you enjoyed Bonnie's first two books (Touching the Clouds and Wings of Promise), you will love the series conclusion in Joy Takes Flight!

    Be sure to enter her SOAR TO NEW HEIGHTS Contest celebrating the release of the book! Tomorrow is the last day to enter - visit the link below for your chance to win one of 3 terrific prizes from the novel!

    Contest Link:

  46. If you enjoyed Bonnie's first two books (Touching the Clouds and Wings of Promise), you will love the series conclusion in Joy Takes Flight!

    Be sure to enter her SOAR TO NEW HEIGHTS Contest celebrating the release of the book! Tomorrow is the last day to enter - visit the link below for your chance to win one of 3 terrific prizes from the novel!

    Contest Link:
