
Wednesday, September 07, 2011

LETHAL REMEDY - Richard Mabry - Free Book

Welcome back, Richard. What are some of the spiritual themes you like to write about?
My Prescription For Trouble series is about people much like myself, with all their doubts, fears, and shortcomings. In it, I try to show the role of trusting God in getting through the dark times. Everything doesn’t always work out the way they plan or hope, but sometimes He has an even better plan. They may stray from God, even feel like they’ve lost Him, but when they turn they find He’s been there all the time.

What other books of yours are coming out soon?
I’ve been fortunate to have three books in this series published by Abingdon Press, and in a series of events that can only be interpreted as a “God thing,” I was given a contract for a fourth book if I could have it ready by the deadline. I could and did, and Lethal Remedy will be published around September 1.

If you could spend an evening with one contemporary person (not a family member of yours), who would it be and why?
My pastor, Dr. Chuck Swindoll. I don’t think he’d ever run out of stories and anecdotes, and he’s laugh louder than anyone else at the table.

What historical person would you like to meet (besides Jesus) and why?
I’m retired from medicine, but my heart is still there, so I’d choose Sir William Osler, often referred to as the father of modern medicine. He pioneered specialty training, took medical students out of the classroom and to the bedside for completion of their education, and is quoted as saying, “Listen to the patient. He is telling you what is wrong with him.” I’d love to hear about the battles he fought with the system of the day as he helped modernize the training of physicians.

How can you encourage authors who have been receiving only rejections from publishers?
It’s tough to get published, which is why so many writers are turning to self-publishing and e-publishing in frustration. I garnered forty rejections over four years while writing four books before I ever got a contract. Others have been rejected twice that many times before they succeed. With each rejection, try to figure out the reason and correct it. Write, get a critique from a knowledgeable person (not your Aunt Tillie), correct your mistakes, write some more. There comes a time when it’s futile to keep polishing the same story. Don’t be afraid to start fresh. And, as Winston Churchill said, “Never give up.”

Tell us about the featured book.

Here’s the proposed back cover copy:

This "miracle drug" could kill more than bacteria.
            Dr. Sara Miles’ patient is on the threshold of death from an overwhelming, highly resistant infection with Staphylococcus luciferus, known to doctors as “the killer.” Only an experimental antibiotic, developed and administered by Sara’s ex-husband, Dr. Jack Ingersoll, can save the girl's life.

            Dr. John Ramsey is seeking to put his life together after the death of his wife by joining the medical school faculty. But his decision could prove to be costly, even fatal.

Potentially lethal late effects from the experimental drug send Sara and her colleague, Dr. Rip Pearson, on a hunt for hidden critical data that will let them reverse the changes before it’s too late. What is the missing puzzle piece? And who is hiding it?

Please give us the first page of the book.

No one knew the man’s name. White male, probably in his late seventies, found unresponsive in an alley about two AM and brought to the emergency room. Just another homeless derelict, another John Doe.

“Pneumonia, late stages,” the intern said. He yawned. “Happens all the time. Drank himself into a stupor, vomited, aspirated. Probably been lying in that alley for more than a day. Doesn’t look like he’ll make it.”

“Labs cooking? Got a sputum culture going?”

“Yeah, but it’ll take a day or two to get the results of the culture. The smear looks like Staph. Guess I’ll give him—”

“Wait. I’ve got access to an experimental drug that might help. Let me start him on that.”

The intern shrugged. It was two AM. He’d been on duty for more than twenty-four hours straight—why’d Johnson’s wife have to go into labor today?—and he was bushed. The bum probably didn’t have a snowball’s chance of surviving anyway. Why not? “You’ll be responsible?”

“I’ll take it from here. Even do the paperwork.”

“Deal,” the intern said, and ambled off to see the next patient.

Three hours later, John Doe lay on a gurney in a corner of the ER. An IV ran into one arm, a blood pressure cuff encircled the other. Spittle dripped from his open mouth and dotted his unshaven chin. His eyes were open and staring.

“Acute anaphylaxis, death within minutes. Interesting.” He scratched his chin. “Guess I need to make some adjustments in the compound.” He picked up the almost-blank chart. “I’ll say I gave him ampicillin and sulbactam. That should cover it.”  

I can't wait for my book to arrive. James and I both love reading your suspense novels. How can readers find you on the Internet?
My website is, and I blog twice weekly at I’m on Twitter as RichardMabry and FaceBook as Richard.Mabry. I hope your readers will visit me. And thanks for this opportunity, Lena. I appreciate your friendship and support.

I love having you here, Doc. 

Readers, here's a link to the book. By using it when you order, you help support this blog.

 Lethal Remedy (Prescription for Trouble, Book 4)

Leave a comment for a chance to win a free copy of the book. Please tell us where you live, at least the state or territory. (Comments containing links may be subject to removal by blog owner.)

Void where prohibited; the odds of winning depend on the number of entrants. Entering the giveaway is considered a confirmation of eligibility on behalf of the enterer in accord with these rules and any pertaining local/federal/international laws.

The only notification you’ll receive is the winner post on this blog. So be sure to check back a week from Saturday to see if you won. You will have 4 weeks from the posting of the winners to claim your book.

If you’re reading this on Feedblitz, Facebook, or Amazon, please come to the blog to leave your comment if you want to be included in the drawing. Here’s a link.


  1. Lena, Thanks for having me here today.
    Always a pleasure to visit with you and your readers.

  2. I've enjoyed Richard Mabry's previous books. Sounds like this one will be as exciting.

    coolestmommy2000 at gmail dot com

  3. I love this type book and plan to eventually read all of Richard's books. Loved the interview. Please enter me.....from NE Georgia.

  4. Thank you so much for the chance to win this. This looks like a great book. I would love to read this. Thanks again.

    I am from Oklahoma

  5. I haven't had the pleasure of reading any of Richard's books but am looking forward to it. Lethal Remedy sounds really exciting. Would love to read it.

    from South Mississippi


  6. Dr. Mabry's books are the best.
    I would absolutely love to win and read this one.
    Thanks to Dr. Mabry for the chance to win a copy.
    I live in Ontario, Canada

    cenya2 at hotmail dot com

  7. I read "Code Blue" by Dr. Mabry and really enjoyed it and can't wait to read his other books. I really enjoy reading medical suspense novels.


  8. I love Richard's books and would like to win this
    Ohio here

  9. I would love to win a copy of this book. his books are so good.


    lkish77123 at gmail dot com

  10. Thanks to everyone who left a comment. I've sort of been "among the missing" today, taking care of a sick granddaughter while Kay is even sicker. Fortunately, everyone seems to be getting better.
    It was a lot easier when I was practicing medicine and only had to write the prescription, not fill it, administer it, and wait for it to work. Hmmm, maybe there's a book there.
    Thanks, all. Wish each of you could win.

  11. would love to read dr mabry's latest novel...thanks for the chance :)

    karenk...from PA
    kmkuka at yahoo dot com

  12. I, also, really like medical suspense books and look forward to reading this... whether I win it or buy it. :)

    Cyndi in AL

  13. I love Richard's books. He writes some of my favorites. Thanks for the giveaway.
    Trinity Rose
    from OH

  14. Good to see more comments. If I've left questions unanswered, either from the interview or just off the cuff, feel free to ask them in your comment. I'll be back later today to address any you leave.

  15. Love Richard's book & would really like to win this one.I enjoyed the interview too.


  16. This sounds like an interesting book, thank you for the giveaway.


  17. Having read his other books and loved them, I am sure I am going to love this one also.

    Lourdes in Huntington Long Island

  18. I have read and enjoyed all of his previous books. Like his comments on Twitter also.
    Would love to win a copy of Lethal Remedy!

    Please enter me for the giveway!

    Cynthia from Alabama

  19. Looks and sounds interesting!
    Please enter me in the drawing.
    Thanks for the chance to win.
    Nathanael Richmond
    Blanch, N.C.

  20. Looks interesting! Please enter me in the drawing, Thanks!
    God Bless!
    Abigail Richmond
    Blanch, N.C.

  21. It would be really nice to win this book.It lookes interesting.Thanks. God Bless
    Sarah Richmond Blanch,N.C.

  22. Anonymous1:54 PM

    I enjoyed your interview.
    I'm a subscriber and a follower via gfc.

    dancealert at aol dot com

    Brenda from Michgian

  23. Thanks, all, for your comments.
    Appreciate your interest, and Lena's giving me the opportunity to get to know some of you.

  24. Sharon Richmond6:48 AM

    Sounds very interesting. I love to read and would love to win this book.
    Sharon Richmond
    Blanch, NC.

  25. Would love to win!

    Sarah H

  26. Hi Richard, I read "Code Blue" and can't wait to read more of your books. I have them on my wish list. I love medical mysteries and "Lethal Remedy" sounds like a great mystery to read. Thanks for stopping by to chat and share with us.

    misskallie2000 at yahoo dot com

    Georgia Peach

  27. I would LOVE to win this book. Thanks for the opportunity!

  28. Anonymous7:16 PM

    I would be very interested in reading this book. God Bless You!
    Dennie Richmond
    Blanch, NC

  29. Thank you for the chance to win your book! I have been waiting to buy a used copy of the first book in this series, and you'll be happy to know that used copies are well received and a challenge to come by! Medical thrillers written by/for Christians are a blessing, as I love the genre and have not found many Christian writers who contribute to the genre. I live in Arizona.

  30. I haven't read any books like this, but it looks like it could hold my interest.


  31. Mama Cat, your comment about looking for a used copy of Code Blue suggests an answer. My publisher, Abingdon Press, is an arm of the United Methodist Church, and their bookstore, Cokesbury, is selling Code Blue for $4 (online it's The other books are also discounted about 40% on that site.

    Appreciate all the comments.
