
Tuesday, November 15, 2011

HIS GRACE IS SUFFICIENT ... DECAF IS NOT - Sandra D Bricker, Loree Lough, Trish Perry, Cynthia Ruchti - Free Book

This month, Summerside Press releases the third volume of a unique series of devotionals geared specifically toward women on the go. I am so thrilled to feature these four women, who are all dear friend of mine. You really should read their novels as well.

Meet the authors of His Grace is Sufficient… Decaf is Not:

·         Sandra D. Bricker is a best-selling, award-winning author of laugh-out-loud fiction for the inspirational market.
·         Loree Lough has won awards for nearly all of her 80+ books, and she has millions of novels in print.
·         Trish Perry’s motto is “True Love. Real Laughs. Pure Fiction.” And her award-winning novels live up to the promise.
·         Cynthia Ruchti is a radio personality and critically-acclaimed novelist with a penchant for writing stories of hope-that-glows-in-the-dark.

LOREE: After I was invited by my dear friend, Sandie (who'd asked me to participate in Be Still…and Let Your Nail Polish Dry), how could I say no!

TRISH: Sandie had invited me to work on an earlier devotional, Delight Yourself in the Lord…Even on Bad Hair Days, which I thoroughly enjoyed. I was thrilled when she asked me if I wanted to contribute to Decaf !

SANDIE: I knew a good thing when I experienced it! The same with Loree. We worked on the first one, Be Still…and Let Your Nail Polish Dry, and I was excited to bring her and Trish both back into the fold. Cynthia is the newcomer to the group, and she rounded us out perfectly.

CYNTHIA:  Sandie and I met at a writers’ conference a few years ago and felt an instant heart connection, the kind that has the Lord’s imprint on it. I don’t know about Sandie, but from that moment sitting at the dinner table with her, I had a desire to serve on a writing project with her someday.


SANDIE: Summerside asked me to serve as a sort of team leader on these books, so the creative process is always preceded by a season of organizing. We chose our scripture verses, had a big conference call where we met with the editors, the representatives at OCRF (Ovarian Cancer Research Fund) and a marketing professional. Once we were all on the same page, it was a pretty smooth process to stay on theme and write our individual devos.

CYNTHIA: Sandie knows the importance of blending a detailed organizational system with the leading and/or redirection of the Spirit. She made sure we each knew our responsibilities and deadlines, when to flex and when to hunker down, despite challenging schedule obstacles.

TRISH: Once we each choose our verses and make sure we don’t overlap each other—and it’s very cool that we never have—I take each verse on its own and read the entire chapter within which it nestles. Sometimes that reading provokes some inspiration, some application, but at the very least, it gives me a much better feel for the context and intent of the verse.

LOREE: Like most Christians, my day begins with moments of prayer and thanksgiving, during which I petition the Lord on behalf of family and friends who are ill, struggling financially, having a hard time with a spouse or a child. While I was still in that "praying state of mind," I went to the computer and asked the Father how I might share my own definition of grace with those who'd read this devotional.


CYNTHIA: It will take me “to infinity and beyond” to fully understand the subject. That’s one of the reasons this project appealed to me. Every day I sat with a word count deadline and the prayer, “Lord, help me see Your grace at work around me. Then help me express it in words.”

SANDIE: I often joke that I am the poster child for the concept of grace. It’s been an intimate conversation between me and God for the whole 25 years of my salvation, but I have to say that this last year in particular has been a huge lesson of grace in action. I was more ready to write on this subject this year than any other.

LOREE: We humans are a silly, self-centered lot, born in sin and raised to believe that we must earn what we get out of life… So it's strange, trying to understand this notion that grace—salvation, forgiveness, mercy, and love—is a gift from the Father…that we can't earn!

TRISH: Grace means deliverance from my frailties, from my sinfulness—not necessarily deliverance from the consequences of that sinfulness, but eternal deliverance that means He still loves and accepts me. And He always will. Whenever I feel guilt or shame start to crawl back over me for some mistake I’ve made in the past, I remember the amazing grace the Lord has promised me and demonstrated to me.


LOREE: Why OCRF, when there are so many worthwhile organizations to choose from? For one thing, ovarian cancer—"the copycat disease"—mimics a wide variety of physical maladies, and, because the symptoms are vague and rarely accompanied by pain, women don't know to tell their doctors to test for it. And since the test isn't a routine part of gynecological visits, it can go undetected…until it's too late for surgery or treatments to be effective.  Our beloved fellow author, Sandie Bricker, had stage three ovarian cancer that was discovered quite by accident while surgeons were performing another procedure. I thank the Lord daily for that happy accident, because Sandie is an ovarian cancer survivor.

CYNTHIA: It was through this series of devotionals that I first learned about the work of OCRF… Everything I’ve heard about them tells me it and its leadership have the heart, the diligence, and the passion to make a difference in the fight against this devastating disease and the families and friends it affects.

TRISH: I had an aunt who lost her life a mere month after being diagnosed with ovarian cancer. Since then, I’ve met a number of other dear women who have survived but struggled so hard against it—or are still struggling. My friend, Diann Hunt, one of the authors of Bad Hair, is fighting it a second time now, and her attitude and grasp of faith in the midst of this onslaught are amazing and inspiring.

SANDIE: Diann is truly one of my greatest inspirations in life, too. For me, I can confidently say that ovarian cancer is one of the toughest competitors I’ve had in life. The people at OCRF understand that battle, and they’re committed to fighting for all of the other women who are facing down the same demons.


LOREE: By the time this devotional is released, the novel I'm writing now will have joined it, and "The First Responders" series (all 9/11-centered stories for Abingdon Press) will be complete with From Ashes to Honor, Honor Redeemed, and A Man of Honor. At the same time, my third "Love Finds You" title (also for Summerside/Guideposts), Love Finds You in Folly Beach, South Carolina, will be available. And shortly after that, For Love of Eli, one of first books in Abingdon's "Quilts of Love" series, will join them.  

TRISH: Next to be released is a novella collection called The Midwife’s Legacy (Barbour Publishing), which includes my novella, Labor of Love. And I’m working on numerous projects after talking with editors from five different publishing houses over the past week. Exciting, mind-blowing times!

CYNTHIA: I’m working on the final months of a novel that’s tugging at me emotionally as I write it—When the Morning Glory Blooms. It releases in 2013 from Abingdon Press. Before that, in the spring of 2012, a new novella collection from the Door County Christmas team of authors (Eileen Key, Rachael Phillips, Becky Melby, and me) will release from Barbour Publishing—Cedar Creek Seasons.

SANDIE: I’m knee-deep in the Baker series. I’ve just turned in the third novel to my Abingdon editor, and I’m ready to start the last one, Always the Baker, Finally the Bride. So I get to give “Emma” and “Jackson” their happy ending before I move on to my “Quilts of Love” novel for Abingdon, Hearts of Teal, an ovarian cancer story that will be out in 2013.

What a fun interview. I'm actually second devotional book in this series for part of my devotions each morning. I'll move on to this one soon.

Thank you, girls, for the peek into your lives.

Readers, here's a link to the book. By using it when you order, you help support this blog. 
His Grace is Sufficient: Decaf is Not (A Devo for Women on the Go)

Leave a comment for a chance to win a free copy of the book. Please tell us where you live, at least the state or territory. (Comments containing links may be subject to removal by blog owner.)

Void where prohibited; the odds of winning depend on the number of entrants. Entering the giveaway is considered a confirmation of eligibility on behalf of the enterer in accord with these rules and any pertaining local/federal/international laws.

The only notification you’ll receive is the winner post on this blog. So be sure to check back a week from Saturday to see if you won. You will have 4 weeks from the posting of the winners to claim your book.

If you’re reading this on Feedblitz, Facebook, or Amazon, please come to the blog to leave your comment if you want to be included in the drawing. Here’s a link.


  1. With these three authors writing together I know this book will be a great read. Would enjoy readig it. Love that it's going for a good cause.

    from South MS


  2. The title itself was enough to draw me, i don't do decaf (and no cow either, as in cream) and i need a devotional...could reuse some of mine, but would love a new one with these beloved authors. Thanks, Lena for the giveaway and post!

  3. Sounds like a good book to 'sip' the day away with.


  4. Lena, thank you so much for hosting us. We had such fun! And to the posters hoping to win our devotional: Best wishes and God's blessings! Sandie

  5. Thank you so much for the chance to win this. This looks like a great book. I would love to read this. Thanks again.

    I am from Oklahoma

  6. Love the title and the theme behind the devotionals. And having lost a grandmother to ovarian cancer--which went undetected for an estimated 2-3 years--I am grateful for your help in spreading the word and your donation to such a wonderful cause.

    coolestmommy2000 at gmail dot com

  7. Every time we look at the cover of this book, read its title, turn to one of the devotionals inside, or think of the other authors in this collection, we can't help but smile. What a great experience. What a good cause. What amazing author friends. And Lena, what a blessing that you agreed to highlight this book here on your blog! Thank you. Thanks, readers, for your interest!

  8. oh, I'd love to win this devotional. I just love the cover too.

    catchy title

    live in ND

    ABreading4fun [at] gmail [dot] com

  9. What a great way of donating to a truly worthy cause. Would love a chance to win. Thank you.

    Lourdes from Huntington, NY

  10. Anonymous8:01 AM

    amidI would be blessed to win a copy of this book.

    angela from KY

  11. Thanks so much, Lena, for helping us draw attention to the devotional and to the need for more funding and research into treatment for Ovarian Cancer.

    I'm using His Grace is Sufficient...Decaf is NOT for my own daily time with the Lord right now--I love that my fellow authors' contributions are as new to me as they are to other readers. Just as the previous devos did, this one just lifts my spirit every single morning!

  12. What a great title! As a serious coffee-lover, I agree. And with these three inspiring authors, this book can't lose. I'd love to have a copy!

    Thanks for letting us know, Lena!

  13. Angie, since you're a friend of mine, I assume when you said it's written by "three" inspiring authors, you weren't leaving me out on purpose, right? :) Four authors--four novelists--which adds a storyteller feel to these heartwarming, faith-strengthening devotionals.

  14. Shannon11:06 AM

    I can't wait to read this book.
    Shannon Saint Joseph,MO

  15. I saw this book from Sandra Bricker's page. I live in NY. I'd love to get my hands on it and review it on my blog! (

  16. I'd love a chance to read this thanks.

    unforgetable_dreamer_always (at) hotmail (dot) com

    AmandaSue in WI

  17. I think this will be a wonderful devotional book! I would love to win a copy. I'm sure all these ladies put together a great book. Thanks Lena, Sandra, Loree, Trish, and Cynthia!


    Judy B from Indiana

  18. I love the titles in this book series! -from NY

  19. Amazing inspiration in the interviews! I'm sure the devotional will be even more so. I would love an opportunity to win a copy of His Grace Is Sufficient..Decaf is Not!! Thanks!! margie at mijares dot net

    I live in sunny SC

  20. thanks for the chance to read this wonderful book :)

    karenk...from PA
    kmkuka at yahoo dot com

  21. Lena, what fun to get a glimpse at the lives of your awesome blog followers! Thanks for the opportunity. Readers, we'll meet you in the pages!

  22. Sounds great. Count me in, please.


    lkish77123 at gmail dot com

  23. Trish so graciously sent me a signed copy, and I have to say I am LOVING this devotional book. I'm about 2/3 of the way through it. Read it every night before going to sleep, and sometimes I can't stop at just one. The other night I read about six of them. Every one of you lovely authors inspire me with your words of wisdom, inspiration, and humor! I have laughed so hard at some of your stories! Thanks so much for this beautiful book. I'm thoroughly enjoying it. (No need to enter me in the contest, Lena.)

  24. Sharlene, your comments...and all the others that have shown up here...are the kinds of things that keep us writing, keep us watching for ways to express God's love and grace through story! Thank you, all of you!

  25. What a great combination of authors! And how often do we (I) need to be reminded that His grace is sufficient? I would love to win this book!


    Newnan, Georgia

  26. Sounds like a fun devotional!
    From Iowa

  27. Sharon Richmond10:06 AM

    Enter me I would love to win a copy of this book! Thanks and God bless!
    Sharon Richmond
    Blanch, NC.

  28. I have read books by some of hese authors and would love to win this. I live in S. CA.

  29. We love connecting with readers of our other books in this new venue. Joy, joy, joy.

  30. They sound like such great ladies, thanks for the info and chance to win.
    Julie in MN
