
Tuesday, November 08, 2011

HIS STEADFAST LOVE - Golden Keyes Parsons - Free Book

What are some of the spiritual themes you like to write about?
That God is faithful, and he will make a way if we trust him. This seems to be the pre-dominate theme of all my books.

Another issue that comes up nearly every time I speak at a conference or retreat is forgiveness and bitterness. I think it is a concern with most everyone, but particularly women. We get hurt so easily, and when we bury those wounds, they turn into bitterness. I find that my characters have to work through that as well.

If you could spend an evening with one contemporary person (not a family member of yours), who would it be and why?
I had to think about this one. I think I’d like to spend an evening with Billy Graham. I so respect his unwavering focus on remaining faithful to God’s call on his life and his uprightness in doing so.

I know you said “one contemporary person,” but, if you’d indulge me, I’d like also to mention George W Bush. You know we live not too far from his ranch here in Texas, and see the helicopters flying over when they come to Crawford. I didn’t agree with everything he said or did as president, but I trusted him—his character and integrity.

I agree with you about both of those men. A powerful leader is one who can make the hard decisions and stand by their convictions. What historical person would you like to meet (besides Jesus) and why?

I’d like to meet Abraham Lincoln. In doing the research for this latest book, set during the Civil War in Texas, I was amazed at the moral fiber, courage, and integrity of our 16th president. The hand of God was definitely on the man. Some of the unpopular decisions that he had the grit to make against all odds probably saved our nation.

How can you encourage authors who have been receiving only rejections from publishers?
I know how discouraging that is. I have a box full of rejections. It took me ten years to get my first book published.

But don’t give up. Soak up everything you can from other writers. Go to writers conferences and take the workshops. Keep submitting. Get in a good critique group. Learn from them. I have a quote above my desk that says, “A professional writer is an amateur who didn’t quit.” (Richard Bach). In God’s time it will happen.

Tell us about the featured book.
We are so excited about this book. It deals with a thoroughly Southern family who lives on the Texas Gulf coast during the Civil War. The heroine, Amanda Belle, questions the goodness and faithfulness of her pastor father’s God as she experiences the horrors and deprivation of the division of the nation, and is torn between loyalty to her family and her love for a Union officer.

Please give us the first page of the book.
Note: This scene takes place before Texas secedes from the Union when Federal troops were stationed on the frontier.

CHAPTER ONE – September 1860
My concern is not whether God is on our side; my greatest concern is to be on God’s side.
Abraham Lincoln

Sweet, gooey peach pie filling stuck to her fingers. Amanda Irene Belle turned her back on the table laden with pies and licked her index finger.

A husky voice interrupted her surreptitious snack. “Which pie do you recommend? They all look tasty.”

Startled, she looked into a pair of blue eyes as clear as a cloudless Texas sky.

She cleared her throat and bobbed a curtsey. “I’m afraid you have observed me being rather impolite. Please excuse my bad manners.” Ignoring the heat rising in her cheeks, she waved her hand over the desserts lined up on long tables covered in calico tablecloths under the blooming magnolia trees. The special offerings of the ladies from the congregation dotted the tables—and each woman watched eagerly to see which platters and baskets emptied first. A young slave stood at each end of the table lazily waving a palm fan to keep the flies away.

 “Our Elsie baked the chess pie, and it is a favorite. So you are fortunate that there is still a piece left—if you like chess pie, that is, Lieutenant.”

He grinned. “I don’t blame you for sampling the goods. I don’t know that I could have resisted either. And it’s Captain.”

Flustered, she flicked open her fan. “Oh my soul. I’m sorry. I’m not very conversant with military ranks.”

“Give it no mind.” Pointing to the chess pie, “That must be a southern dish. I’ve never tried it, but upon your recommendation, I’m happy to indulge.” He held his plate toward her, and she lifted a sugary, buttery slice of the chess pie onto his already full plate. “This is such a treat for my men—to sit down to home cooking. Thank you for your hospitality.”

How can readers find you on the Internet?  Thanks, Lena!

It's my pleasure to welcome you here again, Golden.

Readers, here's a link to the book. By using it when you order, you help support this blog.
His Steadfast Love (Darkness to Light)

Leave a comment for a chance to win a free copy of the book. Please tell us where you live, at least the state or territory. (Comments containing links may be subject to removal by blog owner.)

Void where prohibited; the odds of winning depend on the number of entrants. Entering the giveaway is considered a confirmation of eligibility on behalf of the enterer in accord with these rules and any pertaining local/federal/international laws.

The only notification you’ll receive is the winner post on this blog. So be sure to check back a week from Saturday to see if you won. You will have 4 weeks from the posting of the winners to claim your book.

If you’re reading this on Feedblitz, Facebook, or Amazon, please come to the blog to leave your comment if you want to be included in the drawing. Here’s a link.


  1. I thought it was interesting that you picked the same people (Billy Graham and Abe Lincoln) that I would also like to spend time with. Great men with wisdom.
    Thanks for sharing!
    coolestmommy2000 at gmail dot com

  2. Anonymous4:57 AM

    Just finished reading Golden's book Where Hearts Are Free and loved it! Looking forward to reading her new book.

    from Michigan

  3. Golden... what an interesting name! I don't think I've read any of her book, I think I would remember the name!

    Patty in SC

  4. I would love to win this book. It looks great. Thanks for the chance to win.

    I am from Oklahoma

  5. This book sounds great. i would love to win. Thanks for the post and giveaway, Golden and Lena.

    mitzi_wanham[at]yahoo[dot]com from
    Peace River Country, Alberta

  6. Good Morning, Lena! And good morning, ladies!

    I'm so honored to be on your blog today.

    Samantha, I'm delighted to hear that you've read my books ... and liked them :) Where did you find them - a library, a book store? I always like to know where my readers are located and how they found my books.

    And I hope that the rest of you will become readers. Thanks for dropping by today.


  7. What a neat time period the Civil War for this book
    cheryl in IL
    msboatgal at

  8. Anonymous1:15 PM

    I have read many other christian romance books or christian fiction such as Judith Miller and Beverly Lewis. I have not heard of Golden parsons so just imagine my excitement to add another author to my list of enjoyment. I have not read any of her books so would love to win this one! I tried searching for any of her books in BOMC2 as that is where I get my books from and could not find any there. Are they in the local book stores or christian book stores?

    Joy from Keizer, Oregon

  9. Anonymous2:10 PM

    Ah! Only the first chapter and I am already intrigued! :) I loved the Darkness to Light series, and am really looking forward to reading this new novel. Thanks for the chance to win it!
    - Aimee in South Carolina

  10. Yippee!! The first chapter grabbed someone's interest. That's what an author likes to hear. And I'm so glad you enjoyed the Darkness to Light Series.

    I'm not sure I know what BOMC2 is. But you can find my books on,, at Barnes & Noble, Books-A-Million, Family Christian, LifeWays, Mardels -- any number of stores. I hope you'll look for them :)

  11. This sounds exciting! Not only do I enjoy the time period, but I love the theme of God's faithfulness! It is a theme that I make a conscious choice to believe no matter what. Thank you for the reminder, even in this blog. It would be a blessing to win this book. I live in Arizona.

  12. Good morning, ladies! I've so enjoyed reading your comments. Thank you for dropping by and adding to the conversation.

    Wish each of you could win a book!


  13. I would love to be entered in this giveaway! I am hosting Golden this month but don't have the book yet:) Golden has a very unique writing style that I enjoy. Thanks!



  14. Sharon Richmond7:21 AM

    Enter me I would love to win a copy of this book! Thanks and God bless!
    Sharon Richmond
    Blanch, NC.

  15. Sharon Richmond7:31 AM

    By the way I love studying about the Civil War! and this book sounds like a great story! I have never read any books by Golden Keyes Parsons but I look forward to winning and reading "His Steadfast Love" Thanks for the chance to win!
    Sharon Richmond

  16. I would love ti read this book! Thanks for this opportunity! I'm from Dallas Texas.


  17. This sounds like a "yummy" read!! I love Chess Aunt Zelma used to make the best ones ever. I would love an opportunity to win a copy of His Steadfast Love. I haven't yet read any of your books, but this snippet has gotten my attention! I live in South Carolina. margie at mijares dot net

  18. Looks very interesting. Please enter me in the drawing.
    Thanks and God Bless!
    Abigail Richmond
    Blanch, N.C.

  19. Faith's Grandma/Oh10:17 AM

    This sounds like a great book...did you also include the CHESS PIE recipe in there ? :) just curious.....

  20. I love books set around or during the War Between the States. Deff put me in the giveaway for this book. Looks like a good read!!

    Katie from Florida

  21. It looks interesting!!
    Please enter me in the drawing.
    God Bless,
    Sarah Richmond

  22. Tank you for the Interview, I always like reading about the Author.
    I also love reading Books that are set in the Civil War era.
    I got a couple of your Books at Amazon. Please add me to your Contest, would love yo win your Book.
    Blessings to all.

    I live in S.Illinois :)

  23. No, I didn't include the chess pie recipe, but that's a fabulous idea. Wish I'd thought about it. However,if you all are interested, and it's okay with Lena, I'd be glad to include one here :)

  24. I agree with the statement by Abe Lincoln. It's so true. Would enjoy reading "His Steadfast Love".

    from South MS


  25. Sounds great!

    Ann Lee Miller
    Gilbert AZ

  26. The book sounds great! Please enter me.
    Ashley Roberts

  27. Look forword to reading His Steadfast Love. The time of the Civil War was one of such division at all levels of the American society. It will be interesting to read more of wht happened in Texas.

    Please enter me in the giveaway.

    A J Hawke
    ajhawkeauthor at aol dot com

  28. I learned so much doing the research about this novel. Not much has been written about Texas in the Civil War ... and it is understandable since most of the battles were in the deep south, but the coastline of Texas was a hot spot. It was pretty interesting.

  29. I really love Golden's historical romances and I'm really looking forward to this one as well.

    Deborah from VA

  30. I do not think I would want to be a politician. Ick! Your fascination with Abe Lincoln is not unusual. There is a fiction book called "Abraham Linoln: Vampire Hunter" by Seth Grahame-Smith. Hmm....Anyway... your book sounds like a winner. I love romance and women's fiction. Take care. I'm from Ohio. kristiedonelson(at)gmail(dot)com

  31. I love the premise behind the book and would love to read it. I live in S. CA.

  32. I loved the peek at His Steadfast Love and the exchange between the heroine and hero. I will be putting this on my wish list!
    Merry in TX

  33. oh, yes please enter me thanks
    I live in ND

    ABreading4fun [at] gmail [dot] com

  34. Please enter me in this giveaway! I would love to win this book!

    frequentreader19 (at) gmail (dot) com

  35. This sounds like a great book. Please enter me in the drawing. Thank you

    Katherine from Northern California


  36. Sounds like a great book.
    Beth from Iowa.
