
Wednesday, December 07, 2011


Welcome, Roseanna. God has really been moving in your writing life. What do you see on the horizon?
I’ve been so blessed this last year! When I look back, I’m just astonished. This time last year, I was preparing for the release of my second small press book and had come to the conclusion that  if that’s where the Lord wanted to keep me, I would make it work to the best of my ability and to His glory. But in the past twelve months, I’ve been offered contracts on FIVE historicals with two major publishing houses. To see the first of those come to fruition a mere nine months after signing the contract is a real dream—and to have to dive immediately into the next project is so much fun! So there’ll be a lot of hard work and quite a few books in my immediate future. =)

Tell us a little about your family.
I’ve been married for 10 years to a man so perfectly suited to me that I absolutely adore. We have to adorable kids—our daughter is 6, and our son is 3 ½. At the moment we’re homeschooling, though my little girl is a social butterfly and has been begging to go to a regular school so she can be with other kids. We’re giving that lots of prayer. I was raised by amazing Christian parents who are now the pastors at a small church we planted a couple years ago. My in-laws are awesome and as much family as if I’d been born one of them. I have a sister who’s one of my dearest friends, a collection of nieces, and an amazing support system with my grandparents and aunts and uncles and cousins and . . . you get the idea. ;-)

Has your writing changed your reading habits? If so, how?
At the moment, it has all but eclipsed my reading habits, sadly enough. Time has been at such a premium since we started this school year that I’ve barely done any reading—ever spare moment is spent eking out just a handful more words . . . but in general, since buckling down to writing, I’ve been reading a lot less mainstream fiction and a lot more Christian romance, especially historical. Partly to study the market, but mostly to support my friends. =)

What are you working on right now?
At the moment I’m a third of the way finished a historical romance set in Savannah of 1861. My heroine is a whimsical Southern belle set on writing her life’s love story, but in love with a disillusioned, injured once-soldier who isn’t so sure he can be the hero she demands—or if love is even worth fighting for.

What outside interests do you have?
I enjoy baking, and also dabble in visual arts from time to time, sketching my characters and occasionally breaking out the paints to do something for a family member. I’ve developed a serious liking for digital design, too. Otherwise, it’s always fun to take some play time with the kids, go on walks, have movie nights, that sort of thing!

How do you choose your settings for each book?
A lot of times my settings are pre-determined by the history I’m writing about—other times, I find a setting I love and then research its history to find the time period I’d like to set a story in. =) That was how I chose 1783-84 for Love Finds You in Annapolis, Maryland. I love the city (went to college there), and thought it would be fun to write about the six months when it was the nation’s capital.

I visited Annapolis when on a Senior Trip in high school. I didn't realize that is was the country's capital. If you could spend an evening with one historical person, who would it be and why?
This week’s answer to this question (it changes regularly, LOL) is Martha Washington. It would be so much fun to get a view of the nation (and one of its greatest heroes) from one of its founding ladies.

What is the one thing you wish you had known before you started writing novels?
What in the world POV (point of view) rules are! Took me a good while to figure that one out, LOL.

I know. We hadn’t ever heard of POV when I wrote and sold my first few books. What new lessons is the Lord teaching you right now?
That I can’t do it all. Thus far in my life I’ve managed to juggle a lot of different roles, but I’ve finally got too much on my plate and have had to give it all to the Lord and ask Him to take care of it, and to help me determine what I can let go of. It’s a task—a lot of these roles I cling to out of pride, I think . . . but they’re all roles He gave me, so I know I have to be willing to hand them back to him when the times change.

What are the three best things you can tell other authors to do to be successful?
Connect! There’s nothing like other writer-friends to cheer you on, help you learn, and walk the path with you.

Never stop learning—and never insist you know what’s right in an industry ever changing.

But most importantly, walk the path the Lord has put before YOU—don’t try to have someone else’s career. You don’t have to be Francine Rivers or Tom Clancy or Jerry Jenkins—you have to be the writer God created you to be.

Tell us about the featured book?
I’d love to! Since Summerside kept my back cover blurb with only minor tweaks, I’ll just share that. ;-)

In 1784 peace has been declared, but war still rages in the heart of Lark Benton.

Never did Lark think she’d want to escape Emerson Fielding, the man she’s loved all her life. But when he betrays her, she flees to Annapolis, Maryland, the country’s capital. There Lark throws herself into a new circle of friends who force her to examine all she believes.

Emerson follows, determined to reclaim his betrothed. Surprised when she refuses to return with him, he realizes that in this new country he has come to call his own, duty is no longer enough. He must learn to open his heart and soul to something greater … before he loses all he should have been fighting to hold.

Please give us the first page of the book.
Endover Plantation, outside Williamsburg, Virginia
25 November 1783

Perhaps if Lark recited the pirate’s code it would steal his attention. She could try standing on her head. Or if those options failed—as surely they would—she could throw herself to the floor before him.

Except Emerson Fielding was as likely to mistake her for a rug as to realize he ought to help her up. Lark indulged in a long sigh and cast her gaze out the window. The plantation lay dormant and brown. Most days saw Papa and Wiley in Williamsburg, swapping stories at R. Charlton’s Coffeehouse. Emerson usually met them there, which was why this was the first she’d seen him in a month. Heaven knew he wanted only to see them, never her.

She wished her heart hadn’t fluttered when he entered the room. Wished the disappointment hadn’t followed so quickly when he barely glanced her way. Wished she had the courage to command his attention…and he the sense to give it without her command.

Life would be so much easier if she weren’t in love with Emerson Fielding. But what young lady wouldn’t be captivated by those dark eyes, the strong features, the height that left him towering above other men?

Today his hair was unpowdered and gleamed sable. He was in undress, his coat the common one he wore every day, unlike what he was sure to don for her birthday dinner that evening. His smile lit up his eyes, his laugh lit up the room.

Neither one did he direct toward her.

Lark’s gaze flicked down to the emerald on her finger. Two years. Twenty-four months. Seven hundred thirty interminable days. Not that she was keeping account.

I can hardly wait to read the book. How can readers find you on the Internet?

Thank you, Roseanna, for spending this time with us.

Readers, here's a link to the book. By using it when you order, you help support this blog.
Love Finds You in Annapolis Maryland

Leave a comment for a chance to win a free copy of the book. Please tell us where you live, at least the state or territory. (Comments containing links may be subject to removal by blog owner.)

Void where prohibited; the odds of winning depend on the number of entrants. Entering the giveaway is considered a confirmation of eligibility on behalf of the enterer in accord with these rules and any pertaining local/federal/international laws.

The only notification you’ll receive is the winner post on this blog. So be sure to check back a week from Saturday to see if you won. You will have 4 weeks from the posting of the winners to claim your book.

If you’re reading this on Feedblitz, Facebook, or Amazon, please come to the blog to leave your comment if you want to be included in the drawing. Here’s a link.


  1. Thanks so much for having me, Lena! And I didn't know Annapolis was ever the capital, either, until I read a plaque at the State House while in college. =) That's why I thought it was super-fun to set a book there during that time--I figure lots of people will find that a new piece of information too. =)

  2. Hello Roseanna--happy to see you back again. Looking forward to reading this installment. I enjoy all of the LFY books so much. And I think we're both learning the same life lesson--I can't do it all either!

    Thanks for sharing!
    coolestmommy2000 at gmail dot com

  3. Glad to know I'm not alone in that, Robyn! =)

  4. At the moment I’m a third of the way finished a historical romance set in Savannah of 1861. My heroine is a whimsical Southern belle set on writing her life’s love story, but in love with a disillusioned, injured once-soldier who isn’t so sure he can be the hero she demands—or if love is even worth fighting for.

    This book sounds interesting too. I live in GA and have been to Savannah a few times. Lovely place. Looking forward to reading that book too.

    I'm not quite sure where I'm supposed to leave a comment to be entered into this drawing. So, I'm leaving it here and the link above.

    You've done some fun interviews!!


    Nora :o)

  5. I love the entire LFY series from Summerside Press. It's like vacationing in each book location. Looking forward to reading Annapolis! Thanks Lena and Roseanna!

    Maggie in Northern Indiana

  6. At the moment I’m a third of the way finished a historical romance set in Savannah of 1861. My heroine is a whimsical Southern belle set on writing her life’s love story, but in love with a disillusioned, injured once-soldier who isn’t so sure he can be the hero she demands—or if love is even worth fighting for.

    Your Love Finds you book in Annapolis sounds intriguing.

    The book you mentioned about Savannah sounds great too. I love learning about history thought a great fiction book.

    It's been fun to get to know you though all three interviews!


    nora :o)
    norafindinghope (@)

  7. I think I have one of the LFY books on my to read shelf, but would love to add this to my collection!

    Patty in SC

  8. Maryland is the name my dear (departed) uncle called me, so anything related to that state is of interest to me. i love the love finds you novels. Thanks for sharing, and for the giveaway Lena and Roseanna.



  9. I grew up in Maryland so how cool to see a book set in Annapolis - not many set there.
    thanks for the chance
    cheryl in IL
    msboatgal at

  10. Good to see you, Nora! You really made my day when you said you spotted ANNAPOLIS in Lifeway. =) Hope you have a chance to read it! We're going to be visiting Savannah at some point--too bad it's not a little closer to you! LOL

    Maggie, so true. =) That's what I love about books in general--that sense of getting away to some place I've (maybe) never been.

    Patty, the LFY series has some great ones--I'm sure you'll enjoy the one on your shelf . . . and hopefully mine too, wink, wink. ;-)

    Marianne, that's so sweet! I totally understand that connection making the state special, even if you live waaaaaaaaaay out yonder in AZ.

    Thanks for dropping by, all!

  11. Cheryl, my thoughts exactly--but it's such a great city, there need to be more books set there. =)

  12. Anonymous7:40 AM

    Oh what a great beginning! I am excited for this book! Sign me up for the giveaway!
    lanapacker at me dot com

  13. Great interview questions! I've been following Roseanna's blog tour and am so glad to see different questions and learn a little more about her and her writing at each stop :)

    I live in Northeastern Ohio, and haven't been as far north as Maryland outside of books (my favorite way to travel)

    Thanks for the chance to win a copy of the book!


  14. Not an entry...because I already have my own copy and am loving it!

    I am trying to remember if I knew Annapolis was the capitol or not. I think I was told once...but would not have guessed it unless I had multiple choice.

  15. Glad I'm not the only crazy one trying to write and homeschool. And my 5 year olf girl is a social butterfly to and would go to public just to get in trouble for talking in class, too bad we don't live near each other, then we could swap them for school and write. You don't live anywhere near me, right? :)

  16. Melissa, I don't *think* we're anywhere near each other (I'm western MD), but sheesh, that would be nice! We're in a group, but they only meet once a month. Not enough to satisfy the social tendencies of my girl-o, that's for sure! And our church only has one other girl her age. And the ballet class I put her in--ditto. Sigh.

  17. Thanks, Lana! I can't tell you how many tweaks and revisions those first pages got, LOL.

    Good to see you both, Annette and Kathryn! It's so much fun to see who shows up at every stop. =) Racking up the entries for the Great Annapolis Giveaway, I see! One more week until the first drawing.

    For anyone who doesn't know about that fun giveaway (you're all automatically entered!) visit: and see all the fun stuff included.

  18. Anonymous9:38 AM

    Please sign me up! I would love to win. :)


  19. Hi Roseanna, I enjoyed reading "A Stray Drop of Blood" and loved it. I love LFY stories and looking forward to reading "LFY in Annapolis, Maryland. It's been a long time since I was in school but I do not remember reading that Annapolis had been our capital at one time. I do enjoy the history the LFY books reveal to us readers. Great interview. Thanks for stopping by to chat and share with us.
    Thanks for the opportunity to enter giveaway Lena and Roseanna.

    I am from Georgia

    misskallie2000 at yahoo dot com

  20. This comment has been removed by the author.

  21. This looks like such a great book, it is already on my wish list.
    I live in FL

    wfnren at aol dot com

  22. I can't wait to read this one and I'm excited to hear your'e working on a historical set in Savannah!

  23. This looks like a wonderful colonial style book! Can't wait to read it


  24. Great interview and a fabulous book!

  25. Oh, lovely interview. Looks lovely!
    Thanks so much for the interview!
    Faye from SD

  26. Nope! I live in KS :( I wish I had a homeschooling writer Momma around here--wouldn't that be lovely? The only writers around here are a handful of retirees and one teen.

    I do have a homeschool group meeting once a week, so that's nice for her, and she's big into ballet too, but there are girls her age in the class. And one girl at church, but her dream would be to have a social engagement from waking to bedtime! I swear people are going to think we're terrible parents because she'll ask anyone on the phone "Can I please go to your house?"--even the car repair man!

  27. Oh my! Sounds so interesting! I would enjoy winning a copy of this book. Please enter me in this giveaway!

    In live in New York

  28. I love Historical reads. I know I will enjoy "Annapolis, Maryland". It looks wonderful.

    Mary P


  29. Lark and Emerson's story sounds intriguing, I love the time period. Please add me, I'd love to win LFY in Annapolis, MD.
    Merry in TX

  30. Lena, thanks for hosting Roseanna.

    Roseanna, i enjoyed your posting/interview very, very much...looking forward to reading this beautiful story of yours...and many more =)

    kmkuka at yahoo dot com

  31. nice interview. I love the LFY books. thanks for chance to win

    I live in ND

    ABreading4fun [at] gmail [dot] com

  32. Thanks for stopping by, Salena!

    Miss Kallie, I didn't learn about Annapolis being the capital in class, ever--just by reading the plaque thing at the State House while walking in downtown Annapolis, LOL.

    Wfnren, here's hoping this item on your wishlist comes true! ;-)

    Thanks, Anne! Let's hope Savannah lives up to expectations--at this point I'm at that place where I'm going, "Okay, book, pull together. You can do it." LOL

    Marissa, are you a colonial fan? If so, have you checked out the Colonial Quills blog? It's awesome--you can find it at

    Where Carla is a founding member--waving, Carla! =) Thanks for stopping by all my interviews--such an encouragement!

    And same goes to you, Faye--I love seeing your comments on all the interviews! =)

    Melissa, you're in the neighborhood of my best friend (though quite possible hours away, LOL). Bummer. But if you want to move on up to MD so we can share homeschooling time, that would be AWESOME, LOL. Xoe can be very shy around strangers (sometimes) but sooooo loves other kids. It's kind of frustrating that everything we attend with the hopes of giving her some interaction ends up pretty scarce on the other-kid front. Hence why we're considering school, though we're far from making a decision on that. Requires A LOT of prayer!

    Thanks, Aizess! And hey, my next book is set in New York--the City of, in 1780. Fun!

    Oo, and Marybelle, you're where it's WARM right now?? I so envy you.

    Merry, it really is such a FUN time period! I love it too. =)

    Hi again, Karen!! Thanks for coming by! And thank YOU for coming by again too, Apple Blossom!

  33. Congratulations on your LFY novel Roseanna. I hope to read it very soon. thank you
    Carly in NC

  34. I have a few of the Love Finds You books and have enjoyed them. Please enter me.

    Jo from Southern Arizona

  35. oooh this one is near where i live!

    Deborah from VA

  36. Fun, Deborah! Where in Virginia are you? The book begins and ends in Williamsburg, too, where the heroine and hero's families have plantations. =)

  37. I love the LFY series of books! Sounds like God has really blessed your writing life Roseanna:) Would love to read this book!
    Please throw my name in the hat:-)

    Lorna from Alberta

    lornafaith at gmail dot com

  38. I'm from NC and think this books sounds very good! I haven't read very many books set in this time period so look forward to this one.


  39. He has indeed, Lorna! And thanks. =)

    Sylvia, it's a really fun time period! Took me a while to really love and appreciate it, but now I'm eager to get back to the Colonial setting in more books. =)

  40. Looks interesting!
    Please enter me in the drawing.
    God Bless,
    Sarah Richmond

  41. Hi Roseanna, thanks so much for the Interview, looks like I found a new Author, I love the kind of Books you write and will be looking for them. Please add me to your Contest.
    Blessings to you and all.

    I live in S.Illinois


  42. Wonderful! Your book sounds so interesting, a time period in our nation's history that I want to learn more about. Thank you for the chance to win it! Mama Cat in Phoenix

  43. Anonymous8:31 PM

    Congrats to Roseanna on all the contracts! That's wonderful news :) Looking forward to reading the new LFY book!

    from Michigan

  44. Thanks, Samantha! It has definitely been a season of blessing in my writing life.

    Thank you, Mama Cat! It's really an interesting era of history--and gets more and more interesting the more you learn! I hope you have a chance to delve into some of the really awesome Colonial/Early Federal novels out there right now!

  45. Thank you, Ingrid, Abigail, and Sarah, for dropping by and offering some excitement and encouragement! I'm (obviously) a sucker for historical romances too. ;-)

  46. I have a had time to completely hand over my needs to the God. I tend to want to deal with it myself then when I push my pride to the side I surrender them to God.

    I own several of the Love Finds You book and would love to add yours to my Library. I have enjoyed reading all of them. This one sounds wonderful. Thanks for the giveaway.

    Patricia aka Mamaw

    plb1050 at gmail dot com

  47. Sharon Richmond8:09 AM

    Enter me I would love to win a copy of this book it sounds like a great story! Thanks and God bless.
    Sharon Richmond
    Blanch, NC.

  48. Please enter me in the drawing! This sounds like a great book and I'd love to read it!! Thank you!!

    from WA state

  49. I would love to read this. I live in S. CA.

  50. I really enjoy the Love Finds You books. Rosessna White always writes great books and I'm anxious to read this one.
    Beth from Iowa.

  51. I am new to Love Finds You. We were Thanksgiving guests and the husband and wife both read the books with both agreeing the husband cries while reading the last page. They have one whole book shelf full of the different locations. I have not read one yet. I have newly read two other Summerside books. I will be checking back next Saturday to see if I am in the running for this book! I live in Missouri.

  52. Anonymous7:08 AM

    I'm not an author and I don't have a clear idea about POV rules! I've been reading about them, but it takes quite a while to get them into my memory, I guess. :)


  53. sarahw10:07 AM

    i have a sister named roseanne and it would be interesting to own a book by you. plaese enter my name in the draw. looks like an awesome book. thanks,
    sarahwoll at hotmail dot com
    mt.lake, MN

  54. sounds very interesting I would Love to read it enter me in the drawing God Bless thanks for sharing
    Joanna Richmond,
    Blanch NC
