
Sunday, January 29, 2012

HEART OF GOLD - Robin Lee Hatcher - Free Book

Welcome, Robin Lee. It's always a pleasure to have you on my blog, and I love your books. Tell us about your salvation experience.
I was raised in a mainline Christian church, but I was in my twenties before someone shared with me that being a Christian was more than a religious practice and church was more than a wholesome place to be on a Sunday morning. I don't recall ever hearing at my church that I could know Jesus, that He wanted to be my personal Lord and Savior, that He would come and live in my heart if I only asked Him to. I don't remember anyone telling me as I was growing up that I needed to be born again. I didn't know I was lost until I was found. Thank God for the young couple who entered my life and quietly began to share the person of Jesus Christ with me. Thank God for saving my mother and then allowing her to pray me into the Kingdom.

I suppose it isn't surprising, given my love for books, that God chose the printed word to reveal Himself to me. It began when I was given a copy of the Living Bible. Over the following months, as I read the New Testament, I also read The Hiding Place by Corrie Ten Boom, Woman to Woman by Eugenia Price, and Prison to Praise by Merlin R. Carothers. Finally, on Valentine's Day 1976 at approximately 6:00 a.m., I gave my heart to Jesus.

You’re planning a writing retreat where you can only have four other authors. Who would they be and why?
I cannot answer this question. I know too many authors who I would want to be there. Too many friends I wouldn’t want left out of a dream list.

I have been meeting annually with the same group of writers for almost ten years now. There are ten of us, and when anyone misses (there have been a few rare occasions), there is a hole in our group. One person absent is like something has been ripped from our midst. We brainstorm at these retreats. We write and work hard. But our time together is so much more, and it fills us up and sends us home for another year. We are truly sisters in Christ and we pray together and cry together and laugh together. Why do I want them there? Because they are a part of my heart and breath and life. Because I have trusted them with my deepest pains and greatest joys, and they have done the same with me. In this group are some well-known, best-selling writers and there are some not-as-well-known, mid-list writers. But when we are together, we are all the same: followers of Jesus seeking to do His will.

We all need a group of friends like that, no matter the number. Do you have a speaking ministry? If so, tell us about that.
I enjoy speaking to both women’s and writers’ groups, although I don’t do as much of it now as I used to.
My women's retreats run from Friday evening to Sunday morning (although Sunday is optional) and include five sessions (one on Friday and four on Saturday). Over the course of the weekend, I share my personal testimony as well as inspirational stories from my life, my books, and my heart. Participants discuss questions in small groups and learn applications for their own lives. We laugh together, perhaps share a few tears, and most of all, we come away with our faith strengthened.
For writers, I do a limited number of one hour workshops designed for novelists. However, after 30 years of writing fiction, the writing of over 60 novels, and five years spent on the RWA board of directors, including two years as the organization’s president, my favorite sessions are Q&A. I love to answer the questions that writers have rather than being kept to a narrow topic.
If any of your blog readers are interested in me speaking to their group, they can find more information on my web site:
What is the most embarrassing thing that has happened to you and how did you handle it?
Goodness gracious. I’m sure there are a host of embarrassing things to choose from, but I sure am drawing a blank. How about if I share the most embarrassing thing that ever made it into print in one of my books? That’s easy for me to remember. This was during my general market career before I started writing Christian fiction and before e-mail was as common as it is today.

I was writing a three book historical romance series, each book set in the same town but each one having a different hero and heroine. When the second book was released, it wasn’t long before I received a letter (the first of several) pointing out an error on a certain page. When I read the letter, I said, “No, that cannot be,” and rushed to open one of my author copies to check it out. But it was true.

In the book, the heroine went to bed with her husband, the hero of book #2 at the end of one chapter, but when she woke up the next morning (new chapter), I had used the name of the hero of book #1 in the place of her husband’s name. Totally wrong man in her bed!

How on earth had I and my editor and the copy editor all missed this mistake? I about died. But, hoping to make lemonade out of those lemons, I created a contest out of it and gave a prize to one of the readers who wrote to me about the error.

I’ve had that happen, calling a hero by the name of the hero in the previous book in a series. It really confused my readers, too. People are always telling me that they’d like to write a book someday. I’m sure they do to you, too. What would you tell someone who came up to you and said that?
I tell them to start writing, to write something every day. I encourage them to read widely and to study the craft, but I add that a book doesn’t get written unless you sit down and work on it every day.

Very good advice. Tell us about the featured book.

A Women of Faith Book Club selection
Thomas Nelson, February 2012

The truest treasure is found deep in the heart.

Life in Grand Coeur, Idaho, is so different! Back in her beloved Virginia, Shannon Adair loved nursing injured soldiers back to health. But in this rough-and-tumble place where her father has been called to lead the church, she’s not sure where she fits in. Then a critically ill woman arrives, and Shannon knows her place at last: to care for this dear woman and ease her pain.

Matthew Dubois is a stagecoach driver through and through. But his widowed sister is dying and he’s about to inherit his young nephew. So he takes a job at the Wells Fargo express office in Grand Coeur until he can find the one thing he needs to get back on the stage: a wife!

What neither of them knows is that someone is at work behind the scenes. Someone who cares for them both, and knows exactly what these two need: each other!

Please give us the first page of the book.


January 1864
Covington House, Virginia

“Am I doing the right thing, Adelyn? Is this truly God’s will for us?”

Delaney Adair didn’t believe his dearly departed wife could hear his words or read his thoughts in heaven. Nothing in Scripture led him to believe she could. But it always seemed to clear his head when he “talked” with her this way, the same way they had talked over everything—matters large and matters small—throughout their marriage. Especially matters pertaining to their daughter.

Shannon has grown even more beautiful than you remember her. She has a good heart. She likes to help others. But she is also quick to judge, even more so since the war began. I fear her pride will be her downfall. Perhaps I’ve spoiled her.” He shook his head. “No, I know I’ve spoiled her.”

Would his daughter forgive him for taking her away from Covington House, away from her friends and neighbors?

We’ll have a new life in Grand Coeur. Shannon will make new friends. And there won’t be so many reminders of a past that is gone for good. For her . . . or for me.

How can readers find you on the Internet?
Write Thinking blog:

Thank you for this peek into your life and new book release, Robin.

Readers, here are links to the book. By using one when you order, you help support this blog.
Heart of Gold - paperback
Heart of Gold - Kindle

Leave a comment for a chance to win a free copy of the book. Please tell us where you live, at least the state or territory. (Comments containing links may be subject to removal by blog owner.)

Void where prohibited; the odds of winning depend on the number of entrants. Entering the giveaway is considered a confirmation of eligibility on behalf of the enterer in accord with these rules and any pertaining local/federal/international laws.

The only notification you’ll receive is the winner post on this blog. So be sure to check back a week from Saturday to see if you won. You will have 4 weeks from the posting of the winners to claim your book.

If you’re reading this on Feedblitz, Facebook, or Amazon, please come to the blog to leave your comment if you want to be included in the drawing. Here’s a link.


  1. just reading this as an ebook for review. i was disappointed that it was not available as a book when i wanted it. It is a really great book and will post my review shortly!

    Marianne from Arizona

  2. I would love to read this!
    Beth from Iowa

  3. This sounds like a really good book, would love to win it. Thank you for the chance.

    I live in FL.


  4. Ohh! I would like to win this book! Please enter me.

    I live in New York

  5. Anonymous9:29 AM

    I love Robin's books. I would love to win a copy of this one.
    Angela from KY

  6. I read several of Robin's books, but it's been quite a while since I read a new one. Would love to win a copy of this.

    Patty in SC

  7. HEART OF GOLD looks wonderful. I had to feel for you, and have a quiet chuckle too, at placing the wrong hero in the bed. Very sensible to turn it into something positive for your readers.

    Mary P


  8. Oh this looks like an absolutely amazing read. I would love to win this. Thanks for the chance.

    I am from Oklahoma.

  9. I love anything written by Robin. She is such a great writer. Would love to read "Heart of Gold".

    from South MS

  10. Hi, everyone. I'm in the mountains of Idaho for some R&R and don't have the best Internet access so won't check in much until I'm home. But I wanted to wish everyone well on winning a book and say thank you to those who have enjoyed my books in the past. I don't think I mentioned this in my Interview, but I'm hosting a launch party for Heart of Gold on Feb. 9th. Giving away lots of great prizes, including a Kindle Touch and copies of the book. So attend if you can. Here is the event information:


  11. sounds very interesting. I would love to read it. thanks for the chance to win. Thanks
    Joanna Richmond
    Blanch NC

  12. I was also loved the Hiding Place. I cried and cried. You got the ultimate valentines gift! I have this book on my TBR/Wishlist. I love your blog. Look forward to reading as many of your books as possible. Thanks for the chance to win a copy.

    Texas country girl.


  13. I love Ms. Hatcher's books and would feel honored to read this one.

    Ginger in AL

  14. love historical western romances!
    thanks for the chance
    msboatgal at

  15. Anonymous10:35 AM

    This book sounds really good. Please enter me!

    Krista from Oregon

  16. Heart of Gold sounds like a lovely story of faith and compassion.
    Merry in TX

  17. Looks interesting!!
    Please enter me in the drawing!
    God Bless,

  18. Sharon Richmond2:03 PM

    Enter me I would love to win a copy of this book it sounds like a great story! Thanks and God bless.
    Sharon Richmond
    Blanch, NC.

  19. Enter me!
    Blanch, N.C.

  20. So excited for the new series :) Thank you for the lovely interview.

    Please enter me
    Faye from SD

  21. I love reading Robin's books love to win thanks live in ND

    ABreading4fun [at] gmail [dot] com

  22. Judy Cooper10:59 PM

    Please enter my name in the drawing, thank you. Judy C. Louisiana

  23. Thank you once again for having another one of my favourite authors on your blog, Lena! And thank you again to Robin for sharing with us so generously. It was a wonderful privilege to meet you way back in 1999 in Chicago at the RWA conference. Even before then I had enjoyed your books and am so thrilled they just keep coming and coming!
    Mary in Tasmania.

  24. Hello, again. And thanks for all the nice compliments about my books.

    A special wave to Mary Hawkins down in Tasmania. I treasure getting to meet you back in '99. But how did that become almost 13 years ago???


  25. I love Robin's mention of a mistake in her book, show's she's! Love all her books, can't wait for the newest one!
    Linda Hoffman
    Rochester Indiana

  26. I really enjoy Robin's books and can't wait to read this one.
    wendy in buffalo, mn

  27. I am looking forward to reading this one! Angie in Illinois,

  28. You already have my attention - verbalizing question of whether the move is God's will! Would love to read this - the time period and subject sound fascinating! I live in Phoenix AZ

  29. I love the line "someone is at work behind the scenes" - so true. I'd love to read this story!
    Rebecca from NC

  30. I loved this interview. I read "The Hiding Place" when I was young and really looked up to Corrie Ten Boom. I also thought Robin's embarrassing moment was hilarious. I live in S. CA.

  31. This one looks neat. Please count me in for the giveaway. Thanks! :-)

    Katie from Florida
