
Tuesday, January 24, 2012

JOY RESTORED - Jude Urbanski - Free eBook

Tell us how much of yourself you write into your characters.
I think most writers pick snippets from their own life which appear in their stories. I think I do that also. I hadn't thought of myself in the heroine of my novel, but a friend said she saw me there. The inclusion wasn't intention I can say, which makes it a little weird doesn't it? Maybe we incorporate more than we know.

What is the quirkiest thing you have ever done?
Lena, other than leave my bed unmade every Sabbath, in hopes of an afternoon nap, (which I almost never get-but still hope for), the only thing I can think of was the time I wore unmatched earrings during the week and then on Sunday would wear matched ones. My object lesson was that with God and the Sabbath, we can have balance and peace. But I quit, because we can have balance with God every day.

When did you first discover that you were a writer?
I'd say the realization began in high school, when I worked on the year book and school paper, took journalism, and wrote a column called “Jottings by Judy. I began my first manuscript when I was early twenties.

Tell us the range of the kinds of books you enjoy reading.
I am very eclectic. If it's printed, I read it. My current BFF nonfiction writer is Max Lucado. My fiction favs are historical fiction, romance and other wise. I love history stories, in particular the medieval times, but thrill to a well written love story also.

How do you keep your sanity in our run, run, run world?
I start every day with a time of prayer and meditation. This helps me with balance and peace. Even though I am retired and my children are grown, times still get hectic. I am careful not to over commit my time and energy, yet feel the need to give back to people, my church and to my community.

How do you choose your characters’ names?
I like this question! In my first novel, it was easy, because I used arrangements of my ancestral family names since my setting was where my family homesteaded. Other than that, I try to make my names match my stories in time and place. Sometimes I use a name that I just love!

What is the accomplishment that you are most proud of?
Proud isn't the right word, but I am most thankful for Jesus' redeeming grace.

I am proud, maybe it's okay to say that, of the educational privileges I've had through scholarships, whereas I would never have had the chance for such a good education.

My kids came through me, but are not me, but I am thrilled with them and their kids.

If you were an animal, which one would you be, and why?
This is easy. I'd be a giraffe, because they stick their necks out!

What is your favorite food?
Pastas, salads and fruit. Ethnic wise, it is now Indian cuisine. Used to be Chinese.

What is the problem with writing that was your greatest roadblock, and how did you overcome it?
Initially, staying in Point of View challenged me, but I continued to read and absorb and take courses on this. I also had to work on making my dialogue not sound so stilted. I think I have finally accomplished both, but am committed to lifelong learning.

Tell us about the featured book.
Joy Restored is book one in The Chronicles of Chanute Crossing. It is in electronic format and set in Pickett County, Tennessee, where I was born, as was my family for many generations. It's a women's fiction crossed with inspirational romance. A young widowed mother spins tragedy into triumph, renews her faith and ultimately finds love. It deals with the eons-old question of why bad things happen to good people.

Lena, the fun thing with my book by Desert Breeze is that my mother's 80+ year old romance novella, with the same setting, is a free companion download with my book. I like to think she knows that she finally got published!

Please give us the first page of the book.
Chapter One

Kate's heart beat in sync with the slow-moving hearse crawling along the rutted lane. The image of a tiny ant heaving a giant burden seared her mind, but the ache in her heart rested with the body in the hearse.

The Davidson Family Cemetery soon came into sight, looking as neglected and abandoned as Kate felt. The driver of the hearse hurried to Kate's car as soon as the procession stopped.

“Mrs. Davidson, please step over here.” Undertaker Shirley Brown ushered her closer to the fresh, mounded dirt after Kate and her children climbed from the car.

She could do with an extra dose of strength right now, but how could she muster it given the pain and anger she felt in her heart? Her arms tightened around her three small children, who huddled close, the cold wind whipping hard against their legs. Her children were Clayton's legacy. His only legacy.

If only she could get through this. She, her children, and a meager band of mourners stood like sentinels beside the open grave as the body of her husband, Lieutenant Clayton Paddy Davidson, was lowered to its final resting place. He would join his Scottish forefathers in this rural Tennessee countryside. The Vietnam nightmares could rest, too.
Father O'Connell's words of intended comfort cut through the cold mountain air. Kate looked at the priest. He radiated kindness from the top of his balding head to the tip of his black robe blowing in the harsh wind. It certainly wasn't required of him to conduct the funeral, for she and Clayton hadn't been God's most faithful of St. Francis' Parish. Father O'Connell had wanted to do Clayton's service.


In closing, Father invited all to join in the Lord's Prayer. Heads bowed.

Kate extended her hand to him at the last amen.

“Thank you, Father. I appreciate your doing the service.”

“You're welcome, my child. You're also welcome at God's house.”

She felt his squeeze of her hand. She nodded.

God's house? She didn't think so. She hadn't been able to help Clayton, and God certainly hadn't helped him either.

God is supposed to help those in need. Could she ever believe that again?

How can readers find you on the Internet?
My website is

Thank you, Jude, for the interesting visit today.

Readers, here’s a link to the book. By using it when you order, you help support this blog.
The Chronicles of Chanute Crossing Book One: Joy Restored - Kindle

Leave a comment for a chance to win a free copy of the book. Please tell us where you live, at least the state or territory. (Comments containing links may be subject to removal by blog owner.)

Void where prohibited; the odds of winning depend on the number of entrants. Entering the giveaway is considered a confirmation of eligibility on behalf of the enterer in accord with these rules and any pertaining local/federal/international laws.

The only notification you’ll receive is the winner post on this blog. So be sure to check back a week from Saturday to see if you won. You will have 4 weeks from the posting of the winners to claim your book.

If you’re reading this on Feedblitz, Facebook, or Amazon, please come to the blog to leave your comment if you want to be included in the drawing. Here’s a link.


  1. Sounds like a wonderful story of faith that is gone slowly being restored. Thanks for sharing (and I like Indian cuisine, too).

    coolestmommy200 at gmail dot com

  2. Anonymous9:58 AM

    Thanks for stopping by. Oh, yes, can't we be so glad He does 'restore'. My Indian friend's answer for any recipe is "put more spices in."

    Couldn't get my Google account to post-will try anonymous.

    Jude Urbanski

  3. I enjoyed stopping by your blog today, Lena, and having the chance to meet Jude. I always enjoy the chance to read the opening scene of an author's book and this one certainly tugged at my emotions.

    Beth in Colorado

  4. Anonymous12:33 PM

    Beth, nice to meet you, also, and I know what you mean by the opening scenes. I've read and redone this one a thousand times and I still have my heartstrings tugged.


  5. Great feature, Jude! Good to see a DBP author hosted here.

  6. Interesting interview, Jude, and the excerpt gave me chill bumps. You could as easily been describing our family cemetery in Alabama. Late in life my mother wanted to write, but never followed through. Thanks for publishing your mother's book.

    Toni Noel

  7. Thanks for stopping by, Shawna! Lena and I became fast friends at the ACFW chocolate party she threw in Michelle Sutton's absence that year! Go DB!


  8. Toni, appreciated your comments and yes, I do imagine the cemeteries would be similar. I like to think my mother knows! Glad you came by.

  9. Jude,

    This is an interesting interview. Strangely, the two things that most intrigued me weren't really writing related, although they make you an interesting "character."

    About leaving the bed unmade, I guess you make it every other day? A lot of people don't these days.

    When you referred to your education, you got me wondering where you went and what you studied. I thought you went to Ball State U for nursing, but could be wrong!

    cathy underscore shouse at yahoo dot com :)

  10. Laurie Lunsford4:01 PM

    I like the interview and Jude's book. I recently read it and it is a fun story.
    Sooo, a giraffe, what a picture of someone like you, moving forward, trying new things! I'll do Indian cuisine with you soon.

  11. Thanks for the great interview, Jude and Lena! Oh you quirky gal...even your quirkiest moment had purpose and an object lesson. Loved the giraffe analogy and especially that you published your mother's romance novella. That's so special. I love your wonderful book (her hero is to die for, ladies!) and can't wait to read #2! Blessings.

  12. I would love to win a copy of this book.


    lkish77123 at gmail dot com

  13. please enter me thanks
    live in ND

    ABreading4fun [at] gmail [dot] com

  14. Kaila's nana8:07 AM

    Sounds like a grat read...would love to be the winner of the ebook...thanks, Kails's nana/Oh

  15. Hi Jude, Enjoyed your interview. You are a new author for me but I think I am going to love your books. I have added Roy Restored to my wish list. Thanks for stopping by to chat and share with us.

    I live in Middle Georgia

    misskallie2000 at yahoo dot com

  16. Cathy, Laurie and JoAnn,
    Thanks to you three dear Indiana friends for stopping by Lena's Place and saying hello.
    Cathy, it's Go Big Red(IU!),Laurie, it's Friday, and JoAnn, don't know what to tell you, you know way too much about me!

  17. Thank you for the Interview, I like the story with your Ear rings (smile).
    Your book sounds so good, please add my name to your contest.
    Blessings to all.

    I live in S.Illinois


  18. Linda and Apple Blossom,

    ND and CA? Thanks for coming by. Hope you win too!

  19. Kaila and Miss Kallie,

    We resonate-I'm a Nanny-O and know southerners always say Miss!

  20. Sharon Richmond12:55 PM

    Enter me.
    Sharon Richmond
    Blanch, NC.

  21. I laughed when I read that you leave your bed unmade every Sabbath in hopes of taking a nap. I make the bed every day of the week except for the Sabbath day too! My reason is, my husband always takes a nap every Sunday afternoon. I seldom do.

    Joy Restored sounds like great book to read. I would love to win a copy of it.

    Even though my name is Judy most of my family calls me Jude!

    Thanks for the enjoyable interview and for this giveaway!

    Judy from Indiana


  22. I would love to read this book; it is a blessing to see, even in fiction, a Christian finding triumph through Christ come from tragedy. And I do like the added benefit - reading your Mom's novella! Thank you for sharing! I live in Phoenix, Arizona

  23. I'd like to thank Ingrid, Sharon, Judy/Jude, and Mama Cat for dropping in also. Loved your comments.

    Lena, woman, thank you for having me.

    Blessings to the winner. do check back

  24. Please enter me to win this book! Thank you for the chance to win!

    I live in New York

  25. There is an author whose books I do not care for because I feel like the dialogue is stilted. I'm glad that you figured out how to avoid this. I would also like to see how you answer the question of why bad things happen to good people. I'm from Ohio. kristiedonelson(at)gmail(dot)com Thank you.

  26. I enjoyed the interview, sounds like a great book! Angie in Illinois

  27. I think this sounds like a very good story and I enjoyed the interview.
    Beth from Iowa

  28. I enjoyed the interview. This book sounds interesting and inspirational. I live in S. CA. vidomich(at)yahoo(dot)com

  29. Jude's story already interests me. It's my favorite genre. I like the title - it has a lot of relief showing. Thanks for the giveaway and the opportunity to win it.

    Barb Shelton
    barbjan10 at tx dot rr dot com
    Arlington, TX

  30. Reading this book enlightens the difference! I took to heart these passages in Joy Restored and feel closer to God than when I started this book. Joy Restored will draw you closer as well and increase your faith and trust in God and His faithfulness.

  31. Jude sounds like a lovely lady of faith, I enjoyed the interview. Please add my name!
    Merry in TX
